Lord God hangs up

Chapter 21 021, Firearms

Chapter 21 021, Firearms


Giant Buddha?
Ni Kun's face changed slightly, and he said in a deep voice:

"When did this happen? Is there a labyrinth-like cave around the giant Buddha statue?"

Seeing that Ni Kun really diverted his attention, Wen Caiting was overjoyed and secretly celebrated her escape.

At the same time he said:

"This incident happened half a month ago. Therefore, it was called the Buddha's holiness by the Buddhist sect, and they deliberately used various channels to publicize it. In just over ten days, it has been widely spread in the middle of Sichuan, and even through the Yangtze River waterway, it is heading towards the Yangtze River. Rapidly spread in the middle and lower reaches.

"Now Buddhist disciples from all over the world are rushing to Leshan to worship the Giant Buddha in an endless stream. My holy sect is also very concerned about this, and has sent experts to Leshan to investigate. As for the cave that the young master asked about, I don't know."

Ni Kun pondered for a while, and said decisively:
"Don't go to Pegasus Ranch for now, just turn around and go to Leshan."

If the "Leshan Giant Buddha" that suddenly appeared is really a "cave" as he imagined, the benefits in it will definitely not be inferior to the evil emperor's relic, and may even be even greater.

Because the Leshan Giant Buddha was supposed to start construction in the first year of the Tang Dynasty, but it is only at the end of the Sui Dynasty.

Then, the Leshan Giant Buddha that Mo Ming appeared overnight at the end of the Sui Dynasty is very likely to be the Leshan Giant Buddha with the "Lingyun Grotto"!

Since the Moon Worship Sect, Peach Blossom Island, Sun Moon God Sect, Songshan Sword Sect, and Nanhai Feixian Island can all appear in this world, why can't the "Lingyun Grotto" in Fengyun World?

Now the "Giant Buddha" has been in the world for more than ten days, and the Buddhist sect is extremely powerful and has many masters. If it is too late, the Buddhist sect will find Lingyun Cave first...

The benefits in it may be exhausted by Buddhism.

Even if the Buddhist sect can't deal with the fire unicorn, they can still pick all the "blood bodhi"!

So Ni Kun immediately decided to visit Leshan first.

As for Pegasus Ranch...

Anyway, Lu Miaozi will not die for a while.

In addition, Lu Miaozi likes to wear a human skin mask, disguise his identity to join in the fun, and is a master engineer. The architectural wonders of the Leshan Giant Buddha that appear overnight are likely to attract him.

If you are lucky, you might run into Lu Miaozi in Leshan.

At the moment Ni Kun didn't rest anymore, and Wen Caiting quickly prepared food and water supplies, and left Changlin County overnight. Cai Ting fell asleep on her back.

at the same time.

Jiangdu Yangzhou.

Emperor Yang Guang of the Sui Dynasty made his third tour of Jiangdu in July of this year, with his empress, concubines, princes, princesses, officials, monks and nuns, and other guests.

The Emperor Sui and his harem lived in the world's most luxurious river-view palace "Linjiang Palace", while all his officials and ministers lived in Jiangdu City.

At this moment, in the city of Yangzhou, in the main hall of a mansion.

A scribe in white with an elegant posture, like an exiled immortal, is looking at a "hidden weapon" in his hand.

The concealed weapon of this organ is made of mahogany wood, with embossed patterns carved on it, decorated with gold lacquer, and the curved handle is just right for holding.

There is a foot-long steel pipe on it, dark in color and smooth in body, shining metallic cold light in the candlelight.

At the back of the steel pipe, above the handle, there is an ingenious metal part carved into the shape of a pocket dragon head. The dragon's mouth is stuck in a small groove with a piece of flint embedded in it.

If Ni Kun had been here, he would have recognized at a glance that the "secret weapon" in the hands of this white-clothed scribe was actually a flintlock pistol.


The scribe in white opened the dragon-head-shaped hammer with his thumb, raised the gun horizontally, turned around suddenly, and pointed the muzzle of the gun at the door behind him.

Just at this moment, a slender figure dressed in a big red pleated dress, a black gauze hat, and a bronze ghost mask, with only eyebrows, eyes and forehead exposed, stepped over the threshold and stepped into the main hall.

The scribe in white smiled slightly, pulled the trigger with his index finger, and the hammer hit the flint in the medicine pool with a bang.

Amidst the roar, the muzzle flashed and a puff of white smoke spewed out.

There is also a lead shot, which is invisible to the naked eye of ordinary people, and shoots at the man in red who has just entered the door.

The man in red didn't dodge or dodge, he raised his hand swiftly, his hand was as fast as a ghostly phantom, and the slender, white middle and middle fingers just clamped lightly, and the hot bullet was sandwiched between the two fingers.

"Dongfang, your skill has improved again!" The white-clothed scribe laughed and said, "The Sunflower Canon is really wonderful, but it's a pity that you didn't get the whole chapter, otherwise it's not impossible to go straight to Guan Qi."

The man in red let go of his two fingers, threw the crushed lead bullet on the floor, and said in a soft and unpredictable voice:
"The entire Sunflower Canon is just a legend, and no one has ever seen it before. As for firearms and other playthings, the Holy Master should not make fun of them with his subordinates."

The scribe in white chuckled, threw the firecracker on the table casually, and said leisurely:
"It is certainly a plaything for us, but ordinary soldiers, wearing iron armor, how can they be attacked by this plaything? If a large number of equipment is equipped in the army, the army should be invincible.

"If the Sui Dynasty had had this sharp weapon, Goguryeo would have been defeated in one battle even with Fu Cailin in charge. The Sui Dynasty would not have fallen into the current situation because of the three conquests of Goguryeo."

The man in red said lightly:

"If the Holy Master wants it, the subordinates even know a little bit about how to forge cannons. It's just that the Holy Master is still interested in such trivial things now?"

The scribe in white sighed softly, and said slowly:
"Weakening the barbarians and strengthening the Central Plains, after all, is where I have made half my life. Now the Turks are divided, the Tuyuhun abandoned land moves westward, and more than forty countries in the Western Regions surrender. Both the north and the west have achieved achievements. Only the Liaodong three expeditions failed, and the army was lost... ...I have regrets in my heart!"

The man in red said: "Holy Master is too demanding for perfection."

The scribe in white smiled to himself:
"It's not demanding perfection, it's just..."

Shaking his head, he stopped talking and asked:

"Have you found out the origin of the barbarian who called himself Wei Xiaobao?"

The flintlock in his hand was obtained from a barbarian named "Wei Xiaobao".

Nawei Xiaobao appeared outside Linjiang Palace in the daytime, hiding in the forest to spy on the emperor's palace, and was bumped into by patrolling Xiaoguo guards.

The imperial guards saw that his scalp was bald, leaving only a barbarian-style rattail pigtail, and his expression was quite slippery, so they wanted to take him down for questioning.

Unexpectedly, Wei Xiaobao turned around and ran away, his lightness kung fu was quite good, and he almost escaped the arrest of the guards.

It's a pity that he was shot in the thigh by an arrow from a guard archer, fell to the ground on the spot, and was finally captured.

However, Wei Xiaobao was also very unlucky, that arrow pierced a blood vessel in his thigh, and when the chasing Xiaoguo guards surrounded him, he had lost a lot of blood and was in a dying state, barely speaking his name, Then he died.

The guards found the firecracker from Wei Xiaobao's body, as well as an invulnerable gold vest, and a bottle of medicinal powder that could turn the corpse into blood.

And these seizures fell into the hands of white-clothed scribes after several turnovers.

With the wisdom of a white-clothed scribe, after a little fiddling, he easily figured out the operation method of this firecracker.

And as far as he knows, this firecracker is definitely not something that the current Central Plains or neighboring countries can build.

Immediately send people to investigate Wei Xiaobao's origin, trying to find out the source of the firecracker, and some secrets behind it that are more concerned by the white-clothed scribes.

Unfortunately, the man in red did not bring back the news he wanted.

"Xiaoguo's imperial guards searched for more than a hundred miles and found no clues, so Wei Xiaobao must have appeared out of nowhere."

"Another one popping out of nowhere?" The scribe in white looked at the man in red thoughtfully, and said softly:
"In the past 20 years, there have been a lot of strange people who have appeared out of nowhere... Dongfang, why do you think this world has become so grotesque? How will it change in the future? Will history become unrecognizable because of this? ?”

The man in red was silent.

The scribe in white said:
"Perhaps, the Lord of Worshiping the Moon is right?
"This earth was supposed to be a sphere, suspended in the void, accompanied by the moon, and revolving around the sun. But for some reason, it became a 'round sky'...

"So the world is just a dream, and most of the people in the world, including you and me, are illusions created by some incredible demon?
"The history you know in the East is just a story fabricated by the demons and implanted in your memory, and my so-called achievements are even more meaningless?"

The man in red remained silent.

The scribe in white sighed and smiled leisurely:
"Forget it, whether it's real or an illusion, since I can think independently and not be influenced by anyone, then I am a real existence..."

Shaking his head, he asked again:
"Then there is still no news about the remnants of worshiping the moon?"

The man in red said slowly:


The scribe in white said lightly:
"There is no news, so why do you come to see me?"

The man in red said:

"A strange thing happened in Leshan in the middle of Shu..."

After describing the story of the Leshan Giant Buddha, the man in red said:

"The Leshan Giant Buddha shouldn't appear in this world. Its inexplicable appearance should be related to the changes in the world and the chaos of time."

The scribe in white was stunned for a while, with a flash of melancholy in his eyes, and said with a sense of loss:

The man in red said:

"Does the Holy Master want to go to Sichuan for a visit?"

The scribe in white shook his head, and said slowly in a melancholy tone:

"Even the Lord of Worshiping the Moon can't break through this world, and he was driven crazy. How can a mere giant Buddha spectacle see through the secrets of the world? I won't go to the middle of Sichuan. You take the two elders of Xuanming and go for me. .”

The man in red said:

"If the Buddhist gate obstructs?"

The tone of the scribe in white was erratic:

"Then kill a few bald donkeys."

The man in red said:

"It is reported that the current successor of Cihang Jingzhai has already left the mountain, and the first stop is in the middle of Sichuan. The Leshan Giant Buddha is now alive, and the contemporary successor of Cihang Jingzhai may also join in the fun. What should I do if I meet her?"

The scribe in white said lightly:
"How to deal with the current successor of Cihang Jingzhai is a matter for the successor of Huajian and the successor of Yingui. If you encounter it, don't bother."

The man in red nodded slightly, stopped talking, and disappeared like a ghost in a flash.

[Ask for a ticket~! 】

(End of this chapter)

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