Start with Lord of the Rings

Chapter 336 Unconditional Surrender!

Chapter 336 Unconditional Surrender!
"Go ahead and teach them a lesson."

The voice next to her ear made the black dragon Siglia immediately look up at her father beside her, thinking she had heard it wrong.

"Let them see how powerful you are"


Morgan stroked Siglia's head and spoke again.

This time, Siglia, who finally heard her father's words clearly, immediately let out a low growl with great excitement, then turned her head, spread her wings, took a few strides, jumped into the air, and flew forward.



One after another, increasingly deafening roars began to resound through the sky.

Before the gates of Yunkai.

After the quarrels, wrangling, and exchanges, the negotiating big slave owners who had finally been selected had just walked out of the gate of Yunkai when they heard the roar of a thunderbolt from the sky.

Then look at the huge black beast that is rapidly approaching in the distant sky.

All the slave owners were stunned.

"What's going on here?"

"Didn't we agree to talk first?"

A middle-aged slave owner with a pale complexion looked at the black dragon coming from the sky in the distance, and couldn't help but tremble.


"When did we make an agreement with that tyrant, that's just wishful thinking of you idiots!"

"Look, the other party doesn't intend to talk to us"

"Damn it, we should have taken the initiative!"

A handsome young slave owner with a gloomy face gritted his teeth coldly.

"Cooper, watch your words!"

"This is the collective decision of Lord Laitok and the entire family."

"You and I are very aware of Governor Morgan's behavior in Astapor. We can definitely talk to each other. This is the best choice for both parties."

"Talk? Do you still want to talk? Can't you see the dragon?"

"Long that is not necessarily."


The shocking roar resounded like thunder in the hearts of countless people inside and outside the gate of Yunkai.

Watch the monstrous shadow behemoth approaching in the sky.

Among them, none of the negotiating team of slave owners outside the city gate of Yunkai dared to act rashly, so they could only look at the giant dragon flying rapidly in the sky in horror.

Finally, when the huge black dragon just glanced at the few people with cold eyes, it flew towards the rear city gate.

Everyone in the negotiation team breathed a sigh of relief.

"Look, I said that Governor Morgan has the intention of negotiating with us."

The staunch conservative slave owner immediately looked at Kubo and spoke proudly.

It's just that his voice just fell.

A shrill scream came from behind immediately.

A few people turned their heads immediately, and saw the sky behind them, where the huge dragon was spewing orange flames and sweeping across the city wall.

Slave guards and mercenaries were ignited by the dragon flames, screaming and falling down the city wall.

"it's coming"

"Shoot, shoot!"

"Shoot it!"

On the city wall, the vulnerable slave soldiers were already in a panic, and only the mercenary commander was still pointing at the giant dragon flying in from the sky and yelling sharply.

The mercenaries immediately aimed their longbows and large crossbows at the dragon.

Arrows and large crossbow bolts shot towards the giant beast in mid-air like rain.

It's just that the abdomen, neck and other important parts of the black dragon Siglia's huge body have long been covered by giant steel armor made of steel.

Immediately after being shot by the arrow, there was a pinging sound of gold and iron.

Only then did the mercenaries realize that the attacking dragon was actually wearing armor like a human, and their eyes became more and more desperate.

next second.


Hot orange dragon flames descended from the sky, flooding the entire city wall.


When Siglia swept the ground with dragon flames and swept across a large area of ​​the city wall, she walked away.

The entire city of Yunkai, including Morgan's army, looked at the city wall that was burning amidst the misery and howls of despair, and all fell silent.



The shocking roar resounded through the world again.

After killing and setting fire, the black dragon Siglia flew towards Dad with great excitement.

Soon, Siglia, who had an astonishing figure, landed in front of the Astapor army, shaking her huge and ferocious head as if asking for credit and rubbing towards Morgan.

Morgan immediately rolled up his head with a smile, and said with a smile: "Good boy, you did a great job."

Without him specifically explaining the situation, Siglia knew to find the most difficult city wall guards to show force, not the useless city of Yunkai.

Morgan knew that the little guy was smart, very smart.

Now being washed away by Siglia's dragon flame, although only one-third of the guards on the city wall were burned to death.

But the remaining two-thirds of the guards must have been completely occupied by fear at this moment.

Before this war officially started, most of Yunkai City had already been lost.

People are fish and meat, I am Daozu.

Then you can manipulate the slave owners in Yunkai City at will.

Morgan casually pulled out an arrow stuck in Siglia's head, and looked coldly at the Yunkai city envoy walking far ahead.

"That damned tyrant is demonstrating against us!"

The young slave owner Kubo looked away from the burning city wall behind him, turned his head to look at the man and dragon in the distance ahead, and said bitterly.

"What can we do, the opponent's army hasn't moved yet."

"Let's go."

The middle-aged slave owner sighed, but he couldn't help but feel secretly happy: "Those slave soldiers and mercenaries can't stop that Morgan at all. Yunkai's change of master is inevitable."

"That Morgan should not be familiar with Yunkai. If I were the first to pledge allegiance to that Morgan at this time, I would definitely be accepted by the other party."

"By then. Cooper, hum."

The middle-aged slave owner walked forward with a group of slave owners behind him.

The cold wind whistled.

It was completely dark that day.

The members of the negotiating team finally arrived in front of the Astapor army with apprehensive expressions.

"Your Excellency, we are the representatives of the sage Lords of Yunkai. We are willing to accept all your requests unconditionally, and we only ask that you can."

The middle-aged slave owner stood in front of "Carrot", looking at Morgan on horseback, with a flattering expression on his face.

It's just that his voice didn't fall.

The young big slave owner Kubo couldn't bear it, and immediately interrupted by shouting: "Fast, what are you talking about!"


Morgan was surprised that the middle-aged slave owner in front of him was in such a good mood, and was suddenly interrupted by the young slave owner rudely.

He immediately turned his head, staring at the growling young slave master with his cold eyes as if they had substance.

Unhesitatingly launched "Psychic Shock!"

next second.

The young slave owner suddenly flew several meters backwards and fell hard to the ground.

Followed by.

Missang Luo, the captain of the guards, stepped forward quickly, drew out his long sword, and pressed it against the neck of the young slave owner Kubo whose mouth and nose were bleeding: "Don't move!"

There are five Yunkai city envoys in front of him.

Morgan only felt the young slave owner's obvious hostility towards him.

He had noticed it from the very beginning.

Because the other party has no intention of restraining at all.

I don't know if this guy is really ignorant, or if he hasn't been beaten by the society.

But it doesn't matter, just a small role.

"You go on talking."

Morgan looked at the interesting middle-aged slave owner and said.

"Yes, Mr. Morgan, we accept all your requests unconditionally, and we only ask you to be merciful."

The middle-aged slave owner hit the snake with a stick and said immediately.

For the other party's almost explicit flattery.

Morgan smiled: "Yes, you are quite sober."

"Your name is Fast?"

Hearing Morgan's question, Fast said with joy in his heart, "Yes, my lord."

"I remember you"

Fast was overjoyed: "This is my honor, my lord."

"Go and tell those who can make decisions, I can show mercy, but they have to be as sensible as you."


Morgan said, waving his hand: "My patience is limited."

"Yes, my lord."

Fast bowed in a very respectful salute, then turned around and left quickly with the few people behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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