Start with Lord of the Rings

Chapter 196 Save Me!

Chapter 196 Save Me!


Gandalf murmured in a low voice, and turned his head to look at the voice still echoing between the snow peaks and valleys. His eyes were blurred, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"We must go, Gandalf."

Looking at Gandalf who was speechless and distracted for a moment, Morgan couldn't help but speak.


Gandalf recovered, nodded to Morgan, and then shouted to Aragorn and Boromir behind: "Turn around, let's go to Moria."

Soon, the Fellowship of the Ring started moving again, heading for the way they had come.


The biting cold wind whizzed around the snowflakes.

The snowstorm on the Kalanras Snow Mountain is getting bigger.

three days later.

The expedition left Mount Carranras.

Fourth day.

The members of the expedition team appeared at the foot of a towering giant mountain.

Leaving Xuefeng, the wind and snow had disappeared, replaced by small snowflakes quietly falling in the cold air.

The sky was overcast.

Thin mist permeates everywhere at the foot of the mountain.

Under the dark sky, the mountain peaks and forest rocks in front of you look like terrifying monsters hidden in the darkness from a distance.

The weather is getting colder.

The temperature has dropped sharply since encountering the Dunlander crow scouts a few days ago.

Fortunately, everyone had prepared enough warm clothes when they left Rivendell.

People walking at the foot of the mountain where the temperature seems to be no worse than the snow peak will not feel extraordinarily cold.

"Frodo, come and do me a favor."

At this time, Gandalf, who was at the front of the line, suddenly called out to the little hobbits behind the line.

Frodo, who was talking to Sam, put his hands into his black robes, and walked forward quickly.

Walking to the forefront of the team, Gandalf stretched out his arms to embrace Frodo, leaning on Frodo's shoulder strength, and then said in a low voice, "How do you feel? Can you hold on?"

"Fortunately, it's just too cold, much colder than Shire's winter."

Frodo whispered back.

"What about the Lord of the Rings?"

Gandalf immediately said in a deep voice: "You feel that power is getting stronger, don't you?"

Frodo said nothing.

"It's not just you, I feel it too, you must be careful"

Gandalf held Frodo beside him and continued on, talking non-stop: "Evil beings outside the expedition will be summoned by that power."

"And within the expedition team, I'm afraid it's the same."

Gandalf's deep voice just fell.

A tall figure walked past the two of them, it was Boromir.

Along the way, in fact, everyone in the expedition team treated Frodo the ring bearer with a pretty good attitude.

However, no one knows what everyone is thinking in the bottom of their hearts.

The Supreme Lord of the Rings can lure out the evil hidden in the deepest part of everyone's heart.

No one knows if there is any other coveted heart for the Lord of the Rings.

Even Boromir, who strongly wanted to keep the Supreme Lord of the Rings for his own use at the Rivendell meeting, did not have any problems with his performance along the way.

Although he suggested that everyone should take the Rohan pass route, the number of times to go to Gondor and then to Modo is a bit too much.

"Then who can I trust?"

Watching Boromir stride away, Frodo looked to Gandalf and asked in a low voice.

"You have to believe in yourself, in your own strength."

"What do you mean?"

"There are many different forces in this world."

"There are good ones, and there are bad ones. Some are stronger than me."

"And some power."

Having said that, Gandalf shook his head and seemed to remember something.

"What is it?" asked Frodo.


"Anyway, the Lord of the Rings is too evil."

"You have to believe in yourself, and only in yourself"

"Let's go."

Gandalf said and patted Frodo on the shoulder.

At this time, Jinli behind him suddenly ran forward with a tomahawk in his hands.

Quickly rushing up the hill ahead, Jin Li pointed ahead and shouted, "Hurry up!"

Jin Li's actions had already attracted everyone's attention. At this moment, he shouted loudly, and everyone immediately accelerated and walked up the hillside ahead.

Then, I saw a quietly flowing river not far ahead.

On the other side of the river, a huge rock wall with a height of hundreds of meters runs across the huge valley.

"The Wall of Moria"

Jinli looked at the huge wall in front of him with complicated eyes, and murmured.

The members of the expedition team on the side also sighed at the magnificent wall in front of them.

After viewing the Walls of Moria.

The team moved on.

after an hour.

Everyone passed through this quiet river called "Dark Valley" filled with hazy mist, and came to the bottom of the Wall of Moria.

Looking at the tall and majestic wall next to him, it seems that there is no end to the wall at a glance.

Looking at the people who have been walking forward.

Boromir couldn't help asking: "Don't you know how to enter Moria?"

Looking at the dwarf Gimli who kept knocking on the wall in front of him, Boromir continued: "Are we going to keep searching like this?"

"Dwarven gates are invisible when closed."

Facing Boromir's words, Jinli said casually, and continued to knock on the stone wall beside him.

Boromir continued: "It seems that you have been away for so long that you can't even find yourself as the master."

Legolas: "I'm not surprised."

Facing the words of the two teammates, Jinli choked and rolled his eyes.

The dwarves had been away from Moriah for a long time, and it was the first time for himself.

But can he say that he is not the master here?

Of course not.

Jin Li didn't bother with these two.

It has been nearly two months since the expedition left Rivendell.

Get along with each other for two months.

Gimli's attitude towards Legolas has gradually eased from the original extremely annoying attitude, and now he is no different from a friend.

Even if it's just a friend.

But a few jokes between friends are definitely fine.

Jinli continued to knock on the stone wall beside him.

Front of the team.

Morgan, who was chatting with Gandalf, suddenly saw two solitary trees suddenly appearing in front of the wall in the distance ahead.

"Look there!"

Morgan pointed to the two lone trees in front of him and spoke.

Gandalf immediately looked forward, seemed to remember something, and immediately strode forward.

Morgan and the members of the expedition quickly followed.

Soon, before reaching the two solitary trees, a stone gate suddenly appeared between the two trees.

"It should be here"

Gandalf said as he stepped forward to check the stone gate.

He had come to Moria alone many years ago, only not from here.

"let me see."

Gandalf wiped the dust and debris from the stone door with his hands, and looked at the inscriptions on the stone door and whispered to himself.

Soon, Gandalf turned and looked at the crowd and said, "This door needs the light of the moon or the light of the stars to reveal it."

"It's afternoon now, we need moonlight and starlight, so don't we have to wait until evening?"

Pippin the hobbit asked Gandalf at once.

Gandalf nodded: "Yes."

"Then just wait."

"Just hungry."

Morgan sat down on the rock under the tree and looked at the hobbits: "Whose turn is it today?"

"It's me, Mr. Morgan."

Sam came out at once and spoke.


As Morgan said, he stretched out his hand, and a large bunch of sausages appeared in his hand, and he handed it to Sam.

Everyone in the team now knew that Morgan had a magic ring with storage capacity, so they didn't think it was strange.


with the efforts of the people.

A pile of vigorous bonfires soon burned in front of the west gate of the Wall of Moria.

Frodo helped Sam cook tonight's supper.

Morgan was resting with his eyes closed.

Legolas and Gandalf were chatting.

Aragorn unhooked the two horses.

Merry and Pippin, who had been chatting, looked at the silent river not far ahead.

Pippin said suddenly, "Shall we lose the game?"

Mei Li's eyes lit up immediately: "Good idea."


The two immediately picked up the gravel on the ground.

Meili was very fast, and he raised his hand and threw it towards the quiet black river ahead.

"Puff puff"

The stone raised three water splashes one after another, and then sank down.

The original calm water surface was broken, and circles of ripples continued to spread outward.

"You are only three, look at mine."

Pippin was immediately happy when he saw Merry's record, and when he said that, he was about to throw a flat stone in his hand.

A strong hand snapped around Pippin's arm.

"Don't play with water."

Aragorn looked at Pippin and spoke in a low voice.

At this time, under the big tree beside the campfire, Morgan suddenly opened his eyes.

Although it is impossible to remember the plot in my mind all the time.

But something impressive.

Morgan would certainly remember.

Just like where I and the expedition team are now.

If Morgan remembered correctly, there should be a gigantic monster hidden in the river in front of him.

The monster looked somewhat similar to the big octopus he had seen in his previous life.

But Morgan knew it wasn't a giant octopus, but an evil and powerful giant monster.

"Everyone, it's time to eat."

At this moment, Sam's voice interrupted Morgan's meditation.

After taking the dinner plate handed over by Sam, Morgan chewed the grilled sausage with a knife and fork, and then his eyes fell on the black river not far away.

To be honest, with the strength of the team at this time, ordinary monsters who dare to come up are just delivering food.

Morgan wasn't afraid of the monster in the river before him.

Of course, it is definitely not necessary to deliberately look for the monster.

In addition to Gandalf himself and several powerful Guardians from various races in the team, there are also four hobbits who are not very powerful.

On a snowy day, the sky was originally darker than usual.

In the afternoon, the sky was as dark as night.

When everyone in the expedition team finished their dinner.

The sky was completely dark.

It's just a cold and dark night sky, and there is no possibility of a starlight.

And moonlight.
"If there is no moonlight, will we not be able to enter?"

Pippin, restless, asked again.

"Yes, without the moonlight, the stone gate cannot appear."

Gandalf nodded, puffing on his cigarette.

"But in this weather, can we wait for the moonlight tonight?"

Pippin went on.

This made everyone subconsciously look up at the night sky.

It's just that the night sky is dark.

Nothing at all.

Boromir's mouth moved suddenly, as if he wanted to say something, but seeing Gandalf's not-so-good-looking face, he finally didn't speak.

"It's still early, what's the rush?"

Morgan frowned and said casually.

Although Pippin had something to say.

However, in this case, what everyone wants is courage and confidence, not a big mouth that has to say a few words to make people upset.

Based on the current situation of the expedition team, the Rohan Pass cannot be walked, and the Calanras Mountain cannot be walked.

Except through Moria.

The expedition was almost at a loss.

There is no turning back at this time.

And the expedition team is not as harmonious as it looks on the surface.

At least Morgan knew that Boromir had been clamoring to go to Gondor through the Rohan Pass.

Following Morgan's voice fell.

There was a moment of silence in the expedition team.

Pippin and Merry obviously didn't realize what was going on, and soon they chatted and played again.

The dull atmosphere was broken by the two of them.

Legolas chatted with Aragorn who was sitting beside him.

Gimli sat by the river watching the water.

Morgan wanted to speak, but the words were swallowed by him again.

Frodo and Sam leaned against another tree and closed their eyes.

In the past few days, everyone's sleep time and quality have not been very good, which is why everyone closes their eyes and takes a nap when they have a little spare time.

Time passed slowly.

After everyone spent about three or four hours in the boring waiting.

The originally dark night sky suddenly became brighter.

Slowly, as the cold light gradually increased, a white crescent moon appeared in the sky.

"Moonlight, the moonlight has appeared."

cried Pippin, looking at the night sky.

As his voice fell, a white light in the shape of a door suddenly lit up on the stone door beside him.

Gandalf looked happy, and then he got up and strode to the light door, carefully looking at the flashing characters on it.

"Gate of Turin, Lord of Moria, speak, my friend, and enter"

"what does that mean?"

"It's very simple, as long as you are a friend, you can say the code word"

"Then Gandalf, will you?"

"Of course, it doesn't bother me."


Ten minutes later, Gandalf looked at Guangmen in front of him with an ugly expression and said, "I shouldn't, I used to be familiar with the spells of elves, humans, and even half-orcs."

"I seem to see something."

Morgan looked at the light door opening, he naturally knew the engraved characters on the light door in front of him, but he has always deliberately failed to understand Elvish language: "Gandalf, how do you say "friend" in Elvish language?"


Gandalf said something casually.

The voice fell.


A harsh sound suddenly came from the shimmering stone door.

The stone door, which could not see the gap at first, was slowly opened immediately.

Everyone's faces immediately showed joy.

at this time.

"Whoa Whoah"

There was a sound of intense water flow.

A black, thick, smooth, huge tentacle covered with suckers suddenly stretched out from the river behind, and stretched straight to Frodo standing behind everyone.

The huge tentacle was so fast that it caught Frodo and was about to drag him into the river.

Frodo, who had not yet figured out the situation, realized that he had been caught by something, and immediately shouted in horror, "Help me!"

(End of this chapter)

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