Start with Lord of the Rings

Chapter 239 World War, End of the End!

Chapter 239 World War, End of the End!
lonely mountain.

The sky was overcast.

Scarlet clouds filled the sky.


At this time, thick smoke billowed in the bustling Hegubang City, and flames shot into the sky.

Warriors in brightly colored and weird clothes are everywhere in the city, wreaking havoc everywhere.

And on the vast battlefield in front of the Erebor Dwarf Kingdom not far from the River Valley State.

At this time, it was also crowded with brightly dressed and heavily armed soldiers.

These warriors are naturally the minions of Mordo Sauron, the Dongyi army from the east.

a few days ago.

An astonishingly large Dongyi army came from the east, crossed the Red River, and went straight to the human kingdom Hegubang and the Erebor dwarf kingdom located in the lonely mountain.

The "King of the River Valley" Brand, who first discovered the attack of the Dongyi army, decisively invited the King of the Lonely Mountain "Shorin Oaken Shield" to discuss how to deal with the incoming enemies.

It's just that even if the Kingdom of the River Valley, which is in excellent condition, and the Kingdom of Erebor, which has been cultivated for many years, join forces to deal with the incoming Dongyi army.

But they could only be defeated and repelled by the Dongyi army, which far outnumbered the human and dwarf coalition forces.

The Dongyi army broke into Gushan like a broken bamboo.

Seeing unstoppable.

in an emergency.

Brand, the king of the Valley State, and Sorin Oakenshield, the king of the mountain, decisively adopted the last strategy against the enemy.

That is to transfer all the human residents of the River Valley State to the Erebo Kingdom, which has extremely strong defenses behind the high city wall.

This strategy turned out to be extremely correct.

The astonishing Dongyi army quickly repelled the defense of the human army of Hegu State and broke through the gate of Hegu State.

As a result, the River Valley State was once again breached since the war 60 years ago.

Because the people in the Hegu state were transferred in advance, the Dongyi army was caught in the air.

However, a large amount of property that countless futures could not take away inevitably fell into the hands of the Dongyi army.

After looting everything, the Dongyi army immediately set fire to the city of Hegubang, destroying it wantonly.

But the number of Dongyi army is really too much.

Even if the human and dwarves unite, relying on the Kingdom of Erebor behind them.

The coalition of humans and dwarves also lost to the Dongyi army.

A large number of human dwarves and Dongyi army corpses were left on the vast square in front of Eribor.

The human army led by Brand, the king of the Valley State, and the dwarf army led by Thorin Oakenshield fought several battles.

In the end, they could only withdraw to the Erebor Kingdom behind the city wall.

At this time, above the tall city wall.

Brand, the king of the River Valley State, who was fully armed, was watching the Dongyi army start to camp arrogantly on the vast battlefield ahead, and he couldn't help frowning deeply on his resolute face.

At this time, Sorin Oakenshield, King of the Mountain in chain mail, led Kili, Erebor's next successor, and several dwarves including Balin, the white-bearded minister, and Dwalin, the titan, walked up to the city wall.

"Have they moved?"

Thorin Oakenshield came up and asked.

"No, it's still the same, I'm afraid they are thinking of besieging us here."

King Brand frowned and said, "I don't know if His Majesty Thranduil in Mirkwood has received our request for help."

"I'm afraid I won't be able to come to help even if I receive it."

Thorin Oakenshield shook his head.

"Did something happen?"

"Could it be that the Dongyi army is also attacking the Dark Forest?"

King Brand's complexion changed, and he immediately responded and asked.

"I just received the message."

Thorin Oak Shield nodded, looked at the large number of Dongyi army in front of the city wall and said calmly: "It is not the Dongyi army that attacked the Mirk Forest, but those damn orcs from Dol Guldur."

"The elves can't take care of themselves now"

"I received news before that Mordo's army has launched an attack on the Kingdom of Gondor and the Kingdom of Rohan in the south."

"These Dongyi troops appeared here to prevent us from going south."

"I'm afraid that's the case." King Brand nodded.

Sorin Oakenshield turned his head to look at his friend beside him and said again: "Go and rest, I am here."

King Brand was also polite, nodded and walked down the city wall with the leaders behind him.

He has slept together for two days and nights.

At this time, you need to take a good rest.

King Brand quickly descended from the wall.

The remaining Thorin Oak Shield looked at the still astonishing Dongyi army in the distance ahead, his eyes full of worry.

Northern Mirkwood.

Inside the dense forest.

A group of elf warriors in brown leather armor, led by a female elf leader with a surprisingly curvy figure and a cold face, was quickly walking towards the forest ahead.

The leading female elf leader is naturally Morgan's wife, Tariel, the chief guard captain of the Woodland Kingdom.

a few days ago.

The Woodland Kingdom received Letter 5 from Ross Lorien, and the scouts detected the movement.

Knowing that the half-orcs hiding in "Dol Guldur", also known as the "City of Sorcery", had the intention of invading south.

The elf king Thranduil immediately mobilized the entire woodland kingdom to prepare for this war.

Sure enough, it was only one day after Woodland Kingdom got the news.

The half-orc army hiding in Dol Guldur brazenly invaded the Northern Mirkwood.

The war between the kingdom of the woodlands and the city of sorcery is on once again.

It is now four days since the battle between Mirkwood and Dol Guldur.

The offensive of the city of sorcery was extremely violent at the beginning.

But after being beaten down by the extremely well-prepared Woodland Kingdom.

Dol Guldur's offensive immediately changed.

They no longer organized a large number of half-orc warriors to attack the woodland kingdom, but turned into constant harassment and sneak attacks.

These half-orcs must have planned to conquer the Woodland Kingdom in one fell swoop from the beginning.

But when you see that you can't do anything, immediately change your combat strategy.

After the transformation, the attack method cannot break through the woodland kingdom.

This also reminds the elf king of Thranduil of the Kingdom of Gondor in the south.

These half-orcs of Dol Guldur started the war for no other reason this time. I am afraid that it is to contain the woodland kingdom in the Mirkwood and cannot support the south.

But even so.

Those half-orcs who dare to attack Northern Mirkwood will pay the price in blood.

In the forest, especially in the Mirkwood where the elves of the woodland kingdom have lived for countless years.

The strength of elf fighters can be greatly improved.

It is also more handy to deal with the half-orcs in the city of witchcraft.

"Keep up."

Tariel jumped between the tree trunks with incomparable agility, followed by a large team of elves.

Finally, there was movement from the forest ahead.


Tariel opened his mouth again, and quickly drew his bow and arrows while jumping.


The arrows that shot out quickly hit an ugly orc with an exposed head.

In an instant.

The other orcs rushed out immediately with long swords and short bows.

This small-scale conflict battle also started.

world south.

Minas Tirith.

Flames blazed and smoke billowed.

Ringwraiths riding huge and vicious behemoths hovered above.

The extremely ear-piercing screams from the mouth of the ferocious behemoth made it difficult for countless Gondor warriors to stop.

The cries and screams of a large number of civilians were shrill.

The strange screams of the orcs shook the sky with excitement.

Gondor's military strength is empty. Originally, relying on the tall and strong city walls can stop one or two.

Now the gates are breached.

Numerous half-orc armies invaded the city.

Minas Tirith, the once beautiful and long-standing King of Gondor, quickly became a purgatory on earth.

Just as the half-orc army frantically poured into Baicheng.

Several defensive passes in the city were quickly broken through by the orc army, which far outnumbered the Gondor warriors.

When the Modo army was about to attack the highest palace in Minas Tirith.

"Ang woo."

"Ang woo."

"Ang woo."

A low-pitched horn sounded suddenly from the north of the Pelennor Plains.

"Ang woo."

The deep and shocking sound of the horn quickly spread throughout the huge battlefield.

At this time, the countless Modo troops lined up in front of the gate of Minas Tirith were the quickest to react to the sound of the horn.

They all turned their heads and saw the wilderness plain far to the north.

Cavalry began to appear, and a huge army of cavalry as long as a waterline continued to appear.

Finally, when the trumpets stopped.

Countless dense cavalry finally appeared on the Pelennor Plain, in the sight of the Mordo half-orc army and the many Gondor warriors in Minas Tirith who were struggling to resist.

"Quick, line up!"

"Line up idiots!"

"Hurry up!!"

On the battlefield, the half-orc leader with an excited and ferocious face thought that the war would definitely be won, and he was still waiting to go to the city to vent and kill.

But now, the cavalry army that appeared in the north immediately alerted the half-orc leader.

They came from the north, and they were all cavalry, so they could only be reinforcements from the human kingdom Rohan.

"Quick, line up!"

Immediately, the countless half-orc armies on the Pelennor Plain, led by the southern army, quickly organized an army array.

In the northern plains, in front of the cavalry army.

King Theoden of Rohan is making his final deployments.

Just as everyone in Modo and Gondor thought in their hearts at this time.

King Theoden has exhausted the entire Kingdom of Rohan this time, as well as the surrounding Finnmarks, and the small lords in places such as Xuehe can use all their cavalry troops.

"Eikenbrand, lead your warriors to attack from the left"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

"Grimbold, lead your warriors to attack from the right, remember to pay attention to the enemies in Minas Tirith."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

"Iomer, lead the soldiers and follow me from the middle, we will penetrate the enemy's entire battlefield in one fell swoop!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

In front of the army, several cavalry leaders ran back and forth on horseback to deploy.

Finally, when the deployment was completed, King Theoden drew his long sword from his waist and shouted, "Get ready, hussars of Rohan!"

"Don't be afraid of the darkness, the light is right in front of us!"

Theoden held up his long sword and shouted in front of the cavalry for the final mobilization: "Eorl clan, charge with me!"


"Rush to destruction!"

"Rush to the end of the world!"

King Theoden waved his long sword and shouted vigorously, pointing the blade straight ahead and roaring: "For the rising sun tomorrow!"


After the words fell, King Theoden took the lead.

"Bang bang bang bang."

Booming footsteps suddenly sounded.

The cavalry army of the Alliance of Rohan began to attack.

"bang bang bang bang"

The ground shook, the earth trembled.

When the dense Rohan Hussar army rushed into the Mordo half-orc army with an unstoppable momentum.

The battlefield meat grinder has begun.

Even the elite hussar army from Rohan is far less than the Modo half-orc army.

However, the cavalry, which has the reputation of "the king of land warfare", far surpasses the infantry in terms of charging momentum, mobility, and continuous combat capability.

So, when this huge army of elite hussars from Rohan rushed into the Modo half-orc battlefield.

The unparalleled momentum instantly overwhelmed the Modo army.

The arrival of the Rohan hussars not only changed the entire battlefield situation suddenly.

It also made the Gondor warriors who were struggling to resist in the White City of Minas Tirith all ignite a strong fighting spirit at this moment.

The entire battle of Pelennor Plains immediately fell into a fever because of the aid of Rohan's hussars.

Gondor battlefield south.

Before the river Anduin.

A large number of half-orc troops are waiting anxiously.

Finally, when several huge black pirate ships appeared on the distant river.

The half-orc troops immediately made a noise.

Soon, when the pirate ship was docked at the port, the orc leader immediately stepped forward with an angry face and cursing.

"Late again, you unpunctual pirate scum!"

"Hurry up, today's task is not easy!"

The orc leader stepped forward, but none of the pirates jumped off the ship.

"Come down quickly, you sea mice!"

The half-orc leader who didn't think much for a moment urged again.

next second.

The four figures jumped off the pirate ship.

Immediately afterwards, a large number of Dúnedain rangers also jumped out of the pirate ship.

"who are you?"

The orc leader looked hesitantly at the people who jumped out of the pirate ship ahead, which was different from the pirates he had seen before.

"Of course the one who wants to kill you!"

Morgan grinned, Zhang Gong raised his hand and shot an arrow.


Not surprisingly, the little orc leader fell straight down with arrows in his eye sockets.

The half-orc troops immediately made a noise.

At this moment, Aragorn drew out his long sword, pointed at the crowd of half-beasts in front, and shouted: "Kill!"

For an instant.

Countless army of phantom skeletons exuding pale green light immediately appeared and rushed towards the half-orc troops in front.

The half-orcs who saw the ghost army were frightened immediately, and one by one they backed away in horror.

But running away is doomed to be futile.

The army of undead quickly swept across the orc army in front of them at an unparalleled speed.

Immediately, under the leadership of Morgan Aragorn, they swept towards the raging battlefield ahead.

at this time.

Over the vast battlefield of Pelenno Plain, there was a loud and clear howl of eagles.


The foot of Mount Doom.

Frodo and Sam, Gollum still went on.

It's just that the closer to the Doomsday Volcano in front of him, the more Frodo felt the weight of the Lord of the Rings hanging around his neck became heavier, so heavy that he couldn't breathe.

Watching Frodo panting heavily.

Sam stopped at once, and while supporting Frodo to sit down to rest, he ordered Gollum, "Go, Gollum, and bring back something to eat for Lord Frodo."

"Here, where can there be something to eat here?" Gulu immediately showed embarrassment.

Sam shouted: "I don't care about you, hurry up!"

"Alright alright."

Gulu had no choice but to nod, and when he turned around, his expression became extremely distorted again.

Gollum quickly disappeared around.

After Sam took out the little water left and gave Frodo a drink, he licked his dry and chapped lips, hung the jug on his body again, and said, "We must go, Frodo."

"While Gulu is away"

Frodo thought for a moment, then nodded: "Very well."

The hobbits were on their way again.

Modo's sky is always scarlet.

Endless scorching winds blow from all directions.

Thick black smoke erupted from Mount Doom, covering the sky and the sun.

Two hobbits trudging on Mount Doom.

Time passed slowly.

When a hole flashing with endless red light appeared in the front line of sight.

The two hobbits knew that they were not far from their destination this time.


"Frodo, you must persevere."

Just when he thought he would leave Gollum behind, Sam helped Frodo, who was walking more and more difficultly, to march towards the mouth of the Doomsday Volcano.

A bald and hairless figure with a twisted and hideous complexion finally appeared in front of the two hobbits.

"Did you forget me!"

The moment Gulu gritted his teeth and made a sound, he threw stones in both hands and rushed towards Sam.


Sam snorted, and immediately fell to the ground in pain after being hit on the head by a stone.

Gollum immediately dropped Sam and rushed to the weak Frodo.


"Baby is mine!"

Gollum, who had noticed that Frodo had hung the Lord of the Rings around his neck, immediately stretched out his hand and grabbed Frodo's neck, his face tearing wildly.

"You swore Gollum!"

"Smeagol swore it on the darling!"

Frodo struggled at once to make a sound.


"No, I lied to you!"

Gollum frantically tugged at Frodo's necklace with the Lord of the Rings on his chest.

At this time, Sam, who was hit by a stone, had recovered quickly.

He grabbed the stone that had hit him, and threw it at him like Gollum was tearing at Frodo.


Gollum let out a scream, and was immediately thrown to the ground by the stones, and Frodo took the opportunity to turn over and stand up immediately.

Sam lunged at Gollum.

Just when Sam and Gollum were entangled and fighting together frantically.

Immediately Frodo struggled to walk quickly towards the mouth of the volcano ahead.



Two swords in a row cut two holes in Gulu's body.

Sam immediately dropped Gollum and chased Frodo ahead.



Sam shouted all the way and rushed into the mouth of the doomsday volcano that exudes endless heat and steaming heat.

Looking up, he saw Frodo standing at the head of the passage.

And in front of Frodo was the orange volcanic lava that was constantly tumbling and boiling.

"Quick, destroy it!"

Sam called to Frodo, who was motionless ahead.

But Frodo was only holding the necklace with the Lord of the Rings in his hand, and his face was struggling violently.

The closer you get to Modo, the stronger the allure of the Lord of the Rings will be.

What's more, it is still in front of the lava river of Doomsday Volcano.

At this moment, the Lord of the Rings exudes a powerful allure, and it has definitely reached the strongest moment in history.

"What are you still hesitating about?"

"Quick, Frodo!"

"Destroy it, and it's over!"


Sam's extremely eager roar echoed in the Crater of Doom.

Finally, Frodo woke up from the endless illusion, closed his eyes, not daring to look at the Lord of the Rings in his hand, and then stretched out his hand to the void ahead and let go of the necklace in his hand.

Watching the ring drop.

"Do not!!!"

A heart-piercing sound immediately sounded from behind.

Gulu rushed forward extremely quickly, and grabbed the Supreme Lord of the Rings that fell in the void without hesitation.

The whole body also fell into the endless lava below without any accident along with the Lord of the Rings.

next second.


An incomparably shrill scream spread throughout Modo in an instant.

Followed by.


A shocking explosion sounded, and the whole world trembled.


Sam rushed forward at once, grabbed Frodo and rushed towards the trembling Crater of Doom.

When two hobbits burst out of the crater.

The tumbling and pouring lava in the rear instantly submerged everything.

(End of this chapter)

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