honor me as god

Chapter 547

Chapter 547
(two in one chapter)

As soon as she realized that something was wrong, Solandel immediately asked anxiously: "When Brother Bolton came to Danyu City, why didn't you tell him these things?!"

Ma Ban said unwillingly: "I have no chance. After the Dragon and Fire Festival, all the guards who were in charge of the granary that night disappeared mysteriously. I also encountered several waves of assassinations. Fortunately, I escaped the day when Prince Bolton came. Way to get close to him."

Ma Ban said this, looked around, and said in a loud voice: "Your Highness, I have told you everything I can tell you. You have to leave quickly, and you can't let Gome's people see me with you, otherwise they will definitely treat you. Your investigation is impeded in every possible way."

"Leave it alone, Your Highness. The millions of souls in Danyu City are entrusted to you!"

After Ma Ban left, Solandelle raised her head and looked in the direction of the Consul's mansion. Her eyes became deeper and deeper, and her immature voice was full of oppression: "Gomei, Lin Gengsen, what are you trying to do?"

The various situations described by Ma Ban convinced Solandelle that there must be something wrong with the fire at the Dragon Fire Festival in Danyu City. As for the problem, she has not yet found out the clue.

But one thing is certain, there is nothing seamless in this world, no matter how well these officials in Danyu City hide, they must have left clues somewhere.

And this place is most likely to be the place where the fire in the Dragon Fire Festival happened - the Eight Great Granaries.

Solandelle came to the granary in secret. The original eight granaries had been destroyed by the fire. The current granary was temporarily built on the ruins after the incident. It was very simple, and they were all tents.

According to the "Doguland Emergency Period Law", during the disaster relief period, civilians can go to the local granary to receive a certain amount of disaster relief food every day with their identity certificates.

Of course nobles can also receive it, but they generally don't do such "disgraceful" things.

Slaves, defined as animals and not entitled to civil rights, did not have this treatment.

Solandelle had already forged her identity certificate with the help of Chino before, and with her dirty face and clothes, it didn't feel out of place to blend into the crowd.

At this time, the outside of the tent was already lined up like a long queue, all civilians eagerly waiting to receive relief food.

Solandelle was in the line. In order not to startle the scene and reveal her identity, she even took off the red string "string" in her hand and buried it under a tree. After queuing for more than two hours, she finally took her turn. to her.

The new grain officer in charge of coordinating cashiers was sitting on a chair with a cigarette dangling from his mouth. No open flames were allowed in the granary, so he just chewed tobacco and sucked it while shaking his legs.

The food officer took Solandelle's identity certificate casually, and looked at her after checking it was correct.

The food officer's eyes were quite good. Even though Solandelle was dressed in rags and was as dirty as a beggar, he could still recognize the delicate facial features. His expression became smiling, and he returned his ID card, pretending to be Casually said: "One bag is touched, half bag is not touched."

Solandelle looked at the food officer in shock, and said unwillingly: "During the disaster relief period, each person is given one bag of relief food per day. This is the code of law. How can there be any reason to only give half a bag if you don't touch it?!"

The grain officer didn't respond, but casually held a cigarette under his nose and sniffed it, as if he hadn't said anything just now.

Seeing this, the soldier next to him shook his legs and said, "Half bag to the left."

Solandelle gritted her teeth, glanced at them angrily, and walked left without saying a word.

Before she came and entered the curtain, the next commoner came in again, and the voice of the food officer sounded again: "Give me a bag, not half a bag."

Solandelle turned her head subconsciously, and found that a little girl of her age was walking in.

The little girl was ignorant, took out two ID cards, and said in a milky voice, "Uncle, my mother is sick, can I take her share home with me?"

The food officer glanced at the ID card, and then showed that disgusting smile: "Then why don't you accompany uncle to play games in the back? As long as you behave well, uncle will give you three bags."

When the little girl heard that she could take an extra bag, she nodded and agreed, so that she could go back and cook a few more bowls of porridge for her mother!
Seeing the little girl being led to the curtain on the right by the food officer, Solandelle cried out, "Don't!"

The little girl was taken aback, she turned her head blankly, and looked at Solandelle in bewilderment.

Seeing the little girl's clear eyes, Solandelle felt heartbroken, but she couldn't do anything.

If she revealed her identity, even if the grain officer didn't believe her, she would feel guilty to some extent, and the little girl in front of her would be spared from being murdered.

However, doing so also means scaring the snake, and the news will soon spread to the governor's residence, and it will be very difficult to find any clues.

There is no clue, once the 24-hour time limit is reached, the lives of more than 600 million people in Danyu City will be unpredictable.

The people in front of her are all living beings. She can only save one side.

"I'm sorry." Solandelle's lips trembled, and a layer of mist clouded her eyes.

The food officer glanced at the soldier, motioned him to take him away, and then led the little girl to the right curtain.

The little girl stared back at Solandelle blankly, her eyes were as clear as lake water without impurities, and finally disappeared from Solandelle's sight as the curtain fell.

Two girls of the same age went to completely different destinies.

Solandelle was taken to the left curtain, and the soldier brought a palm-sized bag, and filled it with food carelessly with a shovel.

Time is running out, and every minute and every second is crucial. Solandelle has no time to be sad, and takes advantage of the soldiers loading food to scan around, trying to find possible clues.

Where are the clues that hide the truth?
"Hello." Suddenly, the soldier's voice sounded, and he pointed to the half bag of food on the table, "Take it, the next person is coming."

Solandelle was already so nervous that her forehead was sweating, she stood there and pretended not to hear, her eyes flicked around.

"Do you have a problem with your ears?" The soldier came over and pushed Solandelle, and scolded, "Hurry up and get the bag and get out!"

Solandelle staggered a step, but before she could stand still, she suddenly caught a glimpse of something dark in the corner of the wall where the soldier was originally standing.

It was some carbon ash scattered in the corner of the wall. It was so fine that you couldn't notice it without staring at it. It was most likely left over from the cleaning of the granary.

Solandelle didn't know if the carbon ash was useful, but it was the only clue she could see now, so she had to try anyway.

She secretly peeped at the soldier. If she went over to pick it up like this, it would definitely attract attention, and she must find a way to divert her attention.

So, without saying a word, she walked to the table, and deliberately shook her hand when she took the grain bag, causing the bag to fall on the ground, and the grains contained in it spilled all over the floor.

"Goddamn you bastard!" The soldier exploded in anger, rushed over and kicked Solandelle on the waist, and cursed, "I just finished cleaning today, do you want to die?!"

Solandelle couldn't stand such a kick, she was rolled out like a ball, and hit the wall heavily.

The soldier felt that he was not relieved, so he stepped on and kicked Solandelle, and slapped her on the head more than a dozen times. The nosebleeds came out and he didn't stop. ! I'll kill you bastard!"

Solandelle has been pampered and cared for by everyone since she was a child. Usually bumping into each other will make her father and queen mother nervous for a while. Beat?Tears flowed from the pain.

She struggled to curl up in the corner of the wall, protecting her head while secretly hiding the other hand behind her back. She randomly picked up a handful of carbon ash and stuffed it into her pocket. Because the movement range was very small, and the soldiers were too busy beating people, there was no Notice the move.

After getting the carbon ash, Solandelle stumbled and ran outside. The soldier chased her out in two or three steps, and kicked her to the ground again: "Run? Keep running!"

Running all the way, being kicked all the way, Solandelle was kicked out of the tent by the soldiers, and her arms were covered with bruises, and she fell to the ground and almost couldn't get up.

The civilians outside were afraid of angering the military master, and when the time came for food, they would be short of catties, and they didn't dare to meddle in their own business, they could only look at her with sympathy.

"Boom!" The soldier finally kicked Solandelle in the stomach, pointed at her and cursed, "Damn it, get out! See you hit you once!"

After the soldiers left, Solandelle gasped on the ground for several minutes, then dragged her bruised body to get up, staggered to the tree at the corner, and dug out the red rope buried in the soil.

"Woo..." Solandelle tremblingly grasped the string that Kino gave her, and leaned against the tree with her head buried, crying with tears streaming down her face.

One was the pain, it was so painful, the head, face, arms, stomach, and legs hurt everywhere, and the tears couldn't be held back.

The second is the sadness in my heart. I have only been a "civilian" in Danyu City for a few hours, and I was beaten like this. How much oppression have the real civilians living here suffered?she can't imagine
Solandelle leaned against the tree and cried for a long time, crying until her legs no longer hurt so much and she could walk, then got up staggeringly, washed the blood on her face with stagnant water, and tightly covered the bag filled with carbon ashes. Pocket, go to the barracks where the Legion of Death is stationed.

At the gate of the barracks, Nicole, who was patrolling here, took her in as soon as she saw Solandelle.

At the military tent, where Chino was processing official documents, Lorna was in a daze.

As soon as Solandelle walked in, Lorna exclaimed: "You are back! How did you get this way?! Hurry up and wash and change your clothes, it's too painful!"

Just as Kino was about to ask about the progress, he suddenly fixed his gaze, frowned and asked, "Are you injured?"

Solandelle didn't want to cause trouble. If she said that she was beaten in the granary, Kino would not mention it. Lorna would definitely go to ask the crime with a knife, and the situation would become chaotic again.

"It's nothing, isn't it raining outside? I fell while walking." Solandelle made up a lie about her injuries.

Lorna held Solandelle's hand tightly, looked at the wound on her arm, and her eyes were red with distress: "I told you not to go, you insisted on going! After falling like this, I was not allowed to move alone!"

Lorna's words reminded Solandelle of her helplessness when she was beaten in the granary, her eyes were hot for a while, she suppressed the soreness in her nose, and forced a smile: "Okay, okay, this It's okay. By the way, Nuo, I'll bring you something back."

Solandelle opened the pocket carefully, and shook the soot inside onto the table.

Kino stared at the soot and asked suspiciously, "This is it?"

Solandelle explained: "I met Ma Ban on the street today, the former grain officer of Danyu City. He participated in the firefighting operation on the night of the Dragon Fire Festival. I learned from him that the fire in the granary was very serious that night. It's weird, it burns like a raging fire, even water can't put it out, I suspect the source of the fire is the desert fire."

Lorna exclaimed in surprise: "Desert Fire? How is that possible! It's a military controlled product! And who would put Desert Fire in the granary?"

Solandelle shook her head and said, "This is also something I can't imagine. I think there are two possibilities—either Danyu City was destroyed by hostile forces, or the desert fire in the granary was arranged by the enemy to destroy the royal family. plan. or.”

Kino narrowed his eyes slightly, and said the words behind Solandelle: "Either the officials of Danyu City set the fire themselves."

Solandelle nodded and said silently: "So, on the day of the Dragon Fire Festival fire, what exactly was burned in the granary? If it was really grain, then the possibility of hostile damage is relatively high. After all, the officials of Danyu City have no reason Burn the good food."

"But what if, what was burnt in the granary that day was not food at all, but other things?" Solandelle pursed her lips, staring at the soot on the table, and said softly, "I just took the opportunity to receive relief food and entered the granary." , found these carbon ash in the corner."

"I don't know if these carbon ash can prove anything. After all, it has been burnt like this, and it is impossible to see what it was. But this is the only clue I can find."

As soon as he heard that Solandelle had entered the granary alone, Kino's gaze became deeper and deeper. He suddenly stretched out his hand to cover Solandelle's dirty little face, brushed her hair back, and stared at her face. those scars.

Solandelle wanted to lower her head subconsciously, but Kino held her chin and lifted it up, so she could only lower her eyes and let him look at her.

Kino opened his eyes wide, and he could vaguely see the bloodshot spreading from the corner of the eye to the center, and the pupil almost expanded to the entire iris.

After an unknown amount of time, Kino slowly withdrew his hand, without any expression on his face, but it was the most terrifying because of it: "Lorna, take Solandelle back to rest first, and leave all the rest to me. .”

"Okay." Lorna was rather careless, not noticing anything strange, and nodded stupidly.

Solandelle knew that she had already done everything she could do, and it was up to people to make things happen, so she would leave everything to someone she trusted.

After the two girls left, Kino packed the soot brought back by Solandelle in a small box, and walked out of the tent.

Seeing that Kino wanted to leave the camp, Nicole asked, "My lord, where are you going?"

"Don't follow." Kino simply gave the order without much explanation.

"Yes." Nicole was also very conscious, so she didn't ask.

Chino: "Lugo."

Lugo, who was smoking with the soldiers, stood up: "Yes."

"Find out the names of all the officials and soldiers on duty in the granary today." After Kino finished speaking, his figure disappeared into the night.

Lugo stared at the direction where Chino disappeared for a long time, couldn't help gasping, and poked the soldier's waist with his elbow: "Damn it. Did you see his expression?"

"What expression?" It was too dark for the soldiers to notice.

Lugo muttered, "I've only seen that expression once."

Not long after the soldier arrived, he didn't understand what these words meant, so he asked curiously, "And then?"

Lugo shook his head and rubbed his arms full of goosebumps: "It's too scary. You better not know."

(End of this chapter)

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