Start with Lord of the Rings

Chapter 163 Extreme Escape, Guardian!

Chapter 163 Extreme Escape, Guardian!
In the dark forest.

The towering giant trees are dense, and the thick and thick rhizomes spread and grow wantonly, and the uninhabited roads are blocked by destruction.

Overhead is always a dark sky shaded by dense dead yellow leaves.

The air was thin and hazy and foggy.

The whole forest exudes and is filled with a rotten smell all the time.

Not a trace of green in sight.

Not a single bird song was heard.

This is a dead forest.

At this time, a sound suddenly came from a distance, breaking the dead silence of the forest.

The sound is extremely fast.

Soon, four running figures appeared in the forest.

At the front was a figure wearing a gray peaked hat and a gray robe. He held a long sword in one hand and a staff in the other and rushed at the front of the team. He quickly judged the direction of the road ahead and cleared the roadblocks.

Behind the gray-robed figure was a short, stocky and strong figure. The short figure holding a dagger quickly and flexibly followed the gray-robed figure not far away, and followed closely behind.

Behind the two figures is a slender, tall and beautiful female elf figure wearing a light green robe inside and brown leather armor on the outside, holding a longbow.

The female elf moved swiftly, her figure was as agile as a female leopard, and she kept jumping among the tall bushes, shooting the bow and arrow behind her continuously.

And behind the beautiful female elf, at the back of the line is a tall and strong human figure, who is also holding a longbow and shooting backwards.

Behind the four-person team, there are giant spider monsters with a stature of about two or three meters. Such giant spider monsters follow closely behind the four-person team, covering the mountains and plains.

This is within the corrupted Mirkwood Mountains.

The four running wildly were also Morgan Tarriel and Gandalf Bilbo who set off from the Lonely Mountain more than half a month ago.

Ten days ago.

Under the leadership of Gandalf.

The four members of the team chose to advance westward along the foot of the Mirkwood Mountain Range.

Only four days later, everyone had to walk into the mountains due to the terrain, and chose to cross the Mirkwood Mountains vertically.

Then on the sixth day, the trail of the four members of the team was finally noticed by the giant dark demonized spider monster entrenched in the mountains.

Next, there is endless pursuit.

During these four days, the four of them killed batch after batch of dark demonized spider monsters that were chasing after them.

But these giant spider monsters aren't just inexhaustible.

Instead, they killed more and more.

Under such circumstances, the team could only keep running away.

Fortunately, there is the existence of the wizard Gandalf.

Even if the road in this mountain range has been completely covered by the spider silk of the dense forest and the giant tree roots spreading wildly.

Gandalf could still see clearly where the right path lay.

It should also have alarmed all the giant dark demonized spiders in the entire Mirk Forest Mountain Range.

Only then did the giant demonized spider monster and the four members of the team stage a four-day chase.

Front of the team.

Gandalf waved his staff, and a burst of white magic energy immediately exploded in front of him, and all the thick tree roots and debris blocking the way were immediately blasted and exploded.

A road trace paved with scattered stones immediately appeared in front of my eyes.

"This way, hurry up!"

Gandalf immediately roared behind him, and then walked quickly towards the front where the road pointed.

Although Bilbo is short and short-footed, he has gone through countless trials, but he can follow Gandalf closely.

At this time, the battle behind him was not something he could participate in.

He is now trying his best to follow Gandalf and not fall behind, which is the greatest help to everyone.

Tariel, who was constantly jumping forward on the branches of a huge tree behind him, saw Gandalf's sudden change of direction in front of him, and immediately changed his direction accordingly.

For Tariel who grew up in the Mirkwood.

In the forest, no one in the team can be faster than her.

If not for the inability to discern direction.

With Tauriel's speed and agility, she can easily leave the three of them far behind and disappear without a trace.

Even if these big trees are covered with a lot of cobwebs and silks everywhere.


The slender figure was jumping and moving on the tree, and the arrows in his hands kept cutting and destroying the spider webs blocking the way easily.

Quickly follow the footsteps of Gandalf below.

As soon as Tariel stretched out his hand, two arrows were immediately placed on the bow and arrows, and they shot towards the giant demonized spider that was constantly climbing from the big tree behind.



One after another, the giant spider monsters immediately kept falling down the tree.

In the team at this time.

In addition to the female elf Tauriel, there is also Morgan who can fight back while running wildly.

And compared with Tauriel, who is extremely flexible and vigorous.

After the break, Morgan's performance was undoubtedly stronger and tougher.

The tall and strong body does not affect Morgan's speed and agility.

Every time you turn around and bow back, you can take away two to three giant dark spider monsters.

The arrows are extremely precise and stable, and they can always kill the fastest running giant spider monsters at the most critical point, making all the giant spider monsters behind them crazy and angry but still unable to catch up.


"This way!"

Gandalf in front turned his head and shouted while constantly identifying the direction.

The three people followed closely behind.

The skies in the forests of Mirkwood Mountains are always gray.

The pursuit and escape of the giant demonized dark spider and the Morgan team continued.

It continued tirelessly.

I don't know how long it took.

When the sky in the forest ahead began to brighten, the smell of corruption in the air was gradually fading, and there were fewer and fewer cobwebs and spider webs around.

Gandalf, who was at the forefront of the team, finally noticed something strange.

He looked at the sky that was getting brighter and brighter in front of him, sucked in the air that was starting to fade, and immediately turned his head and shouted to the people behind him, "Quick!"


"The exit is just ahead!"

Gandalf's roar immediately attracted the attention of everyone behind him.

At this time, the three Morgans in the rear also began to notice the changes in the surrounding and front forests.

At the same time that his face showed joy, his heart became more motivated, and the speed of his feet became faster and faster.

The giant dark demonized spider monsters behind them were obviously also aware of the changes in the surrounding forest.

Immediately rushed madly towards the four-person team in front.

Hearing the dense footsteps of giant spider monsters all over the mountains and plains behind him.

Morgan's face remained unchanged, and the three arrows in his hand shot out.

next second.

Three more arrows appeared in his hand in an instant, and were quickly placed on the bow and arrow.

Now that the dimensional space ring has been revealed in front of the three members of the team.

Morgan no longer hesitated in front of the three of them.

It was also thanks to him that he took hundreds of arrows from the arsenal when he rescued Bard in Changhu Town.

Although a lot of it was used later, there is still a lot left.

Before leaving, he asked his dwarf student Kili to take nearly two hundred arrows from the arsenal.

Otherwise, this time is really not enough.

Even so, there are less than a hundred arrows left in Morgan's dimension ring.

Of course, he wasn't the only one using the arrows this time.

And Tariel is using it too.

"whoosh whoosh"

Three more arrows shot out to the rear.

next second.

Two arrows hit the eyes of the giant spider monster behind.

An arrow hit the ferocious mouthparts of another spider monster.

The three giant spider monsters struggled and fell to the ground instantly.

Morgan also clearly heard the unbearable creaking sound of the longbow in his hand.

This is the sound that the longbow will only make when its lifespan reaches its limit.

Morgan immediately threw away the longbow in his hand.

next second.

Another longbow similar to the one just now appeared in Morgan's hands immediately.

When he took a large number of arrows from Changhu Town Weapons.

Also took several longbows along.

In the past few days, he has worn out two longbows, and with the one he just threw away, this is already the third one.

The longbow in my hand is the fourth and last one.


Two arrows shot towards the rear rapidly.

Two giant spider monsters fell down.

At this time, the sky ahead finally brightened.

Gandalf, who was at the front of the team, could already see the sky outside the forest, the barren grass, and the scattered sunlight shining into the edge of the forest.


Finally, just when Gandalf was about to rush out of the forest first.

On the giant tree above him, a slender and tall figure quickly jumped between the branches, rushed out of the forest at a faster speed, and rushed in front of Gandalf.

The female elf Tariel was the first to rush out of the forest.

Gandalf the second.

Bilbo was third.

Then, the three standing outside the forest watched Morgan, who was followed by countless densely packed dark demonized giant spider monsters, rushing out of the forest amidst the spider webs spraying from the sky behind him.

Finally, the moment Morgan rushed out of the forest.

The road behind him was covered with white liquid spider silk.

On Morgan's back, it was also covered with disgusting and sticky white liquid spider silk.



Panting heavily, the four of them were bathed in the midday sun, looking at the large number of giant dark demonic spiders who refused to leave in the forest behind, and felt extremely thrilling in their hearts.

Not even Gandalf expected it.

He had thought that everyone in the team might encounter those dark and evil giant spider monsters.

But I never thought I would encounter so many.

As Morgan said, I am afraid that all the giant dark and evil spider monsters in the entire Mirkwood Mountains are coming to hunt them down.

However, he finally escaped.

It was the thrill and tension that he couldn't feel when the half-orc army attacked the lonely mountain not long ago.

During the past few days of fleeing, he felt it thoroughly.

Still in the situation that he now thinks that his strength is not bad.

Look at the dark and evil giant spider monsters densely packed all over the mountains and fields.

Morgan had no intention of resisting at all and could only run away.


"I have never felt the beauty of the sun like I do now."

Seeing the giant spider monsters starting to disperse in the forest, Morgan let out a long breath and said.

"me too."

Bilbo panted heavily, and suddenly his feet went weak, and he sat down on the grass below him.

"Get out of here first."

"Find a place to rest and get something to eat."

"Otherwise we won't be able to run if we encounter those monsters again."

Tauriel stood up straight, looked left and right, and said to the three of them.

Hear what the elf said.

Several people immediately felt that their stomachs were hungry.

It was too dangerous and too busy before, so I didn't notice it at all.

Now relax a little, a huge sense of hunger immediately swept through the whole body.

At this time, Gandalf's gaze was also withdrawn from a distance, and he said, "Let's rest and wait."

"We eat as we walk."

"Without horses, our speed would drop dramatically."

"I have an old friend who lives not too far from here."

"It's noon now, we'll set off right away, and we should be able to arrive in the afternoon."

"what do y'all think?"

Gandalf said and looked at the three of them.

Having said that, the three of them naturally agreed.

Soon, the four of them strode towards the distant wilderness while chewing on the full-bodied jerky.

Thanks to the dimensional space ring in Morgan's hand.

Otherwise, the four-person team might have to hunt to fill their stomachs this time.

Because it was the first day when everyone encountered a group of giant spider monsters after they entered the Mirkwood Forest Mountain Forest.

The four horses, a few people and a few packages hanging on the horses were all taken away by the panicked horses and lost.

This kind of encounter was completely unexpected to the four members of the team at first.

in the next time.

Still Gandalf led the way.

The team of four walked straight towards the wilderness ahead.

Time passed slowly.

When the warm light in the sky sinks down the mountain.

The team of four who set off from the lonely mountain walked again in the dark and deep forest.

Although the forest is still dilapidated, it is beginning to decay, as if it is sick.

But those big mountain forests are much better than the Mirkwood Mountains before.

"The forest is also sick"

Looking at the scene around him, Bilbo couldn't help asking: "We won't meet those giant spider monsters again, will we?"

Morgan withdrew his gaze from the ground and continued, "Probably not. There are very few spider threads on the forest floor, so we probably won't encounter those monsters."

"Besides, didn't Gandalf say that his friend was in this forest?"

"We'll know when we ask each other."

Morgan looked at Gandalf, who was leading the way, and said.

Gandalf turned his head back: "My friend is the guardian of this forest. As long as you find him, you can really know a lot."

"We're not far from where he lives."

Gandalf said and went on.

Bilbo asked at once: "Keeper of his forest?"

"Then we should be able to sleep soundly tonight, right?"

"That's sure to be fine."

Gandalf laughed.

The four continued to move towards the deep and dense forest.

It didn't take long.

When a wooden house finally appeared in front of him.

Gandalf at the front of the team immediately looked happy, and immediately strode forward.

The faces of the three Morgans in the back couldn't help showing a gleam of joy.

He was chased and fled desperately by giant dark demonized spider monsters for several days.

Finally escaped at noon.

They went berserk for a long time.

At this time, although the few people can still hold on on the surface, they are actually exhausted and urgently need to rest and recuperate.

But when the three of Morgan followed Gandalf and walked into the door of the wooden house, looking at the dark, empty and dilapidated wooden house, a great sense of loss immediately came to their hearts.

After Gandalf looked pensive, he said again: "I still have a friend."

 Thank you "Trooper1770" for a thousand rewards, and also thank you "Yun Ruochen, 20218121, Daji 0 find 1, DeAr_风早" for their rewards, thank you very much~~
(End of this chapter)

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