Lord God hangs up

Chapter 52 052, Training Plan

Chapter 52 052, Training Plan

Three days later, in the suburbs of Chengdu, in a manor surrounded by mountains and rivers.

In front of the quiet small building hidden by the bamboo forest, Ni Kun pondered for a while, then took out a handful of blood bodhi and stuffed it all into his mouth.

Although I had planned to use ordinary ginseng, ganoderma, tiger bone and other nourishing medicinal materials for body training, as long as you are a human being, you cannot escape the law of true fragrance.

How can you endure the weak effects of ordinary tonics after you have tried the powerful power of blood bodhi spiritual power to assist your practice?
Anyway, Ni Kun couldn't bear it.

So after insisting on taking a few meals of medicinal food, he felt that the effect was weak and far below expectations, so he took the Blood Bodhi again.

It has been two days since I left Ling Cave.

Two days ago, while looking for a way out, Ni Kun and his entourage continued to search for the blood bodhi. Finally, with a rich harvest of more than 300 blood bodhi, they left Lingyun Grotto smoothly and came to Chengdu Mansion, where they lived in the manor arranged by Zhu Yuyan.

After Zhu Yuyan made some inquiries, she learned that the parties who entered Lingyun Grotto this time suffered extremely heavy losses.

Of the 300 people who went in, less than a hundred came out alive.

The Buddhist sect suffered the heaviest loss. Dozens of martial monks and masters were lost in the Lingyun Grotto. Even Master Zhenyan, the contemporary guardian of the Buddhist sect, died tragically in the Lingyun Grotto.

The Chuan Gang and the Ba Meng, the two local Bashu gangs, also lost dozens of capable disciples.

The rest of the Wulin Sanren also fell into many traps.

So many people died, of course not all of them were caused by Huo Qilin.There are also many people who died because of fighting for the blood bodhi and fighting each other.

With so many dead, Lingyun Grotto became a forbidden place where the people in the martial arts world were talking about it for a while.

Even though the news of the treasure in Lingyun Grotto spread quickly, a few lucky ones got the blood bodhi, and their martial arts improved by leaps and bounds, but the fire unicorn, which killed the master of truth and caused heavy casualties to the masters of Buddhism, still shocked everyone. Martial arts people dare not take half a step into Lingyun Grotto easily.

Even Ni Kun's interest in Lingyun Grotto has come to an end for the time being.

After getting the Blood Bodhi, memorizing the Six Jue of Aohan, observing the true Xuanwu Kung Fu, and handing over the flying sword and kung fu from Mrs. Mao, Ni Kun has gained a lot, and is about to retreat and meditate so that he can digest it. In a short time, I no longer have any interest in setting foot in Lingyun Grotto.

Maybe in a few years, he will go to Lingyun Cave again to see if there is a new crop of blood bodhi.

As for now, let's practice hard.

Ni Kun also made a rigorous plan for his own cultivation.

It is impossible to cultivate internal strength, even if he cultivates internal strength while practicing blood Bodhi, the internal strength he cultivated through hard work will be lost by the "key".

So he can only practice the Bull Demon's Great Strength Technique, the Tiger Demon's Bone Refining Fist, and the light kung fu "Hayami Wuhen Vertically Walking Plum Blossoms".

As for raising swords with blood sacrifices and practicing sword control skills, he planned to cultivate the Bull Demon Vigorously and the Tiger Demon Bone Refining to a certain level first, and then wait until the body is strong enough and the energy and blood are strong enough before proceeding.

So his current practice arrangement is:

In the morning, I practice the Great Strength of the Bull Demon, in the afternoon I practice the Tiger Demon Bone Refining Boxing, and in the evening, I listen to the master Zhu Yuyan invited from Chengdu to explain the Book of Changes, so as to learn and study the Eight Diagrams and Yili.

As for "Plum Blossom Yishu", although it originated from Yixue, it has not yet been created.

According to legend, it is a secret method handed down by Taoist Mai Yi and Chen Xiyi. It was finally named by Shao Yong, a master of Yixue in the Northern Song Dynasty.In short, at the turn of the Sui and Tang Dynasties, no one understands this secret method of divination—maybe Huang Yaoshi does?
Well, with Huang Yaoshi's erudition, it should be said that he definitely understands it.

However, Ni Kun is in Xishu, and Huang Yaoshi is far away in the East China Sea, so there is no way to ask him for advice for the time being.

Then Ni Kun can only learn the Book of Changes first, and study the Eight Diagrams and Theory of Changes.

Anyway, as long as you have some understanding of the Eight Diagrams and Yili, then the bonus to the "Zoo Plum Blossom" agility is quite considerable.


Ni Kun's cheeks bulged, filled with blood Bodhi, while slowly swallowing the sweet juice, he punched the Tiger Demon Bone Refining Fist.

After finishing the two hundred and six-hand Tiger Demon Bone Refining Fist from beginning to end in one go, Ni Kun's bones trembled suddenly, and every joint made a crackling sound.

It is the omen of getting started in refining the bones of the tiger demon.

In this way, Ni Kun's Bull Demon Dali and Tiger Demon's Bone Refining have all started, and then there is water grinding kung fu, from shallow to deep, to exercise muscles, tendons, membranes, and bones for a long time.

Ni Kun put away his stance, stood still and felt the changes in his body silently, then took out the booklet of Tiger Demon Bone Refining Fist, flipped through it for a while, and then opened his stance again, and started boxing.

In this way, he practiced until the sunset, and Ni Kun stopped sweating all over his body.

Wan Hou was dressed in white, with hair hanging down her waist, and she was standing by with a tray in her hand. Seeing Ni Kun stop, she presented the tray with a smile.

Ni Kun took out a handkerchief from the tray and wiped off his sweat.

In this manor, Ni Kun's daily life is attended by Zhu Yuyan, Wan Hou and Wen Caiting in turn.Today is the turn of Houhou.

When he was wiping his sweat, Wan Hou finally couldn't help asking:

"Young master, since you are a fairy, why do you want to practice this worldly martial arts?"

"Worldly martial arts?" Ni Kun chuckled: "The strength of the bull demon and the bone refinement of the tiger demon are not secular martial arts. You have also acquired the strength of the bull demon, and the bone refinement of the tiger demon. I never hide it from you. Have you never tried it yourself? Practice one or two?"

Wan Wan stuck out the tip of her tongue and smiled playfully:
"In the past two days, Master has passed on to me her understanding of integrating the Aohan Liujue Sword with the Heavenly Devil's Double Blades, and the 'Unparalleled Sword Technique' realized by watching the unicorn map. In addition, I have learned the Shanhaiquan Jing, the Yuan Rong Jinzhi, if he can't practice so many peerless martial arts, how can he have time to practice boxing skills!

"Besides, these two exercises are used to exercise the body. I'm afraid that the joints will be thickened and the muscles will be added to the body!"

Having said that, she blinked at Ni Kun twice again:

"If you develop muscle bumps all over your body, I'm afraid you will dislike dead people."

Ni Kun laughed:
"You're underestimating these two exercises, the Great Strength of the Bull Demon and the Bone Refining of the Tiger Demon. These two exercises have extraordinary origins. They can not only make the practitioner infinitely stronger, but also make the practitioner's body stronger. The physique is optimized towards the most perfect direction.

"When a man practices, his body will become taller, taller, masculine and fit, lean and agile; if a woman practices it, her figure will become more shapely and graceful. If she gains one point, she will become fatter, and if she loses one point, she will become thinner. She will always maintain the most perfect and appropriate state. If you don't practice, it's your loss."

Hearing what he said, Wan Wan was dubious: "Then when I am free, I will try to practice?"

Ni Kun smiled and said, "It's up to you."

After a pause, he said leisurely again:

"Actually, you should all be able to see that, regardless of supernatural powers, I am indeed a novice in terms of martial arts.

"The reason for this is that I have experienced thousands of death calamities, and I was killed a thousand times by a powerful opponent. Therefore, this body is the body of the new life. Although I have supernatural powers, my body is weak A newborn in this world has never been tempered, so he has to start from scratch."

He has to practice martial arts from the basics, and he can only practice external skills.

To practice external skills, such as boxing and light skills, you have to exercise. It is impossible to meditate quietly like internal skills.

Then as long as he moves, with the perception of Zhu Yuyan and others, how can he avoid them?
The Yin Gui Yao girl's mind is changing, don't look at it, she is obedient to Ni Kun now, she is very obedient, but who knows what they are thinking secretly?
Instead of letting them secretly suspect and make misjudgments, it is better to confide some information in a half-truth-one can be reborn after dying a thousand times. Supernatural powers are even more terrifying.

As long as the witches are not out of their minds, it is impossible for them to dare to make any small thoughts.

Sure enough, after hearing what Ni Kun said, Wan Hou's eyes widened immediately, and her pretty face was full of disbelief:

"Thousands of calamities? Or was he killed a thousand times by the same enemy? How can he come back to life like this?"


"What about the enemy who killed you a thousand times? How strong is he?"

Ni Kun smiled slightly, looked at Houhou meaningfully, and said leisurely:
"She is naturally strong. But what's the use of being stronger?

"She killed me a thousand times, and I acted as if nothing had happened. If I killed her once, her body and spirit were gone, and she would never be reborn forever.

"Immortal in a hundred deaths, indestructible in a thousand eons, immortal in a thousand deaths. This is my strongest supernatural power."

After finishing speaking, he left behind the shocked and unable to extricate himself, and went back to the small building with his hands behind his back.

Wan Hou came back to his senses, looked at his back, and his eyes sparkled:
"A hundred deaths are immortal, and a thousand eons are indestructible? It's really scary... But, you have lived so many lives, I don't know if you have experienced love..."

Well, until now, she hasn't given up on the idea of ​​taking down Ni Kun and using his supernatural powers...

For the next seven days, Ni Kun practiced step by step. During the day, he practiced the strength of the bull demon and the tiger demon bone refining. At night, he studied and studied Yi, pondering "Sushui Wuhen vertically walks plum blossoms", and the rhythm of knocking blood Bodhi can never stop.

Before he knew it, he had knocked out half of the more than 300 blood bodhi pieces he had brought back, except for the rewards for Zhu Yuyan, Wan Hou, and Wen Caiting. When he counted them that night, there were less than a hundred left.

And that night, after Ni Kun fell asleep, unconsciously, he began to shed his skin again.

[Ask for a ticket~! 】

(End of this chapter)

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