I can see the finals

Chapter 526 Stable, Unstable

Chapter 526 Stable, Unstable
"Let us congratulate the Dark Fairy Tale team for winning the first match of the friendly match with 20 kills!"

Before the live broadcast, the voice of the commentary appeared simultaneously with the pictures of the victor's team members' avatars.

"This new team is so strong. They have never played in the World Championship, but they got so many eliminations in the first game."

Regarding the number of 20 kills, the two were also quite surprised. Although they probably guessed that the dark fairy tale would eat chickens, they found out that the number of eliminations was astonishingly high after the fight.

Even if there are anchors in the friendly match, 20 is still considered a high elimination.

It's a pity that there is no interview in the friendly match. Although the commentator is full of curiosity about this powerful new team, he has no way to ask and understand. He can only do a simple replay through the game.

One person pondered and said: "I have a preliminary memory. Among these eliminations, they have pushed down at least four full formations!"

The other person nodded again and again with amazed eyes: "That's right, their team's positive ability is so strong. I have roughly watched a few games when they won the championship in the seventh district. Their style at that time was completely different from what it is now. Same."

It is indeed different. After all, the dark fairy tale now has Jiang Tong. Even if there is no circle of destiny, it is over to find a position on the weak side and push forward. Circled.

On the other side, at the Five Elements Club, Bai Mu also unsurprisingly sighed when the picture was frozen: "They really ate it."

Wu Zhan also had a serious face beside him: "They only added Jiang Tong, why did they become so strong?"

Bai Mudao: "It's not as simple as you imagined. Part of the reason is that Jiang Tong has enriched their tactics, and the other part is because of Ding Wen's change. Haven't you noticed that since he put on that mask...he is no longer afraid of people?"

Lu Guo then added: "And the rookie on their team who played basketball has also grown a lot, Old Wu, do you think you can beat him now?"

God plays basketball...

Bai Mu looked at him speechlessly, but didn't say anything.

Wu Zhan pondered for a while, and then said decisively: "Yes."

He didn't say this out of face, because through the first battle and watching the battle, he could clearly feel Li Huo's current level.

Although Li Huo's growth rate is astonishing and terrifying, in the final analysis, he is not a top three draft pick, and there is still a gap in talent between Zheng Gongyang and the top pick. The reason why he plays so well is that he works hard enough and has experienced honing There are many games, other rookies may only play one or two rounds a season, or have no chance to play at all, but he has almost completed every round of the game; second, he has Ding Wen by his side, which can create many advantages for him output opportunities.

If he was Zheng Gongyang, then Wu Zhan would not be able to say 'yes' so decisively. If Zheng Gongyang hadn't died, with his talent, he should grow up to be even scarier than Li Huo.

Of course, the so-called 'ability' is based on a fair environment in which there is no interference from outsiders in 1V1, but this kind of environment is basically rare. Unless it is a tactical arrangement, few teams will not fight team battles and have to let their own players Go one-on-one with others.

"Fortunately, it's a friendly match, so problems can be found in advance."

Shiraki is still very optimistic, and it is a good thing that his team is strong in the competition area. Anyway, if he plays well, he will win glory for the competition area. Since HERO won the championship in the seventh area, it has been silent for many years in the World Championship.

This year, it must be the year when the seven districts shine in the World Championship. Not only the dark fairy tales, but also the strength of those who joined the pass is much stronger than before.

In the first game, Wu Xing had no chance to play against other teams, but he had a general understanding through watching the games. The teams from the competition area were not much different from the past. Some teams were slightly stronger, but not obvious.

After two days of friendly matches, Shiraki will definitely sort out all the matches, including friendly matches in other divisions.

And back to the Dark Fairy Tale, the team members are naturally very excited and excited, especially Li Huo and Yanjuan. They have never played a game related to the World Championships. They thought the pressure would be great. They were beaten violently, only to find out after the beating that they were just like that. They were not as magical and powerful as people boasted, at most they were at the same level as the Five Elements.

Of course, they must also know that the 'relaxation' is due to Ding Wen, and it was under his command that they pushed all the way from the edge of the circle to the final round, until they finally had chicken.

"Don't be proud, it's just a friendly match." Ding Wen's words sounded at the right time, although it didn't feel like pouring cold water on their heads, but it also calmed down the excited crowd.

Ding Wen said very seriously: "I hope you will remember that complacency is the stumbling block for every championship team."

Jiang Tong nodded in agreement, and added: "That's right, our opponents in this friendly match are not particularly terrifying. The top existences such as Fengshen, Three Kingdoms Warriors, and Shifang villains are not in our friendly match. Wait for these two days After the friendly match is over, Lao Li will select some videos about them, so that you can have an intuitive experience.”

Yan Juan said: "Actually, I have seen some. To be honest, I don't know if it is an illusion. I always feel that they are not as strong as human beings, especially Fengshen. No matter where they are, they are so scary."

Among other things, his feeling was astonishingly accurate. Of all the people present, only Ding Wen had some understanding of the identities of those 'people', and the other 'person' who knew was Haze who was not there.

"That's the highest level of AI, isn't it amazing..."

Ding Wen complained silently. He wasn't under any pressure at first, but after listening to them talking about Fengshen, he couldn't help thinking of some bad things.

"Okay, the second one is about to open. We'll talk about these things later. Let's finish the two-day friendly match first."

Ding Wen terminated the topic, did not continue to discuss this topic for too long, and took the lead in wearing a USB card to enter the game.


Dark Fairy Tale continued the old tradition and successfully ate the first chicken, but it seemed that metaphysics was intervening in the following games. They were so hot that they ate a big deflation in the second game and ended up with zero. The result of killing No.15 was eliminated early.

One wild kill, one straight to zero, the fans who watched these two very different games were stunned.

After watching the first game, they were still cheering, thinking that after Jiang Tong joined, Diablo Fairy Tale would rise on the world stage from now on, but they unexpectedly gave them the second game for nothing.

Looking back at the league in the seventh district, even if the dark fairy tales did not play well, they could basically get some ranking points, but this time they didn't even get the ranking points, which is really rare.

In the club, the five people took off the U-film with different expressions. Before they could speak, Li Zhenpi on the side was the first to yell: "The Shabi anchor team!"

(End of this chapter)

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