Start with Lord of the Rings

Chapter 216 War, Freedom, Light!

Chapter 216 War, Freedom, Light!

North of Modo.

late at night.

A crescent moon hangs high in the sky.

Dim moonlight shrouded the earth.

In the rolling hills, there is a man-made relic in a dilapidated building.

Two small figures were covered with thick blankets, curled up in the corners back to back.


The icy cold wind whimpered.

What no one knew was that neither of the two small figures hidden in the darkness fell asleep.

These two are naturally Frodo Baggins and Samwise Gamgee.

Since encountering the betrayal of his partner Boromir and the attack of the half-orcs in the forest on the edge of Lalos Falls.

After thinking about everything, Frodo resolutely decided to leave the expedition team and embark on the journey to Modo alone.

Sam followed Frodo faithfully.

The two went through hardships and supported each other all the way to Modo.

But just yesterday.

Frodo and Sam had a big quarrel.

That is because of "Gulu".

Yes, Gollum, the hobbit "Smeagol" Gollum who has been following the Fellowship of the Ring expedition since the mines of Moria, and was tortured by the Lord of the Rings until he became inhuman and degenerated into an ugly monster.

When Frodo and Sam left the team for Mordor together.

Gollum, who sensed the great danger, showed himself and began to snatch Frodo's Lord of the Rings.

But not only did Gollum fail to grab the Lord of the Rings, he was caught by Frodo and Sam and tied up with the elf rope given by Galadriel because of failure.

But under Frodo's kind insistence, Gollum, who was in great pain, finally swore to lead the two hobbits and got Frodo's forgiveness.

From then on, he walked with the two hobbits.

Frodo's quarrel with Sam today is because of Gollum;

And for reasons up to the Lord of the Rings;
And, as the two get closer to Modo and Doomsday Volcano, until the temptation and influence of the Lord of the Rings become stronger and stronger.

In short, there was a great quarrel between the two about the hobbit, and neither could persuade the other.


The cold wind howled continuously.

Time passed slowly.

When the two little hobbits couldn't bear the great fatigue and sleepiness brought about by the day's journey, they fell asleep.

Not far away in a dark corner.

Small, ugly, and hairless, Gollum was staring at the two sleeping hobbits, whispering.

"We want it"

"We need it"

"We have to get the baby!"

"It's ours, they stole it from us!"

"Damn, cunning, false, vile hobbit."

"No, the master is not!"

"Yes, they are a group of babies, they are hypocritical, they will lie to you, and they will hurt you!"

"But the master is our friend."

"No, you have no friends at all, no one will like you."

"No, no, I don't want to hear you, I don't want to hear it!"

"Don't listen? Huh, you are a liar and a thief!"

"I'm not."

"You liar, thief, murderer!"

"No you go away"

"Go away? Heh heh heh heh heh."

"I hate you, I hate you"

"Can you be here without me?"

"Gollum. Gollum"

"I saved us, it's all up to me!"

"We survived all because of me!"

"No, not anymore?"

"What did you say?"

"The master will take care of us now, we don't need you anymore."


"We don't need you anymore."

"You leave and never come back."

"No! You can't even think about it!"

"You leave now and never come back!"


"You leave now and never come back!"

"You leave now and never come back!!!"


Gollum panted heavily, looking around.

Finally, when he found that the figure that kept pestering him had disappeared.

Gollum jumped up and down with great excitement: "It's gone, it's really gone, Smeagol is free!"

"Smeagol is free!"

West of Rohan.

On the huge peaks of the continuous mountains outside the deep valley of Helm.

The great and bloated migratory party from Edoras of Rohan began to retreat downhill in panic.

"bang bang bang"

"bang bang bang"

The hooves of the horses boomed.

On the roads on both sides, a large number of heavily armed hussars were rushing towards the mountain ahead under the leadership of King Theoden.

On the battlefield ahead.



Before Legolas charged into the battlefield, the arrows in his hands continued, and one by one the half-orc cavalry were shot off their wolf backs and fell to the ground.

But soon, Legolas rushed into the battlefield with a longbow and arrows in his hand.

A tall and ferocious warg rushing diagonally from behind suddenly pounced on Legolas on horseback.

Being thrown off his horse by the wolf that was attacking suddenly, Legolas fell to the ground in embarrassment, but he didn't panic. The arrow that he couldn't shoot in his hand quickly turned, and he inserted it into the wolf that was pressing in front of him. Only the eye socket was deeply pierced.


Immediately, the worg who was struggling frantically roared a few words, then fell to the ground and died convulsingly.

Legolas turned to his feet, ready to shoot his bow and arrow again.

At this time, another ferocious wolf rushed up, and Legolas was thrown to the ground again.

After turning over and standing up, he had no choice but to abandon his bow and draw out the short knife on his back to meet the wolf.

"I am coming!"

With a flushed face, Jin Li jumped up from the out-of-control horse and threw himself on the half-orc warg knight rushing beside him. In an instant, the battle ax in his hand was swiftly chopped off.


The half-orc knight who was split off half of his head immediately fell to the ground.

The half-orc was hacked to death, and Jin Li, who took the place of the half-orc, immediately grabbed the wolf's hair with one hand, and was about to taste the feeling of riding a wolf.

next moment.

The ferocious warg that reacted immediately came to a sudden brake, and Jinli was thrown high into the air. When he fell to the ground, he still had a handful of wolf fur in his hand.



The black horse carrot didn't look like a horse on the battlefield for the first time. It yelled and raised its two front hooves to kick the harassing wolf over.

Morgan immediately seized the opportunity, swung the elven sword sideways and slashed at the back of the half-orc knight in front of him.


The long sword slashed against the armor on the back of the half-orc knight. Although it failed to break through the armor, the huge force instantly cut the half-orc knight off the wolf's back.

Morgan immediately pulled the reins, and Carrot immediately reacted, turned his head, and stepped on the half-orc knight who fell to the ground with two steps.


The orc who was stepped on the chest by the radish immediately spit out black blood.

Morgan immediately bent down, and the long sword in his hand swiped neatly under the horse.


An ugly, bloody head was cut off and rolled far away.

at this time.


At last the hussars of Rohan, led by King Theoden, arrived.

"bang bang bang"

The chaotic rumble of horseshoes resounded throughout the battlefield.

Originally, with the three members of Morgan and Legolas' Jinli team joining, the situation on the battlefield where the Rohan hussars were at a disadvantage against the orc warg knights began to improve at a speed that was seen.

At this time, a large army of Rohan hussars ushered in.

The hussars, which far outnumbered the half-orc warg knights, quickly flooded the entire battlefield.

Except for a few wolf knights who reacted quickly and turned around and ran away when the hussars came.

All other Orcs and Wargs were wiped out.

On the battlefield halfway up the mountain, the corpses of orcs, wargs, and hussar warriors were scattered everywhere.


The dwarf Gimli slashed his ax on the head of the half-orc who was still struggling, looked up at Legolas who was approaching, and couldn't help asking: "How many enemies have you killed?"


Legolas paused for a moment before speaking.

"You are only eight?"

Jinli was immediately happy when he heard it, and said in a slightly mocking tone.

Legolas immediately became upset, and asked, "What about you?"

"How many more did you kill?"


Jinli was stunned for a moment, he couldn't remember how many he had killed, so he could only say, "Wait, I'll count."

"One, two"

"five, six"

"Six, so only six."

Gimli muttered to himself, but seeing Legolas standing motionless in front of him waiting, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and say, "Six, just two of you are missing."

Hearing Jinli's confident words after losing, Legolas just hummed and shook his head.

Just as he was about to leave, Morgan walked over with a black horse carrot.

Unable to understand Legolas like this, Jin Li immediately looked at Morgan and asked, "Morgan, how many are you?"


"I asked how many orcs and those wolves you just killed?"

Seeing that Morgan didn't understand, Jin Li immediately asked again: "How many?"


"I don't know the exact number, but those Orcs and Wargs should add up to more than ten."

Morgan said casually.

At this time, he already understood what the two friends, Gimli and Legolas, were doing. It must be the number of heads in the game.

This is not the first time they have been compared like this.

"Eight is nothing special."

Gimli who heard Morgan's number immediately looked at Legolas and immediately muttered.

Hearing these words, Legolas was completely speechless.

However, after getting along for so long, he already knew Jin Li's character of wanting to save face, so he stopped talking to Jin Li, but walked towards the corpses of the orcs and worgs who were shot to death by bows and arrows.

The longbow he had just used had been given to him by Lady Galadriel of Lothlorien, and so had the arrows.

The arrows that were shot were all precision-made arrows, and the number was limited, so he had to take them back.

Time is tight.

The presence of a team of Orc Warg scouts probably means that the main force of the enemy is in the rear.

King Theoden commanded the hussars to take away the bodies of their dead warriors, leaving behind the corpses of Orcs and Wargs scattered on the ground.

These corpses are usually gathered together and burned.

But it definitely doesn't matter now.

When the first snowflakes start to fall from the dark and gloomy sky.

Morgan followed the hussars and rushed towards the Helm Ravine ahead.

The original distance is not very far.

The inhabitants of Edoras, frightened by the Orcs and Wargs, moved much faster.

When the large hussars team caught up with the huge team.

In the depths of the valley ahead, a gigantic Helm's Valley Fortress finally appeared in front of everyone.

Front of the team.

After hearing the news of victory from behind, Eowyn, who was busy directing the huge team of residents, turned her head and saw a large number of hussars walking quickly behind.

She looked happy, and immediately strode to the rear.

Just facing the hussars who came on horseback, Eowyn looked at strange faces one by one, but couldn't find the person she was looking for, and gradually became a little anxious.

Not long after, King Theoden, surrounded by her elder brother Eomer and a group of hussar warriors, appeared in front of her.

A look of relief appeared on her face.

However, Eowyn's gaze was still looking backwards, constantly looking for something.

Finally, at the rear of the fully armed Rohan hussars, I saw a short dwarf, a slender elf with long flowing hair, and the last one was tall and strong, with a black ponytail and a bushy chin. Wildly handsome human man with short beard.

A gleam of joy finally appeared on Eowyn's face.

Seeing Morgan's safe return, Eowyn didn't choose to go up to say hello, but immediately turned around and strode forward to the front of the team.

Soon to reach Helm's Deep, a large number of residents are still waiting for her to arrange resettlement, and she is pressed for time.

Morgan, who was riding on the black horse Carrot and was chatting with Legolas Kimli, saw him when Éowyn saw him, his perception became more sensitive, and he naturally saw the bright, vivid, radiant figure standing in the middle of the crowd in front of him. weak figure.

He saw the big smile on her face.

He also laughed.

Only when she turned away.

Morgan couldn't help but sighed lightly.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a coldness on his face.

When I raised my head, I realized that the snowflakes falling from the sky gradually became bigger and fluttering.

"hurry up."

"It's finally here"

"We are safe"

"Finally, I can sleep well"

"My God, it's finally here."

"Safe, finally safe"

Looking at the huge and majestic fortress in front of them, the faces of the residents of Edoras, who had just escaped from the orc warg cavalry, were filled with joy, happiness, relaxation and other expressions on their faces.

Helm's Deep, Clarion Fortress!
For Rohan and the people of Edoras, it represents not only safety, but also complete trust and faith!
This is the lucky place of Rohan Kingdom.

Morgan, who was following behind the large relocation team, also saw clearly what the Helm Ravine ahead of him looked like.


The upper level of Orthanc Tower.

Inside the black hall.

Grima was looking at Saruman sitting on the stone seat and said, "I know there is a weakness in the high walls of Helm's Deep."

"Although its outer wall is made of solid rock, there is a small drain at the corner of the outer wall."

Grima didn't finish his sentence.

Outside the main hall door, footsteps suddenly came.

Soon, a tall, strong and hideous figure walked into the black hall, respectfully said to Saruman on the stone seat, "Master, you are ready."

"very good."

Saruman was overjoyed, and immediately got up and walked out of the stone hall.

Seeing this, Grima hurriedly followed.

Watching the white figure on the black tower appear for an instant.

"hold head high"

"hold head high"

"hold head high"

The loud, thick, and passionate horn sounded immediately throughout Isinger.

Accompanied by the sound of the horn, there is also the orderly roar of countless troops in the circular square below.

Saruman stood in front of the stone platform with an extremely contented expression, but when he raised his hand, the voice below stopped abruptly.

(End of this chapter)

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