Lord God hangs up

Chapter 22 022, Master and Apprentice

Chapter 22 022, Master and Apprentice

Leshan is located in Meishan County, south of Chengdu in central Sichuan, and belongs to Longyou County, the prefecture of the county.

The famous Mount Emei was also part of Meishan County in this era.

Buddhism is prosperous in central Shu, with many famous temples and eminent monks.Mount Emei is also known as the Dojo of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva. During the Wei and Jin Dynasties, monks built temples on Mount Emei. Today, there are more than [-] temples on Mount Emei, and the incense is flourishing.

Even the famous Master Xuanzang will come to Sichuan to study in two years.

When watching The Legend of Double Dragons in the Tang Dynasty in the previous life, Ni Kun had guessed that the reason why the Domineering Fort Xiehui betrayed his brother-in-law and son-in-law Song Que, and fell into the arms of Li Tang, the lobbying of Shi Feixuan and the friendship of Fan Qinghui were probably just superficial.

The deeper reason is probably because the Buddhism in Sichuan is too powerful, and the Song family in Lingnan is beyond the reach of Shuzhong.

In this world, Buddhism is not a fat sheep.

On the surface, humans and animals are harmless and have no conflict with the world. They only launch a Cihang Jingzhai to compete with the demon gate. At most, the four holy monks will chase and kill Shi Zhixuan symbolically. There are countless masters and folk believers, and their combat effectiveness is very strong.

What is a mere exclusive castle in front of the huge Buddhist forces in central Sichuan?
Of course, Sovereign Fort is finished now, it was wiped out by the sudden appearance of Tang Sect, and Tang Sect was then chased away by Song Que.

Once the Sovereign Fort was destroyed, the influence of the Song Clan on Shuzhong dropped to freezing point.

Even if Song Que of the Heavenly Saber resolutely drives away the Tang Sect, and his tyrannical and cruel hands once terrified the Bashu martial arts, but this deterrent power will gradually disappear with the passage of time.

But Buddhism, which already has a strong potential, has further expanded its influence in Bashu because of the appearance of the "Leshan Giant Buddha".

Today, in Longyou County, where Leshan is located, countless believers come here every day to pay homage to the Giant Buddha.

There are not only local monks, nuns and believers from Bashu, but also eminent monks from other places, and even wealthy believers who come from thousands of miles away.

During these days, the streets in Longyou County are full of monks and nuns, and most of them are Buddhists who have not shaved their heads.

For a while, the supply of incense in Longyou County was in short supply, and the brothels in the inn were also full day and night.

What?Should Buddhist believers live in brothels?
What a joke, are they here to visit the cellar?
They came to worship the "Jiyue Tiannv".

Because there are too many monks, nuns, and believers who want to visit the giant Buddha, they have to line up. The giant Buddha sits on the back of the mountain, surrounded by mountains on three sides, and facing the river. At this time, there is no Lingyun plank road. There is no one, if you want to visit the giant Buddha, you can only go to the foot of the giant Buddha by boat, or worship the Buddha statue on the river.

But there were not so many boats in Longyou County at the moment.

To worship Buddha, you have to book in advance and line up to rent a boat.

But now Buddhism is mobilizing manpower and materials, urgently digging mountain roads, erecting cableways and plank roads, and even preparing to level the mountains on both sides of the Buddha statue and build temples to facilitate Buddhist fellows and believers to visit.

But these projects obviously cannot be completed in a short period of time.

It's evening.

In Longyou County, on the third floor of a restaurant facing the street, a girl in a yellow dress with a light gauze was leaning against the window, her eyes were as deep and clear as the night sky, looking at a beggar on the street below, An old monk in gray clothes.

"The guardian of Buddhism's contemporary mountain gate, a man of truth?" the girl in the yellow skirt said in a low voice.

"Don't look at it."

In the private seat by the window, a woman in a white dress, with high temples and a white gauze covering her face, said lightly:

"Old man of the mantra reads the nine-character mantra of Buddhism. He has a clear Zen mind and a keen sense of spirituality. If you look at him a few more times, he will know your existence."

The girl in the yellow skirt chuckled lightly:
"So what if you know? Is it true that the old man will bully the small with the big and break the agreement between the holy gate and the Buddhist gate?"

The woman in white said lightly:
"Of course, the old man will not bully the small with the big. But since he is here, Shi Feixuan, the contemporary heir of Cihang Jingzhai, is also nearby. You have not yet reached the sixteenth level of the Heavenly Demon Secret, and have not yet reached the seventeenth level. Level, if you fight Shi Feixuan now, you are not sure of victory. It is better not to provoke easily.

"Moreover, the streets here are full of Buddhist masters, or the so-called Bai Dao warriors who are friendly with Buddhism. If they show their signs and are called out for their identity, those so-called Wulin Bai Dao are not afraid of bullying the widowed."

The girl in the yellow skirt giggled, "With you around, Master, even if the old man of truth speaks for himself, it's nothing to be afraid of."

The woman in white said: "I'm afraid I'm not afraid, but there will always be some troubles. Our trip is just to find out what is so strange and mysterious about the so-called Buddha's appearance. It is not necessary to cause trouble."

The girl in the yellow skirt nodded, and suddenly let out a light sigh:
"Hey, isn't that Uncle Wen? Why is she here too?"

"Cai Ting?" The woman in white turned her head and glanced out of the window, and saw a graceful woman with long hair reaching to her hips, dressed in a silk brocade dress, and a scarf on her face, walking gracefully from the other side of the long street.

Beside the woman was a sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy.The young man was dressed in brocade clothes and a jade belt, with a golden crown and hair tied behind his back. He had a handsome figure, fair skin, a handsome appearance, and a calm demeanor. He looked like a grandson of a prince.

The girl in the yellow skirt looked at the two people who were walking towards the bottom of the restaurant, and said with a light smile:
"Uncle Wen, where is this abducted son of an aristocratic family? Look at that young master's high-spirited look, I'm afraid he doesn't know that he is already a sheep."

The woman in white frowned slightly, with a hint of doubt in her eyes:
"You heard something wrong with Master Uncle's appearance..."

The girl in the yellow skirt said: "What's wrong?"

The woman in white said: "Don't you see it yet? You heard that the uncle is still half a stature behind that young man, and his expression is quite careless..."

As soon as I said this, I saw the boy in brocade clothes raised his hand and pointed at a small street stall, and the woman in colorful clothes immediately went to the stall, took out copper coins from her purse, and bought a sugar figurine. He handed both hands to the young man in brocade clothes.

The young man in brocade clothes took the sugar figurine, took a bite nonchalantly, and strode forward swaggeringly.The woman in colorful clothes followed her step by step, her expression and posture were like those of a servant girl.

A flash of surprise flashed in the beautiful eyes of the girl in the yellow skirt:
"This... Uncle Wen... isn't he just playing for fun? Or maybe that son is too big, and Uncle Wen is playing tricks? If you want to take something, give it first?"

The woman in white frowned and shook her head: "But it doesn't look like..."

After pondering for a while, the woman in white said again:

"Hey, come and have a look. If you hear that the uncle is just playing around, you don't have to worry about it. If she fell into the hands of someone, don't act rashly, come back and report to me."

The girl in the yellow skirt blinked: "But that young master doesn't have much martial arts..."

The woman in white said: "Don't be careless. You can hide your true energy in the 'Life and Death Aperture' to make yourself look like a weak woman without martial arts. How do you know that the young master has no similar means?

"You heard that although my uncle specializes in enchanting magic and illusion, and is not good at fighting and killing, she has been practicing for many years, and she is not much inferior to you in terms of skill. If she is really restrained by that young master, if you rush to make a move, I'm afraid it will hurt you." No benefit.

"You need to know that in the martial arts, capable people emerge in large numbers. Especially since 20 years ago, the situation has become more and more complicated, and there are inexplicable masters at any time, such as the leader of worshiping the moon, the four great heroes, Guan Qi, and Ye Wu. Gucheng waited to emerge out of thin air.

"Today's world is no longer the simple situation when my holy sect and the Buddhist sect confronted each other. Even as a teacher, I dare not say that I know the world's martial arts like the back of my hand. You're new to the martial arts world, you have little experience, so you need to be extra cautious."

The girl in the yellow skirt nodded slightly, and said obediently:

"You know! Master, don't worry, this disciple will not act rashly."

After saying that, she left the window lightly, exited the private room, and went down the stairs honestly, far away on the young man in brocade clothes and the woman in colorful clothes.

[Ask for a ticket~! 】

(End of this chapter)

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