Start with Lord of the Rings

Chapter 171 Huge changes, storms are approaching!

Chapter 171 Huge changes, storms are approaching!
Sunny weather.

The warm wind blows the earth in spring.

The flowers and plants grow tender buds, and the trees sprout new branches, which are full of vitality.

The lush northern Mirkwood.

In the sparse jungle not far from the Woodland Kingdom.

There was joy at this time.

Two young children were chasing each other, laughing and running wildly on the sun-dappled green grass.

In the open space in the middle.

A huge, white, delicate blanket was being spread on the grass.

There are a lot of various dried fruits, fruits and some delicate snacks and snacks on the blanket.

Beside the food, sat a fair-looking and glamorous elf wife whose curves became more distinct and plump.

Beside the female elf lay a tall and strong black-haired handsome human man.

At this time, the man's head was resting on the female elf's long legs, his eyes were closed and his mouth was constantly opening, as if he was waiting to be fed a fish.

The female elf in front of her fed the grapes in her hand one by one into the mouth of the man on her lap like feeding fish.

The rhythm is neither slow nor slow.

Farther away, two tall white horses were grazing leisurely with their tails flicking.

The fair-looking and glamorous elf wife, whose figure is becoming more and more plump, is naturally the captain of the guard of the Woodland Kingdom, Tauriel.

And the pillow on Tariel's lap is the human Morgan known as "Troll Butcher", "Orc Terminator", "Friend of Elves" and "Dragon Slayer Warrior".

As for the twins of Morgan and Tauriel who were running loudly and happily not far away.

Yes, Morgan has kids in this world.

A son and a daughter, a total of two.

The son is called "Ulysses".

The daughter's name is "Evene".


At this time, a childish and sweet voice sounded.

Morgan, who was lying lazily, immediately opened his eyes when he heard the voice, and became refreshed.

He sat up and saw his daughter running towards him not far away, followed by her brother.

Looking at the sweat stains on the foreheads of the two children, one knew that the two were tired from playing.


Evonie yelped sweetly, trotted close to the white blanket, and then rushed into Morgan's arms.

Evonie, who was hugged by Morgan, was sweating profusely and arched affectionately on her father's body.

Morgan didn't mind holding her daughter for a laugh.

At this time, the son Ulysses also came to the front of his parents.

Tariel immediately took out a handkerchief and wiped the sweat off his son's face.

"I'm tired of playing."

Tariel asked while wiping the sweat from his son. After wiping the sweat off his face, he patted the dirt and dust on his son's buttocks.


Ulysses shook his head immediately, and continued: "My sister is not tired yet, I can't be tired before her."

"Hmph, I won't be tired"

Hearing what her brother said, Evonie, who was in Morgan's arms, immediately expressed dissatisfaction.

Soon, the two brothers and sisters quarreled and ran away again, laughing and playing together.

Morgan looked at the pair of children in the distance, his eyes were full of tenderness.

But soon, I thought of the constant changes in the situation over the years, and my next itinerary.

Morgan couldn't help but sigh in his heart: "What should come has finally come."

Since the Battle of the Five Armies in Gushan many years ago.

Morgan has lived in this Middle-earth world for nearly 60 years.

In fact, he never thought that he would live in this world for so long.

But it happened.

And it was even more unimaginable to him.

He didn't age normally over time like other humans.

Rather, it seems to be the same as the immortal elves in this world, except that the face is more mature, handsome, and more temperamental than before, and there is no sign of aging on the face or body.

Morgan's appearance has not changed much from the Morgan of the expedition 60 years ago.

This change made everyone who had seen Morgan puzzled and wondered, and even thought that Morgan was of the blood of the northern Dunedain.

But only Morgan himself knows that his body is actually just ordinary and cannot be born in ordinary humans.

And how could he be like an elf, time seemed to stand still on him.

Morgan thinks it should be the reason of the system.

As for the reason.

He speculated that it might be due to physical changes caused by strengthening.

As for the specifics, he didn't know.

Of course, whatever the reason, this is a great thing.

Especially for Tariel.

When she fell in love with Morgan, she considered Morgan's lifespan as a human.

But she still came together with Morgan without hesitation.

Morgan seems to be able to ignore time and time like her, which is undoubtedly a great surprise for her by fate.


Because of the problem of lifespan, Morgan also experienced the pain similar to elves.

That is watching your friends grow old and die.

Thirty years after the Battle of the Five Armies in Gushan, the king of the Valley State and the dragon-slaying warrior Bud passed away.

In 45, Bud's eldest daughter, Xuege, died.

In 50, Bard's son Barn died.

The old friend Bud, and the three children named Uncle Morgan.

Only the youngest Tilda is left alive today.

The current King of the Valley State.

It was inherited by Barn's son Brand.

Funeral for Bud and Segebahn.

Morgan was all in attendance.

Looking at the very happy Bahn brothers and sisters who were much younger than him, called him uncle, and gave them greetings and smiles, they grew old and died in a blink of an eye.

The mood of Morgan standing at the funeral at that time was as complicated and unspeakable as the continuous drizzle that day.

Morgan has many friends in this world.

But the only human beings are Bud and his sons and daughters.

But there's only so much human lifespan.

This is something no one can do.

Fortunately, dwarves live much longer than humans.

None of the dwarves from the original expedition had died.

As for Bilbo the Hobbit, another close friend of Morgan's.

It's also old now.

Bilbo's 110th birthday celebration has been decided to take place this fall.

Morgan was leaving for the Shire soon, to attend Bilbo's birthday celebration.

Although so many years have passed.

But Morgan's memory has become better because of the continuous improvement of his strength.

The plot memory of Lord of the Rings in my mind has also become extremely clear because of the continuous and deliberate memories over the years.

Familiar with the plot memory.

It is one of the most important reasons for Morgan to survive proudly in this world.

He never dared to forget about it.

And according to the plot screen in memory.

Morgan knew that with the opening of Bilbo's birthday celebration, the plot of the Lord of the Rings trilogy also began to unfold.

The evil creatures brewing and hiding in the darkness will also appear one by one.

Morgan could and must be involved.

Because of the increase in the world exploration progress of the system in his body, it has almost stagnated over the years.

He needs to reconnect with the main characters of the new plot.

And soul power.

Because there's so little fighting and killing, and because it's so hard to get.

Although not much has changed over the years.

But in terms of swordsmanship and bowmanship.

He has reached the level of proficiency in the abilities he has mastered.


At this time, the voice of daughter Evonie came again.

Morgan's contemplation was immediately interrupted. He raised his head and watched his daughter, who was sweating profusely, rush towards him again like the wind, and rushed into his arms.

Daughter Ephne and son Ulysses are both seven years old this year.

Born of Tariel three years after the Battle of the Lonely Mountain.

The two are twins.

Ulysses came out a few minutes earlier than Ephne.

So it was his brother, and Evonne was the sister.

Although she has a more cheerful personality, the mischievous Evonne, who was favored by Morgan, has always been reluctant to call Ulysses brother.

Morgan is human.

Tariel is a Silvan elf.

The child born of the union of the two is naturally a half-elf.

So Evene and Ulysses in front of them both have leaf-like pointed ears like their mother Tariel.

However, in terms of hair quality, the two siblings did not inherit the brown-red hair quality of their mother Tariel.

Instead, they all have long black hair like Dad Morgan.

Plus a pair of blue eyes.

Both Yifuni and Ulysses are very good looking.

Pure black hair can be regarded as a symbol of nobility in this world.

Although there is no explicit record of this.

However, the blood of some prominent kingdom families in the entire Middle-earth world is pure black hair, which can be seen in general.

Even among the elves, only the Noldor elves have pure black hair.

The original owner of Morgan's body was able to hook up so many women in the small town of Ferro, also because he had pure black hair.

"Is Evene tired?"

Morgan took out a handkerchief to wipe his daughter's sweat and asked with a smile.

"Well, Dad, I want to go back"

"Dad, I still want to eat snacks made of pine nuts"

Evonne nodded and acted like a baby in Morgan's arms.


"We'll be back soon."

"When I go back, Dad will take Evonie to Uncle Thranduil for some snacks."

"Not only pine nuts, but also roses, and cakes, how about dried fruit?"

Hearing her daughter's acting like a baby, Morgan immediately smiled and agreed.

"Yeah, dad is so nice"

Eveni nodded like a chicken pecking rice in her father's arms.

Ulysses next to him could see envy on his face.

Morgan has always doted on his daughter Ephne, but he is much stricter on his son Ulysses.

Even if his sister had something to eat, Ulysses never lacked.

But Ulysses never dared to act like a baby with his father.

Don't even think that Dad will treat himself as tenderly as he treats his sister.

After wiping his son's sweat, Tariel couldn't help touching Ulysses' head when he saw his son's envious expression, and asked softly, "Are you hungry?"

Ulysses immediately nodded obediently: "Yes."

The four members of the Morgan family did not stay outside for long.

At this time, the outside of the Mirk Forest is not very safe.

Southern Mirkwood is completely corrupted, and the evil dark creatures of Dol Guldur are always looking to invade the woodland kingdom.

If it weren't for the woodland kingdom built under the mountains.

There is no sunshine all year round.

Morgan would not easily take his children out for a picnic.

It didn't take long.

After packing up, Morgan took Tauriel and the two children to the Woodland Kingdom on horseback.

Just came to the edge of the woodland kingdom.

The closed gates of the kingdom were quickly opened from the inside.

Living in the woodland kingdom for so long.

The elves in the kingdom almost regarded Morgan as a member of the kingdom.

Morgan's sons and daughters are very popular in the kingdom because of their cute looks and lively personalities, and because of their identities.

Evonie has a cheerful personality and is more courageous, all the way back to her residence.

Constantly saying hello to the elves she knew.

Ulysses is relatively calm.

All the way back to the residence deep in the woodland kingdom, in a spacious and exquisitely decorated room.

After sending the two children out to play.

In the bedroom, after Morgan hugged the baby, Tariel, whose body became more and more plump, told his decision to go to Shire to celebrate Bilbo's birthday in a while.

"Do you have to go?"

After Tariel was silent, he raised his head and looked at Morgan worriedly and said.

After giving birth to two children.

Tariel's personality has obviously changed a lot.

Originally, she had a strong sense of justice, but now her focus is on Evene, Ulysses and Morgan.

The previous years were fine.

In recent years, those evil half-orcs have been active again.

Morgan is traveling far away at this time, and she has no way not to worry.

It was this time last year.

An army of orcs has attacked Mirkwood.

No, it was an attack on an elf squad in the Woodland Kingdom, to be precise.

Speaking of this.

I have to mention that just the year before last, Aragon caught a guy that Morgan didn't expect, Gollum.

Aragorn captured Gollum and took him to the Woodland Kingdom to take care of him.

It was around this time last year that Gandalf came to the Woodland Kingdom.

Not only to visit Morgan, but also to investigate the magic ring in Bilbo's hand.

Yes, Gandalf has long known that Bilbo has a magic ring in his hand like Morgan.

He has been silently investigating all these years.

At the same time, the ring in Morgan's hand was also investigated.

Just last year, after Gandalf interrogated Gollum, he still failed to figure out the origin of Morgan's ring.

But he became more and more suspicious of the ring in Bilbo's hand.

Because when Gandalf and Morgan brought it up last year.

Morgan took the initiative to tell Gandalf that he had seen Bilbo pick up a pure gold ring under the mine in Goblin Monster Kingdom.

Morgan couldn't directly tell Gandalf that the ring in Bilbo's hand was the Lord of the Rings.

Because he doesn't understand the Lord of the Rings, the reason has been explained before.

After Gandalf's interrogation, Gollum and Morgan agreed to meet at Bilbo's birthday celebration this year, and left in a hurry.

Then, not long after.

When the wood elf warrior went out with the poor Gulu, he was attacked by a half-orc.

Gulu also took the opportunity to escape.

"Do you have to go?"

Facing Tauriel's question at this time, he looked at the worried look on her face.

Morgan nodded and smiled: "It's okay, you know your man's strength"

Tariel also knew that Morgan's decision would not be easily changed, not to mention Bilbo's 110th birthday celebration was a big one.

After briefly persuading Morgan, he stopped talking.

Morgan started groping with his arms around Tauriel, who was getting more and more attractive.

Not long after, a melodious movement sounded in the bedroom.

seven days later.

The gates of the Woodland Kingdom.

After saying goodbye to Tariel and daughter Ephne and son Ulysses.

Morgan rode quickly into the forest.

Disappeared soon.

(End of this chapter)

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