Start with Lord of the Rings

Chapter 135 The most shining!

Chapter 135 The most shining!

In front of the lonely mountain.

On the huge hillside to the east, the Iron Hills dwarves' heavily armed army is ready to go.

Under the hillside, the army of dark forest elves lined up neatly, ready to wait.

In front of the motley army militia in Hegu Town.

Ironfoot Dyne was in the middle of a scolding battle with Thranduil.

"Let the dwarfs come."

Thranduil looked cold, looked at the dwarf lord riding a pig riding on the small dirt slope in front of him, and said coldly: "I'll see how far they can go!"

"Do you think I care about the threat of a dead dog like you?"

"You little princess with pointed ears."

Ironfoot Dyin snorted and cursed back, and then turned around and left as soon as he pulled the rein in his hand.

In front of the militia phalanx belonging to Hegu Town.

Morgan stared at the figure who turned away not far away, and launched a special skill: "Charge!"

next second.

Morgan's whole body seemed to gallop towards the figure riding a pig not far away.

No one around could react at all.

Only Gandalf, who was standing closest to the small slope, felt a figure rushing past beside him.

Then, he saw Morgan jumping up high, raised his sword and slashed at the iron-footed Dyne who had just turned around on the pig.

As the lord of the Iron Hills, Ironfoot Dyne is not bad.

At the moment Morgan rushed forward and jumped into the air to raise his sword, he actually already had a sense of danger in his heart.

It's just that the speed of the incoming enemy is too fierce and too fast.

Riding on the war pig, Ironfoot Dyin sensed the great danger, and he couldn't react for a while.

He had no choice but to rely on years of experience in countless battles, and tried his best to raise the hammer in his hand and hurriedly blocked it by his side.


The sound of gold and iron colliding exploded, and sparks flew everywhere.

Morgan received the power of the special charge charge and jumped up, raised his sword with both hands and slashed down.

This sword is so powerful,
Not only was the steel hammer in Ironfoot Dyne's hand instantly smashed, it flew out of his hand.

Even his whole body and the war pig under his crotch were easily knocked to the ground by the huge force.

Even though he was injured in an instant, Ironfoot Dyne reacted quickly, realizing that the sneak attacker was powerful and the weapon in his hand was out of hand, there was no chance of winning if he fought recklessly, and immediately rolled to the side after falling to the ground.

As long as you keep a distance and buy time, your own army can crush this despicable raider to pieces.

Ironfoot Dyne reacted extremely quickly.

But Morgan is faster.

From the very beginning of thinking about this plan, he realized that he had to act fast, so that everyone had no time to react, and he had to hold Dyne Ironfoot in his hands to prevent the dwarves from acting rashly.

Otherwise, those grumpy, unreasonable dwarves will really overwhelm themselves with an army.

The moment Ironfoot Dyne and his burly war pig fell to the ground, the Iron Hill Lord immediately rolled aside.

Morgan was faster, catching up with big strides, and the elf sword with a sharp cold light in his hand suddenly stretched out, clinging to the side of Ironfoot Dane's neck, stopping him.

Feeling the cold sting from the long sword on his neck, Ironfoot Dyin dared not move immediately.

At this moment, all the people around and even the entire Lonely Mountain had just reacted.

"what happened?"

"Why did Morgan suddenly attack Ironfoot Dyne?"

"Does he think that the conflict between the dwarves and the coalition of elves and humans is not enough?"

"Is this forcing them to go to war?"

"Ironfoot Dyne was defeated by Morgan so quickly?"

"The Lord of the Iron Hills has been held hostage?"

"What exactly is going on?"


Looking at the hillside, Morgan held a long sword on the neck of Ironfoot Dyne, the lord of the Iron Hills.

Everyone was stunned for an instant.

Then, there were exclamations, shouts, and cursing from the crowd, as well as the huge commotion from the black army of dwarves on the uphill behind them.

Gandalf, who was closest to him, reacted the fastest. He looked at Morgan and immediately shouted: "Morgan, don't mess around!"

Bud, the dragon slayer not far behind him, immediately lit up his eyes when he saw this scene.

Although he didn't know what Morgan wanted to do.

But seeing Morgan taking down the extremely arrogant dwarf lord at such a speed, and seeing the other party deflated, he was very happy in his heart.

Watching this scene, Bilbo on the side immediately remembered that not long ago Morgan had asked Gandalf about the strength of the Iron Hills dwarf lord, Thorin's cousin.

It dawned on him now that it was Morgan who wanted to do something to the other party.

Behind Bilbo, the militiamen of River Valley Town looked at the scene in front of them, and their hearts were even more shocked.

The dwarf lord who was riding a pig just now was so powerful and arrogant, but he was still defeated and captured by his dragon slaying warrior, His Excellency Morgan.

All the militiamen who witnessed this scene respected Morgan even more in their hearts.

Watching Morgan holding the long sword on the hillside holding the Lord of Iron Hills hostage.

Everyone is different.

But the happiest thing is that it must be the Elf King.

Thranduil, who was riding on the huge horned deer, saw the embarrassment of the iron-footed Dyne who was so arrogant and domineering just now being held hostage by Morgan, and a smile appeared on his face immediately.

He even wanted to laugh out loud.

But the deep-rooted etiquette education will never make the Elf King lose his manners.

At this moment, Thranduil's impression of Morgan was simply not very good.

The allied forces of humans and elves have different thoughts on Morgan's actions.

But for the dwarves, it was extremely angry.

Especially Thorin Oakenshield, who was watching this scene from a distance on the tall city wall of the lonely mountain, was the most furious.

He had just moved in for reinforcements, and he was counting on his cousin Tiezu Dai to teach those damned elves and humans who took advantage of the fire.

As a result, the cousin was kidnapped by Morgan before the war even started?
I don't have vertigo!

This is no joke either!

Damn Morgan!
Damn Morgan!

If he had known earlier, he shouldn't have let those humans join the team.

Blame that nasty wizard Gandalf.

Hobbits who are vile thieves, nasty wizards, and damned humans!

They are a gang!

definitely is!

Thorin Oakenshield gritted his teeth looking at Morgan in the distance.

Although the other dwarves on the city wall were far less angry than Thorin Oakenshield.

But the complexion is definitely not good-looking.

In addition, the next thing they thought of was Morgan's strength.

Dyne's reputation among the dwarves was not small.

Ironfoot Dyne, who can quickly hold Iron Hills hostage, even if it is a sneak attack, Morgan's strength can be seen.

You know when they first set off from the Shire with Morgan.

Although Morgan's bow and arrow skills are very good, his sword skills can only be regarded as mediocre.

But now it seems.

Morgan's swordsmanship has improved a little bit.

That's just leaps and bounds.

Then think of Morgan and his best bow and archery skills.

All the dwarves fell silent.

And on the top of the hillside, there is an army of dwarves in the iron hills.

Except that there was a lot of commotion at the beginning, and then the commotion was quickly quelled by the shouted order of the dwarf leader on the giant giant horn sheep chariot ahead.

The Iron Hills dwarf army, which should have reacted most violently, was indeed the quietest one.

When it really surprised everyone, they were also shocked by the discipline of the dwarf army.

on the hill.

Ignoring the commotion and noise around him, Morgan calmly looked at the Iron Hill Lord in front of him and said, "Stand up!"

Iron Foot Dai Yin squinted at the Senhan long sword beside his neck, then looked at the tall sneak attack in front of him, and immediately said with great anger on his face: "You despicable sneak attack."

"To shut up!"

Morgan interrupted roughly, his face turned cold and he shouted: "Stand up!"

Looking at the cold eyes of the human beings in front of him, Iron Foot Dyin snorted coldly, and had to stand up slowly.

Just in the process of getting up.

Ironfoot Dyne's small movements of quietly grabbing the sand and stones on the ground were a bit rough.

The long sword in Morgan's hand tightened immediately, and he sneered at the corner of his mouth, "Stop your small movements, my patience is very limited, my lord."

Iron Foot Dai Yin was stunned for a moment, then immediately let go of the sand in his hands, raised his hands and said, "Okay, okay."

"Today is my carelessness, and it fell into your hands."

"Boy, what's your name?"

Ironfoot Dyne raised his hands, letting Morgan hold him hostage better, and asked.

Morgan quickly took out the prepared rope from his body and tied the back of Ironfoot Dyne's hands firmly, then pushed him forward with his hand, and replied casually: "You can call me Morgan."

"Let's go, my lord!"

As Morgan spoke, he drove Ironfoot Dyne with his long sword towards the direction of the human militia formation in Hegu Town.

"Morgan, I have to say that you are very courageous."

"It seems that you don't want to kill me, but do you know that you are not afraid that I will lead an army to kill all these mobs in the future?"

Ironfoot Dyne's composure was far beyond ordinary people. He looked at the River Valley Town militiaman in front of him holding a harpoon and a hoe and wearing all kinds of messy thick winter clothes, and turned his head to look at Morgan and said casually.

"My lord, you have to say this to the person in front of you, not me."

As Morgan said, he pushed Dyne with iron feet and staggered, and stood right in front of Badema.

Bud obviously also heard the conversation between Ironfoot Dyne and Morgan just now.

He got off his horse, looked closely at Ironfoot Dyne and said ruthlessly, "Before that, I will definitely kill you first!"

"Morgan, you are so impulsive."

At this moment, Gandalf came over and spoke.

Morgan stepped forward to control Dyne the Ironfoot, turned his head to look at Gandalf who was walking and said with a smile, "Gandalf, it's because I believe what you said."

"That's why I chose to directly control the Lord Lord."

"Haven't you always worried that the dwarves would go to war with the elves?"

"Probably not now."

Morgan looked at Gandalf and smiled, he didn't feel impulsive.

Violence may not be the best solution to the problem.

But it must be the fastest way to solve the problem.

like now.

Gandalf was no pedant either.

In fact, when he saw Morgan tie Ironfoot Dyne's hands.

Immediately thought of the possibility that Morgan wanted to control Ironfoot Dyne to prevent a war between the dwarves and the elf army.

Reminiscent of not long ago, Morgan suddenly asked him about the strength of Ironfoot Dyne.

This made Gandalf quickly understand.

The two sentences he just said about Morgan's impulsive words were just polite words for Iron Foot Dyne.

Anyway, the opponent is the dwarf lord of the Iron Hills.

Even if the other party is being controlled now, the face that should be given must be saved for the other party.

This is why Gandalf can make friends all over Middle-earth.

Ironfoot Dyne watched Gandalf approaching, and immediately said in a deep voice, "Gandalf, have you already thought about how to face my anger in the future?"

He could tell that the powerful human holding him hostage in front of him must have a deep friendship with Gandalf.

Perhaps, perhaps, Gandalf was with this human boy named Morgan.

Seeing Ironfoot Dyne's angry face, Gandalf immediately said, "Master Dyne, you have misunderstood this."

"Morgan may mean to offend, but it's definitely not for anything else, but a half-orc coalition army is rushing to the lonely mountain."

"Dwarves and elves, humans should not be at war at this time."

"Orcs are our worst enemies."

Gandalf spoke earnestly.

Iron Foot Dyin still looked unhappy, but at this moment he was arrested, so he calmed down a lot.

He looked up at Gandalf and asked in a cold voice: "So Gandalf, tell me, where are the army of orcs you mentioned?"

Gandalf was stunned when he heard that Ironfoot Dyne was similar to Senlandil before.

He doesn't know the general movement of the orc army, which is indeed a very important question.

But he can't help it, he really doesn't know, so he can only wait.

"I don't know where those half-orcs are now, but I can be sure that those half-orcs are on their way to Lonely Mountain."

Gandalf shook his head and continued, "Master Dyne must trust me."

Ironfoot Dyne looked at Gandalf who couldn't give an answer and snorted.

Seeing that the dwarf in front of him was upset, Morgan put his long sword on the shoulder of the Lord of Iron Hills and said coldly: "Do you still have a chance to choose?"

At this time, two heavily armed Iron Hill dwarves rode giant horned goats and rushed down the hillside, stopping not far from the crowd.

Morgan raised his sword and patted the Lord of Iron Hills on the shoulder.

Ironfoot Dyne snorted coldly, then looked at the two dwarf leaders in front of him and shouted loudly: "Wait!"

The two goat-riding dwarves immediately bowed their heads to Ironfoot Dyne, and then quickly rushed up the hillside on the giant horned goat.

"Morgan, maybe this is the best time to ask Thorin for a reward."

At this time, a voice came.

Everyone turned their heads and saw Thranduil slowly walking over from the elf army behind.

Hearing the Elf King's words, Morgan frowned slightly before speaking, Gandalf immediately stopped him and said, "The half-orc alliance is coming to the Lonely Mountain."

"What we need at this time is to deal with the orcs in unison, not to fight the dwarves."

Thranduil shook his head, and continued: "Mithranduil, even if I believe what you said."

"Actually, no one knows when those orcs you mentioned will arrive at the Lonely Mountain, do they?"

"Even you don't know that, do you?"

Seeing Thranduil approaching, Ironfoot Dyne couldn't bear it anymore, and immediately said: "The undeserved territorial spirit..."

"If it weren't for the bad things of the human kid, I will definitely teach you a lesson at this time."

"Hmph, wars can't be won just by talking."

Thranduil sneered, and continued, "At least I won't be easily captured."

As soon as the words fell, Ironfoot Dyne immediately blew his nose and stared angrily, and was about to fight back.

at this time.



An earthquake-like rumbling sound immediately came from a distance.

 Thank you "Augustus1" for the thousand rewards, and also thank you "Xiuzhen Bingyan, Yan Zhao Erlang, MVSG009, book friend 20217407" for the rewards, thank you very much~~
(End of this chapter)

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