Start with Lord of the Rings

Chapter 117 Desire has no end! 【Happy New Year】

Chapter 117 Desire has no end! 【Happy New Year】

"Bang bang bang bang."

Hearing the sound of messy footsteps behind him.

Morgan's complexion changed, since he planned to break with Thorin Oakenshield.

Naturally, he didn't want to meet the group of dwarves behind him at this time, and he didn't want to take risks with them to deal with the dragon Smaug.

Thinking of this, I looked around.

Morgan immediately hid behind a huge stone pillar at the entrance of another passage not far away.

Not long after, the sound of messy footsteps and dwarves' voices came from the passage just now.

Morgan waited quietly.

The footsteps quickly disappeared.

Morgan continued to wait behind the giant stone pillar.


At this time, another shocking roar sounded again.


"I'm going to burn you alive."

The growl continued, and with it came the thunderous roar of Smaug's furious voice.

Listening to Smaug's voice resounding throughout the Lonely Mountain, Morgan thought to himself: "Smaug and the dwarves should have met each other."

Morgan is still waiting, he is waiting for a group of dwarves to lure the dragon Smaug away.

Then you can calmly go to the treasure house below to choose the reward.

This may sound mean.

But Morgan didn't feel the slightest bit.

Morgan's character belongs to the kind of love and hate.

Anyone who treats him well, or is appreciated by him.

Morgan will definitely treat each other with the same, or better attitude.

as he did Gandalf;

treat Bilbo;
To Kili the Dwarf;

Treat Bud;

Similarly, if it makes Morgan feel unhappy or even angry.

He will also hit back in an unceremonious way.

Just like how he treats Thorin Oakenshield now.

Morgan wasn't Bilbo, he couldn't be forced to question him with a long sword by Thorin Oakenshield and still laugh it off afterwards.

Morgan had a big heart, but he was also small.

Now that he is ready to break with Thorin Oakenshield.

In order to get his own reward, he doesn't mind using the dishonorable means of "stealing".

Although he doesn't think he is stealing.


The roar came again, but this time the sound was significantly smaller.

This shows that the dwarves have gone away with the dragon Smaug.

Aware of this.

Morgan stepped out from behind the giant stone pillar decisively.

Turning the corner, he walked slowly towards the road where Thorin Oakenshield was.

Going forward, the ambient light gets brighter.

Finally, Morgan came to the end of this wide stone path.

Then he held his breath.

What appeared in front of me was a very huge and spacious hall.

In the middle of this hall, there are at least [-] or [-] huge and thick stone pillars that can only be embraced by two adults.

The distance between each stone pillar is more than ten or 20 meters.

And between these stone pillars, there are hundreds of thousands, tens of thousands, inexhaustible mountains of gold, silver, pearls, precious stones and other treasures composed of golden mountains and silver seas.

Looking at the unparalleled visual impact in front of you.

It took Morgan a while to recover.


He let out a long breath.

Today, Morgan finally saw what a real mountain-like wealth is.

Even if there is a similar picture in the memory of the plot in the mind.

But only with your own eyes and personal experience can you understand how strong the visual impact of Jinshan Yinhai is.


At this moment, the roaring sound from a distance made Morgan immediately understand that the environment he was in was not safe.

He is now safe and sound, and the dwarves led by Thorin Oakenshield are carrying their weight forward.

I can't let them down.

Thinking of this, Morgan immediately walked down the stone steps below.

Look closely at the gold and silver treasures piled up randomly in front of you.

Morgan took a closer look and found that gold coins and silver coins were the most among these treasures.

Then there are all kinds of tableware, utensils and cups made of gold and silver.

Gems of various colors are relatively much less.

But this is also normal, even among the treasures, the value is also divided into grades.

Gemstones of various colors are naturally much more precious than gold and silver.


"bang bang bang"

A huge roar accompanied by a huge crash came from afar.

Morgan didn't grumble, his mental strength was fully activated, he just reached out and waved at a large pile of gold coins and silver coins mixed with a lot of pure gold forging utensils in front of him.

Under the wrapping of spiritual power, the ground full of treasures in front of him was immediately emptied.

Morgan immediately forked out a trace of spirit and leaned out into the space of the ring.

I saw a small pile of treasures composed of gold and silver immediately appear in the room-sized dimensional space.

It was what he had just spent his mental energy ingesting.

In the following time, Morgan began to walk to the depths of Jinshanyinhai, suffering and joy.

Happiness is naturally because you can take the treasures here and there at will.

The pain is because he spends a lot of energy every time he ingests a treasure.

The heavier and larger the ingested object, the more mental power it will consume.

These gold and silver coins look small individually, but their density and weight are not small.

Just after Morgan took the gold treasure that had just filled up a corner of the dimensional space, he clearly felt that his mental strength was starting to run out.

The most obvious consequence of overusing mental power is a tingling in the head.

Although Morgan is not there yet, it is definitely not far away if he continues to use it.

Standing in the middle of the golden mountain and the silver sea, looking at the rare treasures everywhere, Morgan sighed in his heart.

It was the first time that he lacked mental strength due to the strange reason of carrying too many gold and silver treasures.

I didn't pay much attention to it before because there were too few things put into the ring space.

Get educated today.

Watch as the ring space fills one corner with a wealth of treasures.

Morgan took a deep breath.

"Greed is taboo."

"Desires never end."

"It is enough to get such a large amount of gold and silver treasures today."

"Mental power cannot be fully recovered in a short while."

"Smaug the dragon could come at any moment."

"I should go"

Shaking his head vigorously, Morgan secretly woke up.

His eyes quickly moved away from the treasures everywhere.

Looking at the passage from a distance.

Morgan started walking back.

"Whoa Whoah"

"Whoa Whoah"

A large number of gold and silver treasures were trampled by Morgan's trampling.

Morgan didn't look much this time, and walked straight towards the way he came.


"You dirty dwarves, don't try to trick me!"

At this moment, a shocking roar accompanied by the roar of the evil dragon Smaug immediately spread throughout the entire treasure hall.

Hearing this voice, Morgan's complexion suddenly changed, and he immediately accelerated his pace and ran to the passage he came from.

"what happened?"

"Isn't the dragon Smaug already attracted to the dwarves?"

"How could it come back before the dwarves were wiped out?"

"No, not necessarily."

"The giant dragon is a complete fan of money, maybe the other party just came back to see if his treasure is safe?"

"no no"

"Dwarves are just the tiniest bugs and food in the eyes of the dragon Smaug"

"It's impossible to play with food and worry about your treasure being stolen."

"What caused him to come back?"

"Isn't it because I stole these treasures that he felt it?"

"No, it's impossible."

"Damn it, it's this time, what the hell are you thinking?"

While running wildly, the return of Smaug, who didn't play cards according to the memory plot routine, made Morgan's thoughts confused, and he ran forward with all his strength.

The dragon Smaug came back quickly.

But Morgan ran faster.

Seeing that it is about to arrive at the arrival channel.

Morgan was suddenly very grateful that he was not too greedy just now and immediately turned back.

Otherwise, it would be too late to escape back to the passage before Smaug returned.

"Whoa Whoah"

The gold and silver coins under his feet were rattling when Morgan stomped on them.

The sound from the treasury immediately enraged Smaug the dragon, who was returning to examine his treasure.

"Thief, there are still thieves"

"You dirty dwarves, how dare you deceive me!"


Smaug's roar shook the entire treasure hall.

Felt the dragon's rapid approach.

Morgan only wished that he could gain a few more legs at this moment.



"Despicable thief, don't try to escape!"

More and more shocking roars continued to come.

Morgan looked at the stone road in front of him and ran desperately.


Just one second before Morgan was about to rush up the stone steps.

Suddenly, a dim light beside the stone steps immediately caught Morgan's attention.

The moment Morgan rushed up the stone steps, his eyes finally saw clearly what the treasure emitting a hazy white light was.

It turned out to be a string of brilliant white gemstone necklaces shining with countless stars.

Although there are many treasures such as gold, silver and precious stones in Morgan's space ring at this time.

But there is no real heavyweight treasure.

He had been looking for it before, but he just couldn't find it.

I didn't expect to see one here before I left.



"I've seen you!"

"Don't try to run away!"

The increasingly clear and shocking roar of the dragon Smaug came again.

Morgan looked up, and saw a huge dark red ferocious dragon crawling towards him in the distance.

Without fear, Morgan immediately took a step back, stretched out his hand to pick up the starlight necklace half hidden in the gold coins, and then quickly rushed up the stone path where the stone steps came.


"Damn human thief!"

The evil dragon Smaug saw from afar that the necklace exuding brilliant stars was taken away by the human thief.

My heart seemed to be bleeding.

Quickly crawling back to the treasure hall, Smaug knew how much treasure he had lost just by scanning the entire treasure.

Plus that string of priceless starlight necklaces just now.

The dragon Smaug, who is far more stingy than Grandet, is angry.

"It must be that group of damned dwarves deliberately distracted me, and then let that human steal my treasure!"

"It must be so!"


"You damned dwarves, I must burn you alive!"


Smaug raised his head to the sky and roared angrily.

He was furious.

After making sure that there are no other strange breaths around, he quickly crawled in the direction he came from.

Guessed right by Morgan's wild imagination.

The dragon Smaug did fight the dwarves, no, not a fight but halfway through the game.

Because I was worried about my treasure, I came back to take a look.

I didn't expect to come back right away this time.

And sure enough, there was a human thief stealing his treasure.

Smaug snarled and went off to find the dwarves.

He wanted to repay the anger he had just shown to the human thieves on those dirty dwarves.


The dragon Smaug quickly went away.

Inside the secret passage.

Morgan was galloping briskly down the road he had come.

Hearing the roar of the giant dragon behind him go away.

Morgan couldn't help but reached out and wiped his forehead, which was full of sweat.

This is the first time in his life that he has seen the dragon with his own eyes.

I still saw the most famous giant dragon in the entire fantasy film and television drama in the previous life: Smaug, known as the chattering dragon.

But regardless of whether the other party is a real talker or not, Morgan feels that it is indeed terrifying.

So he had just caught a glimpse of Smaug.

Morgan estimated that Smaug was at least 30 to 40 meters long from head to tail.

As for the approximate exact length, he had to see it up close with his own eyes before he could estimate it.


At this time, a huge shocking sound suddenly came from the depths of the lonely mountain behind him.

The ground was shaking and unstable.

Morgan immediately stretched out his hand to support the stone wall beside him.

The precious necklace that was hastily stuffed into his arms just now fell off and was grabbed by Morgan.

"so close!"

Looking at the bright starlight white gemstone necklace that exudes a faint white hazy light all the time in his hand.

Morgan couldn't help sighing: "The fantasy world is just different."

"If such a necklace is taken to the original world, I'm afraid all the women in the world will go crazy over it."

Shaking his head, Morgan was about to put away the necklace in his hand and suddenly thought: "If I give this necklace to Tariel, will she agree to me in public?"

"and many more."

Think of the female elf Tariel.

Morgan seemed to think of something: "Tariel, the kingdom of the woodland, the elf king Thranduil seems to have a necklace that was detained by the former king of the mountain, Thor."

"What's that necklace called?"

"Remember, it seems to be called Starlight White Gem Necklace."

Morgan's eyes suddenly brightened, looking at the string of dimly shining necklaces in his hand, he muttered to himself: "Is this the same one?"

And it's in the treasury of the Turin dwarves.

This possibility is extremely high.

After all, treasures of this level are rare.

"bang bang bang"

At this moment, one after another rumbling and vibrating sounds continued to come from the depths behind him.

Morgan didn't dare to delay, and immediately put this string of treasure necklaces into the Dimensional Ring.

Then he strode out of the secret passage and ran wildly.

The dwarves led by Thorin Oakenshield are entangled with the dragon Smaug.

If he wanted to become a dragon slayer, he had to take advantage of this time to rush to Changhu Town immediately.

He remembered that in the memory plot, Bud was being imprisoned by the despicable clerk and the mayor of Changhu at this time.

I only need to rush to Changhu Town at this time.

Wouldn't it be safe to rescue Bard and then fight the dragon Smaug together with Bard?
One person is not completely sure against the dragon Morgan.

But if you bring Bud together, it will definitely not be a big problem.

It just so happens that Bard can pay off the debts instead of the ancestor Ji Ryan.

I can get the title of dragon slayer, and I can feel at ease.

That's Morgan's plan.

 Thank you "Fengshuang Liuyun, Daji 0 Find 1, Killing Walker" book friends for the rewards, thank you very much~~ Today is the first day of the Lunar New Year, Lao Mao wishes all book friends good health and all the best , the Year of the Ox is even better~~~
(End of this chapter)

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