Lord God hangs up

Chapter 4 004, Out of the Mountain

Chapter 4 004, Out of the Mountain

As soon as the magic eye was released, Ni Kun's lifespan was immediately reduced by 10 days, and the invisible pupil power instantly fell on the Bodhisattva of great joy and happiness.

With the power of her pupils on her body, the Bodhisattva of Great Huanxi gasped in surprise, her fat body trembled, and with a buzzing sound, an invisible wind burst out, which was about to fight against her pupils' power.

But Ni Kun just squinted his eyes, and there was a sound of cracking bones.

The huge head of the Bodhisattva of Great Huanxi turned 360 degrees quickly, then leaned back, and fell to the ground. The big hand holding Ni Kun's neck lost all strength.

Ni Kun broke her fingers, fell to the ground, panted for a while, and glanced at the huge corpse of the Great Joyful Bodhisattva sitting cross-legged, the corners of her mouth twitched in pain.

Another ten days lost!

Looking at the personal panel, the life span is only 17613 days, and it is still decreasing as time goes by.

"Willow catkins, the Great Joyful Bodhisattva, the Sunflower Book, and the remnants of the Moon Worship Sect, there are strange things in this world! It's a pity..."

It's a pity that the Great Huanxi Girl Bodhisattva didn't tell more news.

What Ni Kun was most concerned about was whether there was any organization behind the Great Huanxi Girl Bodhisattva and Liu Sheng Piaoxu, and the Great Huanxi Girl Bodhisattva didn't mention a word.

"Hateful, the tone is too tight, and he refuses to reveal half a word to a dying person..."

Ni Kun spat, and fiddled with the body of the Great Huanxi Nu Bodhisattva with the Yanling knife, trying to find some clues.

But this time, only one kit was found, and there were still only three wax-sealed pills in the kit.

"When you go out to kill people, you don't bring anything but pills...well, it's considered a profession."

Ni Kun gritted his teeth helplessly, put the pills into his purse, and looked around the school grounds strewn with corpses, but couldn't tell which corpse was the "adult" in this body, so he could only say to the corpses:

"I avenged you for killing your family and killing your family, and it can be regarded as the end of karma."

First, because of this body, he was slaughtered a thousand times, which can be regarded as "repaying with death" a thousand times, and now he personally killed two murderers, no matter how big the cause and effect was, he should pay off.

Immediately, he quickly left the school grounds, searched hastily, found the kitchen, found a stack of pancakes, a few pieces of sweet cakes stuffed into the bag, and found a gourd to fill with water, then walked towards the gate of the manor.

He wanted to search for more clues in the manor.

But the biggest secret of this "Moon Worship Remnant", the key to the so-called "Secret Treasure House", is hidden in him, so what else is there to search for?
Although I know almost nothing about this inexplicable world, and I don't know where I will go after leaving the mountain, but no matter what, I have to leave this place of right and wrong first.In case the organization behind Liu Sheng Piao Xu and Da Huan Xi Nu Bodhisattva sends people again, they will lose their lives needlessly at that time.

As for the future, we can only make plans after leaving the danger temporarily.

All the way to the gate of the manor, through the wide open gate of the manor, looking at a winding path extending to the mountains outside, Ni Kun felt a little hesitant in his heart.

According to the Great Huanxi Nu Bodhisattva, this manor is in the deep mountains.

Standing on a high place and looking around, it is true that there are vast mountains and forests, with many peaks and valleys everywhere, and there is no trace of human habitation.

Ni Kun didn't know how deep it was in the mountains, but when he thought of going out on two legs along the winding mountain road hidden in the forest, he felt a little numb in his heart.

"Why don't we check to see if there is any transportation?"

Well, even if there is a means of transportation, it would be donkeys and horses.

He doesn't know how to ride a horse, even if he finds a donkey and a horse and rides on a rugged mountain road, isn't that courting death?

No matter how you can be reborn after death, you can't waste your life in vain.

"Only 48 years of life left, I can't afford to die!"

After hesitating for a while, Ni Kun gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, tightened his burden, and strode out of the manor with a knife in one hand and a water hyacinth in the other.

The mountain road is uneven, twists and turns difficult.

Ni Kun's body is that of a pampered young master. After walking for a while, he was already out of breath, covered in sweat, and felt a faint pain in the soles of his feet.

"It's said to be a remnant of worshiping the moon, but I haven't even practiced martial arts. It seems that I have never exercised in my body. After walking such a small mountain road, I am so tired..."

Looking up at the mountain road that didn't know where it ended, and then looking back at the quiet villa still in sight, Ni Kun complained in his heart, stopped to take a sip of water, took a short rest, and continued on his way.

As a young man who was staying up all night and immersed in 996 blessings before time travel, Ni Kun is naturally not afraid of hardship.

But no matter how hard it is, the physical condition after crossing is not allowed. After walking on this mountain road for a while, you have to rest for a while. At dusk when the sky is full of smoldering clouds, you can climb a mountain and look back. Hey, you can still barely see that The shadow of the villa.

Looking ahead again, there are still vast mountains, and I don't know where the way out is.

It was getting dark.

The mountain wind was getting stronger, and various animal roars could be heard in the wind, and even a few howling wolves could be vaguely heard.

Looking towards the direction of howling wolves for a while, Ni Kun's face was a little dignified.

"I don't know when I can go out of the mountain. No, I can't walk the mountain road at night. I, Ni Kun, have big moves all over my body. If I accidentally get bitten to death by a wolf, it would be really funny..."

He originally wanted to find a cave to rest, but where could he easily find it?

Besides, in the deep mountains and old forests, the caves with better conditions may have already been occupied by various ferocious beasts as nests.

Ni Kun didn't want to risk his life on wild animals in the mountains, so he found a big tree not far from the mountain road that was tall and strong, and a little easier to climb.

He tried his best to climb to the tree, found a thick branch six or seven meters above the ground, and tied himself firmly to the tree with a cloth belt. After that, he ate two pancakes and a piece of sweet cake with cold water to barely fill his stomach. Stomach.

After putting away the remaining pancakes and sweet cakes, Ni Kun sat on a branch, leaning against the tree trunk, trying to fall asleep.

Although the horizontal branches are thick enough, the trunk is reliable enough, and he is tied firmly with a cloth belt, but Ni Kun is always worried unconsciously that he will fall from the tree at night, and hear a few shrill or fierce noises from time to time. The animal howled, so I didn't sleep well all night, and was woken up by the cold mountain wind early in the morning the next day.

When I woke up, I felt dizzy and sore all over.

Fortunately, he didn't get sick and had a fever, so Ni Kun endured the discomfort, first ate a pancake and some water on the tree, and then went down the tree to continue the difficult journey.

three days later.

In a valley, Ni Kun leaned on a wooden stick, looked at the mountain pass that suddenly opened up ahead, and almost burst into tears.

He really didn't expect that this journey would be so difficult, and it took four whole days before he saw the hope of going out of the mountain.

In the past four days, he has not been able to sleep well for a night.

The food was also eaten as early as yesterday morning, and he walked hungry for more than a day.

After running out of food, I felt tired empty-handed, so I threw away the Yanling knife, and threw away most of the ten catties of golden melon seeds in the bag, and only put a small handful in my purse.

He fell down many times when crossing mountains and ridges, his clothes were so dirty that the original color could not be discerned, and were hung in many places by thorns and branches. Coupled with his haggard appearance and messy hairstyle, he looked like a disciple of the beggar gang.

"Fortunately, the hard days are coming to an end!"

Looking at the mountain pass where there were no mountains and forests ahead, Ni Kun leaned on a stick, cheered up his spirits, and strode towards the mountain pass with his remaining courage.

Walking out of the mountain pass, the front is a gentle slope with sparse trees.

Under the gentle slope, there is a dirt road running north-south.

Looking at the two deep ruts on the dirt road and some messy hoof prints of different shades, Ni Kun felt that his exhausted body seemed to be injected with vitality suddenly, so he shouted excitedly and threw his legs away , and ran down the hillside.

Halfway through the run, Ni Kun suddenly tripped over a grass stalk, his feet went limp, he fell to the ground, and rolled down the slope involuntarily, unable to stop at all.

He trekked for several days, and there was another day without much water or rice, and he was already exhausted. After rolling all the way down the hillside, he suddenly felt sore and weak in his limbs, and he was sweating profusely. Gasp on the side of the road.

Eyelids feel even more heavy, and I really want to sleep well.

"No, I can't sleep... In this state, if I fall asleep on the side of the road, I will either get seriously ill or be taken away by wolves... If the body is picked up by passing flower pickers, it will be a blood loss..."

Ni Kun wanted to cheer up, but he was really tired and hungry, too weak, and his eyelids became heavier and heavier unconsciously.

"This body really doesn't live up to expectations. If you are weak like a dog, why don't you just wipe your neck with a dagger, die once, and refresh your state..."

Of course, this is just thinking about it in my heart.

If he really wanted to give himself a knife for nothing in order to refresh his status, he really couldn't do it.

Just when he was about to fall asleep.

Jingle Bell……

A burst of crisp bells came to my ears, and soon stopped near him.

The light in front of Ni Kun's eyes dimmed, and two figures stood in front of him, covering the sunlight.

Then two voices, one female and one male, sounded in turn:
"Road down?"


"A little beggar?"

"Although the clothes are torn, they are made of good material. You may be a troubled young master."

"Brother, do you want to save him?"

"We're bad guys... Forget it, since we met, it's considered good luck for this kid, anyway, it's just a matter of little effort, so I'll give you good deeds and blessings."

Hearing this, Ni Kun couldn't bear it any longer. Anyway, he was confident and not afraid of death, so he simply fell into a deep sleep.

[Ask for a ticket~! 】

(End of this chapter)

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