Lord God hangs up

Chapter 313 Chapter 313, time loop

Chapter 313 Chapter 313, time loop

"You don't have the qualifications to make me stand up."

The extinction sword light, which contains all possible endings of the universe, is like the tide of the Milky Way, rushing towards the Lord of Stars from up, down, left, and all directions.

But the Lord of the Stars still sits peacefully like a mountain.

A bright galaxy with eight spiral arms appeared around him.

In the galaxy, the stars twinkle.

This is not the shrinking galaxies in the samsara universe that represent the samsara worlds.

In this galaxy, there are hundreds of billions of stars, each of which is a real star of various kinds.

The Lord of the Stars sat right in the middle of the galaxy, surrounded by hundreds of billions of stars, covering him in all directions.

The tidal sword light of Tianhe poured into the periphery of the galaxy.

Wherever it passes, the space either collapses, or tears, or freezes, or annihilates, or turns into chaos, or returns to nothingness.The stars also disappeared in pieces.

Every second, hundreds of thousands of real stars are annihilated and dissipated under the light of the extinction sword.

Although the entire galaxy has hundreds of billions of stars, under the attack of the Zhuxian Sword Formation, this seemingly endless galaxy has only lasted for a short dozen days, and most of it has been wiped out.

There is only a thin layer of starlight left, lingering around the body of the Lord of Stars, and it seems that it will not take long to attack him.

"That's right." The Lord of the Stars said with a hint of admiration in his tone, "It's stronger than the Immortal Jade Formation I've broken through before. It only took more than ten days to completely break through this galaxy. It's just... ..."

He raised his right hand, raised his index finger, and above his fingertips, a small galaxy rose up.

"I have refined one hundred and eight thousand acupoints, and in each acupoint, I have refined a galaxy."

The Lord of the Stars said lightly:

"They are my source of strength, and also my supernatural powers, just like your Qingyun. You can spend more than a dozen days to wipe out the first galaxy. But how long will it take you to wipe out all the [-] stars? Eight thousand galaxies?"

While speaking, he flicked his index finger lightly, and the small galaxy at his fingertips instantly swelled and expanded, and turned into a huge real galaxy with hundreds of billions of stars, surrounding the Lord of Stars.

When the galaxy expands.

The Extinct Sword Light, which had already approached the Lord of the Stars, was repelled away again, so it could only repeat the previous pattern, obliterating the outer periphery of this galaxy from scratch.

If the Lord of the Stars hadn't boasted, if he really had one hundred and eight thousand galaxies to protect him, even if he hadn't fought back and let the Zhuxian sword formation attack, it would take Ni Kun thousands of years to wipe out all the one hundred and eight thousand stars Galaxy.

But in the reincarnation universe, how can there be thousands of years?

The entire universe only has a lifespan of more than 300 days - while resisting the attack of the Zhuxian Sword Formation, the Lord of the Stars is still continuing to devour the source of heaven in the universe of reincarnation.

Because of this, the Lord of the Stars has been passively defending, unable to fight back.

But wait until the Lord of the Stars completely devours the source of the heavenly dao of the reincarnation universe, and even swallows the entire reincarnation universe, and wait until he is free...

The Immortal Execution Sword Formation might not be able to trap him either.

Furthermore, the duration of Ni Kun's Zhuxian Sword Formation is also limited.

The Taishang, Yuanshi, and Tongtian he summoned can only exist for one month.

After a month, they will disappear, and Ni Kun, who has consumed a lot, will not be able to call again in a short time.

At that time, even if Ni Kun can continue to maintain the Zhuxian sword formation with his own strength, the power of the sword formation will still be ten percent.

Even if one wants to wipe out a galaxy, it will probably take more than 100 days.

The Lord of the Stars doesn't even need to do anything, he just needs to use the galaxy to protect his body, patiently refine the universe of reincarnation, and when he is done, he can kill Ni Kun with a thunderbolt.

The situation seems irreparable.

Ni Kun's desperate gamble seems to be doomed.

But Ni Kun didn't show any frustration on his face.

There is still a faint smile on the corner of his lips, his eyes are still bright, he is still holding the Immortal Immortal Sword firmly, and constantly swaying the sword light like the tide of the Milky Way.

The projections of Taishang, Yuanshi, and Tongtian are also unmoved, focusing on swinging their swords.

The Immortal Jade Formation is still running with its peak power, and the immeasurable sword light invades the second galaxy around the Lord of the Stars.Every second, hundreds of thousands of stars can be turned into nothingness.

In a flash, more than ten days passed.

There is only a thin layer left in this second galaxy.

But the existence time of Taishang, Yuanshi, and Tongtian is also on the verge of limit, and their bodies have begun to change from real to virtual.

The Lord of the Stars said lightly:

"The four of you combined can barely be a Heavenly Venerable Daoist.

"Unfortunately, you can't even grasp the 'distance'.

"The real Taoist ancestors of heaven will not be blocked by my galaxy. Their attacks can tear or even pass through the galaxy and fall in front of me. Tearing or passing through the galaxy will only cause them to lose their supernatural power at most. [-]%.

"However, you have to start from the periphery and slowly obliterate the galaxy until the entire galaxy is wiped out before you can touch me.

"You have neither the ability nor the time, so why do you still have to resist?"

While speaking, he raised his right hand and raised his index finger.

At the tip of the index finger, a small galaxy appeared again.

With just a flick of a finger, this small galaxy will swell and expand, turning into a new giant galaxy that surrounds the Lord of the Stars, making all the hard work of Ni Kun and others in the past month in vain.

at this time.

For a month, Ni Kun, who had been concentrating on mobilizing the sword array without saying a word, suddenly flicked his sword and smiled:
"You just said that time is on your side?"

The eyes of the Lord of the Stars stared at Ni Kun:


Ni Kun smiled and said: "Don't forget, I am the master of this universe, the avenue of the universe, and the source of time. You have raised your head for too long, so you might as well look down...what happened."

Doubt flashed in the Lord of the Stars' eyes, but he still lowered his head and looked down.

But seeing below, at an unknown time, there appeared a sparkling illusory long river, connected head to tail, forming a seamless ring, surrounding him.

This illusory long river connected end to end even invaded the protective galaxy around him, flowing and spinning silently within the galaxy, without interfering with the galaxy, as if they were in different time and space.

"This is……"

The Lord of the Stars frowned.

Ni Kun teamed up with the Taishang, Yuanshi, and Tongtian he summoned to set up the Zhuxian Sword Formation, which is barely equivalent to a Tianzun Taoist ancestor of the Beihuang Great Universe, and his grasp of "distance" is still quite superficial, and he cannot ignore the distance of the galaxy Block, attack directly in front of him.

However, this illusory long river invaded the interior of the body-protecting galaxy before he was aware of it, formed a ring, and flowed around him.

Is this the avenue of universe and the source of time for Ni Kun to master this universe?
The Lord of the Stars faintly had a bad feeling.

But not too worried.

He stands at the apex of a great universe, the true ancestor of heaven.

With his realm, with the size of the "small universe" that he destroyed most of, even if the source of time fell into the control of others, it would be difficult to have much influence on him.

At most it will be a little troublesome.

"So, what can this do to me?"

The Lord of the Stars looked at Ni Kun:

"Don't say you can't do it, even if you can do it-manipulate the flow of time back, reverse the time of this universe, and make time go back to the heyday of this universe, what can I do? The universe, just blow it up once. And if it happens again, I won't step into the same trap again."

Even if Ni Kun can really reverse the time of this universe and restore everything to its original state, the Lord of the Stars can still push the entire universe horizontally with his own power.

He's done it once, and he'll do it again, no problem.

This is the absolute difference in size.

With the size of the Lord of the Stars, he alone is almost equivalent to the total size of this "universe prototype".

Even if Ni Kun occupies the avenue of the universe, he will always gain his way in this universe.Ni Kun is a part of this universe. No matter how time is manipulated, the volume of this universe will not increase explosively. He can only make a fuss about the inherent volume of the universe.

And that makes no sense.

Regardless of the past, the present, and the soon-to-be-destroyed future, the Lord of the Stars can destroy everything in this "cosmic prototype" with his own power.

And if he does it again, he won't fall for the same trick again.

He must first wipe out all stubborn enemies and destroy all existences that can cause trouble and obstacles to him, and then devour the source of heaven in this universe with peace of mind.

However, the possibility of "starting all over again" does not exist.

With Ni Kun's strength, it is far from enough to reverse the time of the entire universe and restore everything to its original state.

"I never thought about going back to the beginning."

Ni Kun smiled and said:
"I also know that even if I go back to the beginning, I am still not your opponent.

"But you know, what is the biggest difference between me and you?

"That is, I am standing outside the long river of time in this universe, but you... have been submerged by the river."

During the conversation, the time of Taishang, Yuanshi, and Tongtiancun was completely over.

The three masters disappeared quickly, but before the disappearance of the three masters, a phantom that seemed to be condensed by the mysterious Dao pattern flew out of the three masters and fell into the Qingyun above Ni Kun's head.

Ni Kun, who merged into the three phantoms, had a subtle change in his breath.

This subtle change made the Lord of the Stars frown even tighter.

Based on his cultivation, he could tell that the three phantoms were formed by some kind of aura that flowed from the ancient stone gate behind Ni Kun.

It was the aura flowing out of the stone gate that made the three masters more vivid, not like puppet-like projected imprints, but more like living "people".

As a result, the power of Zhuxian Sword Formation increased dramatically, and within a dozen days of effort, a galaxy can be wiped out.

This obliteration is the complete "end".The Xinghe that was wiped out by the Zhuxian Sword Formation cannot be regenerated, so a new Xinghe must be found and refined to make up for the loss.

But this is nothing to the Lord of Stars, because he has a hundred and eight thousand galaxies.

Now, the projections of the three great leaders have disappeared, returning to the long river of time.

But the aura flowing from the stone gate did not dissipate, but condensed into three mysterious phantoms, which merged with Ni Kun, causing his aura to change again.

However, for the time being, this change seems to have little effect.

Only the Zhuxian Sword Formation presided over by Ni Kun was left, its power plummeted by [-]%, and the efficiency of obliterating Xinghe was greatly reduced.

The Lord of the Stars didn't know where Ni Kun's confidence came from.

If we continue to fight, only Ni Kun is left in the Zhuxian Sword Formation, and even his third galaxy is too late to be wiped out, and the universe will face the end.

"If I were you, I should try to escape now." The Lord of the Stars said indifferently: "Before I free my hand, escape as far as I can, so that I may live a little longer..."

As soon as the words fell, the Lord of the Stars was suddenly in a trance, and his mind went blank for a moment.

This phenomenon is very strange.

In a trance?Mind blank?
In his realm, how could this happen.

But soon, the Lord of the Stars couldn't care less about pursuing the previous moment of trance.

Because he found that everything went back to the beginning.

Of course it wasn't the beginning of this universe.

And when the Immortal Execution Sword Formation had just been laid——

Ni Kun, Taishang, Yuanshi, and Tongtian swung their swords at the same time, and the extinction sword light surged towards the Lord of the Stars like the tide of Tianhe.

And the Lord of the Stars has just sacrificed the first galaxy, surrounding his body, to resist the sword light coming from all directions.

It is indeed the first galaxy.

In the acupuncture points all over the body, one hundred and eight thousand galaxies are intact, and the first galaxies that were sacrificed just now began to collide with the Zhuxian Sword Formation.

But the Lord of the Stars clearly remembered that the two galaxies had been completely wiped out by the Zhuxian Sword Formation before.

The Lord of the Stars frowned again.

He found that not only Taishang, Yuanshi, and Tongtian had reappeared, but also his two obliterated galaxies had been restored to their original state. During this month, while resisting the Zhuxian Sword Formation, while refining the fruits of the Heavenly Dao, his achievements inexplicably disappeared.

Everything... seems to be back to a month ago.

"You turned back time to a month ago?"

The memory and cognition of the Lord of the Stars have a little problem.

But he is the ancestor of heaven after all, even if time goes back, he has not completely lost the memory of that month.

It's just that my memory is slightly defective, and my cognition is a little confused. It took me a while to confirm my state.


"Does that make sense?"

The Lord of the Stars said lightly:

"You don't think you can defeat me with this little trick, do you?"

"Maybe I can't defeat you." Ni Kun smiled and said, "But at least, you are trapped in the time loop. Unless you can break the river of time, otherwise, you will be in this one-month loop forever."

The Lord of the Stars failed to control the Dao of the universe of reincarnation. No matter how high his cultivation level is, even if he will not lose his memory due to the passage of time, he can only maintain himself and cannot break the cycle of time.

But he didn't panic because of this, he only said calmly:
"In this way, aren't you also trapped in this month's time loop? Can you still use this month's time to grow beyond me?"

Ni Kun smiled without saying a word.

Although the Lord of the Stars did not completely lose all his memories of the previous month, nor did he lose his understanding of the situation, he was still slightly affected by Ni Kun's manipulation.

For example, the Lord of the Stars does not remember that before the disappearance of the three major leaders, they all sent some of their own things to Ni Kun.

This is what Ni Kun said, he stood outside the long river of time, while the Lord of the Stars was submerged by the "river water".

In fact, if possible, Ni Kun would like the Lord of the Stars to lose all the memories of the previous month.

It's a pity that the Lord of the Stars rank is too high, and Ni Kun tried his best, but he can only make the Lord of the Stars lose that little bit of memory.

But even that little memory is more or less enough.

After all, that is the most critical bit of memory.

The long river of time connects end to end, forming a ring, trapping the Lord of the Stars into a one-month time loop.

Of course Ni Kun is also within this time loop.

But as the master of time in the reincarnation universe, Ni Kun can not only keep all the memories intact, but also keep all the gains of this month, and bring them back to the month before he just set up the Zhuxian Sword Formation.

On the other hand, for the Lord of the Stars, all the harvest of the month has disappeared and nothing has been gained.

This state of ebb and flow is exactly what Ni Kun used to rely on to defeat powerful enemies.

However, unlike before, the Lord of the Stars is too powerful, and Ni Kun doesn't know how many cycles and how long it will take to fill the gap between the two parties to an acceptable level.

But it doesn't matter.

At least in this reincarnation universe, time is on Ni Kun's side.

(End of this chapter)

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