Lord God hangs up

Chapter 312 Chapter 312, forced to fight?

Chapter 312 Chapter 312, forced to fight?
When Ni Kun rushed to the guardian temple, the atmosphere in the temple was very heavy.

The guardians who stayed behind in the temple all frowned and looked worried, as if the sky was about to fall.

"Who will tell me in detail what happened?"

Ni Kun asked while arranging her hair.

His Dharma conference was in full swing before, when suddenly a rainbow light descended on the universe in his painting, and Xiaolongnv brought an idea and sent him a message.

He didn't say what happened, just asked him to come and protect the temple quickly.

Seeing Xiaolongnv's urgent tone, Ni Kun quickly put on her clothes and came straight to the Guardian Temple without even combing her hair.

"Master Xuanzang and the others are missing!"

Xiao Longnu came over to help him comb his hair, and at the same time said quickly:

"More than a month ago, Athena detected..."

After talking about the collapse of the universe, Xuanzang and others went to investigate, and went deep into the dark universe, they suddenly disappeared, and finally concluded:
"Mages and their life lamps have not been extinguished. They should still be alive, but the lights are weak and their condition is very bad. The light of the temple's reception can't find their whereabouts, and they can't be brought back. We have no choice but to invite you to come here. "

Master Xuanzang, Elf Prince, Misaka Mikoto, Rey, and Hulk are all senior guardians.

Master Xuanzang, in particular, is the most powerful among the Guardians this year.

Even the five of them disappeared, and the five guardians who stayed behind in the temple, as well as the little dragon girl, King Kong, and Frieza, if they act rashly and go to the rescue, [-]% of them will continue to give up for nothing.

Therefore, if they don't want to bother Ni Kun any more, the guardians have no choice but to invite him to discuss countermeasures.

After listening to Xiaolongnv's narration, Ni Kun's heart trembled:
"Cosmic collapse? Still trapped the five guardians in one breath?"

Such a big deal is obviously not something ordinary people can do, and it must be related to the "Lord of the Stars".

Ni Kun has been preaching for 49 days, and he has just sorted out the inheritance of Tongtian. He planned to go back to the original universe and retreat for ten years. He had no plan to collide with the Lord of the Stars now.

But the plan couldn't keep up with the changes. The Lord of the Stars obviously had his own rhythm of action and would not act according to Ni Kun's arrangement.

He half-closed his eyes, looking into the depths of the universe, a dim starlight was faintly reflected in his pupils, and the spiritual light flashed in his soul, he deduced silently for a while, and sighed secretly in his heart:

"Athena made a mistake. The remaining time in the reincarnation universe is less than a year..."

Although the current collapse speed of the universe is only one billionth of a second, the collapse will not always maintain a constant speed.

After 250 seven days, the degree of collapse of the universe will exceed the critical point, forming a snowball effect, and the collapse process will be greatly accelerated in the form of an avalanche, rolling faster and faster. In just [-] days, the remaining half of the universe will be completely destroyed. Completely collapsed.

In other words, from now to 360 days later, the entire reincarnation universe will cease to exist, and will be completely swallowed by the Lord of the Stars.

With Ni Kun's current state, and his close relationship with the universe of reincarnation, which involves the survival of the universe of reincarnation, even if the collapse of the universe is related to the Lord of the Stars, his deduction is almost inseparable.

What's more, the Lord of the Stars didn't hide his secrets, and he did the thing of devouring the universe in an upright manner. Ni Kun's deduction can be said to be absolutely accurate.

As for why they didn't even cover up the secrets...

"Don't take me seriously!"

Ni Kun secretly sighed in his heart:

"That's right, if it were me, if I had pushed all the high-end power of one universe and knocked out more than half of one universe, I probably wouldn't have paid too much attention to the last struggle of this universe, would I?
"I can't even hope that the last resistance force in this universe will jump out and fly to the flame..."

What the Lord of the Stars did was not to put Ni Kun in his eyes, but also to lure the snake out of the hole.

Deliberately not concealing the secret, the purpose is to let Ni Kunming clearly know that there is not much time left in this universe, and force him to take the initiative to go to the decisive battle.

"Master Xuanzang and the others, there is a high probability that they have become bait to lure me...Go, or not?"

If he went, he might be forced to fight the Lord of the Stars before he was ready.

But if they don't go, not only Master Xuanzang and the others will surely die, but also there is not much time left.

Even if he was in the universe of origin, the ratio of time flow to the universe of reincarnation can reach ten to one, he can practice in the universe of origin for more than 2000 days before the snowball effect of the collapse of the universe occurs...

But the Lord of the Stars devours the universe of reincarnation, and every time he swallows a point, his strength can grow by a point.

Can Ni Kun's harvest of more than 2000 days of practicing in the reincarnation universe compare to the harvest of the Lord of the Stars swallowing half of the reincarnation universe?
The River of Time emerged from Ni Kun's feet.

Standing on the river, he overlooked the sparkling illusory long river below. Countless pictures were reflected in his pupils, and countless spiritual lights flickered in his mind, colliding with each other to create fierce sparks.

Follow the flow of time.

Ni Kun raised his head and looked towards the lower reaches of the Changhe River.

With his billions of deductions in a single moment, the downstream of the long river of time, every moment, diverges into hundreds of millions of tributaries.

Every tributary corresponds to every different choice he makes.

But no matter what choice he makes, no matter how many tributaries the river of time diverges from, in the end all the tributaries converge at the same point.

That is the end of time.

It is also the end of the reincarnation universe.

Destruction, destruction, destruction, destruction, or destruction...

No matter how he deduces it, no matter what choice he makes, it all leads to the same ending in the end.

The universe is destroyed, everything dies, even Ni Kun himself...

If he does not choose to escape, escape to the original universe, and completely cut off the connection between the two realms, he will perish along with the reincarnation universe.

But is it over after escaping to the original universe?
The Lord of Stars who has completely digested the universe of reincarnation may jump out of the universe and become a truly eternal and immortal existence.

From now on, every universe will be a pond at His feet.He can choose to enter any pond as long as he wants.

At that time, even the reincarnation universe will no longer be safe.

I can only pray to the Lord of the Stars, don't look at the place where the original universe is immeasurable in size but without any inspiration.

However, how could Ni Kun pin his hopes on the enemy's disinterest or compassion?

Even if he can bring the people around him along, even pack the guardian temple and bring it to the original universe.

Ni Kun must also be in a state of panic all day long, worrying day and night about the terror that will come from outside the universe at an unknown time.

"There is still a chance."

Ni Kun closed his eyes and stopped looking at the end of the long river of time.

With a great god like the Lord of the Stars standing on the end of the long river of time that seems destined to lead to destruction, Ni Kun's deduction is actually not absolutely accurate.

All he saw was destruction.

But in the dark, there is also a glimmer of life.

It's just that the glimmer of life was obscured by the huge shadow of the Lord of the Stars, making it impossible for him to see it clearly.

The Lord of the Stars may not interfere with Ni Kun's deduction of the specific time when the end of the reincarnation universe will come, but it will definitely interfere with the secrets and blind the way forward, making Ni Kun unable to see where the road is.

That being the case, let's clear up the complete confusion first.

As long as you are willing to make a certain determination, you can find your vitality.

Ni Kun suddenly opened his eyes, and the illusory river of time under his feet suddenly disappeared.

He looked at the huge statue of Athena in the depths of the guardian temple.

"Athena, I need your strength."

He said lightly.

"As you wish." Athena's soft voice sounded.

Purple air rushed out of Ni Kun's head, turned into Qingyun, spread for a hundred thousand miles, and covered the entire Guardian Temple in a blink of an eye.

Dang Qingyun restrained himself.

The guardian temple is nowhere to be found, and even the guardians in the temple do not know where they went.

"Next... is the prototype of reincarnation."

Ni Kun's figure flashed, and in the next moment, he appeared in the core space of the small cube of reincarnation.

He raised his hand and pressed the unpredictable ball of light in the core space of the small cube of reincarnation.

When he first came into contact with this light sphere, Ni Kun was almost assimilated by this light sphere and became the "little master god" of the small cube reincarnation.

but now.

In just an instant, the light ball controlling the small reincarnation of the entire cube has been absorbed by Ni Kun instantly.

Numerous images flashed across Ni Kun's pupils in an instant.

Each picture is an infinite cycle of a small thousand world and all creatures in the small thousand world, from creation to destruction to regeneration.

The aura on Ni Kun's body began to rise steadily and expand continuously.

His eyes became more and more indifferent, and his aura gradually became inhuman, as if the will of heaven was hanging high.

When the countless pictures in his pupils disappeared, his pupils had become blank, as if they could reflect everything in the entire samsara universe, he could see countless worlds and countless creatures at a glance, sort out all causes and effects, and see through the past and future, but Lost all emotional ups and downs.

The small cube world of reincarnation disappears.

Ni Kun appeared in the void of the universe again.

There are shining stars in front, back, left, and right, and in all directions.

Looking carefully, each star is a miniature galaxy tightly covered by an invisible crystal wall.

These "stars" are all surviving reincarnation worlds.

And at the bottom of the sky full of stars, in the darkness like a bottomless abyss, there is a piece of broken land with no shelter or shelter floating.

The land seemed to be made up of countless building blocks, with the edges peeling off and falling into the bottomless abyss.

On the land, there are countless messy city ruins and endless doomsday monsters.

It is the garbage dump at the bottom of the universe, the doomsday wasteland.

Ni Kun stands in the void, his indifferent pupils reflect countless stars.

At this moment, he seemed to become the origin of the universe, and all existence revolved around him.It also seems to be the end of the universe, all existence will eventually collapse on him.

Suddenly, all the acupoints on his body opened at the same time, and the "stars" representing the worlds of reincarnation, drawn by some invisible force, drew brilliant light marks in the void, all moving towards He threw it and sank into his acupuncture point.

But for a moment.

All the "stars" have all entered Ni Kun's body.Even the end of the wasteland was thrown into the acupoints on the soles of his feet.

The small half of the reincarnation universe that was still intact fell into the deepest darkness, no different from the large half of the dark universe that was destroyed by the Lord of Stars.

The only source of light is Ni Kun.

There are countless star lights projected from the inside of his skin, illuminating the darkness around him.

And his figure is also constantly expanding.

Ten feet, one hundred feet, one thousand feet...thousands of miles, ten thousand miles...millions of miles...

In the blink of an eye, he has swelled into a giant with thousands of miles away.

It's just that in this empty and dark void, all tangible and intangible references are lost, and the volume seems to be meaningless no matter how large it is.

Suddenly, a deep voice came from the depths of the dark universe:

"In order not to be swallowed by me, should I swallow it first? It's also a way. It's a pity...

"With your realm, so many worlds are suddenly engulfed, and under the scouring of endless information, can you still maintain yourself?

"Now you, are you a party to the 'Universal Formation', or a person?"

Amidst the low laughter, a pair of starry eyes appeared in front of Ni Kun:

"Look, you have almost transformed into the Dao of Heaven, which is almost the same as the Dao of Heaven without self...

"Without my help, your body will also expand and explode, turning into a rudimentary universe. Your primordial spirit will also evolve into the source of the heavenly dao of that rudimentary universe... Just like this universe, in many worlds, Pangu opened the sky. , the same as the legend of the embodiment of all things.

"So, what's the point of everything you've done?

"Not only have you lost yourself and swallowed you, everything in your rudimentary universe will still belong to me..."

In front of Tianzun Daozu, distance is meaningless.

Even if there are infinite galaxies, or even the distance of the entire universe, for Tianzun Daozu, it is no different from veneering.

The starry eyes stared at Ni Kun standing on the other side of the universe, without any intention of making a move, as if waiting for him to expand himself to the limit and evolve into a prototype of the universe.

The figure was constantly expanding, but because there was no reference, Ni Kun, who had no idea how much it had expanded, suddenly had a strange smile on his face:

"You can't see through me?"


"You didn't see through me." Ni Kun laughed.

He shouldn't have laughed like this, he should have completely lost his self-awareness and turned into a high-ranking "Day of Heaven".

His eyes were indeed as high as the sky, indifferent and impersonal.

His smile also seemed a bit forced, but there was a real sense of joy in that big laugh.

In front of Ni Kun, the starlight of the Lord of the Stars was shining brightly, like the eyes of two galaxies, there was a faint solemnity.

Ni Kun laughed loudly:

"The avenue of the universe and the root of time are in my hands. After I got the avenue of the universe, every change of my thoughts can make a branch of the long river of time. Can you guess how many times I have changed my thoughts now?"

"So that's how it is... You pulled you from all the tributaries of the long river of time, and used countless wills of you to fight against Taoism... But does this make any sense? You who have controlled the Dao of the Universe have become time." The "only" in the world, no matter how many you are pulled over, there will only be a superposition of will, and it will not superimpose the power of those tributaries on you..."

"Of course it makes sense. All I need is the will."

In Ni Kun's indifferent eyes, reflecting the universe, a touch of humanity suddenly appeared:

"You haven't taken the initiative to attack me until now, it's not that you don't want to, but you can't, right?
"You haven't completely devoured the entire root of the Heavenly Dao, and you can't even withdraw, because you have become an important pillar to maintain the existence of this universe. Once you withdraw, this universe will collapse instantly, and your previous efforts will be wasted.

"So, you can only devour this universe passively. If I don't take the initiative to find you, you can only watch me grow stronger as you are now..."

The Lord of the Stars said lightly:
"So what? You have attained the Dao in this universe, and no matter how strong you are, you can't beat me. After 360 days, I will be able to completely free my hands. At that time, you will have nowhere to escape. Not only will you be with this universe Ji Mi, everything you have will also become my resource for climbing higher... Cherish your last time, 360 days a day."

"Really?" Under Ni Kun's feet, the sparkling river of time floated out again.

The Three Treasures Ruyi flew out, and Yuanshi Tianzun held Ruyi and surfaced.

The Linglong Pagoda flew out, and Taishang Laozi had the pagoda on his head and surfaced out of the water.

Zhu Xianjian flew out, and the leader of Tongtian Sect held the sword and surfaced out of the water.

In the first mastery of the avenue of the universe, Ni Kun summoned Yuanshi, Tongtian, and Ru from the long river of time, and could only maintain their existence for five seconds.

But now, with the inheritance of Tongtian, the fusion of the guardian temple, the small cube of reincarnation, and countless surviving reincarnation worlds, the projection imprint summoned by Ni Kun has been able to exist for a full month.

Immortal Killing Sword and Immortal Absolute Sword flew out and fell into the hands of Yuan Shi and Lao Tzu.

Ni Kun also holds the Immortal Trapping Sword, and together with Taishang, Yuanshi, and Tongtian, lays down the Immortal Execution Sword Formation.

In front of Tianzun Daozu, there is no distance.

Once the Zhuxian Sword Formation was completed, in the depths of the dark universe, the starlight that was devouring the universe fell into the center of the sword formation.

A majestic Taoist with star-like eyes is sitting cross-legged in the starlight.

This Taoist is the Lord of the Stars.

"Taishang, Yuanshi, and Tongtian. They are just defeated." The Lord of the Stars sat still, and said indifferently: "Even if you are added, what can I do?"

"You defeated only the Sanqing leader of this universe." Ni Kun smiled slightly: "I invited, but not just that."

Outside the sword array, behind Ni Kun, suddenly appeared an ancient stone gate full of cracks.

The stone door opened slowly.

The endless and mysterious aura, like a tide, gushed out from the door and fell on Ni Kun, Taishang, Yuan Shi, and Tong Tian.

Ni Kun's aura was only slightly enhanced.

However, the aura of Taishang, Yuanshi, and Tongtian changed subtly at this moment.

Not getting stronger.

Instead, become more angry.

The branding projection was originally like a puppet. Although it is strong, it doesn't have much wisdom. It will only act according to the wishes of the summoner.

And this moment.

The eyes of Taishang, Yuanshi, and Tongtian all changed strangely, as if...

Live people.

Laozi is invincible, Yuanshi is majestic and arbitrary, and he is fierce and fierce.

Ni Kundao has never been limited to the reincarnation universe.

Sensing the subtle changes of the Sanqing leader, the lord of the stars was slightly moved:
"Oh? This doesn't look like a branded projection pulled from the long river of time..."

Ni Kun flicked his sword and laughed long:

"Now, I think, you should at least stand up."

As soon as the words fell, Ni Kun swung out the Immortal Trapping Sword, which froze through the universe and ended all movement. The light of the Extinct Sword that froze even time and space poured out towards the Lord of the Stars.

Lao Tzu, Yuan Shi, and Tong Tian also unleashed their swords together, and the Zhu Xian sword array was in motion, and all the possibilities of the end of the universe evolved in the light of the swords, rushing towards the Lord of the Stars.

【Request a ticket! 】

(End of this chapter)

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