Start with Lord of the Rings

Chapter 264 The Lost Glory, King's Landing City!

Chapter 264 The Lost Glory, King's Landing City!

vast wilderness.

In the snowstorm.

On King's Row covered by snow.

A huge convoy is slowly moving forward.

Snowy weather.

In the northern region where the winter season is coming, it is too common.

During the long and difficult months of winter.

Such snowy days can sometimes last for half a month or a month without a break.

Therefore, even in the weather with flying snowflakes flying all over the sky.

The huge convoy going south to King's Landing City will not stop either.

The only time the team stopped was at night, when camp was needed for rest, or when there was a severe snowstorm.

at this time.

The middle position of the huge team.

Several figures were riding side by side on horseback, talking constantly.

"Can Uncle Bunyan tell us about the Great Wall and the Night's Watch?"

At this time, Jon Snow turned his head and looked at Benyan Stark, who was all in black, and said.

He was going to be a night watchman at the Great Wall in the extreme north soon, so he was naturally eager to learn some information there.

"Great Wall."

Hearing his nephew ask this, Benyan Stark smiled, and then said: "You may have heard of the Great Wall from many people, but that is not the real Great Wall."

"Jon, when you arrive, you will naturally understand."

"The same goes for the Night's Watch."

Benyan Stark spoke with a smile on his face, but he didn't want to say too much.

Once upon a time in its heyday.

The tradition of the nobles in the north regards it as an honor to serve on the Great Wall and become the Night's Watch.

The sons of many northern families who are relatively low in the line of succession are willing to wear black clothes, and the shields with coats of arms of the nobles are proudly hung in the Shield Hall of Castle Black.

However, since the White Walkers started disappearing.

In its place comes a new enemy: the "savage".

(Savages: People living outside the Great Wall who call themselves "free people"; but south of the Great Wall, they are considered "savages" composed of lawless, uncivilized thieves, rapists and murderers.)
Gradually, the Night's Watch began to forget about their true enemies, the White Walkers, and instead focused on guarding against the wildlings.

As time went on, the purpose for which the Night's Watch was created faded, and due to the Seven Kingdoms' neglect of the Wall, the Night's Watch's manpower dwindled.

At its peak, the Night Watchman Legion had nineteen castles and tens of thousands of soldiers.

But now, there are no more than three castles where the night watchman is still stationed.

The number of legionnaires was not even 1000.

And even in the Night Watchman Legion with less than 1000 members, there are all kinds of people from the Seven Kingdoms mixed in.

Among them are farmers; there are people who cannot pay their debts; there are poachers, rapists, thieves and illegitimate children.

Only a few members come from noble or titled families, and the reason why most of them join the Night Watchman is often a forced choice due to defeat in the political struggle within the kingdom.

Back then, the Night Watchman Legion, which was once incomparably glorious, was dressed in black robes and black clothes.

Now it has become the place where the whole continent hides its filth.

This has to make Benyan Stark, who is the chief ranger of the night watchman, feel a kind of sadness.

That's why he didn't want to talk about the Night's Watch in public.

Because of the bad reputation the Night's Watch has now.

Anyone with some knowledge knows it.

"Morgan, why don't you go to the Great Wall with me?"

At this time, the little devil Tyrion Lannister suddenly looked at the figure on the tall horse beside him and suddenly said.

"With you, we must all be safer."

The little devil joked.

Benyan Stark and Jon Snow on the side all looked over. They naturally understood the meaning of the little devil's words, and they all looked at Morgan.

"There will be a chance, but not now"

Morgan shook his head and smiled.

A place like the Impassable Great Wall in the extreme north is known as one of the nine wonders of the world.

He would be lying if he said he didn't want to see it with his own eyes.

But it is more important to go to King's Landing now.

The Great Wall of Desperation is there, and I can't run away, so I just go there when the time is right.

"Morgan has an important mission to go to King's Landing this time, so he will go next time."

Jon Snow answered the call for Morgan at this time, and continued: "Next time we come, let's go to the Great Wall for a drink together."

Seeing Morgan shaking his head, the little devil had already guessed that he was definitely going south with Duke Eddard Stark.

At this time, he didn't feel anything about Jon Snow's rescue.

But Benyan Stark on the side laughed when he heard Jon Snow say that he was going to drink on the Great Wall.

Jon Snow immediately asked: "What's the matter? Isn't drinking alcohol allowed on the Great Wall?"

Benyan Stark just smiled and shook his head: "You will know when you get to the Great Wall."

At this time, the little devil Tyrion Lannister seemed to have thought of something, turned his head to look at the chief ranger in black robe and asked: "I heard that the Great Wall is made entirely of ice, is this true?" Is it?"

Benyan Stark shook his head: "Not all, it is built of a mixture of stone and ice."

"It's about three hundred miles long and seven hundred feet high"

"Above the Great Wall, there are year-round howling cold winds and ice and snow"

After explaining, Benyan Stark looked at his nephew with a smile and said, "So, do you understand?"


Hear what Uncle Bunyan said.

Jon Snow understood immediately.

In such a harsh environment, going to the Great Wall to drink is completely a crime.

Looking at the nephew who looked a little embarrassed.

Benyan Stark smiled: "It's nothing Jon, it's normal if you haven't been there and don't know."

"However, your ideas are still very creative and fresh"

"Ha ha."

There are so few people chatting together to relieve boredom.

Morgan's journey to King's Landing wasn't boring.

But four days later.

The Pang Ran convoy arrived at a fork in the road.

A desperate Great Wall leading to the far north.

One goes all the way to the south, leading directly to Junlin City, the capital of the Seven Kingdoms.

Morgan is saying goodbye to Jon Snow, Benjen Stark, and the little devil Tyrion Lannister who is going to pee on the Great Wall.

The weather is fine today.

The sky was bright, windy but not snowy.

The huge convoy leading to Junlin City continued to move forward slowly.

Behind the big team.

Before the fork in the road.

Several people are saying their final farewells.

"Jon, joining the Night's Watch is a very honorable thing."

Before the fork in the road, Ed Stark looked at the white snow in the distance ahead, turned his head to look at Jon Snow beside him and said.

"We Starks have guarded the Great Wall for thousands of years."

"You are also a member of the Stark family."

"Although you are not named by my surname, you are my child."

Hearing what his father said next to him, Jon Snow fell silent.

Even though his father treats him no differently from Robb and Brandon, Jon has always been concerned about his identity as an illegitimate child.

He often feels like an outsider.

Because of this, at the welcome banquet to meet the king and queen last time.

After being discriminated against by Madam Caitlin Tully as an illegitimate child again.

He was resentful and determined to join the Night Watchman Legion whose origin was not important.

Hearing his father's words at this moment, Jon Snow felt much better.

"Is my mother still there?"

Suddenly, the silent Jon Snow turned his head to look at his father Ed Stark beside him and asked, "Is she still alive?"

"Does she know me?"

"Does she know where I'm going?"

"Do you know what I'm going to do?"

Facing a series of problems with the children around you.

Ed Stark was silent.

Looking at the child beside him.

At this moment, he had the urge to tell the other party all the real truth.

However, thinking about the great danger that is likely to come with this incident, this is something that a child who can still see a trace of youthfulness in front of him cannot bear.

Take a deep breath.

Ed Stark looked at Jon Snow and said seriously, "Next time."

"Wait until the next time we meet."

"I'll tell you everything about your mother."

"I promise"

Look at the smile on his father's face.

Jon Snow also nodded with a smile.

Father never mentioned his mother in front of him, even though he asked several times like today.

This time, his father finally gave himself a positive answer.

Although we still have to wait until the next meeting.

But at least he saw hope, which made Jon Snow very happy.

Jon Snow is saying goodbye to Ed Stark.

Morgan also watched the little devil Tyrion Lannister and Benyan Stark saying goodbye.

Benyan Stark: "Morgan, I'll be waiting for you at the Great Wall"

Tyrion Lannister: "Then see you in King's Landing, Morgan. When I come back, I will take you around King's Landing. I know which brothel has the hottest and most beautiful women."

"Haha, then I'll wait for you."

"Goodbye both"

Looking at Ed Stark who said goodbye, Morgan smiled and waved to the two.

In the past few days, the relationship between the few people is much more familiar than when they first set off.

We're pretty good friends now.

As soon as Morgan pulled the reins, the carrot under him immediately followed the Duke of Winterfell's horse with joyful steps.

Fork in the rear.

Benyan Stark, who waited until Jon Snow, saw the figure of Morgan and his brother leaving.

His feet slammed into the horse's back, and the horse under him immediately rushed out.

Jon Snow and the little demon Tyrion Lannister, led by a night watchman soldier, followed immediately.

The five of them headed towards two roads and quickly left in two directions.

And finally disappeared in the boundless wilderness covered with snow.

"Morgan, Arya's character is a bit lively, help me watch."

Seeing Morgan following up, Ed Stark immediately turned to look at Morgan and said.

"My lord."

Morgan nodded.

Although he was named by Ed Stark and followed him south to King's Landing City.

But the other party did not change his job status for him, nor did he give any special order.

Morgan is still a swordsman, but from a swordsman in Winterfell to a Stark family swordsman, it's not a temporary one.

Although there is no specific job.

But Morgan has proved his strength with strength several times.

Plus the value of Duke Ed Stark and Lady Caitlin.

This time, he was no longer the swordsman who had no real power in Winterfell before.

This time, there were less than 100 soldiers who escorted the Stark family south.

Morgan can command all of these guards, including the captain, if need be.

It was the day before the large party left Winterfell.

Mrs. Caitlin specially found what Morgan had specially ordered in front of a group of selected guard soldiers.

Now, Morgan was ordered by Ed Stark to take care of Arya.

This made Morgan feel like he had become the steward of the members of the Stark family going south this time, rather than a swordsman.

The two chatted briefly, and soon caught up with the slow-moving large team.

Duke Eddard Stark rode straight to the front of the large procession to chat with King Robert Baratheon.

Morgan rode past many people on horseback, and quickly came to the rear of the queen's large and luxurious carriage, a delicate carriage pulled by two strong horses.

"Mr. Morgan."

"Master Morgan."

"grown ups."

Morgan's arrival immediately greeted the Winterfell cavalry guarding the carriage.

Morgan nodded with a smile, and soon came to the carriage carrying the two girls of the Stark family, Sansa Stark and Arya Stark.

inside the carriage.

Arya Stark, who was looking sullen, was angry at her sister Sansa Stark for not letting her get out of the carriage.

Hearing the sound coming from the window, she immediately tore open the delicate curtains, looked out of the window of the carriage, and saw Morgan in a black robe riding beside the carriage.


As soon as she opened her mouth, Arya, who was about to expose her lack of politeness, held back and shouted, "Your Excellency Morgan."

"Jon, did he leave?"

"Did they go to the Great Wall?"

Seeing Morgan, Arya asked quickly.

She knew her brother Jon Snow would leave the procession for the Wall today.

Because Jon had come to say goodbye to her last night.

She originally thought about going to see off her brother today, but her father would not allow her sister who likes to make small reports.

Seeing Morgan appearing at this time, she immediately asked.

"left already."

Hearing Arya's inquiry, Morgan nodded with a smile, but looking at the anxious girl, he grinned and continued: "But before Jon left, he specifically ordered me to tell Arya not to worry, he I will miss you."

When Arya heard this, the eagerness on her face disappeared instantly, replaced by joy and joy on her face.

It sounds a little strange.

Because of her active personality, she likes to dance knives and guns, like weapons, long swords, bows and arrows, which is exactly the opposite of Sansa, the elder sister of the noble lady.

But the illegitimate brother Jon Snow has always supported her.

In the compartment just below her, there was hidden a slender dagger that Jon Snow gave her when she was immediately before Winterfell, which she named "Sewing Needle".

The relationship between her and her illegitimate brother is better than that of the other brothers and sisters born to the same mother.

At this time, he knew that Brother Jon had specially asked Morgan to tell him.

Arya's originally extremely depressed mood immediately became soaring.


"Did Jon really say that?"

"Then did he say when he'll be back?"

Arya continued to ask with a happy face.

"Of course I wouldn't cheat on a girl."

Morgan nodded and continued: "But I don't know when I'll be back, he didn't say."


At this time, a slightly cute voice suddenly came from inside the carriage.

Morgan, who had just turned his head, turned back immediately, and saw a furry head that looked very similar to the Erha he had seen before, but with completely different eyes, also sticking out from the carriage, and was huddling with Arya .

"Nymeria, what are you squeezing?"


"go down"



Looking at this noisy back and forth, one person and one wolf.

Morgan laughed.

With this pair of live treasures, the next long journey may not be so boring.


Time passed slowly.

A month later.

The huge convoy passed through White Harbor, where Morgan once stayed, and arrived at the abandoned castle of Carlin Bay.

two months later.

The convoy reached the Trident River.

Three months later.

The huge convoy from Winterfell finally saw the "King's Landing City" located on the east coast of Westeros, the capital of the Seven Kingdoms, the location of the Red Castle and the Iron Throne.

(End of this chapter)

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