Start with Lord of the Rings

Chapter 327 I refuse!

Chapter 327 I refuse!

Facing the warm invitation from the handsome governor, Daenerys couldn't help showing a smile on her originally indifferent face.

Morgan leads Daenerys into the castle.

Even if he was upset, Jorah Mormont had no choice but to follow quickly.

He likes Khaleesi.

From the first moment he saw Khaleesi, he fell in love with her.

That's why he decided to pledge his allegiance to Khaleesi.

Although he still has the identity of an undercover agent of the Iron Throne, it is true that he loves Khaleesi.

When Khaleesi's husband, Khal Drogo, the most powerful lord of Dothraki in the eastern prairie, was still alive.

He can barely hide his love.

But when Khal Drogo died.

He slowly revealed this love.

Daenerys Targaryen naturally knew that Jorah Mormont liked her.

But there are many people who like her, and she can clearly feel the hot eyes of too many people looking at her.

How could she look up to a down and out knight with nothing.

and so.

Jorah Mormont could only do his best to advise Khaleesi and serve her, in order to have a chance to have a kiss in the future.

But such wishful thinking was almost shattered when she followed Khaleesi to the giant city of Qarth.

When one of the thirteen giants, the ugly and hypocritical middle-aged liar "Xaro Xhoan Daxos" wanted to marry Khaleesi in the name of helping Khaleesi.

He knew that Khaleesi had already been tempted by her at that time, and almost agreed to her.

Fortunately, that guy is a malicious liar.

He also helped Khaleesi come to Astapor as he wished.

Now there's another handsome young governor who's passionate about the Khaleesi.

He is very clear.

If the handsome governor, who is sitting in Astapor and has a large army of Unsullied under his command, proposes to Khaleesi in the name of helping her.

Then based on what he knew about Khaleesi, she would definitely agree.

He was sure.

"This enviable bastard."

Jorah Mormont cursed in his heart and followed into the castle.

In front.

Morgan and Daenerys Targaryen were walking and chatting.

"Master Morgan, you don't seem to be so friendly to your guests"

Daenerys spoke directly.

She was naturally upset at being treated like an enemy by that small Unsullied patrol yesterday.

However, after listening to the people under his command last night, they inquired a lot about this trusted governor.

Coupled with the current meeting, her view of the governor has changed slightly.

"of course not."

"You may already know that I killed many slave owners and offended many slave owners. Some ungrateful guys are still hiding in the corners of the city."

"So, I have to guard against."

"Not to mention a tribe of Dothraki appearing outside my city"

Morgan said with a smile, it was a little surprising that Daenerys directly spoke out about the difficulties she encountered yesterday.

"I came here with no malice"

Yesterday, I heard that the governor had killed many slave-owner nobles half a year ago before he took the position of governor.

Now hear the other party say it in person.

Daenerys couldn't help but feel a little more identification with the handsome governor.

Of course, there is only a trace.

She hated slavery, and she hated slave owners even more.

All those who are enemies of the slave master can get her approval.

However, she still expressed doubts about the governor.

"I believe"

Hearing Daenerys' words, Morgan replied with a smile, but couldn't help but sneer in his heart: "You are fake to buy the Unsullied this time, and you want to be a white wolf with empty hands is the real thing."

"This way."

Morgan took Daenerys straight to the drawing room.

Jorah Mormont, Barristan, Aphra, and Missandei also entered.

The maid who followed along the way consciously began to prepare tea.

As soon as Morgan sat down at the head of the reception table, Daenerys asked, "What do you think of slavery?"


Morgan said without hesitation: "This barbaric system should not appear in any civilized city. It must be banned and abolished."

"Just like Westeros."

This is what Morgan really thinks.

Just to hear what Morgan said.

Daenerys smiled.

"Since you think so, why are there so many slave owners in Astapone?"

"Why are there so many punished slaves and a large number of hanged slave bodies in Punishment Square and coastal streets?"

"Why is the slave trade still prevalent in the city?"

"Why hasn't slavery been abolished yet?"

"Why, as the governor, didn't you kill all the slave owners in the city?"

Daenerys sneered in her heart, this was her true heart now, but she didn't need to say it to the handsome but hypocritical governor in front of her.

She also needs to buy the Unsullied from the opponent.

Before that, she couldn't offend the other party and make the other party unhappy.

Looking at Daenerys on the opposite side, she smiled and said nothing.

Morgan seemed to have guessed something.

In the limited memory fragments in her mind, this Daenerys' extreme aversion to slavery is shown.

This can be seen when she immediately killed all the slave owners in Astapor as soon as she got the army of the Unsullied, and released all the slaves to freedom.

Although Morgan did not believe that those Unsullied warriors who were suddenly freed, the slaves would be very obedient and continue to serve Daenerys.

But Morgan wasn't interested in experimenting.

He knew that the other party should be laughing at himself at this time.

Because the opposition to slavery in his own words is as firm as iron.

But Astapor has limited changes in his own hands.

Isn't such behavior a slap in the face in the eyes of Daenerys, who is extremely disgusted with slavery?

But even if Daenerys misunderstood.

Morgan didn't care either. His own way of doing things didn't require anyone's judgment.

At this time, the maid brought the brewed black tea and placed it in front of everyone in the living room.

"Drink tea."

Morgan laughed and drank the steaming hot black tea in one gulp.

Daenerys and Barristan, who were paying attention to him, saw this movement and couldn't help jumping in their hearts.

Others may not know what Governor Morgan's actions mean.

But both of them knew clearly: "Only true dragons are not afraid of flames and high temperatures."

Morgan didn't pay attention to the eyes of others, nor did he care.

No need to order.

The young maid standing beside Morgan immediately stepped forward to refill the tea.

At this time, Daenerys, who quickly calmed down, put down her teacup, looked at the governor on the main seat and asked again: "My lord knows that I am here for the Unsullied."

"I don't know what the current price of the Unsullied is?"

Overheard Daenerys' inquiry.

Morgan shook his head.

"What does it mean?"

Daenerys frowned and asked immediately.

"Since half a year ago, Astapor has stopped training the Unsullied"

"Of course, there will be no more Unsullied for sale."

Morgan looked calm, and continued: "Didn't you ask about it?"

Look at Morgan's expression.

Daenerys' heart sank.

But she still has the final trump card.

"I need the Unsullied."

"I have a dragon, I can give you one in exchange."

Daenerys spoke again with a calm expression.

Jorah Mormont standing behind her changed expression immediately upon hearing the sound.

Just before he could stop it.

Morgan shook his head again: "I refuse"

The voice just fell.


A deep and shocking roar suddenly sounded from the depths of the castle.

 Happy National Day~~
(End of this chapter)

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