honor me as god

Chapter 548

Chapter 548
Taking advantage of the darkness, Kino flew out of Danyu City with telekinetic power, and came to an uninhabited forest, where he opened up an independent space.

He put the carbon ash brought back by Solandelle on the testing table, looked up and said, "Number Zero, analyze what the carbon ash was before it was burnt."

"Okay, please wait a moment." The voice of No. [-] sounded, and the laboratory table was immediately sealed by a transparent mask. The analysis rays swept back and forth on the carbon ash, and various data appeared on the top screen.

A few minutes later, No. [-] gave Chino a reply: "According to the analysis of the carbon and hydrogen content and trace elements, there are a lot of wood fibers and wood parenchyma in the carbon ash before it is burnt. After comparing the biobank data, it is speculated that it is some kind of wooden material."

"Wooden material?" Kino's eyes became deeper and deeper, and he asked in a deep voice, "Is it possible that it is other plants? Like wheat?"

Soon, a big cross lighted up on the screen, and the voice of zero came along: "According to the analysis of the element ratio, the possibility is 0."

The granary is an important place for fire prevention. The building materials are all stone or metal, as are the shelves and office appliances in the granary. Any wooden materials are prohibited. Normally, such things cannot appear in the granary.

At this moment, all the information about the Danyu City incident kept flashing back in Kino's mind—the royal family ordered to replant the blood essence grass, the Yang of Danyu City was enshrined in Yin, the south wind suddenly rose at the Dragon Fire Festival, the granary was burned down by the desert fire, and The letter that said "A Bao is dead".
If the previous clues are fragmented, I always feel that something is missing, making it difficult to guess the truth.

Now, after being confirmed by No. [-], these carbon ash are all made of wood, the missing link has been filled, and all the clues have been connected in series!
On the night of the Dragon Fire Festival, the things that were burned in the granary by the desert fire were not grain at all, but bags of wooden objects. The most likely thing was sawdust that looked like grain after being bagged!
Kino couldn't help sneering: "You're so kind, Ge Mai, Lin Gengsen, you dare to do such a thing."

He didn't care about the carbon ash any more. After going out, he collected the independent space and rushed back to the camp.

Solandelle had already taken a shower, changed into clean clothes, and was drinking the ginger soup that the chef had just made with a blanket on her shoulders. Although Danyu City was like spring all the year round, she was weak and was exposed to the rain for a long time outside. A little cold.

Seeing that Chino came back, Solandelle hurriedly asked: "No, will the carbon ash I gave you help? If not, I can continue to look for other clues. The 24 hours we agreed on have not yet arrived. "

Kino stretched out his hand to signal to stop, then drew the curtain, and said silently: "On the night of the fire at the Dragon Fire Festival, what was burnt in the granary was not grain, but sawdust."

"Sawdust?!" This conclusion was so shocking that Solandelle and Lorna were stunned, and even forgot to ask Kino why he knew such a thing.

Solandelle asked in disbelief: "How could it be sawdust?! What about the grain in the granary? Where did it go?!"

Chino shrugged: "What do you think?"

Lorna suddenly realized, patted her head and said, "You mean, the officials of Danyu City deliberately replaced the grain in the granary with wood chips, and set them on fire, lying to everyone that the grain was burned, but in fact it was burned. Are they greedy?!"

Kino nodded, and added an explanation: "In my opinion, the Danyu City officials' initial thoughts were like this—they didn't want to pull out the straw, because it would offend the nobles who contracted the fields, so they secretly exchanged wood for grain, and borrowed money The Dragon and Fire Festival planned a fire disaster in order to embezzle the relief food transported from the royal city."

"After getting the food, they can sell it or mortgage it to the nobles in exchange for a huge sum of money, and then buy a full amount of blood essence grass from the Far East caravan and hand it over to Wangcheng."

"First of all, it can be made clear that there is no problem with the idea of ​​the plan, and it can create a win-win situation—"

"The nobles are happy, because the harvest of this season in Danyu Plain has been preserved, and the previous investment has not been in vain."

"The Far East Caravan is happy. They exchanged the common blood essence herb for a huge amount of working capital. This is a good deal."

"The royal family is happy because they got the blood essence grass they need, which can be used to make purified blood to control animal epidemics."

"Of course the officials in Danyu City are also happy. They hand in their assignments on time, and promotion is only a few steps away."

"However, the Danyu City officials missed one thing, and that is the death of Abao. The most important part of their plan, Abao, who was in charge of connecting the trade between Doguland and the Far Eastern Dynasty, had already died before."

"Once Bao died, the blood essence grass could not be bought, and the whole plan fell apart. Originally, they still had a way out, which was to quickly implement the royal decree, pull out the wheat stalks to cultivate the blood essence grass, and use millions of tons of relief grain to make up for the resulting food loss. gap."

"But don't forget that the fire at the Dragon Fire Festival has already happened. According to the public's perception, the million tons of relief food has been burned long ago, and the food officials responsible for it have all been killed."

"If we take out the food again at this time, wouldn't it be admitting to the whole world that they are greedy for public food? They can't do this at all. They can only bite the bullet and continue to deceive the royal family and the people."

After hearing this, Solandelle's face turned pale, and her voice began to tremble: "You mean, the million tons of relief food is actually in the city, and the officials of Danyu City deliberately didn't take it out to cover up the crime of corruption. More than 600 million people in the city starved to death?!"

Chino didn't deny it.

"Ridiculous." Solandelle gritted her teeth, tears streaming down her face in anger, "Dogland was founded in 513 years. Even in the darkest period, I have never heard of such absurd things! These officials in Danyu City Undead, the royal family has no face to explain to the people!"

Lorna was also full of anger, and said heavily: "Qino, give your order, send troops to blow up the governor's mansion, and I will lead the battle for you!"

Kino shook his head, and said flatly: "Killing people doesn't solve the problem now. We know the truth, but there is no evidence. The officials of Danyu City must have colluded, and they will not admit their crimes even if they die."

"Besides, the key point now is where is the million tons of grain? If you can't find it, everything is useless. If you can find it, you have the evidence, you can arrest the corrupt officials, and the people of Danyu City have the hope of surviving. The decree on cultivating blood essence grass can be implemented smoothly."

Lorna urged: "Just tell me, what are you going to do? Is there anything we can do to help you?"

Kino has the pupil of divine vision, theoretically he can see anything in the mortal world, but it is a pity that the pupil of divine vision can only be opened for 20 seconds a day, and now he does not know the exact location of the food, blindly searching is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

Kino pondered for a long time, constructing plans in his mind. After about 10 minutes, he suddenly said, "Prince Lorna."

Lorna blushed with embarrassment, rubbed her arms and said, "We are friends, don't call me prince so seriously. It's weird"

Kino put his hand on Lorna's shoulder, showing a mysterious smile: "Don't you want to help me? Next is your home field, Prince Lorna."

(End of this chapter)

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