Lord God hangs up

Chapter 51 Chapter 051

Chapter 51 Chapter 051

With the support of the endless blood Bodhi spiritual power, Ni Kun completely punched the three hundred variations of the Bull Demon's Dalifa three-style boxing from beginning to end in one breath.

After a punch, he felt hot all over his body, his muscles were throbbing, and his tendons and membranes also trembled. It seemed that he was making fine adjustments spontaneously to make the layout of his body's muscles, tendons, and membranes more perfect. The direction of the machine is optimized to make it more conducive to exerting force, but it will not hurt yourself due to excessive force.

This is like practicing the Bull Demon Dali to an entry-level level.

Under normal circumstances, if you want to practice to this level, it will not happen overnight, and it is impossible to achieve success after just one practice.

The reason why Ni Kun was able to get started at one time was because he swallowed a large amount of Pusi Qu snake gall and experienced a "rebirth". With a good body training foundation.

The second is that he stuffed his mouth full of blood bodhi in one breath. When practicing boxing, the juice fell into his stomach in an endless stream, which made the spiritual power endless. It can always retain a little spiritual power and refine it with the powerful method of bull magic.

In this way, it is natural to get started smoothly.

It's a pity that it consumes a lot.

"It's not cost-effective to spend such a rare treasure of the level of Blood Bodhi.

"Well, anyway, the Bull Demon Powerful Method and the Tiger Demon Bone Refining Fist are just for exercising physical strength. Even if you are full of food and meat, you can practice. Then I use ginseng, ganoderma lucidum, tiger bone and other medicinal materials to nourish, and the price is not better. ?
"With the financial resources of the Yin Gui Sect, these nourishing medicinal materials should be able to manage the full..."

Ni Kun thought about it for a while, and decided not to waste too much blood Bodhi before solving the problem of the "key" floating around and losing spiritual power.

After all, it is a rare treasure that can bring the dead back to life. At the moment of life and death, a blood bodhi is a life.

If someone beats you to the point of death but still survives, wouldn't the blood bodhi knock down save the ten-day lifespan that would be consumed by one resurrection?
Taking a look at Zhu Yuyan and the others, and seeing that they were still obsessed with the murals, Ni Kun took advantage of the blacksmith's iron again and punched the bull devil with a powerful fist.

This time there is no blood Bodhi, just practice normally, the effect is not as obvious as before.

After the fight, I only broke out in a hot sweat, and my understanding of boxing was deeper, and I didn't obviously feel that the muscles, tendons, and skin membranes were optimized.

After wiping off his sweat, Ni Kun relaxed for a while, sat down and took out the Tiger Demon Bone Refining Fist, and studied the bone refining kung fu.

Tiger Demon Bone Refining Fist has a total of [-] moves, which can exercise all [-] bones in the whole body, and can be cultivated to the state of "refining bones like steel".

The Great Strength of the Bull Demon and the Bone Refining Fist of the Tiger Demon can go hand in hand and practice at the same time.While tempering the muscles and membranes, exercise the bones of the whole body.

After practicing, not only can you have infinite strength, you will have a body of steel and iron, and when you are full of energy and blood, you can also feed back your soul, making your spirit strong and your soul strong.

"It may even prolong life. Ordinary people running and exercising can make their bodies healthy and prolong their life. There is no reason why these two external skills of cultivating people and martial arts cannot prolong life."

Human Immortal Martial Arts is a very complicated cultivation system. It not only needs to train the muscles, bones and skin externally, but also trains the internal organs with the method of breathing and exhaling.This is just the foundation, after that there will be work such as condensing the acupoints.

Ni Kun doesn't ask for more, as long as he is in good health, can fight in all directions at night, and can extend his life a little, he is very satisfied.

While studying Tiger Demon Bone Refining Fist.

The concubine Xuan who was observing the murals suddenly came back to her senses, looked sideways, and saw Zhu Yuyan, Wen Caiting, and Wan Wan who were immersed in the feeling, without disturbing them, they walked lightly to Ni Kun's side.

"Master Ni." She cupped her hands to Ni Kun: "Feixuan has gained something, thank you Mr. Ni for your guidance."

Ni Kun waved his hand and said with a smile: "Concubine Xuan is polite, this is your own chance, I can't guide you."

Shi Feixuan stared at Ni Kun and said sincerely:
"If Mr. Ni hadn't spoken, Feixuan wouldn't dare to stay and concentrate on feeling."

With the three of Yinhou here, without Ni Kun, she would be too late to run, so how would she dare to stay?
Ni Kun smiled and asked with great interest:
"So Feixuan, what kind of martial arts have you realized?"

Shi Feixuan confessed frankly:
"I can feel that there are many kinds of martial arts hidden in the murals, each of which is a rare unique skill. It's a pity that I am dull, so I only understand one 'Destiny Sword Way'."

Destiny Kendo?
Ni Kun pondered in his heart. He had just observed the mural with his soul for two seconds. Although he only realized a light kung fu of "Hayashui Wuhen vertically walking plum blossoms", he also had a basic understanding of the general composition of mural martial arts.

The Xuanwu True Kungfu hidden in the murals includes the top ten external martial arts, the Xuanwu inner strength, and the advanced martial arts that are invincible in all directions.

Among them, the top ten martial arts are the ten martial arts of sword, gun, sword and halberd, stick, fist, palm and leg, and fingers and claws.

The "Heaven's Destiny Sword Way" realized by Master Concubine Xuan has four styles: Jian Yong Xuehe, Carp Leaping over the Dragon Gate, Sealing the Sword and Burying the Name, and Who Will Do the King's Will.

Just looking at the name of this move, it is exactly the same as Cihang Jingzhai's way of practicing in the world, and it fits very well.

First "the sword surges through the snowy river, and the carp leaps over the dragon's gate", walk the world with the sword, establish a reputation, and support the righteous way. If the world is in chaos, support the real king, and ask the world "who will do the king's will".

After success, he will not be greedy for glory, "seal the sword and bury his name", return to the deep mountains, and be accompanied by the ancient Buddha of Qingdeng and the valley of white clouds, and comprehend the way of heaven.

So in Ni Kun's view, it is almost certain that Shi Feixuan will be able to understand the sword formula.Because this "Sword of Destiny" is too compatible with Cihang Jingzhai's way of entering the world.

As for only realizing one sword formula, it is normal that other martial arts cannot be realized.

You must know that even the peerless geniuses in the world of wind and cloud are not able to comprehend many martial arts from the murals.

The son of Juewushen, the immortal Xiaoqiang Juexin who jumped from the first to the third part of Fengyun, didn't he only realize the "Basalt God's Palm"?
Besides, the power of a single sword art may not be inferior to multiple martial arts, the key depends on whether it is suitable.

With the Taoist sword heart cultivated by the concubine Xuanxiu's Cihang Sword Code, mastering this sword art can also make a leap in strength - when I only realized one sword before, I almost killed the deer stick guest in seconds. Blocking Mao Tai's blow shows how powerful this sword art is.

At that moment, Ni Kun said with a smile:

"Congratulations, Feixuan. I don't know where Feixuan will go next?"

Concubine Shixuan said: "I am about to bid farewell to Brother Ni. Many of my fellow Buddhists are lost in the cave, and Feixuan wants to find the congregation first, and take them away from this place."

"Alright." Ni Kun nodded, and said, "Huo Qilin won't leave this cave easily, and as long as he doesn't trespass without authorization, there is no need to worry about Qilin causing harm."

Concubine Shixuan felt a little strange, she didn't know why he was so sure, but she didn't want to ask too many questions, so she just nodded and bowed to Ni Kun, said goodbye and left.

Although Ni Kun disapproved of the contemporary Cihang Jingzhai's behavioral philosophy, but he was also very grateful for the kindness of his master Feixuan who came out to intercept Mrs. Mao just now and helped him.

And judging from Shi Feixuan's performance in the original book, at least when you date her, you never have to worry about her stabbing you in the back.

Even if you act against her ideas, she will try to persuade first.

If you can't control yourself and become a licking dog, that's your own problem.

But if you can hold it well, and you can even turn against the guest, then the winners in life who have played Jingzhai Fairy, such as the evil king Shi Zhixuan, the magician Pang Ban, and Han Bai, can tell you that Jingzhai Fairy is really good.

Even if the conflict is irreconcilable due to differences in ideas between the two parties and must be resolved by force, when she mobilizes people to besiege you, she will tell you in a fair and honest manner:
I called so and so, brother, you are now surrounded, put down your weapons and raise your hands to surrender, quit the arena and go to Qingxiu.If you feel poor, I would like to accompany you.

So getting along with Shi Feixuan is much easier than getting along with bad guys like Zhu Yuyan and Wanhou.

It was precisely because of the favor of Master Concubine Xuan that Ni Kun did not plan to repay her kindness by asking her to be his free bodyguard.

Unlike a bad guy like Zhu Yuyan, no matter what demands Ni Kun puts on her, she always feels at ease.

Not long after Shi Feixuan left, Zhu Yuyan, Wan Hou, and Wen Caiting also came back to their senses one after another. Judging by their appearance, they must have realized something.

Ni Kun inquired as usual, and Zhu Yuyan realized the "Unparalleled Sword Technique", while Wen Caiting only realized the two moves in "Oracle Bone Dragon Claw".

As for Houhou, she was in a terrible situation, she actually comprehended the two martial arts of "Shan Hai Boxing Classic and Yuan Rong Jin Zhi" at the same time.

His comprehension seems to have surpassed Zhu Yuyan's. No wonder he is the first descendant of Yin Gui who can cultivate the "Heavenly Demon Secret" to the eighteenth level of Dzogchen since the existence of the Demon Sect.

Of course, this does not mean that Houhou's understanding is far superior to that of Shi Feixuan.

It's because the ten volumes of Heavenly Demon Strategies are originally a wonderful book with extensive content, including various martial arts such as Daoxin Seed Demon, Heavenly Demon Secret, Maiden Dafa, Sword and Gang Tongliu, Tianxin Lotus Ring and so on.Moreover, the people in the Demon Sect do not avoid killing, and they are all ruthless. Therefore, the people in the Demon Sect can never refuse all kinds of external skills that do not conflict with their fundamental skills.

But the Cihang Sword Code only cultivates the way of the sword, condenses the heart of the sword, and does not involve anything else.As a monk, he is more taboo to kill directly.

Therefore, even though Concubine Shi Xuan realized that there were many martial arts in the murals, she subconsciously rejected the violent and violent top ten martial arts. Only the "Sword of Destiny" was not rejected because of its unity.

But Houhou has no taboos, and indeed has a very high understanding, so he was able to understand two martial arts.

Then again, there is no difference between Bo and Jingben, it mainly depends on the person.

As long as people are strong enough, whether they are proficient in martial arts or specialized in martial arts, they can become peerless masters.

Feeling something, Zhu Yuyan asked for instructions.

Ni Kun thought for a while, and decided to continue walking around Lingyun Grotto to see if he could find more Blood Bodhi.

Before leaving, Zhu Yuyan proposed to destroy the murals, which was completely in line with Momen's heart, but Ni Kun didn't like it.

"The person who created the Xuanwu True Kung Fu can integrate the kung fu into the mural, and display it here in a fair manner, so that everyone who is destined can practice it. How can those of us who have inherited it be so selfish and cut off the chance of the latecomers?

"Besides, the threshold for this mural painting is extremely high. Even a master like Cai Ting has only realized two claw moves. Let's wait for ordinary martial arts people, let alone whether they dare to enter Lingyun Cave, and whether they can stay in the maze of this cave after entering. Find this mural. Even if you find it, it is still unknown whether you can see the mystery in the mural.

"What's more, those who can comprehend mural paintings, such as you, will change course, give up their own foundation, and practice this Xuanwu true kung fu from scratch? None of you will, and other masters who have the ability to comprehend mural paintings will naturally not. Get some external skills, But that's the icing on the cake..."

After finishing speaking, Ni Kun waved his hand, took Zhu Yuyan and the others out of the cave, and set off again to find Xue Bodhi.

[Ask for a ticket~! 】

(End of this chapter)

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