Lord God hangs up

Chapter 2 002, anti-killing, sunflower

Chapter 2 002, anti-killing, sunflower

"Huh? My real time-traveling is not a simple life and death? Is there something more powerful?"

Ni Kun, who was dead to the point of numbness, regained his spirits, and quickly followed the prompts to call out the personal panel to check.

A cold screen of light unfolded in front of the retina.


Name: Ni Kun.

Age: sixteen.

Remaining lifespan: 17633 days, 15 hours, 23 minutes and 42 seconds. [The seconds are still beating and decreasing. 】

[Remarks: Rebirth after death consumes 10 days of life each time.The ability to activate consumes an indefinite lifespan.Regardless of using abilities or rebirth after death, every 1000 days of life consumed will add a skill. 】


1. Yekai: Activate once, consume 100 days of life, no other burden, no sequelae.

2. Shenluo Tianzheng: The basic cost is 10 days of life, the upper limit is not limited, the more life is consumed, the greater the power.

3. Twisted Magic Eye: The basic cost is 10 days of life, and the upper limit is not limited.The more life consumed, the greater the power.

4. Railgun: The basic consumption is 10 days of life, and the upper limit is not limited.The more life consumed, the greater the power.

5. Unlimited sword system: Passive - can copy any sword weapon you have seen, and you can copy it in the inherent barrier after seeing it once.Projection sword is free of consumption.Active—Activate the inherent enchantment, the basic cost is 10 days, and the duration is 1 minute.The longer the lifespan consumed, the longer the enchantment will exist. 【10 days/minute】

6. Dawei Tianlong: Basic life consumption is 10 days.No upper limit.The more life consumed, the greater the power.

7. Calling the Wind and Calling the Rain: Basically consumes 10 days of life.No upper limit.The more life consumed, the greater the power.

8. Ten Thousand Swords Returning to the Sect: Basically consumes 10 days of life.The upper limit is not limited, the more life consumed, the greater the power.


10. Fusion Burial: The basic cost is 1 year, and the upper limit is not limited.


"So many big moves?"

Ni Kun was both happy and surprised.

The joy is that these ten abilities are all ferocious, and the surprise is that if you recruit kryptonites, you will have to lose your life for at least ten days to start.

If you abuse your ability, the waves will fly, and if you are not careful, you will die first.

"Fortunately, I have a lot of remaining lifespan, more than 7000 days... This is still killed a thousand times, broken... Fuck, I actually lost 27 days of lifespan? It takes [-] years to live ?”

After some mental calculations, Ni Kun gritted his teeth, feeling great hatred in his heart:
"I was originally an old birthday star who could live to be more than 90 years old, but the demon girl killed me a thousand times, lost my life span of 27 days, and caused me to lose 48 years of life... Now I can only live another [-] years... Heaven is jealous of talents ,die young……

"Demon girl, I will kill you to pieces, so that I can relieve the hatred in my heart!"


The thousand and first rebirth.

Ni Kun sat on the grand teacher's chair, resting his elbows on the table, crossing his fingers, and resting his chin on the back of his hand, looking deeply at the door of the secret room opposite.

The little brother in black broke open the wooden door again and appeared in front of Ni Kun.

"Master, hurry up... poof!"

Screaming, spitting blood, falling to the ground, dying, like a thousand times before.

Ni Kun sighed inwardly.

This little brother in black is loyal, if possible, he would like to save him.

It's a pity that he has already tried it in a thousand deaths before, and he knows that the little brother in black has been fatally injured long ago, and only hangs with his last breath, as long as he sees him and spits out that breath, he will definitely die .

As for Ni Kun's existing ten big moves, none of them could save his life. He could only watch helplessly as the little brother in black died in front of him for the thousand and one time.

"Don't worry. I took the body of your young master, and I will avenge you for you. By the way, I will also avenge myself for being killed a thousand times and losing ten thousand days of life!"

Ni Kun was murderous, his eyes fixed on the door of the secret room.

There are no surprises.

After the little brother in black fell to the ground and died, the ruthless black-clothed girl walked into the secret room, cast a cold glance at Ni Kun, and was about to strike as soon as she lifted her finger.

However, the current Ni Kun is no longer the Ni Kun who was repeatedly killed a thousand times before.

The moment the girl in black was about to make a move.

Ni Kun's eyes narrowed slightly, a strange light flashed in his pupils, and the "Twisted Magic Eye" had already been activated.

Although he exchanged his life for ten abilities, he was still a young man who only had big moves and could not level A.

Moreover, the ten major abilities recruited Krypton's life, and there was no time for him to test and familiarize himself with the abilities. To be on the safe side, he chose the "Twisted Magic Eye" that could lock his eyes, basically not empty, and guaranteed lethality.

Staring at the girl, the magic eye is activated, and the upper limit of life is reduced by 10 days.

An invisible and terrifying force fell on the black-clothed girl in an instant.

The girl's body shook, her face turned pale, and a look of surprise flashed in her eyes:

Before the words fell, amidst the crackling sound, the girl's slender neck was twisted 360 degrees by the terrifying pupil force, and her head fell to the ground with a pop.

Blood splashes.

The girl's headless body shook slightly, and she fell to the ground, lying side by side with the little brother in black.

Ni Kun let out a long breath and leaned heavily on the back of the chair:
"Finally... breaking the cycle of death!"

As usual, after restraining the girl, he should have asked:
Who are you?Why do we have any grievances, why do we want to kill me?
However, he was slaughtered a thousand times by this girl in black, and every time he came alive, he would die again within 2 minutes. He didn't even give him a chance to escape, and he never let him die to understand. No matter how good-tempered Ni Kun is, There has also been a lot of negative emotions accumulated.

As a highly educated scholar, he has never even fought much since he was a child, and he has never even killed a chicken.

Now being able to unscrew the head of a big living person without changing his face is because he was forced out by this series of inexplicable and powerless deaths a thousand times in a row.

So much so that he didn't even bother to ask for information, just like the girl in black had slaughtered him a thousand times before, she didn't even give her a chance to speak, and killed her directly.

This is called "reporting grievances directly".

The vengeance was avenged, and Ni Kun had a clear idea for a moment, and he half-lyed on the grand master's chair with relief, only feeling that life is so beautiful, and even the bloody smell filling the secret room is not pungent.

In other words, after dying so many times, the mere smell of blood, plus the two corpses pounced in front of him, could no longer move his heart in any way.

After relaxing for a while, Ni Kun stood up, took out the dagger that cut iron like mud, and cut off the hem of the robe and the wide cuffs to facilitate movement.

Then he twisted the dagger, walked to the headless body of the girl in black, fiddled with the dagger on her skirt, and picked out a blood-stained sachet the size of a palm.

Cut the knot of the sachet, and pour out three wax-sealed pills the size of longan.

Ni Kun didn't know what the purpose of these three pills was, and he would not try them lightly. After thinking about it, he put them in his pocket without peeling off the wax shell.

"The pills carried by such a master should not be ordinary goods. If you have a chance, find someone to identify them."

He muttered to himself, and then searched with a dagger, but he didn't find anything else on the body of the girl in black.

"So what's the origin of this girl? Why does she feel a little familiar, as if she's seen it somewhere?"

Ni Kun pondered in his heart.

But the most important thing right now is to figure out your own situation.

Every time before, the survival time was too short, almost just regaining consciousness, and the evil star immediately ushered in, so that Ni Kun didn't even have time to search the secret room where he was.

Now that it was finally safe, he began to search in the secret room.

This secret room is not big.

Except for the table with the incense burner and the dagger, there is only a pair of bookshelves and a small wooden box.

Ni Kun stood in front of the bookshelf and glanced around, only to see that there were not many books on the bookshelf.

Pick out one at random, and look at the cover, it seems to be a "Shangshu".


Ni Kun frowned:
"So I, in this ancient costume, have traveled to the ancient times of China?

"But in the ancient times of China, is there such a master who kills people from a distance with a snap of a finger?
"Isn't it the world of martial arts, immortals, and fantasy in the ancient Chinese background?"

Confused, Ni Kun randomly took out a booklet from the bookshelf.

Then, looking at the cover, Rao couldn't help but be dumbfounded because of his strong mentality that was forcibly tortured in a thousand death cycles:
"What... what? What, what's going on here?"

Well, on the cover of this thin handwritten booklet, "Postpartum Care of Sows" is impressively written.

The content inside is really a postpartum care technique for sows transcribed in vernacular...

"So that girl before, didn't she come to kill me because of this 'Secret Book' of raising pigs?"

With a blank expression on his face, Ni Kun flipped through the booklet quickly, then glanced at the bookshelf, and simply removed all the few books on the shelf in twos and twos, and quickly browsed the covers.

Fortunately, there were no surprises.

The rest of the books are very serious Four Books and Five Classics, and the content is also normal, so it is not worth making a fuss about.

But even so, the breeding manual written in plain language made Ni Kun deeply confused about the environment he was in.

"Could it be that there is already a senior traveler who first stirred up the situation in this world and published this pamphlet?"

Ni Kun held the breeding brochure in a daze for a while, came to the small wooden box, cut off the lock with a dagger, and opened the box lid.

The first thing that catches the eye is a neatly folded scarlet cassock.

He took out the cassock, unfolded it, and saw that the inner side of the cassock was densely written in small script.

Ni Kun took a closer look at the cassock in his hand, and was immediately shaken by the title on the far right.

The title is impressively written in four big characters——

Sunflower, flower, treasure, code!

"Did you make a mistake?"

Ni Kun shook his hand and looked at the eight-character formula behind the four-character title:

If you want to practice magic, you must first go to the palace!
Next, there is actually a whole set of safety guidelines for the palace...

Then there is the cultivation method that Ni Kun can't understand at all.

"It can't be true, can it?

"Is this really the Sunflower Book?
"That girl killed me to steal the Sunflower Book?

"Isn't it? She's a woman, she can snap her fingers, she can kill people from the air, and she's a master with an extremely strong head. Does she need to grab the Sunflower Book?"

Ni Kun looked bewildered:
"So what the hell world did I travel to?"

[Ask for a ticket~! 】

(End of this chapter)

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