Start with Lord of the Rings

Chapter 118 Mobile natural disaster, purgatory on earth!

Chapter 118 Mobile natural disaster, purgatory on earth!
In the depths of the lonely mountain.


"Bang bang bang bang."

The shocking roar was continuously transmitted outwards along with the violent ground shaking.

Morgan ran wildly on the secret road of the Lonely Mountain, and quickly went to the layman.

Not long after, the light at the end of the path suddenly became brighter.

The exit of the secret passage is close at hand.

When the field of vision suddenly widened, the air became icy cold.

Morgan finally broke out of the Lonely Mountain Secret Road.

The loud noise continued to come from behind.

Morgan just glanced at the secret passage behind him, and immediately walked down the stone steps.

The members of the expedition led by Thorin Oakenshield are still entangled with the dragon Smaug.

I want to go to Changhu Town as quickly as possible.

Otherwise, once Smaug is injured and rushes out from under the Lonely Mountain.

His own speed is far inferior to the flying dragon.

Morgan walked quickly down the steep stone steps.

When there is still a distance of more than ten meters from the ground.

Morgan was eager and jumped down directly.


There was a loud noise immediately on the ground full of finely crushed rocks.

There was a splash of dust, and Morgan landed firmly.

If someone wants to ask what it feels like to jump directly from a height of more than ten meters?
Morgan will tell you that other than a little numbness in the feet, nothing special.

As soon as he jumped down the stone steps, Morgan immediately ran out towards the mountain road he came from.

With Morgan's previous physical strength and strength, after a big battle, he can still run for hours at a stretch with high intensity without stopping.

Stronger now.

All the way along the mountain road to the edge of the long lake.

The downhill road is easier to walk, plus Morgan's full run.

After an hour and a half.

In Morgan's sight, he finally saw a ferry boat parked by the lake in the distance.

It was the ferry on which he came with the expedition during the day.

"bang bang bang bang"

Morgan rushed down the mountain violently like a humanoid weapon, splashing dust all the way behind him.

Before rushing to the ferry, Morgan didn't stop for a moment, untied the cable tied to the boulder by the long lake, and then jumped on the ferry.

Speaking of which, it was definitely thanks to Morgan that the ferry was firmly tied to the boulder and was not blown away by the wind.

You must know that during the day, when the dwarves got off the boat, they were so excited when they arrived at the lonely mountain, they didn't care about the ferry they took.

For them, especially for Thorin Oakenshield, as long as they can find the secret door to enter the lonely mountain, countless treasures are waiting for them, so there is no need for this ferry boat.

It was Morgan who had a better mind, took off the cable and tied the boat to the lake.

At this time, it finally came in handy for an important purpose.

Pushing the ferry away from the lake, Morgan immediately jumped on the boat, walked quickly to the boatman's position at the stern, and began to shake the oars.

In his previous life, Morgan was born in the countryside of Jiangnan Water Town.

I am no stranger to paddling.

Two days ago, the expedition team was driven by Bud to Changhu Town.

Morgan just chatted with Bud and observed Bud's paddle with his own eyes.

When everyone set off from Changhu Town to Lonely Mountain early in the morning, the oars were shaken by Morgan, so they got acquainted naturally at this time.

Shaking the paddle vigorously, Morgan headed all the way to Long Lake Town.

Long Lake Town.

late at night.

"Xuege, Tilda, you two stay at home"

After explaining to the two daughters, Bud closed the door, holding a thick black arrow that was a little longer than his height, and led his son Bahn to walk out quickly.

"Black Arrow!"

"There is still a black arrow hidden in our house. Dad, why didn't you tell me?"

Bahn followed behind his father, and couldn't help but ask immediately as soon as he went out.

"Because you don't need to know."

Bud casually replied to his son, took his son carefully, and walked all the way to the bell tower and arrow tower with the dwarven launcher.

at the same time.

The second floor of the mayor's mansion.

The bloated mayor was sitting at the long table, abandoning the exquisite tableware, and was tearing his favorite mushroom sauce fried billy goat eggs with a pair of fat hands.

Because the billy goat's balls are too strong, the bloated mayor is sweating profusely and has a hideous face.

In front of the long table, Alfred, the clerk dressed in dark mourning colors, was hunched over and speaking to the mayor in front of him: "My lord, it's because of the dwarves."

"The mayor, everyone is saying your name."

"My lord, your reputation is unprecedentedly high now."

Hearing Alfred's words, the bloated mayor stopped his movements for a while, stroked the thin long hair on his head with his oily hands, and smiled triumphantly: "Of course, those untouchables will eat this trick." .”

"It doesn't matter to us whether the little dwarf friends come back victorious, or are eaten as a snack by that Smaug."

"Of course, I still hope that the dwarves can win, after all, I can earn more."

The bloated mayor spoke proudly, and the clerk Alfred immediately bowed his head and nodded: "Of course, my lord, you are too wise to think about it."


"Everd, our town needs to be cleaned up."

The bloated mayor continued to eat his balls proudly, and said vaguely.

Everd's eyes lit up immediately, and he immediately asked, "Master, are you referring to that annoying boatman?"

"Of course, he dared to question my authority. This restless guy should stay in prison forever."

"Now is the time when my reputation is the highest, let me see who else dares to help him!"

"Everd, I will leave this matter to you."

"Before dawn today, I want to see Bud appear in the prison."

The fat mayor stopped his movements, looked up at the clerk in front of him, and ordered in a cold voice.

"This decision is too wise, my lord."

"As you wish, before dawn, my lord, you will be able to see the boatman in prison."

Alfred was overjoyed, and immediately complimented him.


"Go ahead and execute it"

The bloated mayor said proudly and waved to Alfred.

"It's an adult."

The clerk looked excited and immediately turned and walked downstairs.

The night was getting darker.

Under the dim moonlight.

Budbahn and his son walked quickly to the mayor's mansion in the dark night.

The tallest and largest house in Changhu Town is naturally the mayor's mansion, and the dwarf launcher is on the bell tower and arrow tower next to the mansion.

Approaching the mayor's mansion carefully, Bard stood in a dark corner, looking at the arrow tower in the distance.

"My lord, Bud is there!"

"Bud stop!"

At this moment, a loud shout suddenly sounded from behind.

Bud turned his head immediately, and saw Braga, the captain of the town guard, rushing towards this side with a group of soldiers.

"Come on!"

Bud's complexion changed, and he immediately turned around and ran away with his son.


"Don't let him go!"

"Grab Bud!"

The town guard shouted and chased after him.

It was late at night, and the residents of Changhu Town had already fallen asleep.

The empty streets are more conducive to Bud's escape and more conducive to the town guard's encirclement and arrest.

Seeing the guards behind him getting closer and closer, there are more and more guards around.

Bud, who knew he couldn't run away, immediately handed the black arrow to his son and said: "They are chasing after me, hurry up, you must hide it well."


"Come on!"

Bard yelled with a dark face, Barn had no choice but to leave immediately by another road.

"Quick, grab Bud!"

As expected, all the town guards were not interested in Bahn, and rushed straight to Bud.

In the depths of the lonely mountain.

In the kingdom under the mountain, in the extremely spacious king's hall.

The dragon Smaug, who failed to attack the dwarves repeatedly, looked at Bilbo behind the giant column and said angrily, "You think you can deceive me?"

"A brave man riding a barrel?"

"You and those dirty dwarf bugs are from Long Lake Town, right?"

"I remember the smell of humans."

"This time must be a conspiracy planned by those cowardly humans and humble dwarves."

"It seems that I have been asleep for too long."

"They all forgot my majesty."

"Perhaps I should go and visit them now."

As Smaug said, he turned around and was about to go outside.

Hearing this, Bilbo's expression changed immediately, and he immediately stepped out of the stone pillar and yelled at Smaug, "No!"

"This has nothing to do with those humans, you can't go to Changhu Town!"

After the words fell, Smaug stopped immediately, turned to look at Bilbo and said coldly: "Are you scared? Are you concerned about them?"

"Looks like I guessed right!"

"Then, just watch them all die!"

After speaking, Smaug immediately turned his head and strode towards the gate of Lonely Mountain.

At this time, Thorin Oakenshield suddenly appeared in front of a gigantic unfinished statue, and looked at the evil dragon Smaug who was walking out anxiously, shouting: "Hey, you stupid reptile, I'm right here!"

After the words fell, Smaug paused, turned his head slowly, and saw Thorin Oakenshield, who had just fled away like a fly, was yelling at him behind him: "Today, I will take back everything you stole from you! "

Fearing that no dwarf that would run away like a flea appeared in front of him, Smaug turned and walked towards the dwarf without hesitation, and said slowly, "You, nothing can be taken away from me."

"I have easily destroyed your walls with my claws"

"Slaughter your warriors indiscriminately with flames."

"I made everyone feel scared, terrified."

"I am the current king of the mountain!"

Smaug raised his gigantic and ferocious head high, looked at Thorin Oakenshield who was standing on a high place with cold vertical eyes, and kept talking.

"No, you're just a thief!"

"Everything here, all the gold here belongs to the dwarves, it belongs to me!"

"Now, please die!"

Thorin Oakenshield looked at the dragon talking continuously, and finally roared loudly, pulling the thick rope in his hand.


A cracking sound came from behind Thorin Oakenshield.

This is the signal.

As soon as Thorin Oakenshield made a move, the group of dwarves hiding behind the giant unfinished statue immediately tore off the thick iron chains that tightly bound the outermost protective stones of the giant statue.

"bang bang bang"

There were loud crashing sounds continuously.

The protective stones around the giant statue immediately fell down one after another.

Just in the blink of an eye.

A super-giant golden dwarf statue with a body height of 60 meters, made of gold, immediately appeared in front of Smaug.

As soon as the giant golden dwarf statue exuding infinite charm appeared, the evil dragon, who valued money like his life, was stunned immediately.

Smaug raised his ferocious head high, looked at the super-giant golden statue in front of him, and couldn't help but exclaim in his mouth that he only had when he was happy.

At this moment, Smaug almost forgot everything around him, and he only had eyes on the huge golden statue in front of him, which was extremely tempting and fascinated by the dragon.

next second.




There was a sudden sound like water breaking through a dam.

In the eyes of Smaug, the super-giant golden dwarf sculpture was like melting chocolate, and it was melted in a short moment.

The ultra-high temperature gold water that can melt gold frantically rushes towards the evil dragon Smaug who is close at hand.

Smaug didn't even have time to react, and was quickly submerged in the golden water.

After a few breaths.

The incomparably spacious King's Hall was peaceful.

The extremely thick golden water turned the king's hall into a golden hall.

Just when Thorin Oakenshield was standing on a high place looking at the peaceful golden hall, he was about to cheer.


A giant wing suddenly lifted up from the golden water.

"Whoa Whoah"

Immediately afterwards, Smaug's entire huge body quickly struggled up from the golden water.


"I want revenge!"

"I want to let you despicable and dirty thieves dwarves and humans know what revenge is!"

Smaug, who was dyed from dark red to gold, roared angrily and rushed towards the gate of Lonely Mountain.


The gate of the Kingdom under the Mountain, which had been closed for 60 years, was slammed open by the furious Smaug.

The evil dragon that rushed out of the lonely mountain roared and jumped up, flew into the sky, and flew straight to Changhu Town in the distance.

On Long Lake.

Morgan, who had traveled more than half the distance, was struggling to shake the paddle and headed towards Changhu Town.


At this moment, an extremely shocking roar suddenly came from the lonely mountain behind him.

As soon as Morgan's complexion changed, he turned his head immediately, and saw a golden dragon soaring into the sky in the direction of Gushan, flying towards his direction.

"The plot is finally back on track."

"There is no time, and there is no further delay."

Looking at the giant dragon in the sky in the distance, Morgan, whose face changed rapidly, immediately put the long bow, arrow and long sword on his body into the dimension ring space.

Then he quickly ran to the bow of the boat, and plunged into the long lake full of ice floes.


Water splashes flew up.

Morgan, who jumped into the water, felt that the water temperature was okay, and he could handle it completely, so he speeded up and swam towards Changhu Town.

Taking a ferry to Long Lake is naturally the best.

But Morgan was seen by Smaug, the dragon in the sky, when he was collecting treasures in the treasure house of the Lonely Mountain.

If he swaggered at this time and rowed the ferry to Changhu Town.

Morgan is [-]% sure that he will be discovered by the dragon in the sky.

At this time, if he is targeted by the evil dragon in advance, he will be in big trouble.

Morgan is a fast swimmer.

The dragon Smaug flies even faster.

When Morgan, who was originally not far from Long Lake Town, swam to the waterway entrance of the inspection toll station in Long Lake Town.

Smaug, the dragon of the sky, has also arrived.

In Changhu Town.

The shocking and terrifying roar from the lonely mountain has awakened most residents.

That day the dragon Smaug finally appeared in the sky.

The entire Changhu Town was frightened into chaos.

The more sober-minded residents of Changhu Town immediately decided to pack their belongings and start rowing away from Changhu Town from the moment they saw the giant dragon.

But there are still a large number of residents who choose to close their homes to escape.

Inside the mayor's mansion.

At this time, it was also a mess.


While commanding the town guard to remove his gold and treasure, the bloated mayor kept blaming the clerk Alfred and the town guard commander Bugara who were busy in front of him: "I have warned you a long time ago, and the dwarf Getting involved is going to get you into trouble."

"Now it's fulfilled, they actually awakened the dragon"

"We're done now"

"These damned dwarves, I shouldn't have listened to them back then. If I had known earlier, I would have."


"Be careful, here and here"

"Hurry up, I want to get out of here immediately!"

The bloated mayor kept blaming and complaining and commanding the soldiers to carry the treasure onto the deck of the huge ferry that he parked under the mansion.

"My lord, don't we save the town?"

"The town is hopeless, save Jinzi!"


Bard's house.

"The dragon is coming, and Dad hasn't come back yet."

"Sister, what should we do?"

In front of the window, the youngest daughter Tilda looked at the noisy and chaotic streets outside the window and turned her head to look at her sister beside her and said worriedly.

"Barne, what should we do?"

Sister Xuege was equally worried as she looked at the chaotic street outside the window.

But he's just a girl, and when asked by his sister at this time, he must ask his brother Bane, even though Bane is younger than her.

But Bahn, who often followed his father, must have more ideas.

"No, we have to wait for father!"

Seeing his sister looking over, Bahn, who knew more, immediately shook his head and continued: "Besides, we have nowhere to go."

Bahn's words silenced both sisters immediately.

Yes, the father is not here, where can they go even if they leave home?

They were all just kids.

Just when the three brothers and sisters were worried but had nothing to do.

Suddenly there was the sound of rapid footsteps on the corridor outside the room.

Inside the house, the faces of the three brothers and sisters who heard the voice were immediately overjoyed.


The younger sister, Tilda, reacted the fastest. She yelled and ran towards the door when she heard the footsteps.

At this time, the door was opened from the outside.

A wet figure stood at the door.


The voice from Tilda's mouth stopped abruptly when she just came to the door, but when she saw that it was Uncle Morgan whom she had just met not long ago, Tilda's face immediately showed joy.

"Uncle Morgan."

Tilda threw herself into Morgan's arms with a cry.

"Uncle Morgan."

"Uncle Morgan."

Bahn and Xuege also saw who it was at this time, and immediately shouted in surprise.

At such a time, the father was away and the dragon was attacking. The sudden appearance of Uncle Morgan almost instantly became the support of the three siblings.

Speaking of which, the time Morgan had known them was not too long.

But the relationship between Morgan and his father Bud was seen by the three siblings.

Morgan treated the three of them generously and kindly.

In such a critical situation, it is quite normal for Morgan, who suddenly appeared, to become the object of the three brothers and sisters' hearts.

"Uncle Morgan."

Tilda threw herself into Morgan's arms with a crying sound, and hugged Morgan. Morgan touched Tilda's head, and immediately comforted, "It's okay, it's okay."

Speaking of which, Morgan immediately pushed away little Tilda, who is now wet all over.

"Where's your father?"

Morgan looked at Bahn knowingly.

"Father, when I left before, my father was chased by those guards, and now I don't know what happened to my father"

Bahn immediately told Morgan about what happened to him and his father.

But the existence of Black Arrow was not mentioned.

Without mentioning the existence of the black arrow, the meaning of Bahn's words is not so good.

Morgan frowned immediately after hearing this, similar to the situation in the plot he remembered, but Bane obviously concealed the existence of Black Arrow.

Time was running out, and Morgan wasn't interested in turning the corner to ask more questions at this time, but said directly: "Listen to what you said, your father must have been caught by those guards if he hasn't come back yet."

"But Bahn, you are hiding something in your words. Say it, I need to save your father immediately!"

Morgan looked at Bahn and immediately said in a deep voice.

After being told by Morgan, Bahn immediately became a little unnatural.

But thinking that Uncle Morgan is not an outsider, and saving Dad is obviously more important.

Bahn only hesitated for a moment, and immediately revealed the existence of the black arrow.

"Black Arrow."

"You still have black arrows?"

Seeing that Uncle Morgan only had calm expression on his face and no other expressions, Bahn was completely relieved now.

Speaking of which, apart from the fact that the black arrow is rumored to be able to break through the scales of the dragon Smaug, it is actually not very precious.

But because this is left by the ancestors, it is important to the Bud family because the meaning is different.

"Bang bang bang bang."

At this moment, a series of rumbling explosions suddenly sounded from outside.

Morgan immediately turned around and walked outside the door, and saw that the evil dragon Smaug had already flown over Long Lake Town, with orange flames constantly gushing out from his mouth, instantly turning all the places flying in front of him into a sea of ​​red flames.

Countless screams, howls, and despair continued to come out of the sea of ​​flames.

Looking at such a tragedy.

Not only the faces of the three brothers and sisters immediately turned white into a piece of paper.

Even Morgan has the same ugly face: such a terrifying creature, Jane is a moving natural disaster.

Smaug was extremely fast.

Only used the flames to plow through Changhu Town once.

Immediately fly to Changhu Town again from the other direction.

A flame brews in the belly.

Morgan could see clearly from a distance.

When it reached the sky above Changhu Town, endless orange flames spewed out from its ferocious mouth, instantly igniting everything.

"Bang bang bang bang."

The sound of explosions, cries, and despair instantly rang out in the sea of ​​flames.

Changhu Town instantly became a purgatory on earth.


Morgan recovered from the shock, turned around, looked at the three brothers and sisters immediately and said, "Bahn, you are a man, take Xue Ge and Tilda out of Changhu Town immediately!"

"But my dad"

"I will save your father, hurry up, there is no time!"

"It would be easy for your father and I to escape, but you will only worry us if you stay."


Time was running out, and Morgan had no time to waste with Bahn, and his voice became visibly harsher at the end.

Uncle Morgan, who had always been kind, suddenly became harsh, and Barn was obviously taken aback.

It's not that he is ignorant, it's just that his father worries him, and now Uncle Morgan is going to save his father.

Bahn's worry was much better, he nodded immediately, and ran downstairs with Xuege and Tilda.

Downstairs there is a small boat tied to the family in case of emergency, and it just comes in handy now.

Soon, Bahn and Xuege rowed the boat and started to leave.

"Uncle Morgan."

Tilda, who was sitting on the boat, looked at Morgan in the distance and shouted.

Morgan just stretched out his hand and waved it back, without even looking back, he walked quickly into the darkness.

 Thank you "BBO Bao, Earth Gravity CXM, Old Nine Brothers, Yan Zhao Erlang" and QQ book friends "Shura, Mo Ke, Luo Ying Ling" for their rewards, thank you very much~~~
(End of this chapter)

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