Lord God hangs up

Chapter 268 Chapter 268, the virtual god Athena

Chapter 268 Chapter 268, the virtual god Athena
"Mr. Ni, why did you arrest Frieza?"

"I didn't think too much about it at the time, I just thought the little thing was quite unique, and when my hands slipped, I caught it."

"How does the young master plan to dispose of it?"

"Frisapo played well, and he has great potential. There is a lot of room for improvement. If he trains seriously, his strength will improve a lot. However, his wisdom seems to have been erased. I wonder if he can still train. Improve. But even if it can’t, I think it can be placed in the temple as a fixed turret to prevent stray bullets, drones and so on.”


"However, both King Kong and Frieza have curse marks left by extraterrestrial demons. Masters, can you solve it?"

"Young master Ni is concerned, the guardian temple has its own way to strip off the curse seal and remove the restriction."

In fact, Arturia also said back then that the Guardian Temple had a way to erase the curse seal restriction, but at that time she couldn't leave the cube space and return to the Guardian Temple.

Now that Ni Kun has brought King Kong and Frieza directly to the Guardian Temple, the curse marks on them can naturally be solved relatively easily without any labor from Ni Kun.

Hulk, one in each hand, carried the drowsy King Kong and Frieza into the depths of the temple.

Ni Kun looked in the direction he was going, and saw a thousand-meter-high statue standing in the depths of the temple, as if the whole body was made of gold, wearing a gorgeous armor with huge wings, holding a spear in one hand and a shield in the other. Goddess Statue.

Judging by Hulk's appearance, it should be to lift King Kong and Frieza to the statue of the goddess.

Ni Kun originally thought that the statue was just there for show.

After all, this guardian temple is to protect the worlds of reincarnation, not to protect Athena.

I have never heard Xuanzang mention that there are goddesses in the Guardian Temple.

But when Hulk lifted King Kong and Frieza under the statue of the goddess, Ni Kun clearly saw a golden light flashing on the thousand-meter-high golden statue, and a human figure purely condensed by light appeared at the foot of the statue.

He is also dressed in skirt armor, with wings on his back, a shield in one hand and a spear in the other.

Seeing the human figure formed by the rays of light, raising the spear, and beating on King Kong and Frieza, Ni Kun couldn't help saying in surprise:

"I'll go, isn't that Athena?"

"That's not the real Athena." Arturia said:

"Although her title is also 'Athena', she is just a virtual deity who protects the temple.

"The official entry of the guardian is witnessed by her; the daily maintenance of the guardian temple is also handled by her; all the functional facilities of the temple, such as various medical treatment, strengthening facilities, attack and defense restrictions, etc., are also presided over by her manipulation.

"Of course, she is also very powerful. Within the scope of the temple, the Holy Child-level extraterritorial demon is not her opponent. But she cannot leave the guardian temple, and can only operate inside the temple.

"In addition, she has no self-personality, and can only carry out various tasks according to the preset procedures."

"Is that so..."

Ni Kun nodded slowly, thoughtfully.

Is the virtual god "Athena" with a limited range of activities created and left as a defensive measure by the "Lord God"?

What kind of existence is this "tool man" virtual god in essence?
"Maybe it was made with the power of Athena. Otherwise, why use the whole of Athena instead of other gods?"

Athena's war priesthood is a self-defense war against aggression, but it also fits the nature of the guardian temple.

As for why it was created as a virtual god with no self-personality, Ni Kun wondered, maybe it was because he expected that the guardians would iterate quickly, and the guardians who would be promoted in the future would not believe in Athena?
Look at the current group of guardians, how can there be a follower of Athena?
While thinking about it, there seemed to be some commotion under the statue.

The virtual god "Athena", formed purely from the condensed light, held a spear and beat King Kong and Frieza for a while, really erasing the curse mark prohibition on both of them.

King Kong came to his senses, his mind was still a little dazed, and when he saw Frieza in front of him, he plucked out every hair and turned it into a stick, and hit him with a stick.

Frieza's intelligence had been wiped out a long time ago, and after the spell was removed, he lost the source of instructions. He was dumb like a formatted robot, but his instincts were still there.

Vajra swung his stick, which immediately triggered Frieza's defensive instinct, and the two immediately ping-pong-pong.

Ni Kun was also worried that these two guys would do a good job in the Guardian Temple, but in the end, seeing the two of them fighting fiercely, there was only a wave of anger.There is no such thing as the momentum of a nuclear explosion when colliding with all your strength in the small world of the Colosseum.

King Kong's missing stick hit the ground without even breaking a floor.Frieza's shock wave, circular saw-shaped air blade and other skills fell on the wall, but they couldn't scratch a piece of wall.

Xuanzang saw Ni Kun's doubts and said with a smile:

"The interior of the guardian temple is blessed with divine power, and the building is extremely strong. It can also absorb refining energy. Therefore, even if it is a battle of the guardian level, there will not be much aftermath spillover, and it is even more difficult to cause damage to the building."

This is not like the small reincarnation of the cube, which directly suppresses strength.

Protecting the interior of the temple does not suppress anyone's strength.

When the attack falls on the body, it will be injured as it should be injured, and it will be killed as it should be killed.

It's just that the overflowing or missing energy will be absorbed and refined by the temple in an instant, and it is difficult to cause the kind of destructive damage from the outside world.

While speaking, Hulk, who had been watching King Kong and Frieza fight for a while, suddenly made a move, and just casually squeezed his big hand, then squeezed King Kong and Frieza into his palm, pinching the two together with one hand.

Both King Kong and Frieza were extremely agile, but they couldn't avoid Hulk's casual grab.

Even Ni Kun couldn't see Hulk's trick.

I just felt that when he waved his big hand, it seemed to contain some kind of extremely mysterious dao rhyme, giving people a mysterious feeling of encompassing the world, sealing off the void, and avoiding the inescapable.

Ni Kun couldn't help but sigh in his heart, the Hulk who became a guardian, it seems that he is no longer the berserker who relies on pure brute force.

Already mastered extremely deep fighting skills.

One second King Kong was fighting Frieza to death, and the next second he and Frieza were pinched together, chest to chest, face to face, just like good friends , how can it bear it?

At the moment, while roaring, he tried to use "Fa Tian Xiang Di", turning into a King Kong giant ape, and pushing Hulk's big hand away.

However, as soon as he urged his supernatural powers, King Kong was stunned.

But it is a supernatural power, which has been completely banned, and can't even perform the most basic small skills, let alone such a great supernatural power.

"Hulk!" Hulk yelled at King Kong and Frieza, and walked to the front hall holding the two of them.

Xuanzang looked at King Kong with a smile, and communicated with him for a while with "He Xintong". The furious King Kong was startled for a while, with ecstasy in his eyes, tears filled his eyes, and looked at the stone monkey ornament by the hall.

Hulk let go of his palm, and King Kong immediately buckled, jumped in front of the stone monkey ornament, knelt down with a pop, and kowtowed.

Frieza lost his opponent, and stood there dumbfounded, his eyes blank.

"Spiritual intelligence is completely wiped out, the mind is blank, and the self-personality is completely disappeared..."

Ni Kun's divine sense broke into Frieza's mind and searched for a while, then shook his head:

"Xuan Wuyue is really ruthless."

Xuanzang also sighed:

"The true immortal Taoist master is extremely cautious and cold, and will not leave any hidden dangers around him, even if Frieza's strength is not worth mentioning to her, he can be destroyed with a single hand."

Ni Kun said: "Frieza looks like this, but it's not easy to train."

Xuanzang said: "It's okay. The poor monk can use the technique of enlightenment to reshape a new personality for him, who is sunny, passionate, active, healthy, and kind-hearted. But there is no rush for this matter."

He looked at Ni Kun and said with a smile:
"Young Master Ni finally came to the Guardian Temple today, and I will hold a big banquet to clean up the dust for you."

All the guardians nodded one after another:

"That's right, it's time to have a big banquet. Speaking of which, we haven't had a group banquet for a long time."

"Brother Ni, I have to drink three hundred cups with Qiao later!"

"There are still two altars of 3000-year-old Immortal Drunk in the wine cellar. That is the last heavenly wine. Today we will make it!"

"I remember that there is a tree of flat peaches in the flat peach garden that is about to ripen, right? I'm going to pick some flat peaches to serve with wine."

"It's a pity that the ginseng fruit tree was not saved..."

"I'll go to the dragon pond to catch a few wild dragons and make stir-fried dragon livers."

"Hehe, Mr. Ni, you are blessed. Leo's culinary skills are superb. When you first came to the Guardian Temple, you were just a young lady who didn't touch the spring water with her ten fingers..."

"Don't call me Leo!"

"Good Leo."

Listening to all the rare delicacies reported by the guardians, Ni Kun couldn't help being a little shocked:
There are still flat peaches to eat in the Guardian Temple?Are there fine wines aged in heaven?

Can you still eat dragon liver and phoenix marrow?

Dragons and phoenixes, isn't that really protecting animals, and even intelligent creatures?
"Mr. Ni, don't think too much. The dragons and phoenixes raised in the Longchi Phoenix Garden of the Guardian Temple are all seedlings found from the fragments of the Heavenly Farm. They are meat-eating animals raised in the Heavenly Court for the gods to eat. They have no wisdom. , no practice, only instinct wild things. Put it in the mortal world, it will only cause disaster..."

Master Xuanzang was explaining.

The guardian temple suddenly shook slightly, and an ethereal female voice echoed in the temple:

"Please note that the enemy has broken into the outer cordon. Please note that the enemy has broken into the outer cordon. Guardians, prepare to fight! Guardians, prepare to fight!"

All the guardians stopped talking.

Master Xuanzang turned his head to look outside the temple, and his pupils reflected a huge fleet that was constantly floating in the sky in the nebula, seemingly boundless.

He shook his head helplessly, and said to Ni Kun:

"I'm sorry, Mr. Ni, the heavenly demons from outside the territory are attacking in a big way. It seems that this welcome feast will have to be passed on later."

"It doesn't matter." Ni Kun said with a smile: "Since the enemy army is coming, it is natural to repel the enemy army first. I also want to see the heroic posture of the guardians fighting against the demons from outside the territory."

[Ask for tickets! 】

(End of this chapter)

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