Start with Lord of the Rings

Chapter 215 Soft on the outside and strong on the inside, abuse the food!

Chapter 215 Soft on the outside and strong on the inside, abuse the food!
At the end of the line of sight is the continuous snow-capped mountains that do not melt all year round.

On the vast wilderness of the Great Plains.

The cold wind howled continuously in winter.

The migration from Edoras of Rohan was long.

On both sides of the team, the Rohan hussars on horses back and forth protected and directed the huge and bloated team.

middle of the line.

It was where King Theoden and Éowyn and the ministers of Rohan lived.

Morgan Legolas Jinli, who was valued by Theoden, also followed.

"Then do you have female dwarves in your group?"

Eowyn was walking on the edge of the team, and at the side was the dwarf Gimli, barely riding on a tall horse.

"I don't think I've ever heard of it?"

Eowyn looked at the dwarf on the horse beside him with great interest and asked.

"That's right, female dwarves are very rare for people of your race."

"This is because the male dwarves and female dwarves have similar voices and looks."

"So, they are generally recognized as male dwarves."

Gimli looked at Eowyn beside him and explained.

In fact, "female dwarves" is one of the most frequently asked questions of traveling dwarves.

However, although Jinli said that this time it will not be short.

But because his teammates are a group of extraordinary beings, he naturally wouldn't ask him such a low-level question.

It was the first time he was asked this kind of question, and the answer was extremely detailed.

Eowyn laughed immediately after hearing Jin Li's explanation, and subconsciously turned around.

Not far behind, Morgan, who was walking alongside Theoden, naturally also heard what Jin Li said just now.

He looked at Éowyn's gaze and said quickly in a low voice, "Beard."

He gestured to stroke his short and bushy beard and said, "The beards of female dwarfs and male dwarves are different."

Eowyn turned around half understanding, Jinli's words continued: "Because of this reason, many people think that there are no female dwarves at all."

"Some people even think that dwarves come out of the ground"

"Ha ha."

Éowyn was amused.

Morgan, who was behind, raised the corners of his mouth slightly and thought to himself, "The ancestors of the Turin dwarves really came out of the ground."

"Of course, those are the words of ignorant people."

Gimli was boasting.

At this moment, the tall horse under him seemed to be stimulated by something and suddenly accelerated and ran forward.

At this moment, Jinli, who had short hands and feet, couldn't sit still immediately. The horse had just run a few meters away when Jinli fell off the horse's back because his legs were too short to hold the horse's back.

Eowyn, who was smiling happily, looked at this scene and immediately exclaimed and strode forward.

"It's okay, I'm fine, it's not a big problem"

Jin Li quickly stood up from the wild grass, refused Eowyn's help, and hurriedly said: "I did it on purpose, I did it on purpose."

Gimli's performance made Morgan Legrice behind him laugh.

Having walked together for so long, we all know Jin Li's face-saving personality, so we don't care about it.

Theoden looked at his niece who was full of smiles and laughed, and turned to Morgan beside him and said, "I haven't seen Eowyn smile so happily for a long time."

"When she was a little girl, her father died on the battlefield, killed by a goblin."

"Shortly after my father's death, my mother fell ill and died from grief."

"Take care of the king from a young age."

"Her life shouldn't be like this"

Theoden spoke with emotion.

Morgan heard it in his ears, and felt more and more the strength of the smiling Eowyn in front of him.

She looks weak and beautiful on the outside, but she is extremely strong on the inside.


Looking back at Eowyn under the golden sunlight.

Morgan couldn't help but let out a long breath.

Fangorn Forest.

In the lush, deep, and extremely depressing dense forest.

In front of a rock with clear water flowing.

Two short and lively figures were playing happily.

These two were, of course, the Hobbits Merry and Pippin of Hobbiton in the Shire.

Because a few days ago, they were captured by the orcs of Isinger, and on the way to Isinger, because of the attack of the orcs by the Rohan hussars, the two of them were able to escape into Fangorn Forest.

Most importantly, they met the legendary Ent here, the oldest Ent "Treebeard".

[Ent: It is a kind of intelligent creature that looks like a man and a tree. Their appearance is due to Vera's request, mainly to protect the trees from other creatures, especially dwarves. Therefore, Ent is also called "The Shepherd of Hundred Trees"]

This is why even though Gandalf found the traces of the two little hobbits with the four-member team of Morgan Legolas and Gimli, he did not take them away.

In the words of Gandalf, it was destiny that the two hobbits could come to Fangorn Forest.

"Give me a drink."


"Unless you admit that I am taller than you!"

"Dream, don't even think about it."

"Give it to me"


Merry and Pippin were having a merry fight.

However, he didn't notice that the giant rhizomes at the base of the towering giant tree beside him slowly moved towards the two of them.

Soon, with an exclamation, Meri was tripped and fell to the ground.

When Pippin went up to help.

The thick moving rhizomes soon entangled the two hobbits tightly.

The two cried out in horror.

Not long after, the shouts of the two called out a creature in the shape of a huge tree trunk with a height of five meters, Ent Treebeard.

"Let them go"

"You shouldn't have woken up."

"Go to sleep"

Treebeard, who speaks tree language, saves the two hobbits.

Merry and Pippin climbed onto Treebeard's tall shoulders and immediately hugged Treebeard's branches tightly, looking terrified.

"Don't run around, the forest is waking up, it's not safe here."

"These trees are now wild and dangerous"

"There's anger building up in their hearts."

"They attack creatures that come near them."

"Nowadays, our family has become less and less."

"There's no Ent to manage them. That's why they're like this"

Treebeard spoke very slowly.

But after getting along these days, the two hobbits have gotten used to Treebeard's way of speaking.

"You obviously live a long life"

At this time, the problem baby Pippin suddenly asked: "Why are there so few clansmen?"

"Where are you Ent kids?"

After the words fell, Treebeard was silent for a long time, and then sighed: "It has been a long, long time since no Ent child was born."

Meili was also puzzled: "Why?"

Treebeard: "We lost the Entwife."

Pippin: "Oh, that's a pity. How did they die?"

Treebeard: "No, they're not dead. We've lost her, and we'll never find them again."

Pippin: "Perhaps we have. What do they look like?"

Treebeard: "I don't remember anymore"

vast wilderness.

As the great migrating party from Edoras drew nearer to Helm's Deep, the road became rough and difficult.

Continuous mountain peaks, rocky hills.

Let this extremely bloated and extremely long colossal team become slower and slower.

Been walking for three days.

All the residents were exhausted.

But the imminent threat from the black barbarians and Isinger half-orcs prevented Theoden from giving the order to rest.

He can only urge his people to move forward.

Fortunately, at this time, everyone was not far from the strongest castle in Rohan, the deepest Helm's Deep.

The sky was overcast.

Leaden clouds were thick in the sky.


The howling cold wind blows head-on.

The people on the horse couldn't help wrapping their clothes tightly.

Morgan led the black horse radish and walked in the middle of the team. Feeling the increasingly dark sky, he couldn't help but look up at the sky.

"It's a sign of snow."

At this time, Legles beside him also looked at the gloomy sky and said suddenly.

"I don't know if we can reach that valley before the snow falls."

Jinli walked beside the two partners and muttered.

Morgan withdrew his gaze and said, "We should be able to arrive before dark."

Jinli asked back: "How do you know?"

Morgan looked at Jinli suspiciously: "Didn't His Majesty Theoden tell us during breakfast?"

"you forgot?"

"Of course not."

Jin Li looked stunned for a moment, and immediately shook his head: "I'm just testing you."

at the same time.

Like a twisted dragon, it moved to the front of the line.

In the distance, five hussars were riding up to a huge hill in front of them, checking the road ahead of the team.

at this time.

"whoosh whoosh"

Several arrows roared out with the sound of piercing through the air.

next second.

Four muffled hums sounded one after another.

Three of the five hussars fell to the ground in response, one was shot in the arm, and the last reacted quickly and lay on the horse's back to narrowly escape the arrow.


"Enemy attack!"

The shrill exclamation of the hussar warriors sounded immediately.

at the same time.

Not far away on the top of the hill.

Riding on the tall, gray-black ferocious wolf with hair, the leader of the hideous and ugly half-orc wolf knights pointed forward and shouted: "Go, kill them!"

The voice fell.

A large group of half-orc wolf knights rushed towards the direction of the moving team, screaming and screaming.

"Enemy attack!"

"Enemy attack!"

The only hussar warrior who escaped the arrow immediately rushed towards the huge team behind him on horseback, and roared with all his might.

Following closely behind him, the white-faced hussar warrior with the arrow in his arm immediately picked up the horn on his waist with one hand and blew it vigorously.



The piercing sound of horns one after another soon resounded through the entire Edoras huge team.

The three of Morgan Legolas and Kim Li who were chatting with each other changed their expressions when they heard this voice.

King Theoden, who was following the three of them, immediately changed his face when he heard the voice.

"what happened?"

"what happened?"

"Enemy attack!"

"Half orc!"

"There are half-orcs ahead!"

"Protect Your Majesty!"


Loud roars continued to come from the mouths of the galloping hussars in front of them.

The entire huge migration team immediately became agitated with the sound of the horn and the tense roar from the front.

"Legolas, Gimli!"

Before he could hear the exclamation coming from ahead, Morgan's complexion changed slightly and he immediately shouted at the two partners beside him, immediately got on the horseback, and galloped forward.

Legolas also reacted very quickly. He immediately stretched out his hand to hold Jinli when he heard Morgan's voice, and was about to get on the horse together.

"Leave me alone, I can ride by myself!"

Gimli immediately yelled and broke free from Legolas' arm, turned around and tried to get on the horse by himself.

Seeing this, Legolas no longer cared about Gimli, and immediately put his legs on the horse's back, and rushed towards the front of the team closely behind Morgan.

"bang bang bang"

"bang bang bang"

At this moment, the sound of horseshoes rumbling on both sides of the entire huge relocation team immediately.

A large number of hussars guarding the huge team rushed towards the front of the signal under the leadership of the leader.

Although the migration and refuge team from Rohan Edoras was very large and long.

However, Edoras originally had nearly 1000 guards, plus [-] hussars led by the third marshal of Rohan, Eomer.

A total of nearly [-] hussars.

Although it is definitely not much for a kingdom like Rohan.

However, the guards are not too small for a huge migration team.

However, for the half-orcs who have always won by numbers, the strength of three thousand is nothing.

"Your Majesty, your injury is just right, so let's go first."

"Let go!"

"My soldiers are fighting, how can I hide behind."

"Eowyn, this place is very close to Helm Ravine. I order you to be the leader and lead our people there. You must move quickly!"

"I can fight too!"


"Just for me, you have to do this, hurry up!"

Theoden, who quickly finished his explanation, pulled the reins and shouted at the crowd of hussars behind him, "Let's go!"

"bang bang bang"

Morgan rode a black horse carrot and galloped forward.

Not long after, when he rushed across the huge hill ahead, he saw a large group of orc warg knights fighting with the Rohan hussars on the hills far ahead.

On the other side, a large number of Edoras residents were frightened and screamed again and again.

"Orc Warg Rider"

At this time, Legolas' voice came quickly along with the sound of horseshoes.

Seeing that the same number of hussars quickly fell to the disadvantage under the attack of the orc wolf knights, they were killed and injured again and again.

"let's go!"

Morgan shouted in a low voice, pulled out the elf long sword from his waist and galloped towards the hills below.

Legolas followed.

"Wait for me!"

At this time, Jinli's shout came from behind, he was lying on the horse's back tightly with a flushed face, grasping the rein and saddle to control the horse to gallop towards the partner in front.


Morgan had just approached the edge of the battlefield, and a series of arrows shot from the opposite hillside.

Slashes the incoming arrows with a swing of the sword.

Morgan touched the neck of the black horse radish, which was on the battlefield for the first time, and said softly: "Don't be afraid!"

Immediately brandishing the long sword, he rushed into the chaotic battlefield.


Gold and iron collided, and the fire suddenly appeared!
The half-orc wolf knight rushing forward swung his battle ax and collided with Morgan elf's long sword. The moment he collided with the wolf's back, he fell heavily to the ground.

With Morgan's strength at this time, it would be cruel to deal with these warg knight scouts even if they belonged to the elite unit of the orc army!

"Bang bang bang!"

"Puff puff!"

Where Morgan rode a black horse turnip, half-orc knights turned on their backs, blood splattered, stumps flew, and corpses littered the field.

(End of this chapter)

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