Start with Lord of the Rings

Chapter 136 The Legendary Hero 【Subscription】

Chapter 136 The Legendary Hero 【Subscription】

In front of the lonely mountain.

During the tense confrontation between the densely packed elf army and the iron hill dwarf army that came from afar.

With Morgan's blatant attack on Ironfoot Dayn, the dwarf lord of the Iron Hills, it came to an abrupt end.

This scene made everyone who witnessed it shocked, surprised, angry and commotiond.

The two armies are at war, and history is not without incidents where the coach was attacked.

However, there are very few examples of a coach being captured after being attacked successfully, and it can even be said that there is no such case, because there is no evidence to be found.

But it is so absurd and shocking that this scene happened.

this moment.

It doesn't matter whether it's on the side of the Human Elf Alliance or the Dwarf Army.

No matter whether you knew Morgan before or not;

Regardless of their previous impressions of Morgan in their minds.

At this moment, everyone knew and remembered Morgan deeply.

And just as everyone was waiting for how Morgan would treat the Lord of the Iron Hills on the side of the dwarf army.

Morgan just tied up the dwarf lord, and then guarded the series of actions.

It also surprised countless people at the scene, puzzled, and seemed very reasonable.

They thought about the countless possibilities that Morgan would treat the Lord of the Iron Hills, and the biggest guess was whether Morgan would directly kill the Lord of the Dwarves.

If so.

Morgan, who already had the reputation of being a dragon slaying warrior.

In addition, now with his own strength, he brazenly killed the opponent's coach and lord in front of countless terrifying dwarf armies.

Then Morgan's name will definitely spread throughout Middle-earth at the fastest speed.

Because Morgan's behavior is incomparably in line with the imagination of the legendary heroes in the hearts of too many people at the bottom.

But how could Morgan make such an unwise move.

He bound the dwarf lord of the Iron Hills so that he could not attack the elf army.

In this way, before the arrival of the half-orc army, it can avoid unnecessary consumption on one's own side.

Just when Gandalf was happy from the bottom of his heart for Morgan's divine assist.

The elf king Thranduil felt extremely happy about this.

Thorin Oakenshield on the tall city wall at the back of the lonely mountain was extremely angry and despondent about this.



A huge rumbling sound like an earthquake and thunder suddenly came from a distance.

Everyone was startled. All eyes that were originally concentrated on Morgan, Gandalf, and Ironfoot Dyne, the lord of the Iron Hills, immediately turned to look at the source of the rumbling sound.

It's just that the vast hills and slopes behind are empty and nothing can be seen.





It was getting louder and more shocking, and it seemed that there was some kind of loud roaring sound that continued to come from the direction of the huge bare hillside that looked like nothing out of the ordinary.

Countless people in front of the lonely mountain immediately showed surprise, anxiety, doubt and other expressions.

Even the elf king Thranduil, who gathered in front of the human militia phalanx, Bard, the dragon slayer and leader of the human militia, and Ironfoot Dyne, the dwarf lord of the Iron Hills, all responded to the situation in the same way. Feel surprised and uneasy.

Gandalf, who has lived in Middle-earth for countless years and is extremely knowledgeable, looked at the empty hillside in the distance, and when he heard the loud roar mixed with the rumbling sound, he immediately thought of an evil creature.

"Earth Worm"

Gandalf murmured.

"finally come."

Listening to the rumbling sound, Morgan was also looking at the empty hillside in the distance, and couldn't help thinking to himself.

Soon, he seemed to think of something, and immediately turned his head to look to the south of Gushan.

Then, he saw the end of the branch of the southern mountain range of Gushan, a towering and precipitous dilapidated mountaintop stone temple at the top.

I don't know when three huge banners were erected.

Under the banner, there were several orcs in armor standing.

One of them, a tall and pale half-orc, was standing on the edge of the stone hall, looking towards the direction of the lonely mountain, standing proudly.


Looking at the pale figure from afar, Morgan spoke slowly.


Bilbo, who was standing beside Morgan, was looking up at Morgan when he heard Morgan's voice.

at this time.

The rumbling sound coming from the empty mountain in the distance has become louder and clearer.

at last.


A loud bang.

A gigantic monster that looked like a worm suddenly drilled out of the ground from the empty hillside.

Before the shocked people reacted.




There were several loud bangs in succession.

Huge and terrifying worm monsters emerged from the hillside one after another.

Looking at the six huge worm monsters that suddenly drilled out in the distance, shaking their terrifying and ferocious mouthparts in the air.

Everyone was stunned.

at the same time.

"hold head high"

The desolate horn sounded suddenly from the dilapidated Raven Ridge Stone Palace at the end of the southern branch of the Lonely Mountain.

Everyone's eyes immediately turned to the direction of Raven Ridge.

It was only then that I was shocked to find that a half-orc had already appeared on it.

At this moment, six giant worm monsters drilled out of the ground and immediately shrank back.

Only six huge, pitch-black cave entrances were left on the bare hillside in the distance.

"hold head high"

"hold head high"

"hold head high"

In the distance, the huge and incomparably loud horns on Raven Ridge kept ringing.

Finally, under the suspicious eyes of everyone in front of the lonely mountain.

In the six huge dark caves left by the giant worm monster, half-orc warriors wrapped in thick armor rushed out.

At six huge caves, six half-orc armies in heavy armor appeared.

At this moment, everyone in front of the lonely mountain finally reacted.


"My God, it's a half-orc."

"The Orcs Are Coming"

"Damn it, it's an army of orcs"


Various exclamations continued to sound from the mouths of the dwarves on the wall of the lonely mountain behind.

In front of the human militia phalanx.

Morgan moved the fastest, stepped forward and pulled out the dagger at his waist to cut off the rope in the hand of Ironfoot Dyne, the dwarf lord of the Iron Hills, and immediately said: "Sorry, Lord Dyne"

The iron-footed Dai therefore ignored Morgan's words at all, and immediately ran towards the armored war pig wandering back and forth not far away when he realized that his hands were empty.

The Iron Hills dwarves also belong to the line of Turin dwarves.

Needless to say, the feud between Turin dwarves and half-orcs.

It was a deep hatred that would never stop until they met each other without killing each other.

Ironfoot Dyne rode on the armored war pig and rushed up the hillside immediately, shouting sharply: "Quick!"

"The Goat Army is ahead!"

"The Chinese army follows!"


As soon as the words fell, in the dense and neat dwarf formation, dwarf cavalry riding on the backs of giant horned goats rushed out from the rear immediately.


"Kill those damned half-orcs!"


Ironfoot Dyne rode on the armored war pig and shouted orders, then waved the huge warhammer in his hand and rushed towards the orc in the distance.

The iron hill dwarf army rushed down from the vast eastern slope of the lonely mountain.

It's just that their target is no longer the army of elves, but the extremely ferocious half-orcs coming from a distance.

The army of dwarves thundered down the hillside.

In the huge army of elves, in front of the phalanx of the human militia.

The elf king Thranduil's reaction speed was also extremely fast.

The moment the six half-orc armies rushed out of the dark cave.

Thranduil immediately rode a huge horned deer to the army formation, and kept issuing orders.

The order was rapidly spread by the leaders of the major elves.

The huge phalanx of the elf army turned right again, turning the back row into the front row.

At the same time, a large number of melee elves armed with shields and spears quickly penetrated to the positions of the front troops in the back row.

The army of elves is changing rapidly.

In front of the human militia phalanx.

Morgan, Gandalf, and Bard on the horse looked worried at the army of orcs attacking from a distance.

But Bilbo looked at the army of elves who had put on a defensive posture after the rapid change and asked in doubt: "Aren't the elves going to fight?"

Bilbo fell silent.

Startled, Morgan immediately turned his head to look.

Just as Bilbo said.

The elf army quickly completed the formation change, but it was not for the purpose of dispatching troops, but more like a defensive posture.

Bard, who also turned around, looked at the elf army and couldn't help worrying: "Your Majesty Thranduil won't be so unwise."

Gandalf also looked over, he didn't make a sound, but his eyes were equally worried.

Looking at the Elf King riding a tall horned deer in the army formation, Morgan frowned and said, "Probably not."

"Such a huge orc army cannot be resisted by the dwarf army alone."

"Once the dwarf army is destroyed, the elf army will also be unable to escape the attack of the orc army."

"His Majesty Thranduil will not miss this."

Morgan spoke slowly, but it touched the hearts of the people around him.

In the six huge and dark caves in the distance, the orc army is still rushing out.

With such a huge army of half-orcs, it is possible for the elves and dwarves to jointly deal with the army of half-orcs to have a slight chance of winning.

Otherwise, no matter which side of the two sides fight alone, they will undoubtedly lose.

Soon, it seemed that Morgan had hit the mark.

Thranduil, who was looking at the two armies in the distance with an extremely serious expression, issued another order.

Immediately afterwards, the phalanx of the elf army changed again.

A large number of elf melee fighters holding long swords rushed out of the shield and spear formation, and began to rush forward behind the dwarf army.

at the same time.

Behind the lonely mountain is a thick and tall city wall.

Watching the battlefield in front of him change rapidly.

Watching the sudden appearance of the orc army in the distance.

Watching the iron hill dwarf army of close relatives rush to the half-orc army for the first time.

Watching the elf army rush out after him.

The dwarves of the expedition team finally couldn't help but said: "I also want to go outside the wall to fight with Ironfoot and the others, which one of you will go?"

"Okay, I'll go too"

"I'll go as well"

"I mean it"

"Let's go, let's go and kill those half-orcs!"

"I can't wait"

"Let's go."

Looking at the changing battlefield in the distance, the dwarves spoke loudly as they prepared to leave.

Thorin Oakenshield looked back from the battlefield in the distance, his expression darkened immediately when he heard the voices of the dwarves around him, and he immediately said: "No one is allowed to go out."

After the voice fell, all the dwarves on the city wall were stunned. They almost thought that they had heard wrongly, and asked quickly, "What?"

"What are you talking about, Thorin?"

Facing the suspicious gazes of the dwarves, Thorin Oakenshield cast a gloomy glance at all the dwarves, and said in a deep voice again: "I told you, no one is allowed to go out. Stand by."

This time, the dwarves finally heard clearly, and looked at Thorin Oakenshield with shocked, puzzled and angry faces and asked again:
"Thorin, do you want us to stand by and watch?"

"That's right, Ironfoot and the others have rushed up, and those elves have also gone out to fight."

"Let's get out, Thorin"

"We will fight side by side with Ironfoot and them."

The dwarves spoke again.

It's just that Sorin Oakenshield, who had already made up his mind, was not moved in the slightest. He looked at the group of dwarves, and finally shouted in a cold voice: "If I say don't move, don't move."

"Stay here for me!"

After the words were finished, the dwarves stopped talking when they saw Thorin Oakenshield, who had a gloomy and livid complexion and an extremely unhappy expression.

Thorin Oakenshield turned around and went down the stone stairs.

Looking at the back of Thorin Oakenshield, the eyes of the dwarves on the city wall behind them were full of puzzlement, disbelief, and anger at this moment.

Yes, huge outrage.

The Ironhill dwarves, who came to rescue their kin, are now rushing to fight the orcs.

Even the hostile wood elves were on board.

But he was only hidden behind everyone, hiding on a thick and solid high wall and watching from a distance.

This is an act of cowardice, cowardly!
at the same time.

In front of the human militia phalanx.

He looked at the army of elves who had already followed the army of dwarves and rushed out.

The worry in the hearts of Bard and Gandalf Bilbo did not abate in the slightest.

Behind them, the militia team temporarily trained by boatmen and fishermen looked at the countless troops running wildly in three directions on the battlefield in the distance, and their hearts were shaken and disturbed.

Morgan looked back from the elf army in the distance.

He turned his head and glanced at the turbulent militia team behind him, and then looked at the small group of half-orcs and Azog on Raven Ridge in the distance.

Immediately turned to Bud and said, "Bud, it's time for us to go back."

"With such an army at present, we people can't play much role at all."

"There are too many half-orcs. We have to retreat to Hegu Town. There are many old people, women and children in the town. Once the half-orcs attack Hegu Town, the consequences will be disastrous."

Morgan's words immediately resonated with Gandalf, and he nodded immediately: "Morgan is right."

"Even if the army of dwarves and elves can't deal with the half-orcs, we still have a way out. Hegu Town is our way out. We must retreat immediately."

Bud is not stupid, Morgan and Gandalf immediately understood the importance of returning to River Valley Town.

So he immediately turned around and shouted to the militiamen behind him: "Everyone, follow me and retreat to Hegu Town."


As Bud spoke, he immediately pulled the reins, and the horses under him immediately galloped towards Hegu Town.

The group of miscellaneous militiamen behind them were frightened when they saw the extremely majestic army of half-orcs in the distance.

At this time, Bard's order came in an extremely timely manner.

Yes, retreating to Hegu Town, everyone felt inexplicably at ease when they heard the name of Hegu Town.

There are only about 500 surviving residents in Changhu Town.

Remove the old, weak and injured, and then remove women and children.

At this time, there were only more than 200 militiamen with various weapons, farming tools and fishing tools following Bud.

The militia team of more than 200 people rushed to Hegu Town quickly behind Bud.

Gandalf and Bilbo ran quickly after Bard toward Dale.

Looking at the dusty sky in the distance, and the incomparably roaring three-party army meeting the battlefield, Morgan felt complicated and inexplicable emotions in his heart.

There are tens of thousands of such troops on the extremely huge battlefield.

The role that personal strength can play in it is too small.

Of course, this is also because his own strength is far from strong enough.
Looking away, Morgan quickly followed the militia team.

at this time.

Above the steep Raven Ridge.

The orc leader Azog looked at the crowd of humans rushing towards Hegu Town from a distance, and immediately turned around and said coldly: "Notify, attack the human city!"

The voice fell.

The three giant banners began to change their shapes again.

"hold head high"

"hold head high"

"hold head high"

The desolate and thick horn sounded.

 Sorry, the update is late, I didn’t intentionally do this at the climax, it was delayed by real things, writing a book is for life, but not all of life, some things can’t be avoided, please forgive me, as for many people who are afraid of my eunuch, don’t worry, this book The book grades are better than before, I don’t know how to be a eunuch, and the update is a bit slow, I can understand the spray, but don’t attack personally, thank you~~
(End of this chapter)

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