Chapter 527
Ding Wen immediately comforted him: "Old Li, calm down."

Li Zhenpi was still angry, and kept shaking his head: "It's not a matter of being calm, at that time, at that position, did they have a bag in their heads, how could they make such a stupid choice!"

"It's unbelievable!"

The nervous Fang Luoqing asked Ding Wen, "Is it normal to beat us?"


"OK, it's all right."

Ding Wen said it was normal, so it must not be that they didn't fight well. Fang Luoqing believed in him very much, so she didn't feel uncomfortable.

And Jiang Tong was looking back at the video just now. After watching it for a while, he frowned and said, "I don't think there is anything that needs to be replayed. Our choice and position in the circle are all right."

As soon as she opened her mouth, Li Zhenpi's voice lowered unconsciously, and said with a smile: "I didn't say I wanted to replay, I just wanted to call them stupid!"

The reason why they were eliminated in the last game was also very simple, that is, they were disrupted by an anchor team, which caused Ding Wen's team battle layout against superiors to be completely disrupted, and then died outside the circle.

It's understandable for Li Zhenpi to feel extremely angry. After all, many anchor teams don't play games for winning.

So Ding Wen was not angry at all. After all, it was a friendly match, and he would not be surprised by all kinds of possibilities in the match.

"Don't think too much, just watch the live broadcast of the meeting while you're dead, and learn more about them."

Li Zhenpi returned to normal. After reporting to the official, he then called up the light screen and found a match belonging to their group from many friendly matches.

At this time, the game has come to the second cut corner, Wuxing lost one person, and there are four people left alive on the field.

This is not to say that Ding Wen pays special attention to his competition area and only wants to watch their performances, but that the main perspective just happened to be given to Wuxing, and it has been given for a while.

From God's point of view, Wuxing's situation is very bad. Just like the previous game, they were still on the sidelines in the second stage, with Wusan on the left, a well-known wine merchant on the right, and a team of anchors in front.

The four teams are closely adjacent to each other, and only the anchor team is in the circle.

Jiang Tong sighed suddenly: "The five elements are gone, and they will be persuaded by other teams to play any side now."

Ding Wen hummed, agreeing with her opinion.

Wuxing is not only at a disadvantage in position, but also has the least number of people among the four teams.

Maybe it's because everyone collected all the information before, and the teams around the circle didn't act rashly. They seemed to know that the team in the circle was a weak anchor team, and they focused all their attention on the other two professional teams surprisingly unanimously. superior.

Although it is to watch the game, the people in Diablo Fairy Tale will naturally not watch it for entertainment like ordinary audiences. Li Zhenpi soon has a question: "Liushen, if we are in the position of Wuxing now, what should we do next?" hit?"

Ding Wen thought for a while, and answered calmly: "Three choices, one, fight to the death with one of them, and exchange points with each other; two, don't move, the other two teams don't leave, and we won't leave either, and we all die together in the circle Outside. If there is a team that doesn’t hold back, we will drive over to persuade them and fuck their ass.”

Li Zhenpi: "What about three?"

Ding Wen said lightly: "The third is variable."

Li Zhenpi didn't know, so: "What variable?"

Ding Wen suddenly smiled: "The variable is... there is one party X**D."

Fang Luoqing suddenly felt curious: "What is X**D?"

"Eh..." Ding Wen couldn't translate directly for her according to the alphabet, so he could only tactfully say, "It's just playing around."


Jiang Tong was also analyzing the situation on the field. When she heard Ding Wen's words, she had a look of suspicion on her face: "Among these three teams, there should be... no one playing around?"

"It's not three, it's four." Ding Wen made some corrections, and smiled playfully: "And that anchor team."

Jiang Tong immediately understood: "You mean this anchor team will play around?"

"I don't know, I just feel it."

"But they're in the circle, they don't wait in a comfortable position, they can't foolishly go outside the circle to fight with others, right?"

Ding Wen's smile faded, and quickly turned into helplessness: "But just now they ran out of the circle to beat us."

Jiang Tong nodded, with a smile on her beautiful face: "I thought you didn't care, but I didn't expect—"

Before she finished speaking, the situation on the court suddenly became a little abnormal.

The anchor team with the greatest advantage seemed to be able to hear Ding Wen's words, but... quietly sent someone to move the car.

Generally speaking, there are two reasons for moving a car.

One, adjust the position to prevent the tire from being unloaded by distant enemies.

Two, he wants to move.

Obviously, the anchor team belongs to the latter.

And the choices of the three professional teams were very similar to what Ding Wen said just now. Under the circumstances that no one dared to mess around, their choices were consistent again.

Even though the circle was about to approach, none of the three teams could move!

This can't help but make the anchor team in the circle more and more anxious.

Three teams, 5+5+4, that's 14 elimination points. Although they may not get all of these points, they can also get some of them by relying on the circle advantage.

But the three teams did not move, and were willing to give their points to the system. Not to mention some of them, even the minimum of 100 points would definitely not be able to get it.

As a naturally entertaining anchor team, they had never seen such a battle before. They didn't even dare to think about such a utilitarian style of play, and they were stunned for a while.

So they were not reconciled, and amidst the dumbfounded expressions of thousands of spectators, they moved the car, and the three of them got into the car, and drove towards the circle to actively 'collect points'.

The commentator's eyes were full of doubts: "What are they... doing?"

The partner also looked stunned: "I don't know, maybe I want to collect points?"

"Crazy, must be crazy, isn't this just playing around!"

Perhaps the behavior of this anchor team is really unbelievable, the director actually called up their team voice and played it to everyone who was watching.

"Should we go to the team with card 1?" someone in the car asked uncertainly.

"Two bids." Someone immediately answered in the affirmative.

"It's the 1st bid, and the 2nd bid was from the last circle. I kept drawing targets and forgot to cancel it." A housekeeper anchor reminded embarrassingly.

"Damn!" The three people in the car all swear.

"Calm down, don't panic, remove the marker first." A person who seemed to be a temporary commander uttered a voice to stabilize the situation.

"That's right, and they didn't find us. We'll get off here in a while, then walk from here, and finally arrive here."

Here, here, where is it?

The audience looked at the "here" he said from the perspective, but there were too many marks on his map, with colorful punctuation and lines interspersed together. At a glance, it was more complicated than a maze.

The interim commander suddenly felt dissatisfied: "I said to go to the mark, why don't you go?"

"Okay, okay, let's go."

The housekeeper put down his sniper, and the two people who got out of the car opened the map and began to go to their own marks one by one.

But at this moment, one arrow, two arrows, and three arrows flew quietly from out of sight in succession. The opponent was still bowing his head to mark, without even listening to the sound, and was neatly shot by three consecutive arrows on the spot. With a headshot, he fell to the ground in a daze.

"Player Famous Liquor Merchant丨Bloody Mary knocks out Ness TV丨Brother Xiaochuan with a headshot of a Jinghong Lieying arrow!"

"Oops! Did they find us?"

"That's impossible! They shouldn't have seen us moving the car!"

"Who is that, what are you doing in a daze, set up a gun! Don't watch the show!"

"What's going on..."

In the voice, because of the appearance of the three arrows, it suddenly became a mess.

Considering that their communication was too noisy, it would bring some bad impressions, so the director stopped in time and turned off their team voice.

Ding Wen was silent for a while, and then said slowly: "They parked too far in front, and they didn't have the effective distance to get the loudest car noise."

Jiang Tong followed closely behind, and said with great emotion: "If our opponents in the World Championship are also like this...that would be great."

(End of this chapter)

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