honor me as god

Chapter 560 Mysterious Blood Essence

Chapter 560 Mysterious Blood Essence

Kino retracted his silence and evaluated Fitch's combat effectiveness based on Fitch's previous performance.

As a gluttonous refuser, Fitch's biggest feature is his weird resilience and gene devouring.

As Fitch said before, as long as the stem cell reserve in her body is sufficient, and her body is not hit on a large scale in a short period of time, any injury will be useless to her. Blink Heal in no time.

This kind of ability is completely useless in a war of attrition, as long as the enemy doesn't have the ability to kill Fitch with one blow, she will be dragged to death by her forcefully.

It's a pity that Fitch seems to be a not-so-intelligent Yazi. He obviously has this kind of rogue ability that perfectly fits guerrilla tactics, but he likes to use it to fight head-to-head with the enemy.

As for the gene phagocytosis ability, it is like a kaleidoscope of ever-changing forms, which can be combined to produce a large number of different effects, such as Fitch's initial ability to burrow, crustacean spurs, absorption of trees to produce thorns, and the differentiation of his right arm. The huge wolf mouth can be seen to belong to different creatures.

From this point of view, it may not be accurate to call Fitch a "human". A gluttonous eater like her is more like a "monster" that gathers a large number of biological characteristics.

Fortunately, there is no human civilization in the world of gluttony. Otherwise, how a person with her ability can survive in human society is probably unknown. Everyone will avoid her, be afraid of her, and even try to destroy her.

From the perspective of hard power, if Fitch is thrown into the world of arrogance, she will definitely have the strength of the third sequence, probably the peak of the third sequence, half a foot into the fourth sequence.

Of course, the evaluation here is only one-on-one ability. Like Fitch's ability, which will become stronger every time he devours others, Kino can't imagine what it will be like if it is put on a large-scale battlefield. That kind of environment where people are constantly dying may degenerate into a monster in the true sense.

Fitch yawned and lay on the ground with her belly exposed. After Kino landed, her little nose moved suddenly, and she swished around Kino, and finally buried her face in his waist and kept sniffing.

"What are you doing?" Fitch had too many animal habits, and Kino was already used to it.

Fitch sniffed Kino's pocket, then raised his head and said with a playful smile, "I smell it, you hid something good in your pocket."

Kino touched his pocket, and there was only the blood essence herb sample he had left for No. [-] analysis, and he took it out: "You mean this?"

"Yes, yes, ah--" Fitch opened his mouth to chew.

Kino retracted his hand, let her gnaw for nothing, and said helplessly, "Why do you have to gnaw a mouthful of everything."

"Because it's delicious." Fitch squatted on the ground, like a small animal waiting for food from its master, staring greedily at the blood essence grass in his hand, "Although I like to eat meat, this red herb The grass is sour and sweet, but it is delicious, and I especially like to pull out a few roots to chew after eating."

Kino was even more helpless, unexpectedly, Fitch would enjoy it quite a bit, and "desserts" were all arranged.

Suddenly, Kino felt that something was wrong. He glanced at the blood essence grass in his hand, and then at the greedy Fitch, frowning tightly: "Wait, what do you mean? You have eaten blood essence before." Grass?"

"Oh~ so it's called Blood Essence Grass." Fitch's little head tilted left and right, "What do you mean I've eaten it before? I eat it often."

After the initial sluggishness, Kino's gaze deepened: "Where have you seen this thing? Take me there."

"Okay, I'll take you there, but it's a bit far away. Aww~" Fitch had just finished howling, when he suddenly felt a tightness in the back of his neck and was being lifted in the air.

Kino lifted Fitch into the air with telekinetic power, and said, "Tell me the direction."

In this way, Fitch identified the direction in the air, and Chino flew at a high speed with telekinetic power. They flew more than 200 kilometers, and the two of them crossed a towering mountain range.

The place where they were was originally a bleak autumn. Perhaps the endless mountains cut off the cold current. After crossing the mountains, they could obviously feel the temperature rise, becoming as warm as spring, and the scenery changed from withered yellow to emerald green.

At this moment, Fitch nudged Chino with his head to signal his arrival.

After landing, Fitch leaned over the ground and stretched his waist, with a rather contented expression: "Sure enough, I didn't run as fast as I flew. It usually takes me a few hours to come here from the mountain, but you can get there in ten minutes by flying. Why? So, isn’t it very comfortable here? The climate here is very special, it’s always as warm as it is now, but it’s too humid, and my nose always feels uncomfortable, otherwise I really want to move the nest here.”

Kino's eyes were inexplicably dignified, the feeling here was too familiar, the climate and body feeling of Danyu Plain was exactly the same as here.

He asked: "Where have you seen the blood essence grass?"

"It's everywhere, I'll help you find it." Fitch sniffed close to the ground, and quickly climbed up a tree cheerfully, looked into the distance, and then waved to Kino: "I found it." , over there!"

Kino flew up to the top of the tree and looked around, his heart sank to the extreme.

In the distance is a vast basin. The emerald green color spreads to the edge of the basin, and then turns scarlet like blood. The blood color extends far to the end of the horizon, as if laying a red carpet. If you look closely, you will find that it is all a Bloody plants swaying in the spring breeze.

Kino flew to a blood-colored plant, picked it off and looked at it carefully in his hands.

can't be wrong
blood essence
This kind of plant, which was regarded as a treasure of nature and earth by the Far Eastern Dynasty and indispensable for making purified blood, unexpectedly existed in the world of arrogance and gluttony at the same time!

When Kino gave the Blood Essence Grass to No. [-] for analysis, No. [-] compared the plant library of his previous life and was sure that it did not belong to any known plant. He thought this thing was a unique species in the arrogant world.

But now it seems that this is not the case, the gluttony world also grows blood essence grass.

How to explain?Blood Essence Grass is a common plant in the reincarnation world?

Should not.
If yes, Blood Essence Herb should exist in the exchange list.

Kino had tried it before, but he couldn't use his respect points to exchange blood essence grass. The reincarnators shouldn't be able to exchange things that he couldn't exchange for, which meant that it wasn't a universal item at all, but had its own uniqueness.

This is very intriguing, is the blood essence grass a unique plant in the world of gluttony, or a unique plant in the world of arrogance?And why does it exist in two worlds at the same time as it does now?

Kino looked up at the vast sky, as if looking at the supreme being behind the dome.

The secrets of the reincarnation world are really unfathomable
(End of this chapter)

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