I can see the finals

Chapter 385 All-Star Night

Chapter 385 All-Star Night

It is no surprise that the occupations selected by the vote are the advanced versions of Trap Expert and Eastern occupation. After the two rounds of competitions, these two occupations are the most well-known occupations for them.In the high-level statistics of the competition, the trap experts and eastern walkers in their hands have the highest winning rate and usage rate, far surpassing other players, and can be regarded as personal representative professions.

According to big data, trap experts were selected for a total of 407 times in the first round plus finals, of which Ding Wen accounted for 30 times, with an average win of 3.2, while the average win of the rest of the players except him was only 11.2, and the gap between them is still quite large Yes; Dongfang Xingzhe's selection rate is a little higher than that of trap experts, with a total of 632 times, Fang Luoqing's 26 times, the highest frequency of all players, and a winning rate similar to Ding Wen's, reaching 3.8.

If the data is more detailed, it can be accurate to the knockdown and kill corresponding to the profession, but Ding Wen and Fang Luoqing are also ahead of other players in these data.

Getting back to the point, Trap Expert and Eastern Walker are both unpopular professions, even in the current version they are still not popular, but they are much better than last year, and there is still an obvious problem that the selection rate is not as good as other professions.

What will be the promotion career of the unpopular profession?

Ding Wen has already made a lot of guesses about the mechanism master, which can be said to be fantasies; but Fang Luoqing has never looked forward to the new profession of Western Walker, she is told to play when she plays a game, and just stay in the training room to play honestly Playing games, watching movies, and reading novels are leisurely and contented. Anyway, in her eyes, everything is the same except for assistance, and she can master them quickly.

Of course, Ding Wen can't be like her. After all, the new job has the hope of changing his embarrassing situation. Although it is not [-]%, it is enough to make him think about it, and he has great expectations for it.

"All stars are free to play, right?" Fang Luoqing asked casually.

"Well, whatever." Yin Haze nodded, and then said with a smile: "As long as you don't whip the corpse, you can do anything on the field."

Li Zhenpi interjected: "However, the number of single-player All-Star games is very small. Refer to the past few sessions, to be honest...it's not very exciting. I just don't know if the map will be revised in this session, and the small picture will be replaced with the middle one. picture, or the big picture.”

Ding Wen analyzed: "It should be possible. The previous games were all old professions, and everyone knew them very well. But this time I changed to a new profession, and no one has been in contact with it. It will definitely take time to get familiar with it."

The All-Star Game is a serious entertainment event. Except for the fans, few players will pay attention to their own results, and this is the difficulty. The players want to relax, but the fans want to watch exciting games and see themselves. My idol played well, and the statistics did not fall behind other players.

The team competition is better, but the individual competition can't really just focus on participation, just play casually, players will still be criticized by some fans if they don't play well.Whether it's a data party or a fan circle party, there will always be people who treat entertainment games as main games, which is impossible.

"It's less than two days away." Ding Wen counted the start time and found that the game would start the night after tomorrow: "The officials are really in a hurry. It used to be three days after the semifinals."

Cigarette: "Maybe it's because of the individual competition. In fact, if you want me to say, it's better than the individual competition + team competition, so that the official can earn more."

Ding Wen shook his head straight after listening: "Good guy, it's easy to say, but if you don't fight, your feelings will exhaust all of us to death."

There are only two players from Dark Fairy Tales participating in the All-Star Game, and the remaining players will have three days off to rest. Fortunately, this year's game system is different from the past. The All-Star Night only lasts for one day. If it is still a three-day system, it may be It really exhausted the players.

In the five-person team competition, you can catch fish and finish the schedule, but in the solo competition, this 'fish' may not be easy to catch.

After talking about the All-Star Game, there will be a post-game summary meeting as usual. After finishing all this, the time has come to [-] pm.

Early the next morning, Ding Wen and Fang Luoqing set off on time to go to the Survivors headquarters to take makeup photos, while the others should rest and go out to play, the two-day interval passed quickly without knowing it .

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, it's the All-Star Night.

Although the people from Dark Fairy Tale did not participate in the competition, they also came to the venue together. In addition to the competition, there were many other activities in the All-Star Night, such as free-for-all weapon skins, character fashion and so on.Besides Chinese New Year, this should be regarded as the second busiest 'festival' for professional players. Needless to say, the atmosphere of the stadium is relaxed and jubilant.

After hugging and paying tribute to the passer-by who hadn’t seen him for a long time, Bai Mu even took a business card to exchange signatures with Ding Wen. Now that the latter is already a big star among professional players, exchanging signatures with Ding Wen is a normal operation. Will be controversial.

However, Ding Wen has never had the habit of preparing signatures in advance. Facing the enthusiastic Bai Mu, he could only borrow a pen on the spot and write down his name.

While writing, Bai Mu suddenly asked him in a low voice: "Why don't you join the group?"

Ding Wen didn't raise his head: "What group?"

"The group I built."

The corner of Ding Wen's mouth twitched, and then he also lowered his voice: "Is that the command group?"

He knew about this, Baimu had been pulling him into the group before, and Bianhua had also invited him, but he was not very interested in this matter, and he always pretended not to know.

In the eyes of others, Fang Luoqing is the kind of autistic person who is not good at talking to people, but Ding Wen's 'autism' may be even more serious, but he conceals it very well, making people think he is an autistic person. Very chatty person.

In fact, anyone who knows Ding Wen knows that most of the time, what he prefers to do is to keep quiet, rather than take the initiative to find someone to chat with.

Besides, joining the so-called "command group" is of no use to the competition, and it will not improve the experience of command. Still deliberately avoiding it, pretending not to know.

But now he couldn't pretend he didn't know any more, so he could only smile awkwardly: "That's fine, I'll join the group after the star game is complete."

As he said that, he also changed the subject immediately: "By the way, what is the profession that fans voted for you?"


"Advanced occupation for a swordsman?" Ding Wen thought about it for a while, and then asked suspiciously: "Didn't you say the guard? Why did you change your name?"

Bai Mu replied: "It's always been a patrol, where did you see the guards?"

"Oh, that's it..." Ding Wen didn't dwell on this topic for too long, and instead said, "Mine is a mechanism engineer."

Bai Mu smiled: "I guessed it a long time ago, they will definitely recruit you as a magician, unlike us, except for the guards, it is the Ten Thousand Hands Buddha."

Wanshou Buddha is Qianshoutang's advanced profession. It is the two most popular professions right now, along with Knife Bearer. Fans want their idols to perform well in entertainment competitions, so naturally they can choose whichever is the most popular.

Of course, Ding Wen is another very special situation, because even if the fans choose Patrolman and Buddha of Thousand Hands for him...he can't play it.

"Really, it's obviously an entertainment game, they really want to see us... Hey." Bai Mu was still extremely upset about this matter, and he couldn't even take a break. After sighing, he suddenly looked at Ding Wen with a very strange smile: "But that's fine, you have to be careful in the solo match, I'll be serious."

Ding Wen was noncommittal about his 'trash talk' before the game, but just smiled: "Let's talk about it first. Compared with me, your dear teammates are the most important thing to consider."

Bai Mu didn't speak, and looked at Wu Zhan who was in a daze beside him, and then smiled helplessly: "If he dares to kill me, I will ask the management to fine him."

(End of this chapter)

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