honor me as god

Chapter 481 Second Letter

Chapter 481 The Second Letter
As for Chino, in order to save time, the three of them did not choose to travel in a horse-drawn carriage, otherwise it would take more than half a month to arrive in Lulin City.

Kino, Edward, and Resakhal, together with a box of golden moons, were all carried on the giant dragon of Resakhar, and they took off from Wangcheng and rushed to Lulin City in the starry night.

The Lulin City administrator and security chief were detained in Dusk City early on, and the rest of the officials were also detained pending trial after Chino and the others arrived.

The order to seal off the border and strictly investigate the fugitives had been issued before the three of them left. On the second day after they arrived in Lulin City, an urgent military report from the border town was sent to Edward by the orderly.

"It seems that we are still one step too late. After all, collective action is not as fast as others acting alone." Edward read the military report and handed it to Rezakhal and Chino.

There were only eight words in the military report - the border was broken, and the criminals left the country.

The content is very brief, but this kind of thing tends to be more serious with fewer words.

Resakhar was so angry that he thumped on the wall: "Just let Hu Shanrong run away?! These border guards should be dealt with by military law!"

Edward smiled helplessly: "Forget it, the frontier guards are not as good as the inland elite, and the opponent is an extraordinary warrior like Hu Shanrong, so it's normal if they can't stop them."

"If you want to blame it, blame the officials of Lulin City for concealing the report at the first time, trying to cover up this matter. If they had reported the situation a few days earlier and taken timely actions, we could have sent more superhumans to the border to block Hu Shanrong. Half way."

It is useless to say these things now. Although Hu Shanrong has fled the country, the three of them do not intend to sit here passively. They ride the dragon to the border again.

The giant dragon arrived above the border town. Looking from a distance, the streets were empty, and the entire town had been blocked by the military. Blood red everywhere and corpses scattered across the pass could be seen.

It seems that in order to preserve the traces of the scene, the border guards did not clean it up, but protected the scene and waited for the instructions of their superiors.

Not to mention, this move is quite clever, rather than seeking meritorious deeds, reporting the situation and waiting for instructions is much more effective than making up your own mind.

The tile-blue dragon landed in the open space near the pass, stirring up a cloud of dust.

The civil affairs officer hurried over with the soldiers of the border guards. His administrative rank was very low, and he had never seen the three people on the dragon's back, but anyway, they came from the dragon, and he knew they were big shots with his ass. I was so nervous that I sweated on my forehead.

"Edward Troy." Edward jumped off the dragon's back, without putting on airs, and stretched out his hand to the civil affairs officer.

"Your Excellency Governor?!" Hearing this name, the Civil Affairs Officer was so frightened that he couldn't stand still. The biggest official he had ever seen in his life was the city administrator. Edward's name could be described as thunderous, and he hurriedly held Edward's big hand with both hands. , The meaning of humbleness is beyond words.

"Pay attention to your wording, I am not the governor, but an ordinary person who has been suspended." Edward looked at the two accompanying people, and introduced, "Resakhal Delin Regnom, Acting Governor of Fenghuo Province .Kino Van Helsing, Governor of Twilight."

It is already the "cold" season, and the temperature has reached single digits, but the civil affairs officer was hot and sweaty because of the visit of the three important figures.

The three did not stay too long, and went to the scene of the incident under the guidance of the civil affairs officer.

There are many dead people at the pass, some are border guards, some are caravan members, and some civilians, presumably they are unlucky people who came to watch the excitement and then got angry.

Thanks to the cold weather, the body showed no signs of decay, and the site was well protected with no traces of movement, completely restoring the situation at that time.

Edward put on his gloves and began to look at the corpses one by one. The civil affairs officer leaned over and explained: "The owner of this caravan is surnamed Shen. He is a frequent visitor to our town. He has always cooperated with border inspections and has never done any anything illegal."

"Three days ago, Boss Shen came to our town from the inland and was about to leave the country through the pass. His procedures were complete, and I approved the customs clearance documents directly."

"The next morning, when I was processing documents in the office, I suddenly heard the sound of fighting in the distance. I hurriedly took someone over to check, and saw the scene like this, with dead people everywhere."

"Beyond the pass is a desert, and our frontier defense is insufficient, so I dare not send cavalry out to chase after it. I can only block the scene quickly, send out an emergency report, and wait for the adults to come and deal with it."

It has to be said that the abilities and positions of officials sometimes really do not match.

Those officials in Lulin City have a vegetarian meal, and in order to protect their future, they tried their best to hide the situation, throw the blame, and then make things as difficult as they are now.

And this little border civil affairs official, although flustered when encountering major incidents, handled it very properly and logically, and the gap between officials can be seen.

Resakhar nodded after listening to the report, and looked at the civil affairs officer approvingly.

A little praise from a big man is a big success when it falls on a small official.

It's hard to say what will happen to this civil affairs officer in the future, but there must be a chance to leave this barren border town.

Edward was currently inspecting the death conditions of the deceased. After the inspection, he stood up slowly, squinted his eyes and said, "All of them were killed with a single palm. Some of the deceased were not hit at vital points, but their muscles and veins were broken, and their seven orifices were bleeding. This is undoubtedly the internal strength of the warriors of the Far Eastern Dynasty, and it can be basically determined that it was done by Hu Shanrong."

Resakhal looked at the pass with a somewhat irritable expression: "Hu Shanrong fled to the desert. It's like a giant dragon flying into the sky and flying recklessly. The initiative is no longer on our side."

At this time, the civil affairs officer suddenly remembered something, slapped his forehead, and hurriedly came up: "My lord, you should take a look at this thing."

Edward took a letter from the civil affairs officer and asked suspiciously, "This is it?"

The civil affairs official replied truthfully: "According to our survey, the fugitive tried to disguise himself as a caravan to leave the country, so he must have cross-dressed. After I sealed off the scene, I thought I couldn't wait here, so I took people to the whole town overnight. Including the outskirts, they searched the bottom of the sky."

"Late last night, I found a body in the cellar of a hotel. I confirmed it was a member of Boss Shen's caravan. His clothes were stolen. This letter was taken from him."

The sealing wax of the letter was intact, and it was obvious that it had not been opened. Edward opened it and couldn't help nodding slightly.

This is the second kidnapping letter, left by Hu Shanrong, which states the method and location of the ransom payment!
With new clues, the three of them had their direction again.

Resakhar patted the Civil Affairs Officer's shoulder vigorously, and his tone was not joking at all: "Go home and pack your bags, and prepare for promotion."

The civil affairs officer was stunned for a moment, then overjoyed, bowing to Resakhar non-stop: "I obey! I obey!"

Just when the Civil Affairs Officer was overjoyed and looking forward to his glorious future, he happened to catch a glimpse of Kino out of the corner of his eye.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but at that moment just now, he seemed to see
Kino smiled something meaningful.

(End of this chapter)

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