Start with Lord of the Rings

Chapter 328 I'm joking

Chapter 328 I'm joking


A deep, shocking, and extremely penetrating roar resounded throughout the castle.

In the meeting room.

There was an instant of silence.

Chief Steward Aphra and Chief Secretary Missandei looked the same. They lived in the castle, and they had long been accustomed to Siglia's roar.

Barristan almost.

Although he came and went to the Governor's Mansion very frequently.

But each stay is not long, and the number of times I have seen the rapidly growing young dragon is not too many.

The roar of a tiger at close range can shock people.

What's more, standing at the top of the world's food chain, the life level of the dragon roars far beyond the tiger.

The faces of the people in the Governor's Mansion were quite calm.

Hearing the sound, Jorah Mormont's action of stepping forward to persuade Khaleesi immediately paused. During this pause, he seemed to have thought of something. Between the changes in his face, he still didn't step forward to speak, but stood still. In place.

In the entire living room.

Whoever is the most shocked by this roar from the depths of the castle.

Definitely Daenerys Targaryen.

She was born of the Targaryen dragon family.

Knows more about dragons than anyone else.

In addition, more than 100 years after the real dragon disappeared, she can hatch three young dragons again in her own way.

Daenerys' understanding of the real dragon is second, and no one in the whole world dares to be the first.

Because she sent someone to inquire about the news last night, she knew that the governor in front of her had a young dragon, but it seemed to be small.

But listen to the roar just now.

Daenerys finds out she was wrong.

She has three young dragons, and she knows the roar of the young dragons better than anyone else.

She could tell from the sound that the roaring baby dragon was obviously much bigger than her three smaller ones.

More importantly, she miscalculated the dragon's attraction to the governor.


The opponent already has a bigger dragon, and his own dragon has limited attraction to him.

What's more, the opponent can cultivate a dragon.

I'm afraid I also know that the existence of young dragons can only be obedient if they are hatched and cultivated by themselves.

But that's it.

Too many self righteous idiots to think of.

They thought that if they managed to get the baby dragons, they would become their own after a period of time like raising pigs, dogs, cattle and horses.

That's a joke.

This is why she is not afraid to trade with drakes.

Because as long as she said a word, the young dragon could fly back obediently.

But for the governor of Astapor who also owns the dragon in front of him.

This trick is obviously useless.

The roar of the giant dragon in the depths of the castle only rang once and then fell silent.

It was quiet in the living room.

Morgan drank the black tea quietly.

Daenerys on the opposite side of the reception table looked even colder.

"Two Dragons"

"I will exchange all the Unsullied warriors with two dragons."

Daenerys spoke again, her tone was a little eager and full of anger, as if she had suffered a huge loss by proposing this deal.

Morgan looked up at the woman in front of him.

In all fairness, Daenerys is indeed very beautiful, with beautiful purple eyes, a petite and hot figure, and very fair skin. In addition, she is the last blood of the Targaryen dynasty, and now she is the mother of dragons.

Such a woman is too attractive to men.

Morgan is no exception.

The body of the woman in front of him has a certain attraction to him.

But he is more realistic.

He despises Daenerys.

He was displeased with the other party's honeyed and proud attitude from beginning to end.

I dare not agree with the hypocrisy of the other party.

He also thought about whether to cooperate with Daenerys last night, or even marry her as his wife.

In this way, the three dragons and the army of the Unsullied can sweep everything.

He even has a tempting mind today.

However, after this contact, he knew that this Daenerys was exactly the same as the one he remembered, even with a more radical personality.

This made him lose his mind immediately.

Of course, he also knew that Daenerys might look down on him and feel that he was hypocritical.

Morgan didn't care about that either.

However, when she made it clear that she would not sell the Unsullied, she still wanted to play with her empty-handed white wolf time and time again.

This made him very uncomfortable.

Who doesn't know that young dragons will only be obedient if they are hatched and raised by themselves.

Is this bullying your ignorance?
But the other party's acting is good.

This has to be replaced by other people, and others will definitely not be able to hide.

"Two dragons are too few."

"Or three, I know you have three dragons."

Morgan drank the black tea in the cup, then sat on the bench and smiled at the woman opposite.

The voice fell.

Daenerys' expression changed immediately.

On his face was the "anger" humiliated by Morgan's words, but in his heart was a sudden surprise and a trace of doubt: "Is he playing with himself?"

"But even if you're kidding yourself, you have to try it yourself!"

"As long as we switch to the Unsullied army, it won't be too late to deal with this hypocritical governor."

"As for trading, there is no difference between one dragon and three dragons!"

I quickly thought of this in my heart.

Daenerys looked "angry" and said in embarrassment: "The value of the three dragons far exceeds that of the Unsullied, is the governor just joking?"

Facing the acting skills of the woman in front of him.

Morgan didn't speak, but watched the other party perform with a playful smile.

Morgan's attitude made Jorah Mormont behind Daenerys unable to hold back.

When Khaleesi shouted to exchange a dragon for the Unsullied before, he wanted to persuade him, but he was yelled back by the roar of the dragon.

Then, Khaleesi continued to increase the price of two dragons.

He was extremely eager, but fortunately the governor remained indifferent.

Now, the other party asked for three dragons, and he saw that Kalixi seemed to be willing to compromise, which immediately made him unable to bear it any longer.


Jorah Mormont stepped forward and said anxiously, "Only a dragon can win the throne, not a slave."

"It doesn't work here, we can go to other cities"

"We can go to Yunkai, go to Meereen to buy slaves"

"We can also go to Rhys, Myr or even Tyrosh to buy mercenaries. We don't have to be here."

Jorah Mormont spoke urgently.

All eyes on the scene immediately focused on him and Daenerys.

Daenerys didn't tell anyone about the plan to use the baby dragon to empty the white wolf.

It was not surprising that Jorah would object to her.

But he shouldn't be against himself in the face of so many people.

Facing Jorah Mormont's eager persuasion, Daenerys just looked at Jorah with an extremely cold expression.

Jorah Mormont looked down.

Daenerys took a deep breath, then looked at Morgan on the main seat again and said in a deep voice: "I agree to exchange three dragons for all the Unsullied!"

The voice fell.

Almost everyone in the living room thought that Morgan would agree.

Suddenly, I only heard Morgan chuckle and say, "I'm just kidding."

"Although the Unsullied are rare, they are far less valuable than the three dragons."

"I don't want to take advantage of others"

"Your Majesty Daenerys, let's look elsewhere."

Seeing the icy expression on Daenerys's face that quickly turned frosty, Morgan chuckled lightly, feeling refreshed in his heart: "I keep repeating this again and again, do you really think I have no temper?"

"Are you kidding me?"

Daenerys suppressed the anger in her heart, looked directly at Morgan in front of her, and asked almost word by word.

Facing the woman in front of him questioning.

The smile on Morgan's face disappeared immediately, and he said coldly, "You are the first."


Daenerys suddenly slapped the table and stood up: "Let's go!"

After giving Morgan a last cold look, Daenerys turned and left.

The changes were too fast, and the bewildered Jorah Mormont hurried to keep up.

(End of this chapter)

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