I can see the finals

Chapter 386 Battle 1, Opening

Chapter 386 First Battle, Opening

"Ah?" Wu Zhan finally raised his head and asked with a blank face, "What's wrong with me?"

"It's okay." Bai Mu waved his hand, and then asked with some doubts: "What were you doing just now, what were you thinking about?"

Wu Zhan shook his head, and looked at Ding Wen with deep feelings: "I didn't think about anything, I just felt that the world was unpredictable..."

Ding Wen knew his mood at the moment, and said with a smile: "But thank you very much for making Xiaolu go where he wants to go."

Of course Wu Zhan was referring to the night they met for the first time. He thought that Ding Wen was just an ordinary player, but he didn't expect that the latter would actually come here miraculously as what Lu Guo said. on par.

No team can be invincible all the time, and there are always strong enemies around on the way forward. Tiangong may not be able to do it, but the dark fairy tale has popped up again, and judging from the trend, they are more troublesome than Tiangong used to be. This makes Wu feel uncomfortable Not emotional.

"Old Ding!"

At this time, the passing loud voice came again. Ding Wen looked and found that he was waving his hands excitedly. Standing beside him was King Zhou with a majestic face.

When he saw Ding Wen, a trace of unnaturalness appeared on King Zhou's face, and his majestic appearance disappeared instantly, turning into a wry smile with unknown meaning.

"What's the matter?" Ding Wen didn't go over, just asked.

After a brief reunion just now, Ding Wen was soon 'abandoned' after passing by, and ran to argue with other female players, but he didn't expect that instead of looking for his sister, he found King Zhou instead.

"You come here first!" Passing over did not answer, but just urged him to hurry over.

After Ding Wen passed by, he said excitedly: "You do the math too! You're so smart!"

Count... count?
What kind of?
Ding Wen was stunned, and finally saw Daji who was hidden by King Zhou's huge body. In front of the former, Daji was simply a small one, so inconspicuous that Ding Wen didn't notice her in front of him.

"Um...it's you." Daji smiled awkwardly at Ding Wen with a stack of Tarot cards in her hand.

...this superstitious woman.

Ding Wen didn't know what to say, so he turned to look at King Zhou who was pretending to be serious: "Long time no see, you guys played really well in the semi-finals."

King Zhou also didn't know how to say it, so he snorted coldly and finally managed to choke out two words: "Thank you."

Ding Wen smiled, and then asked Daji who was about to put away the tarot cards: "Do the math for me, I don't understand this stuff, what can you count?"

As soon as he heard him talk about this, Daji suddenly became energetic: "There are many calculations, basically common daily problems can be calculated, such as marriage fortune divination, academic career, personal fortune—"


King Zhou interrupted her abruptly, and said with a livid face, "You guys talk, I'll go to the bathroom."

"Oh." Daji ignored him, and continued to talk to Ding Wenkepu with great interest: "To put it simply, Tarot is not a fortune teller, but a medium to connect the subconscious mind of the querent, um...do you know the Book of Changes?"

Then she quickly flipped through the cards in her hand: "Like the Book of Changes, Tarot cards also have two sides, negative and positive. Let me tell you, this..."

Ding Wen originally wanted to understand briefly, but now he suddenly lost the idea, and his head was so dizzy, he imitated King Zhou and said hastily: "I don't know why, I suddenly have an urgent need to urinate, you guys talk first, I'll go to the toilet."

"Hey, wait, I'll finish right away—"

Before Daji could finish speaking, Ding Wen had already fled, leaving only a serious 'listening' passerby.

"Hurry up, what's next?" He didn't hear enough, and urged Daji as if fascinated.

Daji was very pleased: "Okay, then I will introduce you in detail, let's talk slowly..."

Since it is an entertainment game, there are no restrictions on the space for the players to move before the game. In addition to chatting with familiar players, some people will take photos with the fans present, and some people are participating in some interesting small sessions. A piece of fun.

Only Fang Luoqing sat in the far corner, silently looking at Jiang Tong who was smiling and taking a photo with fans, without blinking her eyes, as if she had something on her mind.

"That strange sense of familiarity... is getting stronger and stronger."



Before the start of the All-Star Game, there will be more links than in the league, and the time will be extended accordingly.

But no matter what, after dawdling for a long time, time will never stop its pace. Finally, with the announcement of the contestants' entrance ceremony in the headset, the No.11 Survivor All-Star Solol Game... officially kicked off.

Under the broadcast of the host, the contestants will appear on the stage in order from the least to the most according to the previous votes.

Accompanied by the cheers of the fans, Ding Wen took the stage in the third from the bottom and came to the competition area.

The third from the bottom is the third from the positive. Bai Mu and Jiang Tong have more votes than him. The latter has won the votes every year. There are even more votes.

It seems that the proportion of appearance is still very important. Although they are professional players, judging from the audience's love, they are still more inclined to "good-looking" players, such as Wu Zhan, a tall and fat man with a fierce appearance. , the number of votes in the All-Star Game has never been too high.

The seats in the contestants' competition area are also based on the rankings. Ding Wen's left is Baimu, and his right is Daji. Wu Zhanli still has several seats. This shows the importance of appearance, especially in entertainment events. Not as good as him, but also ranked fifth because of being fat and cute.

Before the start of the game, Daji was still talking about Tarot cards to passers-by, while Bai Mu chatted with Ding Wen one after another. Only Jiang Tong, who was at the very edge, sat quietly alone, like a fairy, glamorous indifferent.

The commentator for today's All-Star game is the long-lost bicycle and Qingyu, who are also old partners on the commentary stage.

During their lively chat, soon, the first solo game of the All-Star Game finally started.

In terms of the map, instead of the previous small map, it was replaced with a medium-sized map of Lost City.No one has played the new class before, and a slightly larger map is needed to accommodate the players. Obviously, the fast-paced small map cannot satisfy this point, so there is nothing to say about it.

According to the prompts, the contestants put on U-chips to enter the game and came to the waiting square. Here, all the advanced occupations corresponding to each occupation have appeared and can be selected.

Ding Wen quickly browsed through many professions, and soon found the corresponding profession of trap expert... Mechanism Master!

I am finally coming!
Looking at these three characters, Ding Wen was filled with excitement and anticipation. Whether he can change his style of play and completely erase his only weakness depends on what kind of game the mechanics play.

"Occupation has been selected, information is loading..."

A system prompt came, and then, several unexpected options appeared in front of Ding Wen.

"Please make your choice among cunning, patience, courage, and perseverance!"

(End of this chapter)

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