honor me as god

Chapter 501 Battle 5 Slag

Chapter 501 Fighting the Five Scums
Kino pointed to a war board at the edge of the sand table. A black tentacle flag was hung above the war board, symbolizing the Dagon family, one of the royal families, and its main force, the "Black Pearl Fleet".

Kino took off the tentacle flag on the soldier card and replaced it with a merchant flag, explaining the battle situation while pushing it: "In the early days of the Laurel War, the Black Pearl Fleet of the Dagon family had been ordered by the king to take off the battle flag and replace it with a The merchant flag and the fleet were all dismantled, disguised as merchant ships sailing out of the Sea of ​​Broken Moon, without making a sound along the way, without disturbing any forces, and turned into silent ghosts on the sea."

"Just when the "Battle of the King's City" broke out and the decisive battle started, the Black Pearl Fleet had already crossed the vast sea and arrived at an important port on the coastline of the Far Eastern Dynasty. The warships were dragged to the bottom of the sea one by one. "

"At the same time, the Black Pearl Fleet fully loaded with troops landed at the port and headed straight for the inland. It was like a heavy punch in the back. The elite soldiers of the Dagon family drove straight in and destroyed the rear supply line of the Far Eastern army. The main force in the Far East has become a lone army fighting in different places."

"I don't need to talk about the following things. The future leader of the Eric family and the 6th sequence "Great Magister" Horn has returned, and he has broken through the "Great Sumeru" arranged by the "Four-clawed Golden Dragon" in the royal city with his own power. The "Nine Palaces Xuanhuo Formation" sounded the clarion call for a comprehensive counter-offensive, and the main force in the Far East retreated steadily. Finally, the soldiers reached the east of the present Fenghuo Province, ending the tragic Laurel War. "

Kino looked at the war games lined up on the sand table, squinted his eyes and said, "Many people think that the turning point of the Laurel War was when the Horned Heron broke through the "Da Sumeru Nine Palaces Black Fire Formation" with soul magic.But in my opinion, the turning point of the war should be the port landing of the Dagon family's Black Pearl Fleet, and His Majesty the King, who wanted to avoid the edge at the beginning of the war - drag the enemy deep - land a surprise attack - decisively counterattack this company's strategic goal . "

Solandelle stared blankly at the sand table. The scenes of the deduction just now coincided with the history he read in the book. Suddenly, there was a feeling of traveling through time and space, as if he was personally experiencing the grand war, and his blood boiled for it. .

She pursed her lips and smiled, and said in a dazed way: "I always thought that the one who turned the tide in the Laurel War was Lord Horn Heron, but I didn't expect that the greatest person turned out to be my father."

"It might not be good to say that. At least in the past, I always thought that the leaders of the kings guarded the kingdom and protected the father. But now it seems that the father is the one who silently protects everyone behind the scenes."

Chino: "The victory of the war is achieved by everyone's joint efforts. It is not the credit of one person. But if you want to choose a person who has the most credit, yes, there is no doubt that it is your father. The leader is also the one who controls the entire situation of the war.”

Solandelle nodded thoughtfully: "I finally understand where my problem is. I don't have a strategic goal in doing things. I fight for the sake of fighting, and win for the sake of winning, but I don't think about the price of winning at all." , what can be exchanged, and I don’t know what result I want in the end, and what means I need to use to achieve it. Generally speaking, I lack the ability to control the overall situation.”

Being able to understand this step, Kino was already very satisfied, and nodded approvingly.

Solandelle showed a sunny smile, stood up straight, and bowed to Kino seriously: "I have benefited a lot from the deduction tonight, and I will review and reflect on it when I go back! If it is useful in the future Where the control ability is, I hope I will not be stretched~"

Chino: "I hope that even if you master the commanding ability, you won't need it."

Solandelle asked curiously, "Why?"

Kino took off the warm coat from the hanger, put it on Solandelle's shoulders, leaned over to her ear from behind, and whispered softly, "Because that means I'm not by your side."

Solandelle and Catherine agreed to go home early tonight, but because of the wargame deduction and replay, she arrived home in the middle of the night.

Solandelle tried to sneak into the bedroom, pretending that she had gone home early to sleep, but she did not expect Catherine to be sitting in the front hall waiting for her, and was caught on the spot.

The final result was as usual, Solandelle was scolded, and then Catherine picked up the ruler——

Andre, who was protecting his sister, was beaten up.

The next day, because she went to bed too late and there was no class, Solandelle stayed in bed until noon.

Lorna came to play with her, and she told Lorna about the war game deduction yesterday.

Hearing that the battle between the two sides was fierce, and finally the Laurel War was replayed, Lorna felt itchy to hear that, and dragged Solandelle to find Kino, insisting on showing off in person.

Of course, the final result needless to say, Lugo read 20 pages of the book at least back then, and Lorna, who is sleepy after reading a book, sleeps as soon as class, and only practices weapons and does not understand military affairs, is a good player in battle. She is required to take command , that was a disaster.

Anyone who has studied military theory knows that it is necessary to rationally use the coordination of arms in the army. Take the most basic "infantry and cavalry" as an example. It's a conventional tactic.

And Lorna's regular tactic is - push all the war games forward, shout "Come on, brothers!", and then all the soldiers charge like barbarians.

Of course, the result was as expected. Lorna's army was first baptized by the volley of Kino's archers for a round, then poked by the set up spear array, and couldn't take care of themselves, and finally was trampled into flesh by the cavalry's iron hooves.

The most dumbfounding thing is that Lorna Cai didn't know it, and she still didn't understand why the two sides were equal in strength, and they seemed to be almost the same.

At the end of the game, Lorna began to play tricks, insisting on making herself a soldier card and putting it in.

According to the conventional deduction, the combat effectiveness of a recruit is 10, that of a honed veteran is 30, that of an elite soldier is 100, and that the overall combat effectiveness of a fully formed army is 30.

Lorna turned herself into a soldier card, and insisted on setting it as a combat power of 1 million, and it was calculated separately by humans and dragons. She and Fei Ye each had 1 million.

As a "compensation", Lorna said that Denisa could be incorporated into Kino's team as a "legendary hero".

What can Kino do?As long as she is happy.

After the two sides fought, Lorna with a combat power of 1 million led Fei Ye with a combat power of 1 million to fly directly to the face of the dragon, and Denisa with a combat power of 5 died suddenly on the spot. Kino was defeated and Lorna won her first victory .

(End of this chapter)

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