Start with Lord of the Rings

Chapter 276 Dapeng rises with the same wind on the 1st, and soars to 9 miles!

Chapter 276 The roc rises with the same wind in one day, soaring up to [-] miles!

King's Landing, Red Castle.

Spacious conference room with luxurious and solemn decoration.

The former Prime Minister, Eddard Stark, Duke of Winterfell, sat at the head of the conference table.

Beside him and in front of him.

Then sat the Minister of Justice "Renly Baratheon" (Renly Baratheon: King Robert Baratheon's youngest brother, Duke of Storm's End);

Tyr "Littlefinger" Baelish, Chancellor of the Exchequer;
Grand Maester Pycelle;

And there's Chief Intelligence Officer Varys.

Since King Robert Baratheon invited his good friend Ed Stark from the northern border of Winterfell to serve as the Prime Minister, it seems that he has found a backbone and returned to the old days of drinking and playing with women every day.

Up to now, I have never attended an imperial meeting.

There is also Stannis Baratheon, the Sea Minister who is supposed to attend the Royal Council (Stannis Baratheon: King Robert Baratheon's second brother, Duke of Dragonstone Island).

Because after the death of the former Prime Minister Jon Arryn, he left King's Landing City and went to Dragonstone Island and has not returned yet.

As for the last captain of the Kingsguard, Barristan Selmy, who is eligible to appear in the imperial meeting, he is currently busy with the upcoming tournament and has no time to attend the meeting.

At this time, in the conference room.

In addition to the above five powerful ministers in charge of the entire kingdom.

There was also a tall middle-aged soldier in full armor standing in front of the five ministers.

"The tournament will start tomorrow."

"Are the city defenses of Junlin City ready?"

Ed Stark raised his head, looked at the middle-aged soldier in front of him and asked.

"Report to the Prime Minister, basically everything is ready, but with the large number of people pouring into the city every day, our guards are not enough"

"Just last night, there was a serious brawl in a tavern, a fire in a brothel, two deaths in a brothel due to money issues, and a drunken horse racing incident."

"These are all caused by the lack of guards"

The middle-aged captain of the city guard replied.

"Insufficient guard force is such a serious problem, you should have raised it long ago, instead of waiting until now."

Ed Stark frowned immediately when he heard this, looked at the middle-aged city guard captain in front of him and said in a deep voice: "I don't care whether you recruit or hire yourself, in short, no mistakes are allowed during the upcoming martial arts tournament. , otherwise I will hold you accountable."

"Now, tell me if I can do it, if I can't do it, then I will replace it with someone else?"

Ed Stark said seriously.

The city guards are so important, such a problem is actually reported only at the last minute.

He hates this kind of guy who is a vegetarian.

This city guard captain is very problematic.

The captain of the City Guard who had been severely reprimanded by the new Prime Minister left quickly with cold sweat on his face.

Ed Stark looked at the scroll in front of him, which recorded a series of expenses and problems due to the tournament, and his expression was not very good.

"The sooner the tournament ends, the better."

Ed Stark sighed, leaned back on the bench, and rubbed his tired face with his hand.

Since coming to King's Landing, he has taken the position of former Prime Minister.

He discovered that there were too many problems in King's Landing City.

At this time, a minister answered: "But it is precisely holding such events that can demonstrate the strength of the kingdom, my lord."

"People at the top take the opportunity to compete for glory, and people at the bottom can also take this opportunity to forget their sorrows."


"All the taverns and hotels in Junlin City are full of people."

"Prostitutes can also pick up customers and get their legs together"

"Such a prosperous King's Landing City, I believe everyone wants to see it"

King's Landing City, aristocratic area.

House Stark Castle.

In the small garden on the second floor.

Two figures, one tall and one short, are practicing against each other.

"Bang bang bang bang."

The sound of gold and iron colliding continued to resound.

Arya Stark was constantly attacking the teacher in front of her with a sharp "Needle" rapier.

Morgan is also holding an iron sword, waving his hands to resist the fierce attack of student Arya Stark.

One attacked with all his strength, and the other tried his best to resist.

The continuous offensive between Arya Stark and teacher Morgan lasted for nearly half an hour.

In the end, when Arya, who was sweating profusely, began to pant heavily, the teacher Morgan finally showed a flaw. Arya had quick eyes and quick hands, and with a sharp sword, she cut through a corner of the teacher's robe.

"Ah, teacher, you lost!"

Looking at the small piece of clothing that fell to the ground, Arya Stark said loudly with great excitement.

How long.

Ever since his father Ed Stark agreed to let Mr. Morgan teach him swordsmanship.

Arya Stark has been looking forward to this day.

Because the teacher said that when she can hurt the teacher, even if it is only the corner of the teacher's clothes, Arya has passed the training and reached the standard for being a teacher.

Although Arya already thinks that her sword skills are already very good.

However, before that, he was still unable to hurt the teacher, even if the teacher deliberately put on a large cloak and robe.

Now, she finally did it.

Looking at the excitement on the immature face in front of him.

Morgan raised the corner of his mouth slightly.

Arya could hurt the hem of his clothes, of course he did it on purpose.

Tomorrow is the tournament.

There are many things to come, and his leisure days in the Stark family castle have almost entered the countdown.

He is not a retainer of the Stark family, but only employed by the Stark family.

Although Mrs. Stark Caitlin Tully wanted to invite Morgan to join the Stark family more than once.

Morgan just smiled and shook his head.

Even a month ago, when Caitlin Tully came to King's Landing City Morgan to see her off temporarily, the other party brought up the matter of retainers again.

Morgan still shook his head.

He never thought about which family or which side he would be attached to in this world.

He was hired by the Stark family just for a step, an opportunity.

Now, the best opportunity "Contest of Martial Arts" has arrived.

As long as he can sweep the entire martial arts competition this time, he will become No. 1 in the three competitions of "immediate spear competition", "team competition" and "archery competition".

Become the No.1 tournament in the whole world, not just in Westeros.

At that time, he will immediately jump out of the Stark family's status as a swordsman and the limitations of the Stark family.

From then on, "the sea is wide enough for fish to leap, and the sky is high for birds to fly".

And before that.

Morgan needs to arrange the studies of his student Arya Stark.

In fact, if you really want to massage the root standard, Arya's strength must be far from being able to become a teacher.

But Arya's identity is different, and the current situation is different.

Morgan agreed to Arya's appointment as a teacher.

But even if Arya left early, based on Morgan's understanding of the strength of ordinary fighters in this world, those elite guards who came to King's Landing with Ed Stark were around the castle.

Waiting for four or five guard fighters is definitely not Arya's opponent.

It is to find Arya's illegitimate brother, Jon Snow.

Arya can also fight the opponent.

Actually speaking.

The Arya Stark in front of her can be regarded as the most gifted among the students Morgan has met over the years.

Arya is active and quick-witted.

This also allows her sword to perfectly inherit this point: fast, agile, tricky and flexible.

Plus the world doesn't pay attention.

Morgan has specially taught the footsteps to move around.

With Arya's current strength, even if something happens, one person is enough to protect herself.

But Arya also has a big flaw.

That is because she is too young, and her physical strength is weaker than that of ordinary soldiers, so she cannot continue to fight for a long time.

But this is also impossible.

Morgan had reminded her, and Arya must have known it herself.


"The teacher keeps his word, you have already graduated from the teacher."

Seeing Arya with a happy face, Morgan smiled and said, "From tomorrow onwards, I won't teach you anymore, and you don't have to get up at dawn to practice."

"However, you can be lazy once in a while."

"But never relax."

"Once you relax, your swordsmanship will not advance but retreat."

"You have to keep in mind."

Morgan looked at the student in front of him and said in a deep voice.

Seeing the teacher's serious face, Arya restrained the joy on her face, and said obediently, "I see, teacher."

Morgan nodded: "Well, that's it."


Arya immediately ran away happily with a sewing needle as if relieved.

Morgan turned around and walked into the gazebo beside him, staring at the warm light continuously rising in the east.

Early the next morning.

It was still dark.

The entire King's Landing City has already woken up amidst the noise and restlessness.

In an age of scarce entertainment.

Every large-scale event will cause a sensation.

This grand martial arts competition will be a carnival for the residents of the entire King's Landing City.

And this carnival feast is made up of wine, whores, and most importantly, gambling.

Morgan opened his eyes.

It was already dawn outside the window.

Today's dawn is different than usual.

There were constant sounds coming from below the castle.

The grand atmosphere of the martial arts tournament affected everyone in King's Landing City at this time.

The people in the Stark family castle are no exception.

Arya Stark woke up early in the morning like a wild child, running around the castle.

Sansa Stark is also looking forward to the martial arts tournament in King's Landing. The most important thing is that today, she can see the prince's fiancé Joffrey, whom she hasn't seen for more than a month, which makes her sleepless.

She was a lady, though, and would not get up as early as her sister Arya, even if she was awake.

Former Prime Minister Ed Stark rarely slept in the castle yesterday.

When I came to the restaurant on the second floor to sit down early, I looked at the happy little daughter Alia and said, "Go, invite your teacher here, I have something to tell him."

Arya immediately got up and ran to the first floor after hearing her father's order.

When Morgan walked into the restaurant on the second floor.

I saw Ed Stark and Arya and Sansa Stark eating, as well as the lady who taught the two Miss Starks all the time.

But other than that, no one else.

"Morgan is here, sit down"

"grown ups."

Morgan said hello and sat down.

He knew in his heart Ed Stark's intention of asking him to have a meal together.

It must be to explain some things about the tournament.

It just so happened that he also wanted to ask about some details of the tournament.

Sure enough, as soon as he sat down, Ed Stark on the side began to talk about the martial arts tournament.

At this time, the maid at the side brought a hearty breakfast for Morgan.

Morgan ate his breakfast.

While listening to the personal guidance of the former Prime Minister.

between processes.

Morgan also asked some questions from time to time, all of which were answered in detail by Ed Stark.

After half an hour.

A large procession stepped out of the gate of the castle.

Eddard Stark rode ahead.

Morgan and the guard captain Kelsen stood guard on both sides.

Behind the three of them was an exquisite carriage pulled by horses.

In the carriage sat Arya and Sansa Stark, the two Miss Stark family, and the middle-aged female officer of the castle.

There are guards on both sides and rear of the carriage.

The convoy headed straight for the royal garden located in the east of the palace "Red Castle".

The tournament is the most important, and the most exciting "Pike Tournament on Immediately" competition system requires horseback riding, so the entire tournament is simply arranged in the soft garden on the ground.

In the past, large-scale martial arts competitions were also held in the royal garden.

This is also the only chance for ordinary civilians in Junlin City to visit the royal garden.

The Stark family on their way to the royal garden.

I also saw a large number of ordinary people who were also marching towards the royal garden in groups, whispering to each other, and their faces were full of joy.

The nobles are not to be trifled with.

Especially the powerful aristocrats with groups of escort convoys.

The Stark family caravan traveled unimpeded on the crowded avenue.

When Morgan followed him to the beautiful royal garden with neat trees and lawns.

It was found that the competition venue where the martial arts competition was held was already full of dense crowds of onlookers.

The best viewing position around the venue naturally belongs to the king and queen, where a huge tower was built.

The equally good positions on both sides of the tower belonged to a group of powerful ministers and nobles.

Because Morgan was going to participate in the competition, he and Ed Stark and the others quickly separated after arriving at the venue of the conference.

"Your Excellency Morgan, come on!"

"Teacher, we will all cheer for you"

Arya Stark and several guard captains waved goodbye to Morgan.

Morgan smiled and waved.

Then he strode towards the center of the arena.

The competition level announced by the king is not low.

Those who have not reached the knighthood cannot participate, no matter how strong you are.

Of course, if you have nobles or big figures behind you as guarantees, then there is no such restriction.

That's what Morgan is now.

Arriving at the competition system center, under the guidance of the official specialist, Morgan quickly got into the preparation tent and changed the chain armor on his body.

A good pair of full-body armor can protect the body of the contestants, even if they fail, they will not die.

However, the participants' armor and horses are borne by the participants themselves.

Once the contest is lost, both the armor and the horse belong to the victor.

The price of armor and horses is not low, especially armor, which is definitely not a small burden for some contestant knights who are not rich.

When Morgan appeared in front of the participating knights wearing a dark red exquisite and majestic dragon scale armor, he immediately attracted the attention of many knights.

"Who is that guy?"

"do not know"

"But his armor is beautiful"

"Never seen that guy, probably new from somewhere else"

"Newcomers, those who can afford that armor must have money."

"I don't know who will be lucky enough to meet that guy"

"Good luck? Are you sure you will be able to defeat him."

"Isn't it rare that bumpkins from other places come to King's Landing to show off?"

"They just came to give us money and horses"

"Listen, let's start reporting names."

Ignore the gazes and comments of other knight contestants around.

Morgan swept across the audience with a calm expression, but didn't find any familiar faces.

Even Sandor Clegane, the Hound, and Jaime Lannister, the "Kingslayer" who was the most hyped this time, didn't see it.

At this moment, just as Morgan was about to look back, he saw a little farther away, the hound Sandor Clegane in black armor, and Jaime Lannister in majestic and beautiful pale gold armor, walking quickly towards this side on horseback.

The two walked and chatted, seeming to be talking about something.

Morgan withdrew his gaze, looked at the old man standing in front of the knight contestants, holding the list of confrontation papers, cleared his throat and began to read.

"Immediate jousting competition system."

"first round."

"Sir Stella vs Sir Bartlett"

"Sir Hubbard vs.

"Morgan against Sir Hugh."

(End of this chapter)

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