Lord God hangs up

Chapter 29 029, Gathering of Experts

Chapter 29 029, Gathering of Experts

An hour later.

In the grove where Zhang Liang, the shadowless pink peony, was buried, a monk came.

This monk has a dark face and a bear-like body. He has a saber hanging from his waist, and he is carrying a water-milled iron Zen staff as thick as a goose egg. He looks fierce and ferocious.

He strode into the woods, looked around for a while, saw no one, and was about to raise his voice, when suddenly his face changed slightly, his nose fluttered in a sniffing manner, and then he took a big step, went straight into the forest, without hesitation. Came to a bush of thorns.

Seeing the obvious traces of breaking ground in the thornbush, the monk's face twitched twice, and he stomped his foot violently. The ground shook, and a mud spring exploded in the thornbush, and it was thrown in all directions, revealing a pit.

In the pit lay a young man with a sunken head and a pale face. Both his hands and feet were cut off, and they were piled up on him indiscriminately.

This young man was Zhang Liang. Seeing his tragic death, the monk beat his chest heavily with his fists, and raised his head to the sky and let out a mournful cry:
"Disciple, you died so badly! Who, who dares to kill my apprentice Mao Tai?"

In a fit of rage, the monk brandished his Zen stick and beat around the forest.

Whether it's a thick tree or a stone as big as a millstone, they will break when they are next to each other, and they will break when they are touched.

For a moment, it seemed as if a series of explosions had occurred in the forest. Big trees fell down one after another, and boulders splashed all over the sky, and then exploded into pieces.

He vented like this for quite a while, until the small half of the forest was razed to the ground, and the monk stopped panting heavily.

He went back to Zhang Liang's body, took his body out of the pit, dug the pit deeper and bigger, put Zhang Liang's body back, put his hands and feet together, and then filled the pit with soil. I made a grave bag.

He cut down another tree trunk, trimmed it with a Jie knife, and made a simple tombstone tree in front of the grave. Then he said to the grave with red eyes:

"Disciple, just wait. After I have taken the head of your enemy's family as my teacher, I will find you a place with a treasured geomantic omen and a grand burial!"

After finishing speaking, he picked up the Zen staff, followed the induction in the dark, took big steps, and galloped away.

Just when the monk was furious in the woods.

Ni Kun, Wan Hou, and Wen Caiting have come to the opposite bank of the Leshan Giant Buddha, standing on a hilltop, looking at the giant Buddha sitting with its back to the mountain and its head level with the mountain.

It was already dark at this time, but the river surface in front of the Buddha's feet seemed to be brightly lit.

I don't know how many large ships are moored across the river, and there are monks and nuns on the deck facing the Buddha, sitting cross-legged and chanting sutras.There are also good believers facing the Buddha, burning incense and prostrating, and paying homage devoutly.

In order to exert the influence of the Buddha, the Buddhist gate did not block off the surrounding areas of the Buddha, and no one is allowed to come to worship, but no one is allowed to touch the Buddha statue at will, so as not to cause damage to the Buddha statue.

Therefore, at the foot of the Buddha statue, and on the mountains on the left and right sides, there are masters of monks and monks stationed and guarded.

Of course, since this great Buddha is regarded as "the manifestation of the Buddha", serious monks and nuns must not dare to desecrate it.

Those martial monk masters stationed around the giant Buddha are mainly guarding against some people in the martial arts who have no awe of the Buddha, and the focus is on guarding against the magic gate that has been fighting against the Buddha for many years.

But as long as no damage is done, even if people from the Demon Sect come to visit, Buddhist masters will probably turn a blind eye to it even if they find out.

Maybe the people in the Demon Sect will be shocked by the spectacle of the Buddha's appearance, put down the butcher's knife, and become a Buddha right away?

Even the evil king Shi Zhixuan and the Buddhist sect have tried to convert him, and the Buddhist sect does not necessarily have to kill all the other demons, it is best to be able to convert them.

Looking at the Giant Buddha for a while by the lights of the boats on the river, Wan Wan said:

"Young master, what is the mystery of this giant Buddha statue, is it worth our night to investigate?"

Now she directly refers to Ni Kun as "Young Master", omitting his surname, and using the word "we", trying to subtly classify herself and Ni Kun as the same group, and subtly let Ni Kun treat her as her own. For our own people.

Such little tricks to get closer to each other are not worth mentioning, but it is really hard for ordinary people to resist under the deliberate use of Yaoyao Nu, and I am afraid that they will really take her as their own without knowing it.

Even Ni Kun didn't dislike her way of speaking, and replied with a smile:

"As I expected, this Leshan Giant Buddha is not an ordinary spectacle, it has its own mystery.

"The Buddhist sect has already discovered the giant Buddha. I originally thought that the Buddhist sect might have discovered the mystery of this place long ago and obtained the benefits. There would not be too many opportunities left for me.

"I never thought that because of the illusory theory of 'Buddha's manifestation', they would be too awed by this Buddha statue and regard it as a miracle. They never dared to search carefully on the head of the Buddha statue, but they missed the opportunity."

After observing for a while, Ni Kun could see clearly that the Buddhist masters were only stationed at the foot of the giant Buddha statue and on the mountains on the left and right sides.

On the hill above the Buddha statue, there is no sign of any Buddhist masters.

Apparently, people in the Buddhist sect did not dare to collide with the so-called "Buddha's manifestation of holiness" miracle, and did not dare to do anything suspected of "overriding" the head of the Buddha statue.

As for the entrance of Lingyun Grotto, Ni Kun remembered, it happened to be on the top of the mountain where the head of the giant Buddha rested.

"Buddhist sects are bound by their beliefs, and they dare not go above the head of the giant Buddha. Those martial arts people who come to join in the fun don't intend to offend the Buddhist sect for no reason. They forcibly bypass the blocking of many master monks and go to the mountain above the head of the Buddha statue. That's cheap. I..."

Ni Kun smiled slightly and said:

"Let's go downstream to cross the river, and then go around to the top of the Buddha statue from the mountain behind the Buddha statue."

Wan Hou's expression moved, her beautiful eyes sparkled with brilliance, and she looked a little excited:

"Young master, is this going to... trample the giant Buddha statue under your feet, and humiliate the Buddhist sect in full view? Even cut off the head of the giant Buddha statue? Do you have any enmity with the Buddhist sect?"

"What nonsense?" Ni Kun gave the demon girl a bad look: "Where did I have a grudge with the Buddhist sect? For no reason, what did I do by stepping on the Buddha statue, humiliating the Buddhist sect, and beheading the Buddha's head? Isn't that full of food?" ?”

Hou Hou was a little disappointed immediately: "Then why did you go around the top of the giant Buddha?"

Ni Kun said lightly: "I have my reasons."

Now the three of them marched down towards the giant Buddha, chose a narrower part of the river to cross the river by bamboo, and made a detour, from the back of the mountain behind, they used lightness kung fu to climb over the mountain and through the forest, and went around the top of the giant Buddha. .

During this process, Ni Kun lay on Wen Caiting's back the whole time, and Wen Caiting carried it on her back. Looking straight at it, Mo Ming was astonished, wondering if this old monster Ni Kun had some eccentricity?


Just when the three of Ni Kun were sneaking in the mountains.

Upstream, a Uppong boat went down the river.

A tall figure dressed in a red Shu brocade robe, a bronze mask, a small black gauze crown, and a wine gourd tied on a jade belt around his waist. His clothes fluttered in the wind, as if he was about to fly away in the wind, with his hands behind his back. Standing on the bow of the boat, Zhuo looked at the river not far ahead, which was lined with sails and masts and brightly lit.

Behind this person stood two old men, both with high noses and deep eyes, who looked like people from the Western Regions.

The atmosphere of the Sui Dynasty was open, and it was the co-lord of the forty small countries in the Western Regions. People from the Western Regions were very common in the country.

Not only is it common, but it can also be a high-ranking official, like Wang Shichong, who is a barbarian from the Western Regions with very obvious appearance characteristics.

So in the Great Sui Empire, no matter where you see barbarians from the Western Regions, it is not worth making a fuss about.

"That's the Leshan Giant Buddha? It's really magnificent, and it's a spectacle!" Among the two old men, the red-faced old man on the right hand, holding a wine gourd, said while drinking: "I've heard its name for a long time, but I have never entered it. Shu Yiguan, I didn't expect that the first time I saw it was in this late Sui Dynasty!"

The old man on the left with a deer head cane frowned and said: "Master, please be careful."

The old man who was drinking chuckled: "Brother, you are too cautious. There are only three of us on the boat. The Eastern Zuo Envoy is a wise man and knows more than us. What are you afraid of?"

The old man with the deer head crutches shook his head, didn't bother to say much, glanced at the giant Buddha casually, and then swept across the back of the man in the red robe in front, a very hidden look of covetousness flashed in his eyes, and then looked at the giant Buddha again. The boats on the river swept back and forth, looking for any Buddhist nuns or secular beauties that could be seen by the lights.

The red-robed man in front didn't say a word, he looked at the river calmly, inspected the flags on some big ships, and felt some hidden auras intently.

"Bameng and Chuanbang have come to join in the fun. On the monks' boat, there are many guru auras. In addition to the master of truth, there are other eminent monks here? There are so many Buddhist masters in the middle of Sichuan. The strength of Buddhism is really profound. Bottomless..."

But it's not uncommon to think about it. There are more than a hundred temples on Mount Emei alone, and there are many temples inside and outside Chengdu. There are so many temples and so many masters, it's really not worth making a fuss about.

While he was thinking about it, there was a loud shout from the mountain near the head of the giant Buddha:
"Sorceress, sneaking in the middle of the night, what do you want to do?"

The explosion was like thunder, shaking the Quartet for a while.

[Ask for a ticket~! 】

(End of this chapter)

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