Start with Lord of the Rings

Chapter 238 Catastrophe [Countdown to the end volume, by the way, the next update and the next world

Chapter 238 Catastrophe [Countdown to the end volume, by the way, the next update and the next world]

"Oh my God"



In front of the gate of Gondor, when a horse dragged a bloody corpse into the gate.

A group of soldiers guarding the gate of the city immediately couldn't help but exclaimed.

For Denethor, the ruling chancellor of Gondor, the youngest son, Rafamir, has been a maverick since he was a child. If he doesn't listen to himself, he is always self-righteous, just like the hobbit who let go of the ring of power this time.

In Denethor's mind, the younger son was far inferior to his elder son Boromir.

But in the eyes of the warriors of Gondor, it is not the case.

Faramir is also an excellent leader and commander.


"The prime minister wants to see Ramir."

"Falamir is not dead yet, he desperately needs to be healed first"

"Excuting an order!"


"Quick, be careful."

Faramir's body was quickly brought to the palace of Gondor surrounded by a group of warriors.

On the tall city wall, Gandalf looked at Faramir's blood dripping down his body, and at the vast and boundless Pelennor Plain ahead, which was densely packed with countless armies. He couldn't help looking anxiously at the high building behind the palace.

Denethor wants Boromir to lead a team of hundreds of people to attack the army of tens of thousands of half-orcs at this time, that simply wants his son Faramir to die!
"Denethor is going mad"

Gandalf looked at the majestic palace high above, and was a little worried that Denethor would do something more crazy, so he immediately turned around and went down the city wall, led the king of horses, Jieying, got on his horse and ran towards the palace. .

In front of the vast palace square.

The white tree was still withered and looked lifeless.

When a group of soldiers carried Faramir's body to the square.

A group of well-dressed ministers ran out quickly after the leader Denethor.


"my son."

Denethor ran to the stretcher with a sad face, looking at the blood-stained body of his youngest son in front of him, his face became more and more crazy.

"They were brave, but outnumbered and all died"


"My son is dead."

Denethor looked at the corpse in front of him frantically, and what the pharmacist and doctor in Gondor had said to him quickly flashed through his mind. The eldest son, Boromir, would no longer wake up unless a miracle happened.

Now, the body of the younger son is also in front of him.

"The bloodline has been cut off!"

"Then why do I struggle to support this precarious and dilapidated Kingdom of Gondor?"

"Are you waiting for that lowly ranger who is willing to work with the lowest level of dirty human beings to sit on the throne of Gondor again?"

"No, never!"

he will never allow this to happen
He will never bow down to that corrupt family, that lowly ranger!

no way!

"My lord, it seems that Lord Faramir is not dead yet, he needs treatment."

At this time, the soldier on the side couldn't help but whispered.

But at this time, Denethor, who had already fallen into a mental blow in his own world, couldn't hear it.

"grown ups."

"grown ups."

The warrior called again.

Denethor couldn't hear other voices at all, and staggered to the edge of the vast square, looking at the desperate shadow of the Mordor army in front of the city of Gondor.

An extremely crazy idea suddenly popped up in his mind.

No Rohan reinforcements.

Cut off his own blood.

Even if victorious, Gondor will return to the hands of that lowly ranger.

That's not as good as.
That's not as good as.
Facing this moment, the crazy-looking Denethor looked crazy to the extreme.

He turned around and shouted to the soldiers and ministers behind him: "Run away, run for your life!"

The voice fell instantly.

The soldiers and ministers who were paying attention to Denethor in the rear immediately froze.

At this time, Gandalf rushed to the square on his shadow, and his face changed drastically when he heard Denethor's voice.

"Gondor is hopeless"

"All flee for their lives."

Denethor yelled again, but the words didn't finish.

His body was hit on the head by a white staff that fell from the sky.

"You've gone crazy!"

Gandalf jumped down from the shadow with a look of anger, and waved his staff at Denethor one after another.

"Bang bang."

After several staffs in succession, the ruling prime minister who had been pampered for many years was easily knocked down by Gandalf, and Gandalf turned around and shouted at the crowd: "Quick!"

"Moduo's army is close at hand, resisting Modo's attack, each performing its duties!"

"Move quickly."

Gandalf commanded the leaders and ministers anxiously.

at this time.

"hold head high"

"hold head high"

"hold head high"

The trumpet sounded from the army of Mordor on the plains of Pelennor in front of Gondor.

"whoosh whoosh"

Several boulder shells were thrown by huge catapults and bombarded on the extremely strong city wall of Gondor.

Immediately afterwards, the army of half-orcs immediately erupted with shocking roars.

The war has begun.

Minas Morgul.

Below the Ugo Pass of Chiris.

The sky is always dark and gloomy.

The endless hot mountain wind with the smell of sulfur roared endlessly.

On a steep and steep mountain road.

The three short figures were advancing tirelessly.

Finally, after stepping on the last stone staircase, the three-person team stood in front of a gloomy and deep path.

These three are naturally the Ring-bearer Frodo and Sam Gollum.

Since Gulu deliberately threw away the elf bread of the two hobbits yesterday, Rambas failed to provoke Frodo to drive away Sam.

Gulu immediately showed a lot of respect.

Leading the way to hunt, although only a few fat wild mice were caught, the gesture showed.

It's not good for Sam to be too hard on him.

Although he doesn't approve of Sam's behavior, Frodo still trusts Sam.

"It's here"

Gulu jumped onto the boulder in front of the intersection, pointed to the darker and deeper cave ahead and said.

"Is there another way?"

asked Frodo, looking to Gollum.

Looking at the dark and terrifying dark path ahead that exudes a slight stench, he felt a little uneasy.

"There is only this way!"

"This is the only way, let's go, you will be very close to the volcano after passing here."

Gollum said hastily, hearing Frodo's retreat.

Having failed to provoke Frodo to drive off the fat hobbit, this Pass was his only hope of taking the treasure.

The hobbits must not be allowed to escape.

"Frodo, since there is only one way, let's go!"

"I can protect you!"

At this moment, Sam patted the dagger on his waist, and said confidently: "I may have learned swordsmanship under Uncle Morgan."

Gulu was a little surprised by Sam's sudden agreement.

But he waited quietly.

At the critical moment, the two hobbits must not be aware of their impatience.

Sam's words brought a rare smile to Frodo, who had also learned fencing under his uncle Morgan.

"Since you can't turn back, let's go!"

Frodo took a deep breath and nodded.

"Lead the way quickly."

Seeing Frodo nod, Sam immediately looked to Gollum and urged.

"Yes, come with me"

Gulu suppressed the joy in his heart, and immediately jumped off the boulder and crawled inside quickly.

The two hobbits followed immediately.

As the three hobbits walked slowly into the depths of the cave, the light in the deep cave became darker and darker.

"Hey, Gulu, slow down"

Looking at the monkey-like figure in front of him, Sam shouted hastily.

"Hurry up"

"It's very complicated here, but you have to follow closely."

The sound of grunting came from the depths ahead.

Sam, who was extremely wary of Gulu, seemed to sense something was wrong.

He turned to look behind him at Frodo who was about to speak.

But Frodo stepped on something, and then fell unsteadily to the ground.

Sam immediately stepped forward to support Frodo, and there was another click under his feet. He lowered his head, reached out to touch the dark ground, and saw that he was holding a gray-black skull with half of the broken bones in his hand.

"Ah, this is it?"

Frodo, who had just stood still, was startled when he saw the skull that Sam suddenly picked up.

But Sam reacted quickly, with a furious expression on his face: "This damn hairless mouse really has no good intentions."

Before he finished speaking, he moved his body again, and there was another click sound under his feet.

He threw away the skull in his hand, and fished it under his feet.

Sure enough, it was another skull.

"Frodo, it must be dangerous here"

Sam immediately threw away the skull, and drew out the dagger at his waist.

The two skulls that Frodo saw one after another also took precautions against Gollum.

The two moved on.

Frodo remembered at last the gift that Lady Galadriel had given him, and brought out the Light of Erendil in a beautiful crystal bottle, to illuminate it.

"Hail Eärendil, brightest of the stars!"

As the crystal bottle in Frodo's hand emitted a dazzling white light, it illuminated the surrounding darkness.

Only then did the two hobbits see that there were all kinds of bones scattered everywhere under their feet, including human bones, animals, birds, and some unknown creatures.

Where there is a passage here, it is clearly a slaughterhouse.

Gulu took the two to the slaughterhouse.

"This damn stinky rat!"

Frodo looked terrified, and Sam also looked a little terrified at the horrible environment around him.

"Let me catch him, he must look good!"

"What should we do now?
Sam said angrily and asked Frodo beside him.

At this time, if Frodo did not agree to go on, he must agree with Frodo.

Frodo just looked back into the dark passage behind, and said firmly, "Go Sam!"

"We have no turning back!"

Frodo spoke softly and walked firmly onward.

Sam hurried to follow.

As the two of them went deeper into the deep cave.

The surrounding stone walls became more and more humid.

Large stretches of spider silk began to appear on the ground, as well as various mummies that were frequently hung upside down on the spider silk.

The stench in the cave has also become stronger and more unpleasant.

With the company of Sam and the illumination of the light of Erendil, the vigilance of the two of them has also been greatly improved.

It successfully avoided the passage of a large number of spider silks that seemed to be traps.

Frodo and Sam advanced steadily.

At this time, behind him, in the darkness that the two hobbits could not see clearly.

Gulu looked at the hobbit who was advancing cautiously ahead, full of eagerness and anger.

"How to do how to do?"

"The two of them are so careful, "she" won't come out yet"

"Don't worry, we have to be patient!"

"'She' won't let go of two fat, juicy hobbits."

"Well, I'm just a little scared."

"Don't be afraid, you have to trust me."

In the darkness, Gulu's face was constantly changing.

Suddenly, its face became distorted and hideous: "It's all because of that fat hobbit."

"If it wasn't for him, we would have succeeded long ago."

"The hypocritical master is no match for us."

"Yes, you are right"

"But what now?"

"Wait, be patient"

"No, I have to tell "her" what happened to them both."

The voice fell, and the whispering sound stopped.

A gust of wind blew.

There seemed to be nothing in the darkness.

"Are we going here?"

Sam looked at the cobweb-filled path ahead, and asked with some concern.

"It should be here."

Frodo looked at the pure light of Eärendil in his hand, and felt a little peace of mind in his heart, and his head became clearer than ever.

He stretched out his hand in front of the passage to feel slightly, feeling the incomparably weak stream of fresh air in the air coming from the seemingly trap passage ahead.

His face was extremely firm.

"All right."

Frodo made his choice, and without questioning Sam, he strode forward down the passage, short sword in hand.



"They're going to run"

"Don't worry, they can't escape!"

Whispering in the darkness sounded again.

Gulu ran wildly in the passage, holding a bone in his hand and slapping the spider web next to him, until he ran to the passage where the two hobbits were heading, and then threw the bone in his hand to the dense spider web in the passage, causing the spider web to tremble violently.

at this time.

Some footsteps came from the dead darkness behind.

"She is coming!"

Gulu's face was overjoyed, and his whole figure immediately disappeared into the dark passage beside him.

In front.

Frodo turned his head sharply, and looked back into the dark passage.

But apart from seeing the soft trembling of the spider web beside the passage, nothing was found.

"Gulu, is that you?"

Frodo whispered tentatively.

But there was no movement behind.


A rustling sound came to Frodo from behind.

Frodo looked startled and called again: "Gurm, Gollum"

There was no answer in the darkness behind.

However, in this terrifying passage, apart from himself and Sam and Gulu who disappeared, there is nothing else.
Frodo immediately thought of the countless skeletons and bones, and reacted instantly.

"Quick Sam!"

Frodo was startled, and immediately drew out the elven dagger from his waist, rushed forward and worked with Sam to cut off the dense spider webs blocking the way ahead.

Sam also realized something, and immediately swung the dagger vigorously to chop the spider silk in front of him.

When the two of them work together, the speed is still very fast.

Finally, when a huge and ferocious dark spider monster with a diameter of three meters appeared behind it.

There was only the last sticky spiderweb in front of the two hobbits.

"Sam, quick!"

Looking at the huge and terrifying spider monster rushing from behind, Frodo, holding the light of Eärendil, couldn't help but feel a tenacious fighting spirit in his heart.

He held the light of Eärendil in one hand, and the elven dagger given to him by his uncle Bilbo in the other. With a frightened expression on his face, he still stood firmly in front of the giant dark spider monster that was attacking.


The giant spider monster looked at the food in front of it and neighed anxiously.

But the dazzling light in the opponent's hand made it extremely uncomfortable, making it difficult to move forward.

"Go away!"

Frodo brandished the elf dagger with a firm face and a hint of fear, without retreating.

Behind him, as Sam split the spider silk with his last sword, the passage immediately became clear.


Sam turned and shouted, and Frodo hurried after him.

Seeing the light dissipate, the giant spider monster in the rear immediately followed with hissing and screaming.

Fortunately, the remaining channel is not long.

When Frodo and Sam rushed out of the dark passage and rushed into a slightly flat mountain.

The giant spider monster didn't choose to keep up.

Instead, he stood in front of the cave and kept neighing, as if he was weighing something.

Finally, as the giant spider monster turned around and disappeared into the passage.

Frodo and Samzizi breathed a sigh of relief.

The two of them gasped for a short rest, when they were about to move on.

At this time, Gulu appeared in front of the two of them.

"You damn hairless rat, you led us into that monster spider cave!"

Sam immediately looked angry and stepped forward to do it.

"No, it's this way. Haven't we come out now?"

Gulu immediately dodged, and hurriedly called Qudao.

"Then you can't deny that you left us when you entered the hole?"

Sam asked angrily again.

"No, Smeagol just went the wrong way and lost his way"

"If it hadn't been for the movement from the master, Smeagol must not have come out by this time."

Gollum ran quickly to Frodo, looked at Frodo pitifully and said.

Gulu's acting skills have always been at the Oscar level.

A pair of big eyes are watery, very pitiful.

"Okay, just come back"

Frodo glanced at the light of Eärendil, which was still shining in his hand, nodded softly, and once again chose to forgive Gollum.


Looking at the soft-hearted Frodo Sam, he immediately spoke out anxiously.

"Sam I know."

"I know!"

Frodo just looked at Sam and smiled and nodded.

He's just soft-hearted, and he's not stupid.

Gulu's actions this time can be said to have raised Frodo's vigilance against him to the highest level.

at this time.

A sound suddenly came from the stone ladder in the distance ahead.

The three hobbits drew aside at once.

"Should we go this way now?"

asked Frodo, looking to Gollum.

Gollum felt something was wrong from Frodo's eyes this time.

"Over there, as long as we can pass through that wild mountainous area, we will be very close to the volcano."

Gulu pointed at the end of his line of sight, the mammoth volcano that was always burning with raging flames, and the flames dyed the sky red and said.

In fact, even if the two hobbits didn't need Gulu to lead the way here, they could still know the route.

"Let's go then."

Feeling the disappearance of the voice on the stone stairs ahead.

Frodo rose carefully, and went in the direction Gollum pointed.

Sam got up quickly, glared at Gulu next to him in disgust, and then quickly followed.

Gulu seemed to have noticed something, his face was cloudy, and he followed.

after one day.

The three hobbits stood at the foot of a gigantic volcano, extremely high and extremely hot.

Frodo and Sam were extremely tired in shape and complexion, but their eyes were full of determination.

Gulu stood behind the two of them, his face full of eagerness.

Finally, it seemed that a decision had been made.

Gulu looked at the backs of the two people in front of him, his expression suddenly became extremely distorted and hideous.


Minas Tirith, the once great, huge and beautiful "White City" was now full of flames and billowing smoke.

Even as the greatest human kingdom in the entire Middle-earth world, the capital of Gondor, one of the greatest cities.

In the case of weak military strength and extremely difficult conditions.

Even if the city wall is extremely tall and strong.

In the face of the siege of Modo's densely packed and innumerable huge legions, it is already the limit to persist for a day.

As the Modo side opened the gate specifically for the huge siege hammer that broke through the gate of Gondor.

Modo's army finally broke through the gate of Gondor.

Countless half-orcs screamed and rushed into this prosperous, ancient and glorious city.

a time.

The screams, cries, and howls instantly resounded throughout the entire sky of Gondor.

The catastrophe has come.

 As the title suggests, there are about three or four chapters left in The Lord of the Rings volume and it should be over.Recently, the subscription is very poor. I know that some plots are not liked by many book lovers, but they must be written in order to complete the plot. In the last few chapters, the protagonist Morgan’s performance is a bit rare, but Morgan’s personal strength can be changed in the final battle of the Lord of the Rings world. Limited, but I will definitely not let Morgan play soy sauce if I can show it.The last few chapters will speed up the progress, but the ending will never be sloppy, readers, please rest assured.The next world will, if nothing else, be "Game of Thrones," unlike the Lord of the Rings world.Morgan in the next world should not follow the plot, and it will definitely be more enjoyable, but the specifics are still under consideration. If you have good suggestions, please share them in this chapter, or leave a message in the comment area, and the old cat will seriously consider them.

(End of this chapter)

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