Start with Lord of the Rings

Chapter 299 Big Surprise! !

Chapter 299 Big Surprise! !

The slave auction is over.

The crowd of onlookers began to disperse.

On the side of the square.

The middle-aged bloated slave trader was leading four mercenary bodyguards wearing leather armor and long swords, and Aphra, a slave girl with a stooped figure and a tense expression.

In front of several people.

Morgan was coming out of the exquisite carriage beside him at this time, holding a heavy money bag in his hand.

Throwing the money bag directly to the greedy slave trader who kept rubbing his hands and smiling in front of him.

The slave trader took the heavy money bag and immediately opened it. Seeing the yellow gold coins with the three-headed dragon emblem engraved on one side, his eyes lit up immediately, and he murmured subconsciously: "They are all gold dragon coins!"

Although the gold coins of the free trade city state are not much different from the gold dragon coins of Westeros.

However, the fineness of the Golden Dragon Coin is better than that of the gold coins used by the Free City-State of the Essos Continent.

This is also the reason why Golden Dragon Coins are more popular among merchants.

The middle-aged slave trader deals with gold coins almost every day, so his way of counting money is far more slippery than ordinary people.

He just held the purse in his hand and weighed it several times.

Then he looked at Morgan with a bright smile and said, "The number is correct, full of weight."

Morgan said, "I took that man away."

The bloated slave trader nodded, but seemed to think of something, and immediately looked at Morgan with a mean smile and said, "Hey, this girl hasn't been touched yet, Chuye is still there"

“Enjoy it”

Hear the slave owner laugh.

Morgan was not surprised. The other party dared to bid a huge price of [-] gold coins. This slave girl named Aphra must still be there on the first night.

Otherwise she is not worth the price.

This is almost a customary rule.

Morgan had heard it in the crowd before.

Ignoring the slave owner, he looked at the slave girl who was standing beside the slave owner, with a stooped and thin body, a little messy blond hair, and a tense expression, and said, "Come with me."

After speaking, he turned and walked towards the carriage.

The girl who heard the voice trembled all over, and slowly raised her head to look at the middle-aged bloated slave owner who was holding a purse and looking left and right, and then walked towards Morgan.


Morgan glanced at the nervous girl and said casually.

The girl walked slowly to the side of the carriage, opened the door, and walked in.

driving position.

Morgan pulled the rein in his hand, and the two horses shook their heads and snorted, then walked forward.

Go back to the tavern you set up before.

After Morgan handed over the two horses and the carriage to the care of the tavern attendant.

Then he took the girl into the tavern.

"Roast lamb chops, white mushroom soup, honey muffins, goulash, apple pie."

In front of the bar counter of the bar, Morgan looked at the entire row of menus and ordered, then looked at the girl standing behind him and asked.

Aphra, who had raised her head slightly to look around just now, immediately lowered her head nervously when she saw Morgan looking over.

Seeing the girl like this, Morgan asked again, but looked at the bartender: "Two of the two I just ordered, and add another fruit salad"

The bartender walked quickly to the kitchen with the menu.

Morgan turned his head to look at the girl behind him again, and saw that although the girl's body and face were clean, her clothes were only the cheapest old burlap clothes, and her beautiful long golden hair was messed up because she didn't take care of it.

Morgan immediately turned to look at another bartender at the bar and said, "Open another room next to my room, prepare hot water, and prepare a suit of suitable clothes, shoes, and medium fabric for her, so hurry up."

After some orders.

The bartender opened the room.

Morgan led the newly bought slave girl upstairs, followed by a tavern maid holding new clothes and shoes.

The maid looks ordinary, but her breasts are full and her figure is very promising.

It seems to have seen the relationship between Morgan and the thin girl.

The tavern maid twisted her buttocks and strode past the two of them to Morgan, showing off on purpose.

The vast majority of these tavern maids are part-time prostitutes.

For this kind of vulgar fan, Morgan just glanced at it and was not interested in looking again.

Reach the door to the girl's room.

The girl still bowed her head and said nothing.

Morgan didn't care either. He looked at the girl with a flat face and said, "Take a shower, then cut your hair short, then change your clothes and come down to eat."

"is the master"

The slave girl Aphra finally spoke, but her head was still lowered, and her tone was still a little nervous.

Hear the word master.

Morgan frowned slightly: "I'll call you an adult from now on."

"Yes, my lord."

Afra said immediately.


Morgan nodded, turned around and walked downstairs to the hall room.

Then Morgan's footsteps faded away.

Only then did Aphra slowly raise her head.

The tavern maid skillfully opened the door, looked at the large steaming tub in the rather spacious room, and also looked at the new clothes and shoes worth more than half a month's salary in her arms.

The maid put down her clothes, turned around and looked behind her at the girl who had just walked into the room, dressed in the cheapest burlap clothes, and sighed, "Are you a slave?"

Aphra didn't speak, but looked at the big bathtub in the room in a daze.

The tavern maid didn't care, and continued, "That lord is really kind to you."

Isn't that right, an independent room, and new clothes and shoes that are not cheap.

This is far from being comparable to the treatment of those slave girls who were put to bed by the new owner the same day they were just bought back, or even some slave girls who couldn't wait to get into bed as soon as they brought your home.

What's more, the guest just now is tall and handsome.

Think more and more.

for a while.

The hot tavern maid actually became a little envious of the slave girl in front of her.

It's just that Aphra still didn't speak.

But when she looked up.

The tavern maid who was about to leave immediately saw the appearance of the slave girl.

Looking at the other party's clear green eyes for an instant.

The tavern maid immediately understood why the girl in front of her was attracted by the handsome guest just now.

The maid closed the door with a complicated mood and left.

Afra, who was left alone in the room, immediately had a smile on her face that she didn't have before.

Even those clear emerald green eyes became much more agile.

When Aphra took off her clothes and stepped into the tub with her skinny but white glowing body exposed, she felt an unprecedented comfort hugging her whole body.

At this moment, she was extremely grateful that it was Mr. Morgan who bought her, not the other two greedy middle-aged men who were staring at her.

Thinking of this, my body seemed to return to the feeling of my father taking a bath at home before he went bankrupt.

Aphra couldn't help murmuring softly: "Thank you, Lord Morgan."


In the tavern hall.

Morgan sat at a wine table by the window.

Pentos is the closest free trade city-state to King's Landing, the capital of the seven nations of Westeros across the sea.

The prosperity of the city is naturally needless to say.

It was afternoon.

The spacious tavern hall is almost full.

When the tavern maid delivered all the food, the long table for two was already full.

Facing the delicious food in front of him, Morgan immediately picked up the tableware with his index finger.

Nearly a month's sea journey.

The food provided on board is not bad, but it is just the most ordinary meal.

Morgan even has food hidden in the Dimensional Ring.

But most are jerky, others are raw and require cooking.

But he is not a serious chef after all.

And Morgan wasn't in the mood for cooking on board.

In the past month, in the words of a dwarf, his mouth has almost faded into a bird.

Facing a table full of food at this time.

Morgan immediately whetted his appetite and began to eat.

When the grilled lamb chops that served as the main course were wiped out by half.

A figure suddenly appeared at the table.

Morgan looked up, and saw a tall, blond girl in an off-white dress standing in front of her.

Although her face was pale and her cheeks were thin, her pair of green and clear eyes looked even more beautiful.

Moreover, this girl whose appearance has improved a lot after a change of clothes has a faint and cool temperament.

This convinced Morgan to believe what the slave trader had said before the auction that the girl was of noble birth.

Only then did Aphra pluck up the courage to look up, but immediately lowered her head after being sized up by Morgan, not sure if she was nervous or shy.

“Sit down and eat”

Morgan said flatly.

"Yes, my lord."

Only now did Aphra sit down on the bench opposite Morgan, and began to eat.

At first it seemed to care that the owner, Morgan, was on the opposite side.

Aphra eats very slowly, very politely.

But watching the master concentrate on the food, he didn't pay attention to her at all.

Only then did Afra start to eat with a big mouthful.

Before that, although she wasn't hungry, she definitely couldn't get enough to eat, otherwise she wouldn't be so thin that she lost her appearance.

At this time, facing the table full of delicious food.

Aphra didn't need Morgan's order this time, and immediately started to eat boldly.

The rich food in front of you.

It is rare for her to eat at home before she broke the fortune.

At this time, Aphra understood better what the coquettish tavern maid said to her: "You really met a good master this time."

After a while.

Morgan picked up the tall wooden wine glass on the table and drank the beer in the glass.

Then he let out a long sigh of relief.

Seeing the opposite owner Morgan put down the tableware.

Aphra's eating speed immediately slowed down.

Morgan, who noticed such details, nodded secretly, this is a smart girl.

"What's your name?"

Taking out the oak pipe brought from Middle-earth, Morgan asked while filling the tobacco.

"My lord, my name is Aphra."

"Oh, it seems that you should be born a nobleman, tell me, what's going on?"

Morgan smoked a cigarette and began chatting with his little slave.

It didn't take long.

Morgan knew that Aphra's family was in debt and bankrupt, and her father had no choice but to sell her to a slave trader who had dealt with before, and then met himself.

It was about the same as what he had guessed before.

These girls from minor noble families will be so tragically reduced to slavery, and most of them are the reasons for major changes in the family.

After some chatting.

Morgan has a great understanding of Afra in front of her.

Aphra also learned about some of the masters.

For example, she knew that the master was going to Slave Bay next.

She knew about Slaver's Bay, but even if she had never traveled far, she knew that Slaver's Bay was far, far away.

And when the owner Morgan asked if she would drive a horse.

Aphra agreed even if she didn't know how to do it: "No, but I can learn."

After the meal is over.

Morgan took Afra back to the second floor.

Since he opened another room for Afra, it means that he has no plan to let Afra sleep with him tonight.

One is that Aphra is still young.

Although 13 years old is not young, she is a big girl.

Just like Sansa Stark who is far away in King's Landing City is also 13 years old, and she is already engaged to Prince Joffrey.

But the main reason why Morgan didn't touch Aphra was because she was too thin now.

He is not impatient.

Be patient and wait for Aphra to recuperate her body, and train and teach her by the way.

He wasn't satisfied with letting Aphra just be a simple vase by his side.

The night passed quickly.

Early the next morning.

It was just getting brighter.

Morgan woke up just in time.

When he finished washing and went out.

Aphra was already standing in front of her room wearing the off-white long dress that she asked the tavern to temporarily buy yesterday.

Morgan took Aphra downstairs.

He went to the bar to check out, and by the way, he received the dry food, wine, horse supplies and a lot of charcoal that he asked the tavern to prepare and buy yesterday.

Astapor to Slaver's Bay was expected to be nearly three months away.

He hadn't forgotten to continue hatching eggs during the journey.

When everything is ready.

When Morgan was heading towards the street with a fully loaded carriage.

The golden light group in the eastern sky has just raised its head, casting the first ray of sunlight on the continent of Essos.

Even early in the morning.

There are still people coming and going on the main street of Pantos, which is very lively.

There are too many people on the street.

Morgan did not let Aphra, who was sitting in the same posture seat, start learning to drive.

After purchasing some things temporarily on the busy streets on both sides.

Only then did Morgan hold the carriage straight along the street, heading towards the next stop "Novox Free Trade Federation".

It was just around noon.

Morgan took Aphra and drove out of the gate of the city-state of Pentos, heading towards the vast wilderness avenue.

The road has become wider and the field of vision has become extremely open.

Morgan then handed over the reins to Aphra beside him.

Before that, he had already told Aphra a lot about the skills and methods of driving a carriage.

Aphra took the reins fearlessly.

Started to use the method given by the owner Morgan to drive the car.

It didn't take long.

When the two horses in front of the cart began to move flexibly with the movements of their hands.

Aphra, who was suffocated in her heart, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The owner was very nice to her, very nice.

Naturally, she couldn't disappoint her master.

Taught his little slave girl Aphra to drive.

It was much easier for Morgan then.

Chatting, dozing off, drinking, thinking about the future with Afra's company.

Morgan just thinks the journey is much more interesting now than before.

He has already decided that he will never walk alone again.

When the light cluster in the western sky slanted westward, it disappeared into the horizon.

The sky gradually darkened.

In the vast wilderness grassland, under a solitary big tree.

A carriage was parked under a tree.

There are fire lights flickering around.

Morgan and Afra finished their dinner.

The sky has also completely darkened.

Immediately, Morgan and Aphra began to place charcoal arrays on a wilderness not far from the carriage.

Aphra's future destiny will be closely linked with her.

Morgan didn't intend to hide anything about the dragon eggs from the other party.

Although Aphra didn't ask.

She does what Morgan tells her to do.

After the two made some arrangements.

A larger and more charcoal hatching hotbed than in the basement of King's Landing City is ready.

Morgan immediately took off his clothes, and sat on the only open space in the center of the charcoal formation with the black dragon egg in his arms.

When Morgan gave the order seriously.

When Aphra tremblingly held up the burning wood to light the oil-stained charcoal.

The fire engulfed Morgan in an instant.

Aphra, who was standing beside the burning campfire, looked at the raging fire with an extremely worried expression, tears gradually flickering in her eyes.

The center of the burning array.

Feeling the extremely hot flames and heat waves around the body burning the body.

Morgan closed his eyes and sat upright in the middle of the flames, forcing his mind to feel the dragon egg in his arms quietly.

Time passed slowly.

When the flame array began to shrink.

When Aphra, with tears in her eyes, stood beside the huge bonfire, her expression was extremely anxious.

Morgan, who was sitting in the center of the flame circle, suddenly felt a wave in the dragon egg in his arms.

A wave similar to life!

(End of this chapter)

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