Start with Lord of the Rings

Chapter 335 The Yunkai Disaster!

Chapter 335 The Yunkai Disaster!

Spring is sunny.

On the vast wilderness big grassland.

A long dragon-like black army marched forward mightily.

Ten thousand soldiers and horses, boundless and boundless.

Five thousand Unsullied elite fighters, four thousand Unsullied recruits, and one thousand recruits trained by Barristan.

A regular army of 1 people.

In addition, there are about 2000 logistics personnel responsible for the transportation of vehicles, horses, food and grass.

A large army of nearly 3000 people can't see the end on the open wilderness plain.


A deep and shocking roar came from the sky above.

Even in the past ten days or so, the soldiers have gotten used to the existence of the ferocious and huge dragon of the governor.

But every time this heart-shattering roar sounded in my ears, I couldn't help being amazed and frightened.

Roaring sounds from far and near.

With a large shadow quickly approaching.

All the soldiers couldn't help but look up at the huge beast above their heads.


There was a tremor.

The ferocious and terrifying steel armored dragon landed on the ground.

Missandei, the great clerk with a tight body and a graceful figure, led a few commanders and high-ranking officials to greet her immediately.

Morgan jumped off the dragon's back.


"You can already see Yunkai, we'll be there by this afternoon or so"

Missandei stepped forward and immediately spoke respectfully.

After more than half a year of training in the position of the high-ranking clerk in Astapor.

Missandei is growing fast.

This is why Morgan took her on the expedition this time.

In comparison, Afra, who followed her earlier, was a little worse.

Aphra is pretty good though.

Can manage the entire huge Governor's Mansion inside and out.

Morgan is still very satisfied with Aphra.

After all, beautiful women are a scarce resource.

There are even fewer women who want to have a good figure and appearance, as well as good abilities.


Morgan nodded, then looked at Guevara, who was in charge of logistics behind Missandei, and said, "Get some food for Siglia."

"Yes, my lord."

Guevara nodded immediately, turned around and walked back.

"It's almost lunch time, isn't it?"

Morgan took the water bag from Missandei, the captain of the guards, and asked Missandei after taking a big gulp.

"Yes, another hour is the meal time stipulated by our soldiers."

Missandei replied.

Throwing the water bag to Missanluo, Morgan ordered: "Bring the radish here."

Soon, a tall maroon horse was led by Missanluo.

Yes, this is another horse named Carrot.

The previous "Carrot" was fostered by Morgan's lover "White Rose" Diana when he left King's Landing.

The new carrot was specially selected by him.

Longer, stronger and more handsome than the previous Radish on the other side of the Narrow Sea.

The price of war horses in this world is not cheap.

The army under Morgan's command except for the vanguard and scout team of a hundred people is equipped with horses.

Other troops only have horses for the officer class.

in this world.

Although cavalry is the most powerful arm.

But because there are a total of [-] fighters under his command, [-] of them are Unsullied soldiers.

Unsullied warriors are known the world over for their iron discipline, loyalty, and fearlessness.

Morgan would never sacrifice the basics to equip horses for the Unsullied.

What's more, raising a cavalry team is much more expensive than raising an ordinary team.

That new army in Barristan, plus the huge cost of the Unsullied Army.

With Siglia in hand, Morgan has no plans to deploy cavalry yet.

He took the reins and got on the horse.

Morgan rode a turnip and walked quickly to the front of the large team.

Missandei waved her hand to disperse the high-ranking commanders around her, and she took the reins from the guards and immediately followed her on horseback.

Morgan rode his horse and rushed up to a higher hill, looking at the increasingly clear city at the end of his vision in the distance.

Missandei rushed up the hill, and stood silently beside her master on her horse.

a while.

Morgan turned his head: "Order, get ready for dinner"

"Let the soldiers have enough food this time, and we will strive to spend the night in Yunkai City tonight."


Missandei nodded, pulled the reins, and immediately walked towards the large army not far away.

Morgan continued to look at the city in the distance, thinking about something in his eyes.

At the foot of the hill not far behind him, the guards led by Missanluo were quietly guarding.

It was just after noon.

The army of Astapor is on the road again.

About to reach the finish line, plus Governor Morgan's order to accelerate.

The army that was full of food and drink was obviously much faster.


The sky is dim, and the setting sun in the western sky has not yet disappeared from the horizon.

The mighty army of Astapor finally reached the gate of Yunkai.

Half a year ago.

It took Morgan and Aphra eleven days from Yunkai to Astapor.

This time, it took him half a month to lead the army from Astapor to Yunkai again.


The tall black dragon sword flag rustled in the icy wind.

Riding a horse and standing next to him under the banner of a handsome man.

Morgan looked ahead at the huge city with closed gates and heavy security.

"let's start"

Morgan spoke in a cold voice, then raised his hand.

A group of commanders behind them immediately turned around on horseback and galloped towards their troops.



Order after order was passed down layer by layer.

Immediately afterwards, footsteps, hoarse orders, and the impact of steel weapons and armor all rang out.

The originally dense army began to disperse, and quickly lined up in the vast wilderness outside Yunkai City in the usual training phalanx formation.

The cold wind whistled.

It will be dark.

Looking outside the city gate, the huge momentum and full sense of oppression brought by the black and steel army lined up neatly.

On the walls of Yunkai.

A group of untrained slave soldiers had nervous eyes with a trace of fear.

Even in the eyes of a group of desperate mercenaries, this moment is also full of dignity.

"Can we really win this battle?"

"do not know"

"We're doomed this time, it's the army of the Unsullied, and the giant dragon"

"Whatever, winning or losing is what the leader and those big slave owners care about."

"We use money to do things, but we didn't say we have to work hard."

"Be smarter for a while"

Whispers continued in the mercenary unit.

Near the city gate.

A group of large slave owners dressed in gorgeous toka dresses gathered together and looked worried at the black army in the distance outside the city gate.

"What should I say?"

"At this point, you still haven't made up your mind?"

"Let's talk first, if we can't reach an agreement, let's talk again, anyway, we must not let that tyrant mobilize troops"

"Then it's decided!"

"Wait, who wants to negotiate?"

"Lord Laitok, why don't you go?"

"What am I going to do in my old age?"

"Where is Master Ika?"

"I'm not going either."

"Let Kubo go"


At the city gate, a group of great slave owners were discussing and arguing.

outside the city gate.

The cold wind was getting bitterer.

The black dragon sword flag beside him whistled in the wind.

Morgan sat on the horseback, looking at the city gate that was still closed in the distance ahead.

He rode his horse towards the colossal beast lying on the side.

at this time.

The gate of Yunkai in the distance suddenly opened slowly.

He watched as a group of figures in luxurious robes came out.

Seemingly aware of her master's plan, Missandei rode up to catch up and said quickly, "Master, they're out."

"With these people, you can't let them feel that there is any fluke."

Morgan didn't turn his head back and spoke in a low voice, then walked up to Siglia, reached out and touched the ferocious head handed over by the giant beast, and said softly, "Go, teach them a lesson!"

(End of this chapter)

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