Lord God hangs up

Chapter 30 030, Grand Master!

Chapter 30 030, Grand Master!

Simultaneously with the explosion on the mountain, there was also the sound of fighting like a beating drum.

Hearing this movement, there was a sudden commotion on the river.

On many boats moored across the river, warriors armed with knives and swords poured out of their cabins, tiptoeing towards the hill above the Buddha statue, pointing and pointing.

"Someone sneaked up to the mountain above the head of the Buddha statue at night? What is that for?"

"It can't be said that he is the enemy of the Buddha. He wants to destroy the holy relic of the Buddha and damage the reputation of the Buddha!"

"Anyone who has a reason to do this and dares to do so is probably a Demon Sect!"

"Hey, here's some fun to watch..."

Amidst the discussion, on the mountains on both sides of the Buddha statue, Buddhist masters stationed and guarded rushed up, stepped on the treetops, and flew towards the mountain top of the Buddha statue.

The martial monks who were stationed on the platform at the foot of the Buddha statue also became vigilant for the first time. They raised their knives and whistle sticks to form a line of defense to guard against someone taking advantage of the chaos on the top of the mountain to attack the foot of the mountain from the river and destroy the Buddha statue.

There are also secular masters who are friendly with Buddhism and shout loudly:

"All friends from the rivers and lakes, please keep your own responsibilities, and don't cause chaos. The Xiaoxiao on the mountain will be dealt with by all the eminent monks..."

Just as he was speaking, a thunderous roar suddenly erupted on the river bank opposite the Buddha statue:
"I found it, here it is! The thief is gone, and my disciple's life will be returned!"

Amidst the roar, a black monk who looked like a bear rushed up the river with a Zen stick in his hand. There was nothing under his feet to rely on, but he was able to gallop across the river like flying.The straw sandals on the feet stepped on the water, splashing white waves, but the uppers of the shoes were not even wet.

This kind of lightness kung fu made the corners of the eyes of many martial arts practitioners twitch, and they shouted in their hearts: Where did this eminent monk come from?
Even the red-robed man with the bronze ghost mask showing only his smooth forehead and slender sword eyebrows couldn't help being surprised in his deep eyes when he saw the monk's lightness kung fu. It can't weigh more than a hundred catties, and with such a weight, it can run directly on the water. This kind of skill is not inferior to the so-called "Great Master".

When everyone was suspicious, the monk was already aggressive, and he went straight to the Buddha statue on the other side.

On the way, when he encountered a ship moored in front of him, the monk couldn't bear to dodge, so he swung his Zen staff and blasted out a big hole in the middle of the several-foot-long ship, and plunged into the hole again. , and broke out from the other side of the ship in an instant.

The shattered ship planks were splashed in all directions, and the hull with two large transparent holes was flooded with water crazily, and sank quickly.More than a dozen boatmen and passengers fell into the water screaming, and two surrounding boats rushed to rescue them.

Everyone saw that the monk was so cruel, how could they not know that this person is definitely not a kind person?

Immediately, a real Buddhist master shouted angrily:
"Where did the monster dare to pretend to be a monk, indiscriminately injure innocent people in front of the Buddha statue, and ruin the reputation of Buddhism?"

When the shouts sounded, there were already two Buddhist masters jumping up from the two big boats beside them, and each issued a fierce and ferocious Vajra palm force, attacking the monk from left to right.

The monk shouted, "Go away!"

Swinging the Zen staff with one hand, he swept out a large arc with the momentum of sweeping thousands of troops.

Then I heard two loud bangs, and the two Buddhist masters who were pinching them fell back at a faster speed than when they came, crashed back into the boat, spurted blood, and their arms were deformed. hit hard.

The momentum of the monk's impact was not hindered at all, and he rushed to the opposite bank unimpeded all the way, and set foot on the platform at the foot of the Buddha statue.

On the platform where the pair of big feet of the Buddha statue stepped, there had already been a defensive line of martial monks and masters. Seeing the evil monk come ashore, all the monks and masters immediately shouted in unison, brandishing their knives and whistle sticks, and stepped forward to besiege.

Seeing the monks attacking, the monk roared impatiently:
"A bunch of bald thieves, kill them all!"

During the roar, the soles of the feet slammed on the ground, the ground cracked and shook violently, and all the monks and masters were shaken by the force of the shock from the electric shock, their bodies were suddenly unstable, and their moves were slightly messy.

The monk took the opportunity to wave his Zen stick, and swept away thousands of troops with a simple and unpretentious blow.

Where the Zen stick passed, the wind roared like a tiger roaring.

After a burst of bangs, the knives and whistle sticks of all the master monks broke and flew. All the monks whose weapons collided with the Zen sticks had their jaws burst, their palms trembling, their chests were struck by lightning, and they vomited blood and burst back.

With just one move, more than a dozen master monks were repelled and injured. The tyranny of this monk made people startled and looked sideways, and they all speculated about his origin.

And the monk broke through the defensive line with one blow, stomped his big foot on the ground again, his body rose into the sky like a rocket as the gravel flew, and he jumped nearly ten feet high, and landed directly on the right knee of the Buddha statue.

Then he stomped his feet violently, knocking the Buddha statue's right knee to the ground, and the stones flew away. Taking advantage of the momentum, his figure rushed up again and jumped towards the Buddha statue's shoulder.

Seeing this scene, the eyes of all Buddhist masters were tearing apart, and they all angrily reprimanded:

"Demon dare you!"

"Stop, don't damage the Buddha statue!"

"Amitabha, harming innocent people and destroying holy images, this is the devil!"

Amidst all kinds of angry shouts and the sound of the Buddha's chant, several figures appeared from various places, performed lightness kung fu, and chased up the mountains on both sides of the Buddha statue.

Those figures were extremely fast, like phantoms, and those who knew them exclaimed:

"Truth Word Master! That is the Truth Word Master!"

"Honorable Emperor Xin! Master Jiaxiang! Zen Master Daoxin! Zen Master Wisdom! He is actually one of the Four Great Sages!"

"Unexpectedly, the four great monks have entered Shu together!"

"The statue of the Buddha is now in the world, and it is only natural for the four great monks to go to Sichuan to pay homage to the holy relics."

"Who is that eminent monk? Why have you never seen him before? With such a young appearance, how can his lightness kung fu be comparable to that of a master of truth?"

"Ah, that one seems to be... Chan Master Liao Kong from Jingnian Temple in Luoyang! Don't look at Chan Master Kong's young appearance, but in fact he is an eminent monk of the same generation as the Four Great Sage Monks. His Kurong Zen skills are unfathomable, and he has even reached the The state of rejuvenation and rejuvenation, rejuvenation..."

"Master Zhenyan, the Four Great Sages, Zen Master Liaokong... Unexpectedly, there are six eminent Buddhist monks in the world who have come to pay homage to the Buddha's holy relics! That evil monk came to destroy the Buddha statue and provoke the Buddhist sect. There are six great virtues here!"

"The six eminent monks join forces, even if the evil monk has the cultivation level of a great master, he will still be hated on it!"

Amidst the exclamation of the crowd, the evil monk had already jumped to the right shoulder of the Buddha statue, then leaped up to the top of the Buddha statue, stepped on the topknot of the Buddha statue recklessly, and rushed into the mountains and forests.

While the monks shouted and reprimanded, the six eminent monks, including Master Zhenyan, also rushed up the mountain like lightning, followed by dozens of Buddhist master monks, and even some masters in secular attire.

On the boat on the surface of the river, among the martial arts people watching the excitement, someone said:
"I seem to have seen the amorous son Hou Xibai!"

"He's not a disciple of Buddhism, so why join in the fun with Buddhism? Uh, who is that young master next to him? His body is so chic and good-looking, and he moves so fast, he's not inferior to the passionate young master..."

"My lord? Although that person is wearing men's clothing, judging from his back and waist posture, he seems to be a woman... Could it be the new lover of the amorous young master?"

While discussing, someone suddenly slapped his hands and shouted:
"Oh! It's a rare event in martial arts that has been seldom seen for many years. It will be of great benefit to me and others in martial arts if I can watch Kanxiang one or two! The passionate son is anxious to follow, I am afraid that he is going to watch The masters fight!"

"Yes, such a grand event is not to be missed!"

At present, many martial arts practitioners jumped from their boats, or swept several feet to the shore, or threw wooden boards on the river to step on them.

Many martial arts masters stationed at the foot of the Buddha statue have been injured, and a large number of masters chased the evil monk up the mountain. Moreover, Buddhism also needs to be imaged. It is impossible to argue with so many martial arts people with different backgrounds. They can let them cross the line of defense, unfold their movements, climb mountains and forests, and rush to the top of the mountain.

On the wupeng boat where the man in the red robe was, the two old men were eager to try:
"Zuo Shi, this is a big scene, do you want to go and have a look?"

"Yes, Zuo Shi, the defense line of Buddhism is in chaos, so I just took the opportunity to go over and find out."

The man in the red robe pondered for a while, then nodded and said:
"Okay, let's go and have a look!"

After all, with a wave of his sleeves, the black boat under his feet suddenly seemed to be pushed by an invisible big hand. The bow of the boat split the waves, splashing water on both sides, and the speedboat rushed towards the foot of the mountain on the right side of the Buddha statue.

[Ask for a ticket~! 】

(End of this chapter)

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