Start with Lord of the Rings

Chapter 300 Great changes in King's Landing, the baby dragon is born! 【Subscribe】

Chapter 300 Great changes in King's Landing, the baby dragon is born! 【Subscribe】

Under the dark night.

vast wilderness.

The raging flames are particularly conspicuous in the vast and dark wilderness.

Aphra stood outside the huge campfire and waited anxiously.

Although the owner Morgan told her that he would be fine.

But she still felt extremely anxious, not because he didn't trust the master, but because she had never heard of such a fact.

This made her have to worry.

But she can't disobey the master's order.

Now she can only pray that the master will be fine as he said before.

She didn't want to see something happen to the master.

She really didn't want to go back to the old days.

Since my father went bankrupt.

Her life at home became more and more difficult and difficult.

After his father was forced to come to the door by debt collectors.

The mother was forced to pick up the guests.

Then the younger sister was sold by the father.

And then myself.

She no longer wants to think about the tragic situation at home.

And since she was sold to the middle-aged bloated slave trader.

Her life was even more miserable.

Locked up with a group of girls in a dirty, smelly house.

Guarded every day.

As for the food, it was also the worst food.

Although it won't starve to death, it certainly won't be able to eat enough.

But these are not the scariest.

The most terrifying are the guards, or the slave owners, and the men who are brought to see them by the slave owners.

Their eyes looked at themselves as if they were looking at domestic animals, picking and choosing.

Sometimes when those girls fell in love with them, they would even be taken directly to other rooms.

She remembers it clearly.

Except for her, almost all the other girls were forcibly insulted by those people.

And as for why she survived.

It was because she heard the fat slave owner say that her virginity was very valuable.

This dispelled those people's thoughts.

Although she knew very well that since the fat slave owner bought her, her greedy and lustful eyes had never really moved away from her.

Among the many girls who were sold into slavery under various circumstances, most of them actually hoped that they could be bought away as soon as possible, instead of suffering in the hands of slave traders who were like prison cells.

on auction day.

The fat slave master will make all the girls bathe, wash their hair, and change into the same rough but clean linen clothes.

It is to make a higher price and more money in the auction.

Then, she met the current owner Morgan.

Although her time in the hands of the slave trader was not too long.

But from the other girls around, the guards, and even the slave owners, she knew that it was really rare for her to meet a master like Morgan.

Therefore, she didn't want to let go of her master, she didn't want to lose her master, and she didn't want to go back to the old hell days.

Outside the campfire square.

Aphra's mind was full of thoughts, and her face was anxious.

inside the phalanx.

Morgan resisted the stinging pain of the flames, constantly feeling the movement of the dragon egg in his arms.

As the surrounding charcoal begins to be depleted of energy, the fire continues to diminish.

When Morgan thought it was another futile act.

at this time.

There was a sudden fluctuation in the dragon egg with black delicate and complex lines in his arms.

next second.

Morgan suddenly opened his eyes, looking at the black dragon egg in his arms, his face was full of excitement, surprise, unbelievable!
But it's true.

He has been mentally monitoring the movement of the dragon egg in his arms.

Morgan could feel the fluctuation of life just now very clearly.

If sometimes what you see with your eyes is not necessarily true.

But something that is felt mentally is not so gullible.

There was a reaction inside the dragon egg.

That can only explain one situation, that is, the dragon egg is still "alive", which means that the dragon egg is likely to be hatched.

And this wave of life shows that the method of hatching the dragon egg is correct, and it also shows that he is on the right hatching path.

As long as it can continue to hatch.

It is very likely that he will hatch this dragon egg and get a giant dragon cub.

How precious is a dragon cub.

This can be seen from the fact that Aegon I Targaryen, the ancestor of the Targaryen Dynasty, used three adult dragons to unify the entire seven kingdoms of Westeros.

The Targaryen dynasty is now dead.

The only remaining two brothers and sisters of Targaryen blood can only survive by marrying under the command of the largest lord of Dothraki.

At this time, if he can hatch a giant dragon cub.

Looking at the black dragon egg in his arms, Morgan, who was full of thoughts, couldn't help but take a deep breath, suppressing the excitement in his heart.

He raised his head and looked at the dwindling fire around him.

Morgan had the urge to continue hatching in one go.

But considering that we have to go on the road tomorrow.

He still stopped the idea of ​​continuing to hatch.

Anyway, there is still a long time to go on the road.

I don't have to worry about this night.

Thinking of this, Morgan got up and was about to take the dragon egg back into the space of the dimensional ring again. He suddenly found that the black and complex lines on the surface of the dragon egg seemed to have darkened, and it looked more shiny than before.

If the previous dragon egg looks more like a hard dragon egg-shaped stone.

But now it is obviously more like an egg, with the appearance and texture of a real dragon egg.

This is obviously a good thing.

Morgan was happy and put away the dragon eggs.

At this time.

Suddenly, the little slave girl Aphra's voice came to her ears.

Morgan looked up and saw Aphra's eager face and watery green eyes with tears in the corners of her eyes outside the charcoal fire formation.

"Okay, isn't it all right?"

Morgan stepped on the still red charcoal barefoot, walked up to Aphra and smiled.

It's just that seeing the master's naked body at such a close distance, even if it wasn't the first time, after the worry disappeared, an incomparable shyness immediately rushed to her head, making Aphra's face turn red soon again.

Aphra quickly turned her head shyly.

Seeing Aphra's appearance, Morgan laughed out loud.

Hatching is over.

Morgan got dressed and took Aphra back to the bonfire next to the carriage, set up the cooking pot again and started preparing for supper.

He just struggled against the scorching of the flames in the charcoal bonfire, which consumed a lot of energy.

At this time, you will definitely need to eat supplements.

The skinny Afra also needs to eat a lot of nutritious food tonic, and strive to return her body to normal as soon as possible.

Watching one food and one spice after another continuously appear out of thin air in the master's hands.

Aphra on the side had already widened her eyes.

But she won't ask anything.

Compared with the owner who can shuttle back and forth in the raging fire or even be burned for more than half an hour, he can still be safe and sound.

In Afra's cognition, such a magical ability in front of her is nothing.

Today is the first night of sleeping in the wild.

Morgan is teaching Aphra how to cook supper at the same time.

During the day because of the need to hurry.

The two lunches basically ate dried meat, dry food such as cakes that can be stored for a long time.

When it's time for dinner and supper, I will start cooking hot food and eat it. Well, there is also morning.

The method and steps of cooking supper taught by Morgan were very careful, and Aphra also learned it very carefully.

When the rich aroma of food in the cooking pot is cooked tonight.

Aphra has already learned a lot.

Then you can try cooking.

A supper is over.

The night is getting a little dark.

Even though it was the end of winter and the beginning of spring was about to usher in, the nights in the wilderness of the Essos continent were not that cold.

But Morgan is not going to continue to sleep in the wild.

The spacious two-seater carriage that he specially spent a lot of money on is just for sleeping in the wild.

Afra spread the bedding in the carriage.

Morgan was not pretentious this time. After feeding the two horses, he returned to the carriage, took off his clothes and lay down.

And when Aphra lay down in thin pajamas, Morgan hugged her into her arms.

He could clearly feel that Afra was trembling all over.

However, Morgan did not do anything else after hugging Aphra. He just hugged her and fell asleep. Not long after, there was a slight snoring sound.

Aphra, who was held in the arms of her master, was nervous, flustered, and even a little bit of anticipation.

It is preparing to wait for the arrival of the owner.

But the owner has not made any other movements, and soon made a purring sound.

It was only then that Ephra realized that the master was just sleeping with her in his arms. She was not disappointed, on the contrary, she was greatly relieved.

She knew that she was full of bones now, and it would be uncomfortable to hold her.

Men don't like women who are too skinny.

This was what the other girls had told her when she was still in the slaver's cell.

So she decided to eat more next time.

Strive to be able to eat as soon as possible, and eat back to the body shape when I was still at home.

Master is going to Slave Bay this time.

She has never traveled far, and she is a little curious about what the Slave Bay looks like, but she is more concerned about whether the master will buy other slaves in the Slave Bay where the slave trade is the most.
Close to the master's strong, hot and powerful chest.

Afra thought wildly and fell asleep quickly.

The night was darker.

Just when Morgan was sleeping peacefully in the wilderness of Essos with the beautiful little slave girl in his arms.

The court situation in the Red Castle of King's Landing, far across the narrow sea.

Great changes have already taken place.

Let us push back the time to half a month ago.

At that time, Morgan was still floating in the narrow sea.

Inside the Red Castle.

The three-day appointment time has come.

Queen Cersei Lannister didn't wait to come to Morgan, so she knew that she had been cheated and prostituted for nothing.

But when she sent people to search all the places where Morgan had stayed in King's Landing, she couldn't find Morgan.

No matter how angry Cersei Lannister is, it won't help.

But Morgan is just a little guy after all.

After Queen Cersei Lannister was angry for a while, she remembered Morgan's deception in her heart and ignored it.

Because it is a big deal to deal with Ed Stark who has returned to the position of Prime Minister.

The youngest brother Tyrion Lannister was arrested, and his younger brother Jaime Lannister was forced to escape from King's Landing.

Obviously it was the Stark family who took the lead in attacking the rules.

The king's husband made himself bear it, knowing that Tyrion was still in the hands of that bitch Catelyn Tully of the Stark family.

Lannister "pays all debts"!
How could this be tolerated by Queen Cersei Lannister.

Therefore, the conspiracy she prepared for her husband, King Robert Baratheon, also followed him to hunt outside the city.

the other side.

Inside the Stark House Castle in the Noble Quarter.

On the second day after Morgan left King's Landing, the former Prime Minister Ed Stark was in the study on the second floor, flipping through the rich "family tree and history of the main noble families of the Seven Kingdoms" in Westeros borrowed from the grand maester. when books.

Suddenly discovered a very surprising secret.

He inquired about the "Baratheon family", except for the current king Robert Baratheon's children who were all blond, all other members of the Baratheon family had black hair.

What's strange is that Robert Baratheon's identified illegitimate children all have black hair without exception.

Such a discovery quickly made Ed Stark suspicious.

Soon, it was discovered that the Lannister family in Casterly Rock City has always been blond.

Reminiscent of the discord between Queen Cersei Lannister and King Robert.

Ed. Stark has realized what happened.

Reminiscent of what Chief Intelligence Officer Varys had warned him about.

Ed Stark has vaguely begun to realize some things and conspiracies.

However, he is a man of integrity, disdainful and good at intrigue.

So after finding out that Prince Joffrey, Myrcella, Tommen Baratheon and other children are not the children of the king and good friend Robert Baratheon.

Ed Stark approached Queen Cersei Lannister the next day to explain his discovery, and persuaded her to leave King's Landing with her child.

It's just that Queen Cersei Lannister didn't do what Ed Stark wanted.

seven days later.

The hunting convoy of King Robert Baratheon returned to King's Landing ahead of schedule.

At the same time, the news that the king was seriously injured by a wild boar quickly spread throughout King's Landing.

a time.

The undercurrent in King's Landing City kept surging.

The continent of Essos.

On the wild road from the Free Cities of Pentos to the Free Cities of Norvos.

An exquisite two-horse carriage is galloping on the avenue.

When the orange light group hanging high in the western sky disappeared into the horizon.

The sky also quickly dimmed.

"Go there and spend the night under those two trees tonight"

Inside the carriage, Morgan poked his head out of the window and pointed to the wilderness with two big trees with crooked necks a little far ahead.

Afra, who was driving, nodded and pulled the reins skillfully, and the carriage immediately drove towards the two big trees with crooked necks.

It didn't take long.

Park your car.

Morgan fed the horses, and Aphra, who was very familiar with it, started to set up a pot and light a fire to start cooking dinner.

It has been more than half a month since I left Pantos.

Aphra has grown from a culinary novice to a culinary expert.

Not only does Morgan no longer need to drive, but even cooking.

Although Morgan has nothing to do with his hands.

But mentally, he couldn't rest at all.

Because he could feel that the dragon egg in his dimensional ring was about to break its shell.

Since the first day I left Pentos.

After the dragon egg fluctuated for the first time.

Morgan has hatched every night since then.

Then, not disappointing him, the fluctuations in the black dragon egg became more and more dynamic as the incubation time increased.

Just last night.

When hatching in the charcoal fire array, Morgan could feel the life in the dragon egg began to constantly hit the eggshell.

This convinced him.

Maybe tonight, maybe tomorrow night, or maybe the day after tomorrow.

Anyway, it's just a few days.

The life inside the dragon egg is about to break out of the shell.

How could this calm him down.

So just finished dinner.

Morgan immediately began to set up a charcoal fire circle on the flat wilderness around the two crooked-neck trees.

After a busy time.

A huge charcoal fire array was set up.

Morgan couldn't wait to walk into the only open space in the center of the circle.

Aphra stood outside the charcoal fire array, obeying the command to ignite the charcoal fire array again.

In the middle of the fire array.

Feel the high temperature rapidly burning around.

Morgan could clearly feel the dragon egg in his arms becoming active again.

It seems that only the flame can activate the life in the dragon egg.

Just like yesterday.

The thing inside the dragon egg hit the black eggshell again immediately after waking up.

Time passed slowly.

The surrounding flame temperature is getting higher and higher.

The movement of the dragon egg in Morgan's arms was getting louder and louder.

Finally, when the temperature of the charcoal fire array reached the highest value.

The movement of the dragon egg in Morgan's arms stopped suddenly after a violent blow.

Followed by.



There were crackling sounds one after another.

Morgan stared intently at the dragon egg that was rapidly rupturing beneath him.

next second.

A little thing with horns on its head, wings on its back, and its body covered in black came out of the eggshell.

(End of this chapter)

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