Start with Lord of the Rings

Chapter 170 Six years, suddenly like a dream! 【Subscribe】

Chapter 170 Six years, suddenly like a dream! 【Subscribe】

Sunny weather.

The sky was blue and cloudless.

April in Middle-earth.

It's the hottest summer of the year.

The weather has become scorching hot.

Especially around noon.

A round of fiery red light hung high.

Wanton radiates endless light and heat toward everything on the earth.

Rivendell goes west on the Eastern Avenue.

At this time, a tall figure was riding a horse and galloping quickly in the wilderness, rushing towards the forest in the distance ahead.

The weather is getting hotter.

The galloping horse was breathing more and more heavily, and foam began to form at the corners of its mouth.



Finally, when the horse rushed into the forest with the tall figure on its back.

The tall figure immediately jumped down from his back.

One hand grabbed the rein to control the horse, and a bucket of water appeared out of thin air in the other hand.


When the horses bow their heads and gulp down the water from the barrel.

At the same time, the tall man was gurgling and drinking from a large jug.

a while.

When the horse looks up and leaves the bucket.

Morgan put down the kettle in his hand.

The heavy breathing of one person and one horse returned to normal.

Immediately, the tall man took out the horse feed out of thin air and poured it into the bucket to feed the horse again.

I also sat on the weedy forest floor and began to eat.

This lone ranger-like man is naturally Morgan.

nearly two months ago.

After sending Tariel back to Mirkwood, he stayed with Tariel in the Woodland Kingdom for another month.

Morgan bid farewell to Tauriel, left Mirkwood, and embarked on a journey to Shire to find two good partners, Bilbo and Gandalf.

On the way, through forests and wilderness, across mountains and deep valleys, until now.

A person's long journey will inevitably encounter some troubles and dangers.

But for Morgan, those troubles and dangers are just fun and embellishments on a boring long journey.

Compared to those little dangers from outside.

Morgan felt that the weather in Middle Earth in April was the biggest trouble.

The previous snowy winter was fine.

Morgan has a strong physique and is not afraid of the severe cold even if he wears a little bit of clothing.

But obviously not in summer.

Morgan was wearing sturdy boots at this time, trousers tied with leather armor and a dagger pinned to his lower body, which was not much different from his previous outfit.

But for the upper body, Morgan only wore a pair of loose long sleeves made of silk.

No other armor or leather armor was worn.

If it weren't for the fear of mosquito bites, Morgan would really like to be shirtless.


After chewing and spitting out the last mouthful of dried mutton, he took another big mouthful of water.

Morgan let out a long sigh of satisfaction.

In such hot ghostly weather, it is unrealistic to rush on the road at noon.

Even if Morgan could take it, the horse next to him, borrowed from Beorn the skin-changer, couldn't.

He didn't want to tire the horse.

There are no villages or shops in front of this great wilderness. If the horse dies, it will take only Morgan's legs to walk to a place where humans gather.

The horse beside him was still chewing on the feed.

Morgan, who was full of food and drink, stood up and stood at the edge of the forest to look around, and found that the neighborhood looked familiar.

Soon, he remembered why the eyes were familiar.

This is the place where the expedition team once set up camp. Not far away, on the wilderness, you can even see debris from the tent that the expedition team had to abandon when they were attacked by the orc army.

Although it has been eroded by wind and rain, the distance is not too long, and the traces are easy to see through careful observation.

Seeing this, Morgan immediately thought of the three giant trolls.

And, the elven sword on his waist, and the treasures in the ogre cave that were buried by the dwarves because they were not easy to take away.

after an hour.

Morgan stood in front of the huge troll cave, already overgrown with weeds.

Stepping into the cave, the cave is still so smelly.

Morgan walked forward with a long sword in his hand. Perhaps because of the powerful aura of the ogre, there were no traces of other animals in the deserted cave.

Go all the way to the treasure house deep in the cave.

Morgan saw the battered weapon rack where the sword on his belt had been, and the ground that had been dug up.

That's where the dwarves buried the chest of treasures, but there's nothing left now.

No one except the expedition team knew of the treasure hidden in this troll cave.

At this time, all the dwarves of the expedition were in the New Erebor Kingdom in the Lonely Mountain.

So the treasure here has been dug away, except for Bilbo and Gandalf who passed by this road a few months ago.

There should be no one else.

Since the treasure has been dug away.

Morgan was soon out of the troll cave.

At this time, the weather outside the forest is still scorching hot.

Back to the previous forest.

Morgan closed his eyes and rested in the shady forest until the sun was no longer hot outside. Then he rode out of the forest and galloped towards the distant road.

A month later.

Morgan reached the edge of the Shire.

A summer morning in Hobbiton.

It was awakened by the crowing of cocks and the rising smoke.

It was just getting brighter.

In a well-decorated Bag End, Bilbo woke up on time from his sleep.

After washing.

Started preparing for today's breakfast.

When he prepared breakfast for two and was cooking milk tea.

Gandalf, who was sleeping in the side room, walked into the kitchen with a pipe in his mouth.

"Good morning Bilbo."

Gandalf smiled.

"Morning, Gandalf"

Bilbo raised his head to say hello, and continued, "Sit down first, the milk tea will be ready soon."

Gandalf smiled and sat at the table, smoking a pipe and watching Bilbo busy.

It didn't take long.

Bilbo took the teapot on the campfire stand and poured a large cup of rich milk tea into each of the two tall thick wooden cups on the dining table.

Milk tea is made by brewing black tea and milk with added sugar and a few spices.

So whether it tastes or smells, it is very fragrant.

After finishing his work, Bilbo sat on the dining table, took a big gulp of hot milk tea, and then heaved a sigh of relief.


"Drinking a cup of milk tea in the morning can really refresh the whole morning."

Putting down the teacup, Bilbo picked up the knife and fork to have breakfast, but when he looked up, he saw that Bilbo was still smoking slowly.

"what happened?"

Sensing something different about Gandalf, Bilbo couldn't help asking.

"Come on."

Gandalf took the last draw of his cigarette, tapped the stem, put it away slowly and said, "I must go, Bilbo."

After the words fell, Bilbo was stunned for a moment, and then a look of disappointment appeared on his face.

However, after his continuous retention, Gandalf has lived with him from spring to summer, and it has been quite a while.

After all, Gandalf couldn't live forever.

Gandalf has always been busy, which can be seen in Rivendell.

It is rare for him to live in Shire for so long.

Bilbo couldn't continue to persuade him to stay, so he had to put down the knife and fork in his hand, looked at Gandalf and said, "Don't you wait for Morgan?"

"Morgan must be on his way to Shire by now."

Gandalf sighed when he heard Bilbo's words.

Morgan, when he left Rivendell, promised to arrive in Shire in the summer.

Summer is now half over.

The kid was still missing.

This made Gandalf a little helpless.

He really couldn't be as free as Bilbo or Morgan, he still had a lot to do.

It's just that they've already made an appointment with each other.

He didn't want to break his promise.

Just have to wait.

See Gandalf sigh.

Bilbo smiled again.

Every time Gandalf proposed to go, as long as he talked about Morgan, he would be right.

See Gandalf no longer mentions going away.

Bilbo was beginning his breakfast in a cheerful mood.

at this time.

"bang bang bang"

There was a sudden knock on the door.

"How could it be who?"

Bilbo immediately put down his knife and fork, and walked quickly to the door.

"bang bang bang"

The knock on the door came again.

"I'm coming."

As Bilbo said, he quickened his pace and came to the gate. When he opened the gate, he saw a tall and handsome man standing in front of his house leading a horse.

Who else could it be if it wasn't the good friend Morgan that he and Gandalf have been talking about.


Seeing the figure outside the door, Bilbo immediately cried out in surprise, and immediately shouted to Gandalf in the kitchen dining room: "Gandalf, Morgan is here."

Immediately after shouting, he turned around, looked at Morgan with a happy smile and said, "You finally came to Morgan."

"Long time no see Bilbo."

"I hope you will forgive me for being late."

"But this time, I plan to take a good look at the four seasons of Shire. I may stay here for a long time this time. I hope you don't mind."

Morgan looked at Bilbo and said with a smile.


Bilbo immediately shook his head happily and said, "No, of course I don't mind. Morgan can stay as long as you want."

"You are welcome here"

"Come, give me the reins, and I will set your horses. Gandalf is in the kitchen, and you know where my kitchen is."

"You can eat my share for breakfast first, I haven't touched it yet"

Bilbo happily led the horse and left.

Morgan looked down into Bag End and saw Gandalf stooping out of it.


Morgan immediately smiled and said.

"Morgan, you're here."

Gandalf also stepped forward with a smile on his face and hugged Morgan.

The corridor is too low, it is somewhat inconvenient to speak here.

The two of them soon came to the dining table in Bag End.

Just happened to see Bilbo's unstarted breakfast.

Morgan, who was still hungry after traveling all night, ate without any hesitation.

Morgan and Gandalf ate and talked.

It didn't take long.

Bilbo is back.

His little breakfast was not enough for Morgan.

So Bilbo was busy again.

Morgan and Gandalf sat aside to smoke and drink tea, and the three long-lost partners chatted together, which was so pleasant.

It didn't take too long.

Bilbo made two breakfasts again.

The three sat around the dining table.

Chatted easily.

Soon, they talked about their common hobby: fishing.

Seeing Bilbo's extraordinarily excited appearance when talking about fishing, and seeing Gandalf's somewhat helpless expression.

Morgan knew that Gandalf must have been tortured by Bilbo for fishing.

At this moment, Morgan seemed to regret that what he said before to appreciate the scenery of Shire's four seasons seemed to be too full.

Finally, when this breakfast is over.

Bilbo decided that the three of them would go fishing together today, to celebrate Morgan's arrival in the Shire.

The time that followed was the happiest that Bilbo had ever lived in his life.

With Morgan arriving.

The three little friends drank, smoked, fished, played cards, and bragged together every day, not to mention how leisurely they were.

It's just that the happy time is always short.

When the three drank the last wine of summer together.

On the first morning of autumn.

Gandalf bid farewell to Morgan and Bilbo, and embarked on a journey to the north.

Morgan's vacation at Bag End continued after Gandalf was gone.

Morgan kept what he had said to Bilbo this summer when he arrived at Bag End.

From summer to autumn.

Then from autumn to winter, and then to the spring of the next year.

Morgan lived in Bilbo's Bag End for a whole season.

I also thoroughly enjoyed the beautiful scenery of Shire in different seasons.

On the second morning of the end of the spring of the second year.

It is the first morning of summer.

Morgan bid farewell to Bilbo and was ready to return.

Where can he go on his return trip?

Back to the woodland kingdom of Mirkwood, of course.

The existence of Tariel is like an anchor point, and it is also Morgan's only concern in this world now.

Let Morgan think of it for the first time, and I can feel the warmth in my heart.

Let him be no longer a homeless ronin in this world.

"Goodbye Bilbo."

Morgan on his horse smiled and waved to Bilbo goodbye.

"Goodbye Morgan!"

Bilbo waved vigorously at Morgan with a disappointed face.

When Morgan was going away and his figure was about to disappear, Bilbo suddenly shouted at Morgan: "Morgan, remember to come to Shire again when you have time!"

Morgan smiled back at Bilbo and waved.

Then it walked into the cool breeze in the early morning of clear summer and disappeared.

On this day, Bilbo returned home with great disappointment, and wrote the first line in his notebook: "It was a long time ago, in a land in the far east, there was a valley town."

Before Middle-earth Summer ends.

Morgan, who left Shire, returned to the woodland kingdom of Mirkwood and lived leisurely with Tariel.

In the last few days before the end of the autumn of the same year.

Morgan has received a letter of invitation from the dwarves of the Lonely Mountain Erebor.

The invitation letter was written by Thorin Oakenshield, the king under the mountain himself, inviting Morgan to participate in the important restoration ceremony of the Kingdom of Erebor, which was held on the day of Turin of the dwarves.

Morgan then went to the Lonely Mountain to join the dwarves' celebration.

When the celebration was over, they said goodbye to Thorin Oakenshield, the student Kili and the dwarves of the expedition team, as well as Bard and his three children.

Morgan returns to Mirkwood.

Since then, Morgan has been living with Tariel in the woodland kingdom, rarely stepping out of Mirkwood.

Time flows like water.

It always flows and disappears inadvertently.

In a blink of an eye.

60 years passed by in a flash.

60 years, suddenly like a dream.

 Excessive ending, the story of Lord of the Rings will start tomorrow, things are complicated in March, I am sorry for the lack of updates, I will rise up in April!Finally, ask for a guaranteed monthly pass~~
(End of this chapter)

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