honor me as god

Chapter 500 The Big Picture Concept

Chapter 500 The Big Picture Concept
"I fought Graycastle, you defended Graycastle, and you finally defended Graycastle. This can only be called describing the facts, not the purpose." Kino stretched out his hand and slid across the sand table in front of him, "Greycastle It’s just a small city, built on the plains, with no support inside or outside, it’s an isolated city, and it doesn’t have any strategic significance.”

"Yes, you have defended Graycastle, and you are more beautiful than me in terms of battle damage. Then what? Apart from the record, have you gained any benefits? Are you going to turn Graycastle into a thorn in the flesh that hinders my marching route? Or, Graycastle has strategic significance like Fengyun Pass, and if you defend it, you can buy time for the rear to deploy? Or is it a city of grain storage, where the supplies must not be lost?"

"No, none at all. Compared with the vast land, losing Graycastle is equivalent to losing a hair. It is insignificant and will not affect the overall situation of the war at all, but you have invested heavily here to resist the attack and lost more than 7000 troops. people, it is almost equivalent to losing a full army, and in the end nothing was exchanged."

Solandelle scratched the back of her head and tried to explain: "But... I killed more than 7000 of you with a loss of more than 13000. This in itself is a process towards victory. Moreover, since you said that Graycastle has no strategic significance, then Why are you attacking Graycastle? Aren't you wasting your troops here too?"

Kino smiled slightly, as if he had heard the point: "Because my strategic goal was very clear from the beginning, I want to consume your vitality as much as possible, and at the same time use the vanguard to buy time to open up the dynasty's homeland—the desert— ——Fengyun Pass—the strategic supply line of the front line, so that the main force can arrive steadily.”

"What do invaders fear most in war? They are most afraid of defense in depth. Dogrand's territory is so vast. Once there is any problem with the supply line, the invading troops will directly fall into the quagmire of war and be dragged to death by the huge combat area."

"So for me, all the battles are for one purpose - to buy time to open up the supply line - for this reason, I will try my best to use the vanguard to launch an attack on your land, and try my best to make a mess with you, even if It doesn't matter if the battle damage is several times yours."

"I told you before that in this era in history, Dogrand lagged far behind the Far Eastern Dynasty in terms of economy and military strength, so for you, every grain of your grain and every soldier is very precious."

"But for me, as long as the supply line can be established to connect the dynasty's homeland with the front line, the huge national economy will bring me a steady stream of food supplies, and the prosperous population will also allow me to recruit a steady stream of recruits. Hit whatever you want."

"So, the Vanguard Army was originally my abandoned son. Their existence is to buy time, and to consume your limited food and troops to gain an advantage in the final battle."

"Even if 10 soldiers from my side are killed to replace 1 of your soldiers, it will be a loss for Dogrand, who lacks stamina, and a profit for the Far Eastern Dynasty, which has a strong war potential."

"Then the question is, my strategic goal is very clear, but you also choose to join forces with me everywhere, and fight well, what is your strategic goal?"

These words made Solandelle speechless. She wanted to say something a few times, but she couldn't say anything. She could only purse her lips and stare at the huge sand table in a daze.

"I don't know." After a long time, Solandelle muttered, "I just want to defend the country, not giving up an inch of it, because every city lost means tens of millions of people are displaced and I want to save them."

Chino: "Then I can understand that your strategic goal is to drive out the invaders while reducing the casualties of your compatriots."

Solandelle nodded heavily.

"But have you achieved this goal?" Chino took out the data after the deduction, shook his head and said, "In the early stage of the war, you did protect the people very well. All the people you protected fell into my hands. You gave them hope, but hope was shattered in an instant, what's the point of that?"

"As I said before, your food and troops are very limited, but if you fight a war of attrition with me, for a second, you will be one step closer to destruction. You think you are marching towards victory, but in fact every step is the opposite. You only have tactics in your mind, not strategy."

"That's why, you win all the battles and lose the whole war in the end."

Solandelle is 12 years old this year, and she will be 13 in two months. If she were other children of the same age, she should still be reading children's books at this age. Knowing some astronomy and geography would be considered excellent.

But her talent is really very smart, and she has kept all what Kino said in her heart, ready to slowly digest it as a knowledge reserve, and urgently asked her own question: "In your opinion, if I want to win Laurel What kind of deployment should be done for war?"

Kino: "History has already told you the answer to this question—your father and king faced this war back then, and the deployment he made was outstanding in my opinion."

Kino looked at the sand table and pointed out the strategic coordinates one by one: "Back then, facing the situation where Fengyun Pass was broken, your father did not choose to fight a tug-of-war in any inland area, and those who could withdraw should withdraw early. Go, a direct strategic abandonment that cannot be withdrawn."

"This approach did cause a lot of innocent casualties in the early stage, and it also had a certain degree of damage to morale, but what it got in exchange was strategic initiative-not sticking to the inland strongholds, which means that he can send his subordinates The legion broke up, broke up into pieces, and used the familiarity of the terrain to launch a deep guerrilla."

"The pioneers of the Far East broke into the inland, and they seemed to be invincible. They conquered a city and occupied a city, but all of them were isolated cities with no support from inside and outside. The food and grass inside had been emptied beforehand. It was not right to send troops to defend after the occupation , It’s not good if you don’t keep it. It’s like falling headlong into a quagmire, the deeper you go, the bigger the obstacles.”

"According to statistics, during the month-long defense-in-depth, the Royal Army killed and wounded 10,000 times as many enemies as its own at the cost of only a few hundred soldiers, dragging [-]+ Far Eastern pioneers to death."

"Such battle damage made the Far East Emperor very anxious. If the vanguard army is dragged to death in advance, they will not be able to buy enough time to consume the vital strength of Dogorand, and just send it away in vain. The form of the decisive battle will be very pessimistic for them. .”

"So, the Far East was forced to send out wave after wave of light troops to help, hoping to use manpower to stabilize the occupied area, offset the defense in depth of Dogorand, turn the city occupied by the vanguard army into a front-line fortress, and reduce the mobility of the Royal Army. area."

"After a fierce battle, the preset goal of the Far East was indeed achieved, but this also caused the front and rear fronts to be stretched sharply. Their supply situation began to lag behind that of the kingdom defenders who were fighting against the "Cardinal Province". In the end, they had to start a decisive battle ahead of time. "

"And at this time, the most critical move came."

(End of this chapter)

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