Start with Lord of the Rings

Chapter 195 Orcs, Moria!

Chapter 195 Orcs, Moria!
Hongjiaomen pass.



The biting cold wind hits head-on with huge icy snowflakes.

The members of the expedition team walking on the towering and steep snow peaks were almost blinded by the blow.

a week ago.

Under Gandalf's decision, all the members of the expedition who met the crow's eyeliner of Dunland from Saruman resolutely abandoned the route to the Rohan Pass, and then chose to turn over the route of Mount Calanras.

a week later.

The members of the Fellowship of the Ring Expedition have gone through hardships and obstacles, and are finally about to reach the snow peak of Mount Kalamras.

"I really hate it here."

In the snowstorm, Gimli, who was in the middle of the team, looked at the snow beside him that was always level with his chest, and looked at Gandalf who was leading the way, and couldn't help shouting: "Gandalf, how long will it take us to cross these mountains?" Snow mountain?"

It's just that the head-on blowing immediately drowned out the sound.

"What did you say?"

Gandalf turned his head, looked at the dwarves in the middle of the line behind him and shouted.

At this time, the entire expedition team walked in one line.

The snow that does not melt all year round here is too deep.

The snow depth directly reached the waists of Gandalf, Morgan and others, but it reached the chest of the dwarf Gimli.

For the four hobbits who were shorter than the dwarves and were following Gimli.

The snow has even reached the depth of their necks. From the outside, only their heads are exposed, and they have to stand on tiptoes.

But behind Gandalf and Morgan in front.

With these two leading the way, the group of people behind followed their footprints and walked a lot.

Otherwise the dwarves and hobbits in the team would not be able to advance at all.

At this time, the team was Gandalf and Morgan walking at the front of the team.

In the middle are Gimli the dwarf and four young hobbits.

Aragorn and Boromir led the horse at the end.

As for Legolas, it seems to be because elves physically differ from races.

When other members of the expedition team walked in the thick snow with great difficulty.

Legolas actually seemed to be as light as a swallow, walking on the thick snow surface as if nothing had happened.

This made everyone very surprised, but they were also envious.

Under such circumstances, Legolas' actions are the most flexible and swift.

Just when the Fellowship of the Ring Expedition was advancing hard on the Kalanras Snow Mountain.


Inside the circular boulder city wall, in the underground magic cave.

A large group of Dunland crows quickly flew into the brightly lit and noisy underground gap, and quickly flew towards the depths of the magic cave.

It didn't take long for Saruman, a wizard with white hair and beard and wearing a pure white robe standing on a high platform, to know the news that Gandalf was leading an expedition team to Mount Kalanras.

“Kalaras Mountains are not easy to walk”

Looking at the tumbling red magma below and the various types of weapons and armor that a large number of orcs were struggling to hammer, Saruman whispered to himself, "If you are defeated by high mountains and wind and snow."

"Then, are you willing to take greater risks?"

Saruman stared down, narrowed his eyes slightly and murmured.

The road through the Rohan Pass was abandoned by the opponent, if the road to Kalanras Mountain was cut off again.

So if Gandalf and the others want to go to Modo, the only way left is to take the Moria Mine.

However, most people don't know that the most terrifying thing in the mines of Moria is not the half-orcs at all, but the evil and terrifying monsters in the depths.

It was a monster that even Saruman himself was terrified of.

"Bang bang."

"Bang bang."

The sound of gold and iron colliding continued.

A large number of orcs in the arsenal below are busy in full swing.

at this time.

A half-orc with a hunchback figure, ugly appearance, but flexible eyes walked quickly to Saruman, and said, "Master, the second batch of warriors in the breeding pool has been bred."


Hearing the words of the half-orc beside him, Saruman's thoughts immediately returned to his eyes, and he turned to look at the disgusting half-orc beside him.

Saruman turned and left.

The little orc leader behind him hurriedly followed.

It didn't take long.

In a disgusting muddy quagmire with a strong smell.

Saruman stood aside on the hard ground.

Watching the monster wrapped in the thick and turbid afterbirth struggle violently in front of him.

Finally, with the help of a slightly short half-orc outside, the thick and cloudy afterbirth was torn, and the half-orc inside was finally shaped by its head.

It was only when the new type of half-orc, which was obviously bigger and more hideous than the midwifery half-orcs outside, grabbed the busy half-orcs outside with its big hands full of sharp claws.

The orcs around suddenly buzzed and moved, even when the two little orc leaders who were following Saruman were about to step forward.

Saruman immediately raised his hand to stop the two orcs from moving.

The entire Isinger, at this time, completely belongs to Saruman's own lineage half-orcs, which is the first batch of new half-orcs born not long ago.

Most of the other half-orcs are from Modo, including the little half-orc leaders behind them.

The orcs ostensibly obeyed his orders.

But in fact, he has always pretended to listen to the orders of Modo Sauron and the evil eye.

How could this not make Saruman angry.

Saruman has long been very unhappy about this.

It's just that there was not enough manpower before, and he needed these half-orcs from Modo to do things.

But wait until their own new type of half-orcs are bred.

Where would Saruman put these half-orcs of Modo in his eyes, he would not care about their life or death.

But on the bright side, Saruman will definitely not turn against Sauron in a short time.


The strong half-orc, whose body was muddy and disgusting and hadn't opened his eyes yet, cut off the neck of the thin half-orc who delivered the baby outside.

In the angry eyes of all the orcs around.

The newborn half-orc finally opened his eyes and stood up slowly.

His body was more than two meters tall, his body was muscular, and his face was extremely hideous and ugly.

When the newborn half-orc stood up, he immediately surprised the surrounding half-orcs.

Although there are half-orcs who can reach such a size in the Modo half-orc army, they are definitely not many.

Looking at the strong half-orc who was naked in front of him.

The orcs around looked shocked.

Saruman looked happy in his heart.

At this time, a large number of new half-orcs were dug out of the afterbirth in this huge mud-like breeding ground.

Looking at the tall and strong new-type half-orcs who are obviously one size larger than the surrounding Modo half-orcs.

Saruman was very satisfied. He pointed to the biggest half-orc in front of him and said to the little half-orc leader beside him, "Clean him up and bring him to the stone tower."

Turn around and leave.

"Yes, Master."

The little half-orc leader immediately nodded respectfully to send Saruman away, turned around and yelled at the surrounding half-orcs, "Didn't you hear that?"

"Wash me the ugly bastard"

after an hour.

The upper level of Orthanc Tower.

A small half-orc leader led a strong half-orc twice his size to the high hall of the stone tower.


The little orc leader looked at the white-robed wizard on the stone seat and whispered.

Saruman raised his head, looked at the tall and strong orc in front of him with satisfaction, and waved at the little orc leader.

The little leader immediately stepped out of the dark hall.

Saruman got up and walked to the strong orc, and said in a deep voice, "Who created you?"

The strong half-orc immediately looked at the white-robed wizard in front of him and said hoarsely, "Saruman!"

"Whose orders do you obey?"


"Who is the master?"

Saruman continued to ask.

The strong half-orc replied firmly without hesitation: "Saruman!"

"very good."

"I gave you the name "Baka". From today onwards, you are the leader of this group of new fighters."

"Go, take my order."

Saruman spoke in satisfaction, looked at the orc in front of him and said.

"Yes, Master."

The strong half-orc whose name was changed to Baka immediately nodded respectfully, and then strode towards the outside of the hall.

Looking at the back of the orc going away.

Saruman fell into deep thought. The half-orcs he bred through his own mixing and improvement were taller, stronger, and smarter than the half-orcs in Modo.

Most importantly, they can act in the sun.

These new fighters are much stronger than those half-orcs in Modo alone.

Then it's time for these fighters who are completely their own to have a new name.

"Then it's called Uruk"

Saruman thought of the new orc warriors he had created.

Uruk: Also known as "Uruk".

Strong Orc: It means a half-orc with strong fighting power.

Hongjiaomen pass.

The snow-capped peaks of Mount Kalanras are enormous.

Towering and precipitous snow peaks rise and fall one after another.

It was getting darker.

Under the sky and snow.

On one of the snow peaks, a tiny team was moving slowly in the wind and snow.


The icy cold wind blows.

The members of the expedition team walked on the naturally formed path on the edge of the steep snow peak.

Snow covered all roads ahead.

The expedition must walk carefully and carefully.

Otherwise, if you accidentally fall down the snow peak, there is no possibility of survival.

"Gandalf, it's getting dark, shouldn't we rest?"

At this time, Aragorn's voice came from behind the team.

"I know, but not here, the terrain is too narrow, we need to find a more suitable place."

Gandalf turned his head, and the voice was carried by the wind and snow to the ears of all the members behind.

Morgan followed behind Gandalf, wading through the extremely thick snow.

At this time, his hair, eyebrows, and beard were already covered with snow, which was all white.

Legolas walked lightly on the snow beside him, his footsteps were light and soundless.

Quickly overtaking Morgan and Gandalf, Legolas, who reached the front of the team, continued to walk towards the dim front in the snowstorm.

An elf prince with the best bow and arrow skills in Mirkwood.

Legolas' eyesight and hearing were keen.

With his pathfinding, the rear team will undoubtedly be safer.

Legolas walked forward slowly.

When walking on an uncertain road, the long sword in his hand will stab downward from time to time to check the safety of the road under his feet.


The wind and snow continued to howl.

Legolas walked forward slowly.

At this moment, he suddenly heard a terrifying sound that could almost shake the soul from all directions.

"and many more."

Legolas stopped immediately, listened carefully, and immediately shouted to Gandalf Morgan not far behind: "There seems to be some terrible sound in the air."

Morgan and Gandalf stopped immediately when they heard the sound.

Immediately afterwards, an overwhelming humming sound resounded through the entire Xuefeng Valley.

Gandalf immediately recognized the owner of the voice, and his expression changed suddenly: "It's Saruman's voice."

"Looks like he already knows we're here"

The voice did not fall.

"Boom boom boom boom."

A burst of booming sound rang out one after another from the surrounding snow peaks, and the snow peak where everyone in the expedition team was located was no exception.

Everyone looked up immediately, and saw a large amount of snow falling straight down.


"Get out of the way!"

Morgan and Gandalf spoke together.

Everyone immediately struggled to lean into the trail.

"bang bang bang"

A large amount of snow rolled down from every surrounding mountain top, and the roar was extremely frightening.

Small avalanches come and go quickly.

When everyone raised their heads, the originally narrow trail had been buried thicker by the snow.

Fortunately, this avalanche was not big.

No effect on the road ahead.

"He's trying to cause an avalanche, we must turn back to Gandalf!"

Aragorn's voice came again.

Gandalf stood up, patted the snow on his body, and shook his head immediately.

Although he didn't say anything, everyone knew Gandalf's determination.

The incomprehensible voice that floated in the air still echoed.

Under the eyes of everyone, Gandalf stepped forward with a staff in his hand, and then raised the staff in his hand and chanted a spell loudly in the direction of the sound.

Looking at it, Gandalf obviously planned to wrestle with Saruman and fight in the air.

A large number of incantations with obscure and strange syllables continued to spit out from Gandalf's mouth.

All of a sudden, the voices of Gandalf and that Saruman echoed over the entire snow peak of Kalanras Mountain.

It just goes by slowly.

The sky over the snow peaks of Mount Kalanras is getting darker and darker.

The strange voice from Saruman seemed stronger than Gandalf's voice.

Gandalf's voice grew softer, Saruman's voice louder.

Finally, with a series of electric lights piercing the dark sky.

"bang bang bang"

The violent explosion immediately resounded through the entire valley.

The snow peak above the heads of the expedition team bears the brunt even more.

Immediately afterwards, a trembling rumbling sound came from the snow peak above.


Morgan, who had been paying attention to the changes in the sky above his head, snarled, hugged the weak Gandalf, and threw himself to the inside of the path.

next second.

Accompanied by violent tremors like an earthquake under his feet.

A large amount of snow all over the sky is pouring down from every surrounding snow peak.

"Boom boom boom."

After the avalanche lasted for several minutes.

The path where the expedition team was located was completely submerged.

But soon, a head with a black ponytail emerged from the thick snow.

"Bah ah."

Morgan shook his head and spat out the snow.

At this time, the second head also emerged from the snow, it was Aragorn.

Then Gandalf, Legolas, and the dwarf hobbit all emerged from under the snow.

Everyone's face was flushed, and their figures were in a state of embarrassment.

"We must get out of here!"

Boromir got out of the snowdrift, and immediately said loudly: "Take the pass of Rohan, and then go south to Gondor. We can go from Gondor to Mordor."

"Rohan Pass is too close to Essinger!"

Hearing what Boromir said, Aragorn hurriedly stopped him.

"If you can't go up, then go down."

The dwarf Jinli also joined in the fun at this time and said: "If we go through the mines of Moria, the place is right under our feet, very close to us."

Gandalf looked at the collapsed road with complicated eyes, and turned his head to look at Morgan behind him.

"I am as unfamiliar with the way as Frodo."

"You decide, Gandalf. Wherever you decide to go, I will support you."

Seeing the meaning in Gandalf's eyes, Morgan said.

Gandalf looked at Morgan and nodded, then looked at Frodo among the little hobbits behind him and asked, "Frodo, you are the Ring-bearer. At this juncture, you decide which way to go."

Along the way, Boromir mentioned the route from time to time.

Aragorn said the same.

Now Frodo heard what they said.

The wind and snow were even heavier, and the air still echoed with Saruman's terrifying voice.

Knowing that the situation was critical, Frodo looked silent, and then looked at Gandalf: "Then go to the mines of Moria."

Hearing Frodo's words, Morgan was slightly startled: Even without the Bahrain expedition to Moria, the Fellowship of the Ring still returned to the "origin" after going round and round.

(End of this chapter)

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