honor me as god

Chapter 561 Personality Correction

Chapter 561 Personality Correction
The dim interior is as dead as a tomb, and the old incandescent lamps flicker from time to time due to malfunctions, making the surrounding light flickering.

Bai stood silently under the lamp, his already fair skin was made more translucent by the light, his rose red pupils looked ahead without any emotion, like a hunter waiting for his prey.

"Many people want to kill me, but I never thought that this person would be you." A familiar voice sounded in the darkness, and with the regular footsteps, the figure walked out slowly, and the lights illuminated the jewel-like With amber eyes, the corners of his lips naturally raised, and he said slowly, "Long time no see, Bai."

The processors with the highest and second order completion rates in history faced each other, surrounded only by the sound of incandescent lamps flickering.

Kino slowly spread his hands, his amber eyes were filled with a smile: "Is there anything you want to tell me?"

Bai's eyes didn't change at all, only cold. She took out the mobile phone from her arms, held it in the air with her index finger and thumb, and then slowly let go of it.
The ancient flip phone tumbled through the air and crashed to the ground.


"Boom—" The moment the phone fell to the ground and shattered, there was a sound of air tearing, and it turned into a distorted afterimage, attacking Kino from the front.

"Boom!" Without any warning, Bai's sight suddenly lost the trace of Kino, and then there was a strong shock from his side ribs, darkness flooded his vision like a wave, and his whole body softened uncontrollably.

In the next moment, the sense of crisis of death crawled all over her body like an ant. Bai Qiang endured the severe pain and tried to dodge backwards with all his strength, but the black shadow in front of her was clinging to her throat like a viper, and she couldn't get rid of it no matter what.

"嗤——" There was a sound of tearing flesh and blood, and the slender five fingers grabbed Bai's throat like sharp claws, tearing out five hideous bloodstains, and the blood froth gushed out.

Bai Xiang retreated a few steps, stood firmly and protected his neck, preventing further blood from flowing out.

Kino stood in front, with a devilish smile on his face, his blood-stained five fingers kept dripping blood, splashing faint blood on the ground.

so close
The grab just now was too dangerous, it had already injured the anterior jugular vein, but if it was a few millimeters deeper, it would tear the carotid artery, and it would be impossible to recover.

Even though she avoided the fatal blow, Bai is not feeling well now, her neck is bleeding continuously, the blood pressure in her body is dropping little by little, dizziness soon hit her mind, and her vision began to blur.

"Everything you know is learned from textbooks. I wrote the textbooks. You want to use what I taught you to deal with me?" After the words fell, Kino once again turned into an afterimage and attacked, so fast that there was no way to resist it. .

Bai tried to dodge, but he couldn't run faster than Chino. He grabbed his shoulder and pinned him down. His body rubbed violently against the ground, leaving a shocking bloodstain.

Kino dragged Bai to the wall, grabbed her long black hair that was splashed with ink, and slammed her head against the wall forcefully. The violent impact knocked off the dust on the ceiling and left bloody spots on the wall. imprint.

Bai Bai hangs her head powerlessly, her mouth and nose are bleeding continuously, but Kino doesn't even give her the right to go limp, and pushes her against the wall with a thud, and at the same time, covers her mouth and nose with his hands, Stop blood from spilling.

The blood lost its outlet, and soon poured back into the lungs. The severe pain made Bai's body tremble uncontrollably, but she was pinned against the wall by Kino and couldn't move. submerged.

"Shh, look at me, Bai, look at me." Kino and Bai were so close together that he could feel the warmth of that delicate body slowly draining away, he put his forehead against Bai's, and smiled slyly. Staring at those loose rose-red pupils, the gentle voice is like a lover's lingering whisper, "I want you to see me in every scene before you die, so that you will know how stupid it is to betray me." thing."

Just when Kino was close to him, Bai's twitching from suffocation became bigger and bigger, but his eyes faded and became clearer, and he just stared directly at him.

Without warning, Kino's hand suddenly lost strength, and Bai took advantage of the close contact, and his right hand reached his right back from the blind spot of vision, and his nails cut through the flesh like a sharp knife, cutting off a link that controls the movement of the arm. nerve.

If it is an ordinary processor, the moment the skin is cut and the pain is felt, countermeasures will be taken, and the nerves of the other party will not be injured at all.

However, the smiling demon does not feel pain, is not affected by pain by nature, and is immune to all tortures. This unique advantage has become the most fatal weakness under Bai's hand.

When Kino was out of strength, Bai finally broke free from the restraints, and with the explosive power of a processor, he walked behind Kino and put an arm around his neck. The ambiguous movements were like a lover's love and affection, but in fact it was a declaration from the god of death.

Kino turned his face slightly, with an interested smile on his face: "You really understand me."

"Crack!" Bai exerted his strength violently, and there was a violent bone cracking sound from Kino's neck, which directly broke his atlas, killing the person who led him to become a processor.

In the next instant, the people and scenery in front of him shattered and turned into a torrent of data particles, shining and flying around.

"The target is dead, the simulated battle is over." Following the emotionless mechanical voice, Bai slowly opened his eyes, and took off the data stickers connected to his temples.

This is a simulated battle system provided by Samsara Space. It can be used in a private room. The simulated object must be someone you have seen and understand the strength of, and cannot be a completely unfamiliar opponent.

Every time Bai returns from a mission, he locks himself in a room, uses the simulated battle system to choose Chino as his opponent, and fights based on the physical fitness of his previous life.

In the end, more loses than wins, but winning or losing itself is not important, this kind of fighting is just a kind of "personality correction".

Bai had previously made three oaths of blindness, stone statues, and exhaustion of the heart. Once hostility towards the Emperor's team members appeared in her consciousness, the first oath of blindness would be triggered immediately, and she would lose her vision permanently.

The judgment range of consciousness is too large, and it is possible to inadvertently reveal a ray of emotion, which will trigger the judgment condition.

It is impossible for a person to suppress one's own consciousness for 24 hours, and it will not be long before she becomes a lunatic. As long as she is the "white" next to Kino for a day, it is impossible to escape the shackles of the blind oath.

The only way to fight against the blind oath is to "kill yourself", let the former processor die, bury the identity of "Bai" to the deepest part of the mind, and then correct the personality, and live with the brand new identity of "Mu Xiaobai". go down.

The best way to correct personality is to destroy everything that used to be. All in "white" life is Kino, so keep killing Kino, time and time again.

At the beginning, when Bai faced Kino in the virtual world, she felt restless, especially when she experienced hundreds of failures and succeeded in killing Kino for the first time. Spent a whole day in a daze.

And in order to fight against the blind oath and become the nonexistent "Mu Xiaobai", she had to repeat this process infinitely, killing Kino again and again, and killing herself again and again.

Personality correction is a very cruel thing. You know that you are not that person, but you have to give up everything to force yourself to become that person, but you can't really become that person that doesn't exist.

If this situation lasts for a long time, self-cognition will become confused and numb, and even get lost between two identities.
Don't forget why you are alive.She can only remind herself with this sentence.

don't forget why you live
(End of this chapter)

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