Lord God hangs up

Chapter 269 Chapter 269, bloody battle in the void!The real body of the demon!

Chapter 269 Chapter 269, bloody battle in the void!The real body of the demon!

Ni Kun originally wanted to follow the guardians to fight and meet the army of extraterrestrial demons.

However, Xuanzang and the others politely rejected his request to fight.

"Mr. Ni is a visitor from afar. He has come to our Guardian Temple. He hasn't even had a sip of hot tea. How can he have the nerve to let you join the battle? Sir, please sit here, and we will be able to repel the invading enemy soon. Come back to clean up the dust for you."

Qiao Feng also said sincerely:

"That's right. The invading enemy is very powerful this time, and we all need to go out to fight. In order to prevent the demon from stealing our home, I also ask Brother Ni to stay in the temple and help us guard the rear."

The words are nice, but Ni Kun always feels that they think that they are not strong enough to participate in this level of battle.

Otherwise, what the hell is the demon stealing the house?

The temple is guarded by the virtual god Athena, even if Xuan Wuyue and other alien demons commit suicide, they can't easily defeat Athena, right?At worst, it can be delayed until you come back to help, right?

Besides now there is me here.

Then if I'm not here, you all come out, the temple is unguarded, and what if the demon steals the house?
Ni Kun complained in his heart, and wanted to tell them that he had seen the scene of the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation before, and he died more than 2 times. Could it be that this cosmic battlefield defending the Guardian Temple is more difficult to survive than the copy of the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation? ?

It's a pity that I couldn't prove to them that I possessed the ability of "everything will never wear off", so the idea of ​​participating in the war failed to come true after all.

All ten golden armor guardians were dispatched to face the foreign enemies.So Xiaolongnv was left to accompany Ni Kun in the Guardian Temple.

Although the little dragon girl successfully put on the Andromeda battle suit and was promoted to a guardian, and the nebula chain was also good, and she was able to block the blow of the holy child demon, but with her current strength, she is still not suitable to participate in this kind of battle. Massive Void Wars.

After all, Xiao Longnu is not a natural God of War like Qiao Feng.Once Qiao Feng was promoted, with a little adaptation, he would be able to join the vast battlefield immediately and fully display his strength at the level of a guardian.

In addition, before Xuanzang left, he created a temporary virtual personality for Frieza.

Now Frieza has regarded himself as a defensive turret, standing on a cannon emplacement, with his arms raised high, palms facing outward, ready to fire "cannonballs" at any time, bombarding the fish that escaped the line of defense.

Accompanied by the little dragon girl, Ni Kun came to a crystal-clear pool in the front hall of the temple. Through the screen projected by the pool, he watched the battle between the guardian and the alien demon.

When Ni Kun lowered his head and stared at the picture of the pool, he only felt that his sight, through the picture of the pool, came to the outside of the temple, above the vast void battlefield, overlooking the entire battlefield from a magical perspective of God.

On one side are warships of various shapes densely packed, innumerable, and hideous in shape.

There are millions of battleships, including all-metal technology warships full of industrial beauty in sci-fi movies such as Star Wars, StarCraft, and Starship Troopers, as well as monstrous warships that look like giant insects, half biological and half metal, and even It is a flesh and blood battleship that looks like a huge mass of flesh and has an extremely strange and disgusting shape.

In addition, there are some battleships full of fantasy and magic styles, like flying castles, and a few battleships that look like huge swords, shining with spiritual light, and are suspected of cultivation style.

In contrast to so many space battleships of different styles and types, there are only a handful of ten guardians.

Regardless of the number or the apparent shape and size, the guardians have fallen to an absolute disadvantage.

It looks like ten insignificant little ants trying to stop the migrating wildebeest herd on the African prairie.

With such a comparison of the situation, even Ni Kun knew that the guardians had been guarding the temple for many years, so he couldn't help breaking into a cold sweat for them.

The temple hadn't been breached yet, but the guardians had been changed a lot.

Ni Kun didn't want to see one or two of his new friends sacrificed in this battle.

At this time, Xiaolongnv's voice sounded in Ni Kun's ears:

"Don't worry, after I came here, I also witnessed two big battles. Xiaoya and the others are very powerful, and the cannon fodder of the demons from outside the territory can't do anything to them."

While speaking, the space battleships that filled the sky had already started firing their main guns.

Countless energy beams, thick or thin, of different colors merged into a colorful torrent of energy, overwhelmingly blasting towards the guardians.

Facing the concentrated fire of countless warships.

Rey Palpatine, the guardian of Aries, took a step forward, pushed forward with one palm, and erected an invisible giant wall of crystal, lying in front of the guardians.

When the energy torrent formed by the energy shells hit the huge crystal wall, it was like raindrops falling in a pond, stirring up dense ripples.

But that's all, the crystal wall as a whole is safe and sound.

After this long-storage concentrated fire, the main guns of the enemy ship began to recharge.But there are still dense energy cannonballs, plasma cannonballs, solid cannonballs... like clusters of meteor rainstorms, shooting towards the guardians.

It's just that compared with the previous concentrated main cannon fire that was so dense that there was no gap, like a torrent of energy, the current offensive only looks huge, but in fact there are countless gaps for the guardians to move and dodge calmly.

Rey withdrew the crystal wall.

The guardians walked among all kinds of bullets, like golden arrows of light going upstream, rushing against the surging fleet.

Guo Jing of the Libra Zodiac threw out a punch violently, and flew out of a hundred dragon-shaped vigor.

When he first made his move, the hundreds of dragons were only tens of meters long.

But after the shot, the dragon-shaped vigor continued to expand and expand, and soon expanded into a giant dragon with hundreds of kilometers in length.

And the flying speed is like lightning. Wherever it passes, all the shells are swallowed by the hundreds of kilometers of dragons, and then the lightning sweeps tens of thousands of miles, and plunges into the huge battleship formation.

The giant dragon roared, and its minions were ferocious. Wherever it passed, giant ships hundreds of thousands of meters, or even tens of thousands of meters, exploded one after another like eggs shot by bullets, blooming into blossoms. Bright fireworks.

With just one blow, hundreds of warships were wiped out.

In front of Leo Misaka Mikoto, hundreds of dense metal balls suddenly appeared in the air.

Each metal ball has a diameter of about three meters, like an asteroid belt, surrounding Miban Mikoto.

Misaka Mikoto's battle armor was coiled with electric current, expanding in all directions, and in a blink of an eye, the hundreds of metal balls were all covered by infinite electric light.

Then Misaka Mikoto raised her right hand in a gesture of pushing forward.The hundreds of metal balls were ejected at the same time, like hundreds of orange-red swords, almost instantly spanning a distance of tens of thousands of miles, and crashing into the battleship group.

Wherever they passed, the warships disintegrated one after another. No matter what kind of warship, under the bombardment of the orange-yellow divine sword, they would collapse at the touch of a touch, and they would all be reduced to dust.

Elsa of Aquarius stretched out one hand, and in the palm of her hand, a white cold current spewed out, turning into a long river of ice crystals, surging forward in the void, blasting into the fleet, and freezing all the warships touched by the long river of ice crystals. into ice cubes and quickly crushed into ice powder.

Legolas Sagittarius shoots an arrow.

One arrow penetrated the huge enemy fleet from beginning to end, destroying hundreds of starships.

Ma Yun of Pisces Zodiac snapped his fingers lightly, and among the enemy ships, dense rose branches quickly grew on the half-biological, half-metal warships with biological tissues, and those flesh-and-blood warships made of pure flesh and bones.On the flower branches, flowers grew rapidly.

When the flowers were in full bloom, those biological battleships wrapped in countless roses disintegrated one after another, and all flesh and blood tissues became the nourishment for the growth of roses.

And those roses that thrived did not wither.

When the wreckage of those biological battleships disintegrated, those roses turned into a sea of ​​flowers like ocean currents, covering the surrounding battleships.

Qiao Feng used the corpses thrown from the broken warship to ignite the "Ghost Blue Flame".Pale flames quickly spread throughout the fleet, igniting starships one after another.

Artoria cut out the holy sword, and with the bright sword light, it chopped down one after another battleship.

Hulk waved his palm, and the energy was furious like a raging bull, galloping in the void, and the huge horns rampaged in the starship array, smashing starships one by one.

Master Xuanzang also went on a killing spree, and a Buddha statue made of starlight rushed up behind him, and slapped it into the starship group with his palm, blasting hundreds of starships into powder...

Originally, it looked like ten ants, but they were overwhelmed by the migrating herd of wildebeest.

But only after the battle did they realize that it was clearly the ten gods of war holding flamethrowers who were wantonly cleaning up the wandering ants.

Seeing this almost one-sided battle scene, Ni Kun couldn't help laughing:

"So what's the use of these cannon fodder?"

"Of course it's consumption." Xiao Longnu said lightly: "The cannon fodder of the demons outside the territory is endless. Every time they attack the guardian temple, they are the first to use cannon fodder to consume the energy of the guardians. When the time is right, they will personally end.

"Also, don't look at those space battleships that seem vulnerable, the guardians seem to be able to kill at will, but this is only because the war has just started and the guardians are in good condition.

"The attack of the enemy ship can actually cause a certain amount of damage to the guardians. Whether it is dodging or intercepting, the guardians will consume energy. If they force an attack, even if they are not injured, they will consume a little energy.

"In this way, the guardians will be consumed for a long time no matter how strong they are. When the guardians consume too much energy and the guardian temple starts to use the stored energy to support the guardians, the high-end power of the extraterrestrial demons will enter the arena. "

Ni Kun pondered for a while, and asked:

"So, what's the point of the extraterrestrial demon's attack on the guardian temple? Even if this wave of attack is huge, it's impossible to break through the temple, right?"

"Regardless of whether or not the Guardian Temple can be broken, as long as the stored energy of the Guardian Temple is consumed, it will be regarded as a huge benefit for the extraterritorial demons."

The little dragon girl said:

"The Guardian Temple is the pillar for the continued existence of the existing worlds. Once the energy stored in the Guardian Temple is consumed too much, the world barriers of the worlds will be weakened. Some of the barriers near the outer worlds will even be so weak that the extraterrestrial demons can directly infiltrate them.

"Every time the extraterrestrial demons attack the Guardian Temple, as long as they can successfully consume some of the stored energy of the Guardian Temple, they will be considered victorious. Next, they can easily eat away some of the outer world."

Ni Kun said: "As long as we can force the guardian temple to consume energy reserves, can we eat the world without blood sacrifice?"

Xiao Longnu nodded: "Not bad."

"No wonder the extraterrestrial demons are persistent and keep attacking the Guardian Temple." Ni Kun frowned and said, "If you defend for a long time, you will lose. In this way, even if the extraterritorial demons have been unable to break through the Guardian Temple, won't they be able to continue to eat away at the world one by one?"

The little dragon girl was expressionless, "You are right. But... do we have any other options? If we don't guard the guardian temple, after the guardian temple is broken, all the worlds will die suddenly. If we guard the guardian temple, even if the guardian temple If it is not broken, the worlds will be eaten away one by one, which is considered a slow death. One sudden death, one slow death, which one would you choose?"

"That's still a slow death. At least if it drags on for a little longer, maybe there will be some changes."

"That's right." Xiao Longnu looked at Ni Kun: "To be honest, I have a feeling that you might be the variable."

Ni Kun smiled happily: "Long Er, you really think highly of me!"

Xiao Longnu said leisurely: "You have to trust the fairy's intuition."

As soon as she said this, her face suddenly changed slightly, and she pointed to the corner of the screen:
"Look, Xuan Wuyue has appeared!"

Ni Kun looked in the direction she indicated, and saw a huge portrait of a woman suddenly appear behind the extraterrestrial demon fleet.

The female figure seems to be carved out of jade, crystal clear, sitting cross-legged in the void, with a thousand arms, each struggling to seal the seal. At first glance, it looks like a thousand-handed Avalokitesvara. Go to court.And this woman's eyes are indifferent, empty and boundless, as if it is a void that can contain everything, and it is like an abyss that can swallow everything.

Even though it is sitting cross-legged, this one-thousand-handed figure is one hundred thousand miles high, and it is the complete form of the real immortal Daoxuan Wuyue.

With her body in full form, a planet the size of the earth can be played like a basketball in her hand.

But Xuan Wuyue is not the biggest yet.

When Xuan Wuyue was at the rear of the fleet, after showing his appearance.

A blood-colored ocean with a distance of hundreds of thousands of miles also appeared on the left side of the fleet.In the sea of ​​blood, there are countless blood shadows howling and flying, laughing and screaming wildly.

It is the blood sea real body of the blood god son of the blood evil sect.

Another pair of yin-yang fish with a diameter of tens of thousands of miles appeared on the right side of the fleet.

At first glance, this yin-yang fish looks exactly like the Tai Chi yin-yang fish of Taoism, but it reveals an indescribable evil nature.

When it appeared, the surrounding void revealed an ambiguous breath of spring.When people take a look at it, they can't help but feel great desires, and they really want to grab whatever is around them, and let's talk about it first.

It is the real body of Yuan Miaohua, the holy son of Hehuan.

And above the fleet, a huge throne tens of thousands of miles high floated out.

On the throne, sits a god wearing an emperor's robe and an emperor's crown. His aura is cold and lofty, as if he is a god king who rules the heavens and enslaves all living beings.

Surrounding this "God King", there are hundreds of thousands of creatures of various races, each with a strong aura, worshiping the throne and singing carols.

It is Yutian Shengzi.

The four extraterrestrial demons appeared together, showing their strongest forms, and their tyrannical aura swept across every corner of the billions of miles of void. Even before they made a move, the guardians couldn't help but get nervous.

Even Ni Kun, who was watching the battle through the pool in the temple, couldn't help but feel his heart skip a beat and his scalp tingle.

"Is this their strongest form? It's really powerful! In the Tongtian Tower before, their aura was less than [-]% of what it is now, and the pressure on me is far less than..."

"The extraterrestrial demons are afraid of disturbing the Tongtian Tower, so they dare not show their strongest form inside and outside the Tongtian Tower. But they don't have any scruples about attacking the Guardian Temple."

"Can the guardians stop it?"

"Of course. The three guardians can barely suppress the strongest Xuan Wuyue. The other three extraterritorial celestial demons, the two guardians can also deal with it together. There is also an extra guardian who can roam and maneuver. Good luck to you. Previously, the guardians were suppressed miserably, and every battle was not easy, and they might even perish at any time."

Previously, there were as many as five holy child-level extraterritorial demons.

As for the Guardians, even before Atolia disappeared, there were only nine of them, and after her disappearance, there were only eight of them left.

Now, Arturia is back, Qiao Feng is also in Cancer, and the number of guardians has reached ten.

On the side of the celestial demons outside the territory, the Son of Eternal Night, An Wuji, suffered a great loss in strength, and became so insane that even the other celestial demons disliked him.

Under the ebb and flow, the side of the guardian temple can be said to have the upper hand in a rare way.

Of course, no one knew that Ni Kun was responsible for An Wuji's injury.

If you know this verse, you will be more convinced that Ni Kun is the lucky star who protects the temple.

After Xuan Wuyue and others showed up.

The fleet of the extraterrestrial demons is even more aggressive, and they are not afraid of death.

Under the eyes of the four celestial demons, the guardians were quite restrained, and their energy consumption increased sharply for a while.

More than half of the celestial demon fleet was damaged, the vanguard was completely wiped out, and when the backbone was on top, the celestial demons from outside the territory finally made their move.

Xuan Wuyue's sitting posture is also a huge real body with a distance of [-] miles. Thousands of arms strike at the same time, creating multiple palm shadows, covering Artoria, Misaka Mikoto, and Aisha in a thousand miles at the same time. Within the arm offensive.

The avatar of Blood God Son's hundreds of thousands of miles of sea of ​​blood roared and swept towards Guo Jing and Qiao Feng.

The evil yin and yang fish Dharma Avatar of Saint Son of Albizia Acacia brushed out two divine lights that were neither black nor white, neither yin nor yang, and rolled towards Legolas and Rey.

Sitting on the throne, the Son of Yutian, like a god king, raised his palm like a knife, split the void, cut out a boundary area isolated from the outside, and surrounded Hulk and Zangma.

Xuanzang was the only one who ignored him, but he didn't have the time to go out to support him for the time being, because all the warships of the Heavenly Demon Fleet had already killed him in one go.

Intercepting hundreds of thousands of warships with one's own power, it is inevitable for Master Xuanzang to be careless. Soon, dozens, hundreds, or even hundreds of thousands of warships of various types will break through Master Xuanzang's interception , rushing towards the guardian temple.

"Hey, we also have work to do!" Ni Kun was gearing up, very pleased.

While speaking.

There was a roaring sound coming from the side, and following the sound, King Frieza, who was playing the role of defending the turret on the gun emplacement, had already opened fire decisively. It really feels like a fort is firing...

[Ask for tickets! 】

(End of this chapter)

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