Start with Lord of the Rings

Chapter 275 The Shit Stirring Stick, the Contest Begins 【Subscription】

Chapter 275 The Shit Stirring Stick, the Contest Begins 【Subscription】

King's Landing.

Late at night and early in the morning.

An underground street known as the "black market".

In an inconspicuous shop room.

Morgan was holding the intelligence roll handed over by the old man with white beard and white hair and glasses in front of him. Just seeing the information on it for the first time, the surprise in his heart rose uncontrollably.

"Finally there is news."

"Finally there is news"

Looking at the intelligence scroll in his hand, Morgan was pleasantly surprised, but his expression remained calm.

Just unconsciously narrowing his eyes slightly, Morgan's mood at this time was slightly exposed. After reading the information on the scroll in his hand, he suddenly asked: "Where is the "Black Forest" caravan and the "Green Forest" shop on Steel Street?" what relationship? "


Hearing Morgan's question, the old man with glasses who was copying something stopped, looked up at Morgan and said, "It seems that you have already been there."

"Then I will give you this news for free."

The old man with glasses raised his frame and continued: ""Green Forest" is one of the shops launched by the Black Forest Chamber of Commerce, but it is not the only one. Others include "Blue Forest" and "White Forest". shop"

"If you want to know more details, you have to ask for money."

"Are you interested in continuing to listen?"

The old man with glasses looked at Morgan in front of him and asked with a smile.

Morgan didn't answer, but just asked again: "How big is the Black Forest Chamber of Commerce?"

The old man with glasses nodded: "Of course, it's very big. The caravans not only spread all over the continent of Westeros, but also have their caravans in the nine free trade city-states on the other side of the Narrow Sea."

"They even have ships that can reach the Narrow Sea East Road, and the mysterious Asshai."

"In short, you just need to know that they are the top giant chamber of commerce in Westeros."

The old man with glasses continued.

These news are not precious news, as long as you ask a little bit, you can find out.

"Do you know when this black forest caravan will reach King's Landing?"

After slightly digesting the news given by the old man with glasses, Morgan asked again.

The old man with glasses immediately made a gesture.

Morgan, who already had a certain understanding of this profiteering old man, was very clear about it, which meant that it represented Jinlong.

In this regard, he can only nod.

Under the oil-stained black frame, a pair of cloudy but shrewd eyes seemed to see what Morgan was thinking. The old man continued: "The fleet of the Black Forest Chamber of Commerce has always been well-prepared."

"Those dragon egg stones are not very useful, but they are extremely valuable for collection."

"Once some people have collected it, they will never take it out easily."

"Besides, because of the catastrophe many years ago, there are fewer and fewer dragon eggs."

"This is the reason why the value of dragon egg stones continues to rise. After all, there are still many people who are interested in the huge and terrifying existence of giant dragons."

"In order to offer a reward for accepting your mission this time, some people below clashed with the Black Chamber of Commerce, and a few died."

"So, don't think these news are expensive."

"After all, time is money for some people, isn't it?"

"Especially Your Excellency"

The old man with glasses kept talking, and at the end he gave Morgan a faint compliment.

Morgan had long since passed the stage of being flattered.

But after hearing the explanation from the old man with glasses, he was indeed a little more accepting of his asking price just now.

Although he was very skeptical about what the old man in front of him said had died because he was listening to the news.

10 minute later.

Morgan dropped a purse containing the Golden Dragon Coins, turned and walked out of the house.


As soon as he walked onto the street, the cold wind in the middle of the night immediately blew up his face.

It made Morgan sober up a bit.

The appearance of the dragon egg surprised him, but he was a little puzzled by the news that the black forest caravan had arrived in King's Landing from the old man with glasses.

Through understanding, the Black Forest caravan carrying the dragon eggs will have at most one month to arrive in Junlin City, even if it is unexpectedly delayed, it will definitely not exceed one month.

But the news that the Green Forest Store gave Morgan a week ago was two months.

There was a gap of nearly a month.

A month's time difference.

If the folks at the Green Forest store want to do something, it's so easy.

One of the important reasons why Morgan came to King's Landing was to come for the dragon eggs.

He has been busy for more than a week with the news of the dragon egg this time, and he didn't have much hope for the dragon egg that the green forest shop said.

Now after getting the exact news from the old man with glasses.

He is now bound to get that dragon egg.

He also asked the old man with glasses. Recently, the price of dragon eggs sold in Junlin City was basically around [-] to [-] gold dragon coins.

And according to what the middle-aged receptionist at the Green Forest Shop said last time, he still has three competitors.

Then, according to estimates, he needs to prepare at least [-] Golden Dragon Coins to be sure enough to win that Golden Dragon Coin.

Because most of the wealth earned in Middle-earth was left to his wife and children.

The total number of gold coins stored in Morgan's Dimensional Ring now is about [-] to [-] Gold Dragon Coins at most.

But it's not far from the tournament.

Morgan has absolute confidence to sweep the tournament and win the No.1 prize money in all competition systems.

If possible, considering the size of the Black Forest Chamber of Commerce, he would also be willing to pay a sky-high price for getting the dragon egg.

However, it was two months before the dragon egg arrived at the receptionist of King's Landing City and Green Forest Shop.

There's still a month's time difference.

This made Morgan feel very uneasy, very insecure.

After all, the one who can compete with him for tens of thousands of gold dragon eggs for dragon eggs is definitely not someone who is short of money.

In case one of these three people is a big shot in King's Landing City.

If the other party knows that there are several competitors, it is not surprising that they will use their power to spend less money to get rid of the dragon eggs in advance.

two months later.

When Morgan came to the door, the other party said that there were no dragon eggs in the shipment.

No matter how well prepared Morgan is, he can only be caught blind.

In this case.

He must not be able to bear it.

Therefore, there is only one safest way to deal with this kind of thing, and that is to rob.

However, the Black Forest Chamber of Commerce has great fortune.

If you want to grab them, you must be well prepared.

After all, the headquarters of the Black Forest Chamber of Commerce is in King's Landing City, and its forces are huge.

Morgan also wants to let his identity walk in the sun.

I don't want to be wanted by the Black Forest Chamber of Commerce all over the world because of a dragon egg.

thought here.

Morgan reached out and touched his mouth, the thick fake beard on his face, and a hideous scar extending obliquely from the brow bone on the left side of his face.

Once the dragon egg is robbed.

The Black Forest Chamber of Commerce will definitely be furious.

Morgan was able to get their information from the "black market" in the underground streets.

The other party can naturally also obtain their own information in turn.

He never thought that the old man with glasses would be able to keep his mouth shut.

Thinking about it now, fortunately, he was prepared to disguise in advance.

It was after the incident that he was betrayed by the old man with glasses.

The other party couldn't suspect him.


The biting cold wind howled.

Morgan, who quickly walked out of the underground street, covered the black hood on his head more tightly.

It didn't take long.

Morgan stepped again into the dangerous alleyway he had come in, and disappeared into the darkness.

Early the next morning.

It was just getting dark.

After Morgan washed up, he walked to the restaurant on the first floor of the castle, ready to enjoy breakfast.

There was a sudden sound of hurried and messy footsteps outside the gate.

Morgan stood up immediately.

Eddard Stark didn't come back last night.

At this time, the other party must have returned.

Morgan walked out of the restaurant and soon saw a large group of people walking in front of the castle.

The leaders were Ed Stark, the Duke of Winterfell, and a figure that surprised Morgan, Catelyn Tully, who could also be called Catelyn Stark, the Duchess of Winterfell.

"My lord, madam"

Morgan, who stepped forward quickly, saluted and greeted immediately.

"Morgan, I heard Ed said that you have been protecting my two daughters"

Caitlin Tully smiled and said immediately when she saw Morgan.

"This is the Duke's trust in me, and it is also my honored lady."

Morgan nodded again.

After a brief greeting, Ed Stark quickly took his wife to the second floor of the castle.

In the castle, ordinary soldiers are not allowed to set foot on the second floor where the two Stark family ladies are located without important matters or without permission.

Although Morgan and guard captain Kelsen, the guard leaders, have no such restrictions.

But under normal circumstances, they will not easily go to the second floor.

Downstairs, watching the disappearance of the Duke and Duchess of Stark and the old coach Roderick Cassel.

Morgan withdrew his gaze, looked at the tired Kelsen and said, "Breakfast is ready, let's have breakfast first."

Kelsen nodded and followed Morgan towards the restaurant.

"Looks like you didn't sleep well last night."

After sitting at the dining table and greeting the kitchen servants, Morgan looked at Kelsen and smiled.

Hearing Morgan's ridicule, Kelsen rubbed his tired face with his hands, and said casually, "I ran around several places with my lord last night, and I couldn't sleep at all."

Morgan picked up the steaming fresh fish soup, took a big mouthful, and then looked at Kelsen and continued: "Oh, didn't you guys stay in the palace last night?"

"No, my lord was very busy last night."

"Later, he was invited by Lord Petyr Baelish, the Chancellor of the Exchequer."

"We just followed the adults to pick up the wife and the old coach, and went back here directly."

"We didn't sleep last night"

The guard captain Kelsen yawned as he spoke, and picked up the mushroom soup beside him and drank it.

Listening to Kelsen's words, Morgan didn't continue to ask, and it was a bit deliberate to ask again.

Instead, ponder the information revealed in his words.

"Petyr Baelish, Chancellor of the Exchequer."

"It should be "Littlefinger""

Morgan drank the fish soup quietly, but his mind was not very calm.

In his memory, that little finger was a complete conspirator. Although Morgan didn't know the details of the conspiracies, he knew that Ed Stark's failure and the tragedy of the Stark family seemed to be related to that little finger.

Thinking of this, an idea immediately popped up in Morgan's mind: "Should I remind Eddard Stark?"

It was just the thought that came up.

Soon he was pressed down by Morgan again.

You must know that he has not been to the Red Castle, the royal palace, until now.

Not to mention that he has never met or known the Chancellor of the Exchequer Petyr Baelish "Littlefinger".

If he says that Littlefinger is a conspirator in front of Ed Stark now, let him pay attention to him.

Whether Ed Stark would suspect Littlefinger, he didn't know.

But the Duke of Winterfell must have doubts about Morgan.

Morgan couldn't do such a stupid thing.

What's more, he didn't know anything about the other party's behavior, and there was no definite and specific evidence.

He suddenly said that Littlefinger was suspicious, which inevitably made Ed Stark wonder if he was an undercover agent sent by another family.

Then it's not worth the loss.

So, even if you know that Littlefinger is a conspirator.

Nor can Morgan.

Of course, Morgan still has a way to deal with Littlefinger, and that is to assassinate him.

But that approach is too extreme.

Morgan hadn't thought of doing this for the Starks.

A chaotic King's Landing is what all ambitious people would like to see.

There's Littlefinger, the shit-stirring stick.

It will also be more convenient for Morgan to do things in the future.

Maybe he will have the possibility to cooperate with Littlefinger in the future, after all, there is no certainty about anything.

What's more, one month later, he was going to rob the caravan of the Black Forest of the Giant Chamber of Commerce.

At a time like this, it's hard to be too low-key.

But the Stark family treated themselves pretty well.

Eddard Stark takes himself seriously.

He also took a fancy to the behavior of the new Prime Minister, the Duke of Winterfell.

Jon Snow was his friend.

Brandon Stark is his registered student.

And the current official student Arya Stark.


Morgan found that he had a lot of ties to the Stark family.

"Let's wait."

"Wait until after the tournament."

"When I get the No.1 award, the weight will be heavier, the reputation will be bigger, and it will be wider."

"At that time, let's see if I can help Eddard Stark."

Morgan quietly ate his favorite lamb chops, and made a complete plan for the next plan in his mind.

The Lady of Winterfell, Catelyn Tully, did not stay in the castle for long.

Morgan had just put down the dishes and finished breakfast.

I heard voices coming from the castle hall on the first floor.

He got up immediately, and the guard captain Kelsen and the deputy captain Jory followed immediately.

The three came to the hall.

I saw Mrs. Caitlin holding a daughter in one arm and saying goodbye.

"I'll see you again when I have time"

"Junlin City is more dangerous than you imagined, you must listen to your father"

"Okay, let's go here."

In front of the gate of the castle, Mrs. Caitlin told the two reluctant daughters and turned to look at her husband: "I should go."


Ed Stark nodded, turned his head and looked aside: "Morgan, you lead a team to escort Madam out of the city."

"Yes, my lord."

Morgan nodded, quickly summoned four guards, got on his horse, and escorted Mrs. Caitlin to the outside of King's Landing.

Send Mrs. Caitlin out of town.

Morgan, who returned to the small castle, continued to stay safely in the castle to teach Arya swordsmanship, and then prepare for her health.

Time just passed by day by day.

Ed Stark, the former prime minister, was busy as always.

A month passed quietly.

In King's Landing City, which is more and more lively every day.

The martial arts tournament arrived as scheduled.

(End of this chapter)

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