honor me as god

Chapter 579 Hopeless Love

Chapter 579 Hopeless Love
Seeing a man walking out of Ann's room, Lu Ge's smile froze on his face in an instant, and the whole person seemed to have turned into a statue.

An also had a complicated face, and sighed faintly, holding his forehead, not knowing what to say.

"Who is this?" It's night, the light is so poor that you can't see clearly, the man walked over with a kerosene lamp, when he saw Lu Ge clearly, he froze for a moment, and his expression suddenly became terrified, "Are you Lu Ge? Master Ge?"

Lugo's face is ugly now, and his tone is very unfriendly: "Who are you?"

Seeing that he couldn't hide anymore, An could only lean against the man, nodded and introduced to Lu Ge: "He is Vincent Horton, my fiancé."

Lu Ge only felt a thunderbolt in his mind, and his mouth trembling with anger was slurred: "Fiancé. Husband."

The sky was too dark, and Vincent didn't notice Lugo's expression that seemed to be eating people. He hugged Ann's shoulder full of love, and said with a smile: "I met Ann last year and got engaged last month. We're going to get married in half a month."

Lu Ge's clenched teeth kept making rattling noises, and his gloomy eyes were like wolf eyes, staring straight at Vincent. If eyes could kill, Vincent would have nothing left.

Ann knew that Lu Ge had a bad temper, and was afraid that Vincent would be beaten up later, so she hurriedly found an excuse to push Vincent back to the house: "You go home and boil the hot water first, and I will send Master Lu Ge off."

Just like that, Wen Sen came out with a dazed face, and was pushed back with a dazed face.

Ann closed the door, subconsciously brushed her messy hair behind her ears, walked to Lugo with her head down, and whispered, "Since you know everything, why don't we talk about it."

"I don't understand." Lugo gritted his teeth and said unwillingly, "Is it because I'm not good enough for you?"

Ann whispered: "You are very good to me, just."

Lugo interrupted: "What does that man do? Nobility?"

An shook his head: "Vincent is not an aristocrat, but a commoner like me, working as a chef in the judge's mansion."

After hearing this, Lu Ge laughed miserably. He poked his heart hard and asked, "I am a lieutenant general of the legion, a captain of security in the main city directly under my command, and an eight-rank provincial official. Can't I compare to a chef?"

An slowly closed her eyes, her voice was sad: "This is the difference between us. You always like to talk about your status and status, but I don't actually like these."

"Okay, okay, okay, then let's not talk about our background and status." Lu Ge stepped forward and asked, "I just want to ask one thing, I am very good to you, is there nothing to say? When you were hospitalized, I I come to visit you after work every day, bring you delicious food, and chat with you. When you are being bullied by others, I will help you teach them a lesson and send you home safely."

"There is still work. If it weren't for me, do you think that tavern owner would take you in kindly? I'm usually not a bird for that kind of person, but in order to make your work more comfortable, I can only talk to him with a smile. I did it for you I don't understand so many things, could Vincent do more than me?"

An sighed, and said quietly: "I know you are very kind to me, but Mr. Lugo, you must know that love cannot be measured by giving and rewarding. It doesn't mean that the more you give, the more you will be rewarded." to more rewards."

"In my opinion, love is the connection between heart and heart. Only the heartbeat that is in love with each other is love, and nothing else is."

"That's right, when I was in the hospital, you often came to visit me, but Vincent did the same—when he came to visit me, he didn't carry a scary black sword on his shoulder, but a white knife in his hand. flowers."

"Every holiday, Vincent would come and give me presents—not some bloody wolf head from a fresh hunt, but a doll that would play music at the push of a button."

"Vinson often sends me something to eat, and he knows what I like to eat. He will buy me delicious cheesecake, fresh apples, and sweet rose cakes instead of spicy baked rabbit heads."

Speaking of this, An couldn't help showing a wry smile: "You don't even know that I have a litter of cute rabbits at home. Every time I see the roasted rabbit heads you bought, my scalp gets numb."

Lu Ge was speechless for a moment, and his voice weakened: "You never told me these things"

"Because I don't dare." An looked at Lugo faintly, and his voice was a little sad, "As you said, you are the deputy general of the dead legion, the captain of the main city's public security, and an eight-rank provincial official. Anything from me is a gift from above, whether it is good or bad, whether I like it or not, how can I have the courage to refuse?"

Lu Ge opened and closed his mouth and didn't know how to answer for a while, so he could only say softly: "But Ann, you know I like you."

An nodded silently: "I know you like me, I'm not a fool, I can see it. But with all due respect, I can only feel scared when I'm around you. The gap between your status and mine is too big, which makes me feel overwhelmed You, who are in a high position, are not from the same world as me at all."

"You have seen the world and are more knowledgeable than me. When you chat with me, you always talk about the formation of troops in battle, the movement skills when fighting the enemy, the skill and angle of swinging a knife, and I can't even answer a sentence. I dare not pick it up, for fear of offending you by saying something wrong."

"There is also the matter of beating people. For example, today, I know that you hit the drinker to vent my anger, but this kind of condescending violence scares me. I really don't understand why a customer just treats the waiter If you scold me a few words, you will be beaten like that?"

"Didn't it be that I spilled wine and made mistakes first? Even if you want to help me get ahead, you can reason with him. Why did you go up and beat and kicked? Seeing that customer was beaten because of me Blood, I really feel extremely guilty"

"When I'm with you, all I have in my heart is tension, only fear, and I never dare to relax for a moment"

"Vincent is different. I feel very relaxed when I am with him. I can laugh when I want to, say what I want to say, and never worry about saying something wrong. I want to be with him all the time. I think This is what love should be like.”

Lu Ge clenched his fists, trying to save face, and his voice became louder: "At least I am better than him, and I can protect you."

"I don't understand, why do you always mention strength and fight fiercely like a beast?" An seemed to be a little anxious, and said quietly while holding his forehead, "Yes, of course Vincent is not as strong as you, but you are a superhuman But he can also protect me, he will stand up when I am molested by hooligans, even if he can't beat those people, he will open his arms to protect me behind him."

"I'm not a fighter fighting on the battlefield. Strength and weakness really don't mean anything to me. What about being strong? What about being weak? All I want is a sense of security."

"And this sense of security, you can't give me, Vincent can."

(End of this chapter)

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