Start with Lord of the Rings

Chapter 164 Demigod, Arrive!

Chapter 164 Demigod, Arrive!
It was dusk and the sky was dark.

It was even darker in the towering dense forest.

The four members of Morgan's team looked at the empty and dilapidated wooden house in front of them, and it would be a lie to say that they were not disappointed.

Gandalf had vowed before that there would be hot food and a safe place to rest.

But apparently the friend Gandalf spoke of had moved away.

But even so, several people would not have any opinion on Gandalf.

Gandalf certainly didn't want that.

He himself is obviously not very clear about his friend's situation.

"He should have left."

"But I still have a friend"

"Speaking of which, you've all met this friend before. He doesn't live too far from here."

Gandalf said and turned to look at the three of them.

At this time, Morgan's eyes were withdrawing from the surrounding dark forest.

According to the memory in the plot, he has actually roughly guessed the friend Gandalf is looking for in this forest.

It should be his good friend: Redagast, the brown robe wizard.

Ridagast, one of the five wizards who came to Middle-earth, known as the "Forest Guardian" and "Forest Friend".

"Have we met?"

Bilbo said in doubt and immediately turned his head to look at Gandalf: "Who?"

Morgan and Tariel also looked at Gandalf.

"Beorn the skin changer."

Gandalf nodded, and continued: "He lives nearby and not too far away."

"If you want to sleep peacefully, Beorn is definitely the safest place."

Hear Gandalf's words.

Morgan and Bilbo both remembered at once who the other was.

It was just before the expedition team arrived in the dark forest, they were hunted down by orcs and hid in the house of the skin-changing man who could transform into a giant bear.

Morgan remembered that the last time he saw each other was on the Raven Ridge battlefield in Lonely Mountain more than half a month ago.

The other party transformed into a giant bear and rampaged through the army of orcs. He was deeply impressed by the scene of tearing up the orcs.

"How long will it take if we go there now?"

Morgan just thought about it for a while and asked immediately.

He was hunted down by giant dark demonized spider monsters all over the mountains and plains for several days.

Several people are now exhausted.

Even himself.

If the skin-changer's residence is really not far away, in order to have a good rest, he might as well drive some distance in the dark.

But if it takes half a day to get here like before, then forget it.

Traveling in the dark at night is no better than during the day.

Listen to Morgan's question.

Bilbo and Tarrael also looked at Gandalf immediately.

"If it's daytime, it should only take half a day to arrive."

Gandalf thought for a while, and said, "Now, it should take about half a day, as long as we get out of this jungle, it will be very fast."

“It will take half a day”

"I think it's better to rest in this empty house tonight."

"I'll go to the skin-changing Beorn tomorrow morning."

"what do y'all think?"

Hearing Gandalf's words, Morgan shook his head slightly, looked at the three and said.

Unlike previous expeditions.

Although this four-person team is dominated by Gandalf on the surface.

But every time some decision is made, Gandalf obviously asks Morgan first.

If both of them agree, one thing is basically decided.

But if there is an important matter, if Morgan and Gandalf disagree with each other, they will ask Bilbo and Tariel.

like now.

"I also think it's time for us to stop and take a break."

"We're so tired."

Facing this question, Bilbo quickly gave his answer.

When it was Tariel's turn, Tariel also expressed his desire to stay and rest.

The reason is also because of tiredness.

It didn't take long.

There was a bonfire in the center of the slightly dilapidated wooden house.

A fire stand was erected above the campfire, with cooking pots hanging from it.

The water in the boiling pot was taken out of the river a few days ago and put into Morgan's Dimensional Ring before entering the Mirkwood and Corrupted Mountains.

Just to deal with the current situation.

The warm hot soup cooked with turnips, greens and dried meat made it very comfortable for several people to eat. At the same time, they all lamented the convenience of Morgan's magic ring.

Barren mountains and forests, the cold wind howling outside.

There were also strange howling sounds from time to time.

The extremely tired people hid in the wooden house and drank a bowl of steaming broth.

That kind of heart-warming comfort can only be truly known by the person involved.

Time passed slowly.

When the four of them had enough to eat and drink, they were ready to rest and sleep.

At this time, no one was in the mood to talk.

It should have been Morgan's turn to watch tonight.

But Gandalf offered him to watch the night.

The reason was that he was not that tired and couldn't sleep.

Faced with Gandalf's reason, Morgan quickly laid down a blanket not far from Tariel and lay down.

In the past few days, I have faced the pursuit of those giant demonized spider monsters.

He has always been the most tired and dangerous one after the team breaks.

Otherwise, how could he not outrun Bilbo at his speed.

Morgan is indeed very tired at this time and needs a good rest.

But before going to bed, thinking of the large number of giant spider monsters he had shot and killed in the past few days, Morgan, who closed his eyes, immediately summoned the system in his mind.

Brush brush.
A series of virtual data flashing pale white light began to jump in front of his eyes.

【Time Traveler: Morgan】

【Race: Human】

[Biology Level: Second Level]

【Soul Power: 2】

[Attributes: Strength LV6; Constitution LV6+; Dexterity LV5; Spirit LV5]

[Abilities: Common Language; Muay Thai LV2; White Crow Sword Technique (Proficient) LV4; Bow and Archery (Proficient) LV4; Body of Rock (Special Skill); Dragon Power (Special Skill); Skill); Eagle Eye (special skill); Quick Flash (special skill)]

[Talent: Intimacy (Special Skill)]

[Current world exploration progress: 9.05%]


The light flickered.

Looking at the data that keeps jumping out in front of him.

Morgan quickly saw the number two behind the column of soul power.

Two points of soul power.

Subtract that little bit left over from last time.

That is, the pursuit for several days and nights.

He counter-killed the giant dark spider monster and contributed a little soul power to him.

"Not bad"

I sighed slightly in my heart.

There was neither disappointment nor joy on Morgan's face.

The giant dark spider monster he died in his hands this time was far more than the half-orcs who died in his hands in the last Battle of the Five Armies.

Although the exact number has long been lost.

But he is very, very clear.

After the last strengthening.

Because of the improvement of his own strength, the difficulty of obtaining soul power has obviously increased again.

Originally, he thought that this time, no matter how he could get two points of soul power, it would be enough for him to strengthen it once.

As a result, he thought too much.


He let out a long breath.

Morgan wasn't discouraged either.

His eyes returned to the virtual panel, and he continued to look down.

Soon, he saw the latest data behind the world exploration progress bar: 9.05%.

Compared with before entering the Mirkwood and Corrupted Mountains a few days ago, the exploration progress has slightly improved.

But not much has changed.

Unable to enjoy enhanced fun.

Morgan, who had lost the virtual panel data, immediately felt both physical and mental sleepiness.

Soon fell asleep.

It was a peaceful night.

Early the next morning.

Morgan opened his eyes.

It was just getting brighter.

He looked in front of the fire, and Gandalf was poking the fire with a stick in front of him with a pipe in his mouth.

In front of him, a frying pan boiled on the campfire.

The scent of food spread in the air.

Morgan got up, and the movement immediately made Gandalf turn his head. Looking at the wake-up, Morgan smiled and said, "You were just in time, you woke up as soon as the things were cooked."

"Of course, I've always had a sensitive nose."

Looking at Gandalf who looked really energetic, Morgan also smiled.

He remembered that Gandalf's true identity was Maia, the legendary deity who was regarded as a demigod.

Although the real strength came down to Middle Earth and was sealed a lot.

However, his body is indeed resistant to creation, after countless battles, he can still live for countless years.

Although Morgan is interested in Gandalf's body.

But when it comes to Gandalf's secrets, he will certainly not ask.

When you get up and come back from washing outside.

It was found that Tariel and Bilbo had also woken up.

Because Gandalf cooked breakfast in advance.

Teams of four are moving faster than ever today.

It didn't take long.

Under the leadership of Gandalf.

Everyone walked towards the depths of the dense forest.

Although this diseased forest is not as serious as the completely corrupted and dead forests in the Mirkwood Mountains before.

But there are very few creatures still living here.

From last night to now, the four-person team has not seen a total of several.

The most common bird song in ordinary forests takes a long time to hear such a sound here.

I don't know what kind of bird it is, or what other things are making the sound.

The four-person team traveled quickly.

At that time, the light group in the sky just moved to the sky above the head.

The crowd stood on a sparsely forested wilderness hill, and under Gandalf's instructions, they saw a huge house located in the wilderness far ahead.

This wooden house is naturally unfamiliar to Tauriel.

But in the eyes of Morgan and Bilbo, it was somewhat familiar. It was the big wooden house where the expedition team took a short rest to avoid the orcs.

That is, the house of Beorn the skin changer.

"It's daytime now, he shouldn't turn into a giant bear, right?"

Looking at the houses in the distance, Bilbo, who seemed to have remembered something, finally couldn't help asking.

Gandalf smiled at the worried look on Bilbo's face.

Seeming to be teasing Bilbo, he immediately frowned and said, "That's not sure."

"But there is a possibility."

Gandalf spoke in a slightly worried voice, which immediately made Bilbo even more worried.

He couldn't forget the scene when he was chased and killed by that huge and terrifying ferocious bear.

"What should I do?"

Bilbo looked worriedly at Morgan.

Because Morgan has been a strong performance.

Not only the performance during the expedition with a group of dwarves.

There is also the strong performance on the Gushan battlefield more than half a month ago.

The deepest impression Morgan gave to Bilbo, and also to the people around him who knew him well, was that he was powerful and trustworthy.

Bilbo felt safe now seeing Morgan by his side.

At this time, he was threatened by Gandalf.

Bilbo subconsciously looked at Morgan.

For Morgan, having witnessed the skin-changing men fighting on the battlefield, he already knew that even if the skin-changing Beorn transformed into a gigantic bear, there should still be reason.

He heard what Gandalf meant by teasing Bilbo.

Morgan immediately showed a dignified look, and said seriously: "Then we just need to be careful and not let him find out."

It's just that Morgan and Gandalf have excellent acting skills.

But there is also the female elf Tariel on the side.

Because she didn't know much about the skin-changing man, she obviously couldn't hear Morgan and Gandalf acting, so she said, "If the skin-changing man is dangerous, why do we have to go to him?"

"Morgan, you still have a lot of food in your magic ring"

"We've been walking for half a month now"

Before Tariel finished speaking, Morgan immediately interrupted: "Because we need his horses."

As he said that, he immediately gave himself a woman's wink.

Only then did Tariel realize that something was wrong.

Watching serious Morgan and Gandalf.

Then he turned to look at the worried looking Hobbit Bilbo.

Tauriel couldn't bear to help the two of them tease Bilbo, but he didn't express it directly, but coughed lightly twice.

Bilbo was not stupid, and seemed to sense something was wrong.

He immediately stood in front of Gandalf, and saw Gandalf laughing.

At this time, Morgan's laughter and Tariel's laughter also sounded.

Bilbo finally realized that he had been deceived. He immediately smiled and spread his hands and said, "Well, it seems that my worries are gone."


"It was not long ago that I realized that Beorn is not that dangerous."

Gandalf nodded and smiled, and continued: "Everyone, the most troublesome part of our trip has passed."

"Let's go, let's go to Beorn to have a good rest."

"As long as we can borrow horses, the rest of our journey will be very fast."

Gandalf smiled and strode out immediately after speaking.

Infected by Gandalf's emotions, the three of Morgan also followed quickly in a happy mood.

It didn't take long.

When the four-man team arrives at Beorn the skin-changer's home.

Gandalf discovers that the brown-robed wizard Radagast, who made him break his promise in front of the three of Morgan, is actually a guest at Beorn's house.

After some reminiscences.

Morgan also got acquainted with the famous brown-robed wizard with slovenly appearance.

The skin-changer Beorn immediately set up a table of sumptuous food and entertained everyone.

After eating and drinking.

Gandalf offered to borrow a horse from Beorn.

Beorn, who took revenge on the orcs on the Lonely Mountain Battlefield not long ago, was in a good mood. He not only lent the team four good horses, but also gave the team a lot of food and drinks.

This makes the four-person team's next trip more convenient and smooth.

So, No. 20 days after leaving the lonely mountain.

The four-person team reached the "Carlok Ferry" on the "Ranger Flade River".

No. 20 for three days.

The four-person team reached the high mountain pass in front of the Misty Mountains.

No. 30 days.

The team of four climbed over the Misty Mountains.

after one day.

Under the guidance of Gandalf.

Morgan finally saw the valley like a fairy tale dream again.

 Thank you "Wutong Xiaoyue sprite" for a thousand rewards, and thank you "Daji 0 find 1" for your reward again, thank you~~
(End of this chapter)

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