honor me as god

Chapter 480 Border Pass

Chapter 480 Border Pass
Since escaping from Lulin City, Hu Shanrong has been in exile for five or six days.

At the beginning, when things were not particularly troublesome, his escape went very smoothly.

Those idiot officials in Lulin City wanted to hide the matter, so they only dispatched the Lulin City Defense Force to arrest them. The search area was very small, and the quality of the soldiers was also very poor. He easily killed two City Defense Forces and took Kuai Mafei Running out of the boundaries of Lulin City, he encountered no obstacles.

In the past few days, Hu Shanrong has been advancing regularly in the suburbs. He does not go to any place with residents. Even if he occasionally encounters a caravan in the suburbs, he basically just passes by.

As for the problem of food, drink and housing, of course it is not difficult for a master like Hu Shanrong. In the suburbs, there are big trees that can sleep, clean and delicious springs, berries that can fill the stomach, and beasts with delicious meat.

The wind, food and sleep along the way also reminded him of those years when he fled from the imperial army and was wanted by the Far East Dynasty.

Regarding future plans, Hu Shanrong has already thought about it.

Now that things have turned out like this, whether he stays in Doguland or flees back to the Far East Dynasty, he is justified and hard to explain.

Since you can't explain clearly, then let's not talk about it at all, throw away all the burdens, and flee to the desert to join the horse bandits.

In this year's "Flowing Fire" season, the desert faction fought Dougland, and the main force was severely injured by Bolton in the "Blood Sand Battle". Now it is time to regroup.

I, the former instructor of swordsmanship of the Gyeonggi Forbidden Army, went to the desert as a gift in a timely manner, and the horse bandits must be very happy to accept him.

Now that I think about it, it’s fine to become a bandit, although I definitely don’t make as much money as A Bao, but there are not so many restrictions, and I can do my own way. Life is not necessarily difficult, and life may be better than before!

At this time, Hu Shanrong was only half a day away from the border of Dogrand, close to his own free life, but he did not relax at all, because he could feel that the atmosphere was not right recently.

The number of soldiers patrolling the outskirts is increasing day by day. It should be that Lulin City leaked the news. The high-level officials of the Kingdom reacted and ordered all places to increase their arrest efforts, and they may even have sent arrest warrants to various cities and towns.

This kind of time cannot be delayed. The longer it is delayed, the more troublesome it will be. It is better to leave the country as soon as possible.

Hu Shanrong didn't rest tonight, and traveled all night, and it was early morning when he arrived at the border.

People in border towns get up early, and the streets are very lively in the early morning. Stall owners set up stalls along the way, warmly greeting those caravans entering and leaving the country.

Judging from the atmosphere, it is very relaxed here, and the arrest warrant should not have reached the border yet.

Now, there is only a border wall between the desert area and Hu Shanrong. This kind of wall is nothing to him, and he can climb over it with light kung fu. He has almost equated it with the word "freedom".

The only unfortunate thing was the time. It was early in the morning, the border pass was brightly lit, and the border guards did not observe the blind spots. It was impossible for him to sneak out.

He could wait here for more than ten hours, until nightfall, and then escape in the dark without anyone noticing.

But the ten or so hours are neither long nor short, and it will be troublesome if something happens.

Hu Shanrong looked around on the street, and suddenly found a caravan at the hotel carrying goods. Judging from the sun-shading robes worn by those people, they should be preparing to leave the country.

God help me too.Hu Shanrong smiled grimly and walked towards the hotel.

Ten minutes later, Hu Shanrong walked out of the hotel wearing a highly concealed sun-shading robe, carrying goods to be put on the carriage, and completely integrated into the caravan.

As for the original owner of this robe, he is now dead in a corner of the cellar, and when he is discovered, he has already been at ease in the desert.

When Hu Shanrong was carrying the goods, the boss who was sitting in the car having breakfast glanced at him.

Because the sun-shading robe is so tight that it can even cover your face, the boss didn't see that there was a new person under the robe, so he joked casually: "Yo, Ergou, today's movements are so quick? Not bad, keep it up, I'll give you this month's wages Consistent."

Er Gou is obviously not his real name, and being nicknamed this kind of nickname shows that this person should be relatively honest and honest. Hu Shanrong silently bowed to the boss and continued to move things without showing any flaws.

After loading, the caravan set off for the pass.

"Ergou" is a servant who transports goods. He has no car or horse to ride, so he just walks behind. This is a pleasure for Hu Shanrong, and it is convenient for him to observe his surroundings.

The boss should come and go from this border town frequently, and he is very skillful in playing with the border guards.

After reading the documents and checking the goods, there was nothing unusual. The centurion of the border guards asked his companions to open the pass, and said: "Boss Shen, be careful in the desert area."

"Don't worry, the horse bandits are all my old acquaintances." Boss Shen stuffed the whole pack of cigarettes left over to the centurion, and said with a smile, "I'll be back in a month, and I'll bring you some desert milk wine for the commander."

"Hahaha, okay, I'll wait for you." The centurion accepted the cigarette with a smile, without exception.


Just as the caravan was about to leave the country, a cavalryman galloped up on a fast horse, shouting: "Military information is urgent!"

The cavalry dismounted at the pass, delivered a document to the centurion, whispered something in his ear, and the latter quickly opened the document to browse.

The carriage at the front of the caravan was already halfway out, and the centurion's voice sounded: "Boss Shen, wait a minute."

"What's the matter?" Boss Shen signaled the drivers to stop the carriage.

The centurion walked up apologetically, and showed Boss Shen the document in his hand: "A military emergency report from the superior said that there are wanted criminals on the run recently, and all borders are required to carefully screen out the people leaving the country according to the wanted portraits."

Boss Shen smiled helplessly: "The caravan is full of brothers from my own family. You see, half of my carriage has gone out. Can I return it for inspection?"

The centurion learned how to bow in a dignified manner: "This is an urgent order, which will take effect immediately. I really dare not neglect it. If the officer comes to inspect at that time, and someone reports that I have received the urgent order and did not execute it immediately, then the trouble will be serious." It's too big. Please forgive me, Boss Shen."

Although Boss Shen found it troublesome, but the other party said so, he didn't feel embarrassed, and now it's not too much time to delay checking people, so he said generously: "Then take it at your own convenience. Brothers, Take off the hoods and let the centurion check it out."

"Hey." Suddenly, a heavy sigh sounded.

Boss Shen was taken aback, and looked at the sighing person: "Ergou, why are you sighing?"

"Ergou" slowly took off his cloak, revealing his true face full of smirks.

Boss Shen was stunned for a moment: "Huh? Who are you???"

The centurion was frozen in place at this moment, he looked at the wanted portrait in his hand, and then at the person in front of him, the phantom images of incomparably similar faces merged together in his mind.
"Crack, click." Hu Shanrong twisted his neck left and right, his internal energy was circulating all over his body, and his smile was full of blood: "Isn't it good to live? Why do you all like to court death?"

(End of this chapter)

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