Start with Lord of the Rings

Chapter 265 Joffrey: I'm Not Afraid of Morgan!

Chapter 265 Joffrey: I'm Not Afraid of Morgan!

The cold wind whistled.

Since leaving the northern border, the weather has been getting better day by day.

Although it is the coldest winter of the year.

But you can see warm sunshine and sunny days from time to time.

This is very difficult to see in the northern region where the snow is often overwhelming.

Morgan got off his horse and was about to find a suitable place to rest for the night around the stopped huge convoy.

Suddenly, a loud noise was heard from the front.

"Look there, that's King's Landing City"

"Is it finally coming?"

"Are we finally going to King's Landing?"

"Of course, there is at most one day's journey tomorrow, and we will be there."

"Finally, I haven't had a good night's sleep along the way."


"This is the first time for me to go to the south. I heard that there are many brothels in King's Landing, and the women are very beautiful."

"I haven't played with a Southern woman yet."

"Hey, I am the same, when I get to the city, I must find a way to try it"

"Shh, keep your voice down, why are you so loud about this kind of thing?"

"Miss Sansa Stark and Miss Arya Stark are still behind, it's not good to be heard by them."

"I just saw that Lord Morgan is not far away"

"Don't worry, Your Excellency Morgan won't care about us, and Captain Kelsen will talk about us."

"It would be great if Sir Morgan was our captain. I heard that we will stay in King's Landing for at least a few years this time."

"Don't even think about it. With Your Excellency Morgan's strength, of course he will follow the Duke and the two Miss Starks to ensure their safety."

"Speaking of which, Your Excellency Morgan really deserves to be a sharpshooter. A ferocious winter bear of that size can be shot to death with one arrow."

"I heard that at that hunting meeting, His Majesty the King also hunted and killed a giant bear, but it was much smaller than the one hunted by Your Excellency Morgan. I don't know if it is true."

"I heard that too"

"Hey, it's very simple to know about it. You just have to ask the captain. He also participated in the hunting competition at that time."

"Forget it then, I don't want to be punished for talking about His Majesty the King in private"

"You all only know that Sir Morgan is a sharpshooter, but I heard that he is better at swordsmanship."

"I've heard of it. I know that Your Excellency Morgan easily defeated the challenged captains from the outer city and the inner city."

"Then no one dared to challenge Lord Morgan anymore"


The few Winterfell soldiers gathered in front of them were discussing something.

The cold wind brought their voices into Morgan's ears.

Morgan didn't bother to go up and disturb them. These soldiers were on guard most of the day, and only at this time would they have a short time to relax.

This time, the huge convoy chose to temporarily rest overnight in a wilderness.

The best location around, the wilderness under a few sparse trees, has been occupied by the king's tent.

Morgan set up a small bonfire under a lone tree not far from the carriages of Sansa Stark and Arya Stark.

After getting his share from the carriage responsible for food and dry food at the back.

Morgan sat in front of the bonfire and used a barbecue fork to put on the sausage when it was just roasting.

At this time, two figures, one tall and one short, suddenly appeared in front of Morgan's fire.

Inside the brightly lit king's tent.

The floor was covered with delicate and expensive soft blankets.

Thick candlesticks, bonfires, long tables, and all kinds of colorful fruits on the long tables.

Duke Eddard Stark, who was dressed in a luxurious black robe by the long table, put away the small letter in his hand, threw it on the long table in front of him, and said, "So, Daenerys Targaryen is married to many people?" Khal Drogo, Horse Lord of Slark"

"Are we going to give a wedding present?"

"It's too far away from us."

Eddard Stark spoke indifferently, but King Robert Baratheon didn't. He immediately said: "Then let our warriors give them the sharpest daggers, and they will end up."

I know that the old friend of the king has always hated the Targaryen family, but I didn't expect that the old friend could hate it to this extent.

Ed Stark could only helplessly say, "She's just a child, she can't do anything."


King Robert Baratheon shook his head, and continued: "She can spread her legs very quickly, and then give birth to evil seeds, Ed!"

"Forget it, let's not talk about this."

Ed Stark shook his head.

For Ed Stark, who keeps the old tradition, keeps the oath, and obeys the glory.

A king of the Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, and a grand duke of Winterfell in the north, these two big men got together and talked about killing a small girl like this, it really made him a little unacceptable, even if that girl It's Targaryen.

"What's wrong Ed?"

Seeing the change in the face of his old friend in front of him, Robert Baratheon immediately knew what Ed was thinking, and immediately said in a bitter voice, "You think this is despicable? Cruel?"

"No, what her father did to your brother and your father is cruel!"

"And what her brother Rhaegar Targaryen did to your sister, the woman I love the most, is cruel!"

"I swear, I will kill all members of the Targaryen family with my own hands."

"It's all!"

Robert Baratheon gritted his teeth and said bitterly.

No one hated the Targaryens more than Robert.

Looking at the king and old friend with such a strong hatred in front of him.

Ed Stark sighed inwardly.

Some secrets are more tormenting the more one knows.

But for the safety of his nephew Jon Snow, he could only continue to hide it.

"But this one, you can't kill"

Ed Stark looked at his old friend and said in a deep voice, "You can't kill him, can you?"

"I know you're talking about Khal Drogo, I heard he has 10 people under his command"

"No matter how many people he has, even if he has 100 million Dothrakis, they are in the grassland, they can't come here, they don't even have a boat!"

"Even if they can come over, we can drive them back!"

"Robert, what are you worried about?"

Ed Stark looked at his old friend and asked back.

Long time no see.

He sensed something strange about Robert.

"Ed, I have a hunch that there will be a war approaching."

"I don't know when it's coming, or who the enemy is, but I have this feeling."

"There is a war waiting for us"

After being asked back by his old friend, Robert Baratheon fell silent, and then spoke again.

"Then let him come!"

"Let's defeat it together!"

"Forget it"

Sensing that his old friend seemed a little uneasy, Ed Stark suddenly said boldly, raising the wine glass in his hand as he spoke.

"Haha, I was thinking too much, you are right, Ed!"



"Wow, it smells so good!"

Before the person arrived, the voice came first.

Morgan looked up, and saw Sansa Stark, who looked like a quiet lady in a light blue dress, and Arya Stark, who was wearing simple braids and short jacket and trousers similar to tight-fitting clothes, appeared in front of her. out of sight.

Among them, Arya Stark was staring at the delicious sausage grilled in Morgan's hand and swallowed.

Sansa Stark stood aside, looking at her younger sister's appearance, listening to her swallowing saliva, she only felt that it was too rude and embarrassing.

She regretted that she had just listened to her sister's instigation to come here with her.

“Want to eat your own bake”

Seeing Arya Stark's appearance, she smiled and pointed to the food and roast fork on the small table beside her.

These days, he had already seen the character of Arya, a little girl.

Arya was also not polite to Morgan, and immediately ran to the small table, picked up the roasting fork and began to skewer sausages by herself.

Sister Sansa Stark is angry at her younger sister Arya's rudeness.

But she already knew her sister's character.

It's not like that.

In addition, in the past few months, he has become familiar with Morgan, the handsome family swordsman who guards him.

Only then did Arya agree to get off the carriage and come to Morgan to walk around.

"Mr. Morgan."

Sansa Stark nodded slightly at Morgan.

Morgan smiled and said, "Don't be so reserved, let Arya bake it for you if you want to eat."

"You should also come out for a walk. People who sit in the carriage for so long will be depressed."

As Morgan spoke, he reached out and waved to the guard not far away.

Soon, a guard ran over quickly.

"Find Miss Sansa a stool."

The guard glanced at the two Miss Starks and asked, "Just one?"

Morgan turned his head and was about to speak when he saw Arya sitting down on the wilderness grass.

He immediately said, "Just one."

After Morgan gave his orders, the guard left quickly.

He could sit on the wild grass mixed with withered yellow and green, but a noble lady like Sansa Stark, who was about to marry Prince Joffrey Baratheon, could not.

As for Arya, the second daughter of the great noble Stark family, it is an exception.

"Yeah, that's what I said, but she always likes to be in the car"

Arya said while grilling sausages with quick movements.

Sansa didn't argue with her sister either, she just sat quietly on the small stool and warmed up by the fire.

It didn't take long.

When Morgan finishes his second skewer of sausages.

Suddenly two footsteps came from not far away.

Morgan looked up, and saw Joffrey Baratheon in wine-red hardcover walking towards him.

Behind him was Sandor Clegane, the hideous and hideous half-face of "The Hound".

“On a night like this, having a barbecue for dinner is a very good choice”

Joffrey Baratheon looked at the three people under the tree and said.

Morgan looked up at Joffrey, and said casually, "If your highness doesn't mind the simple food, it's fine."

Morgan said and made an inviting gesture to Geoffrey Baratheon.

Although I don't want to deal with this irritable, violent bear kid.

But this time he was ordered by Ed Stark to take care of Sansa and Arya, as Sansa Stark's fiancé.

Morgan couldn't avoid getting in touch with this bear prince.

But even contact.

It just stopped at the most obvious level.

Perhaps it was because he had seen the terrifying giant bear that Morgan killed with an arrow at the hunting conference in Winterfell.

Or maybe they have heard of Morgan's powerful name.

Geoffrey Baratheon still behaved normally in front of Morgan.

"Then I will not be polite, Mr. Morgan."

While talking, Joffrey kept his gaze on Sansa Stark, and then ordered the hound behind him, Sandor Clegane, to find a stool and sit beside Sansa Stark.

Joffrey Baratheon sat in front of the bonfire, but the hunting dog Sandor Clegane, who was the guard, could not sit beside Morgan and roast by the fire as usual.

Morgan glanced at the Hound standing behind Joffrey, raised his hand and threw the freshly grilled sausage with the spit over.

As soon as he threw it, Joffrey, who was finishing talking with Sansa, turned his head and was shocked when he saw the flying roast fork. When he was about to stretch out his hand to resist, he saw the sausage flying over his head.

The Hound Sandor Clegane didn't notice Joffrey's strangeness, took the fork without any politeness, and began to gnaw on the grilled sausage.

Only Joffrey, who was a little scared by Morgan Gang's hand, looked a little ugly.

In front of his fiancée and his fiancée's younger sister, his behavior just now was a bit embarrassing.

Joffrey was angry in his heart, and an unknown fire ignited instantly.

He suddenly raised his head and glanced at Morgan, the sharpshooter in front of him.

I saw the other party's incomparably cold eyes looking over.

Joffrey was startled, seeing the other party's gaze, he seemed to feel a chill rise from the bottom of his heart, and immediately extinguished the anger that had just ignited.

He dared not look Morgan in the eye again.

Joffrey had no choice but to turn his head and glared at Sandor Clegane, the hound who was still eating grilled sausages.

Only then did Sandor Clegane realize something was wrong.

Just at this moment, considering Morgan's force value in front of him, Geoffrey Baratheon, who couldn't get angry, stood up suddenly, and was about to turn around and leave.

But I still remembered that my fiancée was still on the side, and then I looked at Sansa Stark beside me and said, "I'll go first."

Ignored Morgan and Arya Stark, turned around and left.

The Hound Sandor Clegane stuffed the last bite of sausage into his mouth, returned the fork to Morgan, and immediately followed.

"Is he angry?"

Arya Stark looked at the back of Joffrey Baratheon leaving in a hurry, and asked.

"Perhaps so."

Morgan said casually, raised his hand, tied some bacon and roasted it on the bonfire.

"Then why is he angry?"

Arya continued.

It's just that this time without waiting for Arya to answer, Sansa Stark stood up suddenly: "I'll go back first."

As he spoke, he reached out to pull his sister beside him.

Arya shook off her sister's hand unceremoniously, and immediately said, "I haven't eaten enough yet."

"If you want to go back, go back by yourself!"

Sansa Stark looked a little ugly. After nodding to Morgan, she turned around and walked away from the campfire quickly.

Morgan narrowed his eyes slightly as he watched the back of Sansa Stark leaving.

"damn it!"

"Damn, damn, damn!!!"

Joffrey Baratheon quickly left the range of the bonfire in the rear, with an angry expression on his face, he cursed through gritted teeth, "I'm going to kill Morgan!"

"I want him to get on his knees and beg me like a dog!"

Joffrey's face was twisted and ferocious, and he growled at the hunting dog Sandor Clegane who was chasing after him.

Endure the calm for a while, and take a step back, the more you think about it, the more angry you become.

This is the state of Joffrey's fury at this time.

"I'm afraid it will be difficult."

The Hound Sandor shook his head, looking at Geoffrey Baratheon who was falling into manic rage before him, he shook his head and said, he had seen the other party in this state a lot.


Joffrey immediately asked with his eyes wide open.

"If you've seen the giant bear hunted by Morgan, you know that he is extremely powerful."

"Also, I heard that his sword skills are stronger."

"He left a deep impression on His Majesty the King, and Duke Ed of Winterfell also trusts him very much."

"He's not like the small characters he used to be"

"It is very difficult for us to deal with such a strong opponent"

Sandor the Hound analyzed calmly.

Geoffrey's face became more and more ugly, and he was very angry, but he was not a fool.

"Don't you just let me do that?"

Joffrey asked Sandor the Hound.

Sandor the Hound immediately said, "Your Highness, I want to ask you something."

Joffrey: "Stop talking nonsense, talk!"

Sandor the Hound: "Are you afraid of Morgan?"

Geoffrey gritted his teeth, "Of course I'm not afraid!"

Sandor the Hound: "Then I have a solution."

Geoffrey asked anxiously, "What way?"

Sandor the Hound: "Tournament."

(End of this chapter)

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