I can see the finals

Chapter 366 Push back, competitor!

Chapter 366 Push back, competitor!
Everything happened too fast. Muria was about to get into the car after being ambushed by Atlantis, and Ding Wen and the others drove away from their car just started. At this time, it is impossible to catch up with the dark fairy tale.

Atlantis immediately got out of the car and listened to Maya and Muria describe what happened just now.

After listening to the retelling of the two, Atlantis couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

He didn't expect that Ding Wen, who was short of major generals, would dare to harass the neatly formed formation, and he didn't expect that Muria would be ambushed at that position. It seems that Ding Wen came here not to get some points, but to meet the long-awaited Teammates in ambush.

So when did they come?

Soon, Atlantis thought of a report that Maya hadn't paid attention to before——

"Two cars passed by the blue line, heading towards the center."

Atlantis closed his eyes tightly and frowned slightly: "So, was that time..."

The two cars did not pierce towards the center, but changed direction and arrived at the cabin ahead of time to bury them.

But there is no place suitable for Tibetans near the cabin, and before Muria went, he checked the surroundings carefully and found no enemies, so how did the two hide and where did they hide? have been seen?

Atlantis suddenly opened his eyes: "The trap of the trap expert?"

That's right, Muria can't see anything unless he hides in the pit set up by the player.

"Hey, inertial thinking kills people."

Atlantis sighed helplessly, subconsciously clenching the fist in his hand.

We all know that the new version supports enhancements, but often times, players can't help but ignore it. The first reaction is to think about problems with the conventional thinking of previous games, and it is difficult to change for a while.

The Hero at the gas station suffers from this, as does the smart Atlantis.

This is just the first competition after the start of the new version. It is inevitable for the players to suffer this loss. In the future, they will play more games, or they have already suffered losses. I am deeply impressed. This kind of success of using auxiliary "chicken stealing behavior" The rate may be getting lower and lower.

Of course, Atlantis has learned a lesson, and the same strategy will no longer be useful to him in the future, but in any case, he was indeed manipulated by Ding Wen, causing the team to lose a vital combat power.

After sorting out Ding Wen's entire tactical arrangement and links, Atlantis then speculated on his purpose for doing so.

In fact, Ding Wen's plan seems to be ingenious, with a series of operations such as burying, killing, and driving to retreat, but the risks he has to face are extremely high, and it is not perfect and foolproof.

One is the candidate to go to the cabin. Ding Wen's strategy of acting as a bait to help teammates kill quickly has a premise...that is, there can only be one enemy.If Atlantis chooses two people to go to the log cabin for the sake of safety, needless to say, with the strength of Li Huo and Han Gedan, it is difficult to kill them in a short time, let alone achieve an instant kill .

Ding Wen's tactics, time is very, very important, so if the two people buried in the spot can't kill the enemy within a few seconds, the well-designed tactics will definitely collapse immediately.

The second is the middle point between the wooden house and the pit of the ancient civilization, which is the position of Maya. If he is replaced by Gendaya, even if there is only one person in the small wooden house, the plan of the other party will also be difficult to succeed.

Ding Wen is powerful, but he is still a human being after all, he will never have the superpower of mind reading, guessing the thoughts of Atlantis and future Atlantis.

After all, the possible situations of the above two points belong to the correct logic, there is no problem, they are very likely to happen, and they are not low-probability events.

So Ding Wen was gambling.

Betting at the risk of being out!
"So, do you still want to win this one..."

Atlantis muttered to himself.

When a person starts to gamble, there are probably two possibilities, either he is forced to be helpless, or the profit after the gamble is extremely high.

If Ding Wen wants to get the first place, he has to take a risk before Atlantis is not prepared, and reduce the combat effectiveness of the ancient civilization before the finals.

They regard the ancient civilization as the biggest competitor, not the spoiler that Atlantis thought at the beginning, there is no way to win and make trouble in the finals.

After thinking this through, a smile suddenly appeared on Atlantis' face.

The inexplicable smile, the meaning is unclear, and the other teammates are completely confused.

They are fully edited, and they are about to enter the finals, it hurts to lose someone, why is he still laughing?

What is he laughing at?
Several people looked at Atlantis with curiosity and confusion.

The latter did not answer right away, but instead asked them a question: "I ask you, there are still many in the full formation, and they only have three people. Why don't they target others...but us?"

Maya thought for a while and replied, "Because we are the strongest?"

Atlantis shook his head.

Mesopotaya was puzzled: "What is that?"

Atlantis still smiled: "Reminder, Ding Wen's special ability."

As soon as these words came out, several people looked at each other in blank dismay, and fell into deep thought.

It was Maya who responded the fastest, shouting, "Because of our location!"

"That's right." Atlantis said in very firm words: "They are running low, and they have lost two exporters, Fang Luoqing and Cigarettes. They can't deal with any full formation. We are also good. , and other teams, they are all the same to him, there is no difference. So he only targets us, which can only show one thing, we... are near the finals!"

Several people were shocked at first, and then ecstatic: "Really, we are in the finals?"

"It doesn't have to be in the circle, but it's definitely nearby." Atlantis said unhurriedly: "Or there are not many obstacles on our way to enter the circle, and we can keep the personnel entering the circle at the fastest speed, so Ding Wen will Think of us as your biggest competitor."

As he spoke, he opened the map, glanced quickly, and then showed a look of complete control: "Sure enough, it seems that I guessed correctly."

Seeing that he has a plan in mind, the spirits of the few people couldn't help but be inspired: "Brother Shui, did you guess the final circle?"

"Well, look." Atlantis drew a line on the map, starting from Route 78 directly in front of the cabin, and extending northward: "Did you find it?"

A few people looked at the map intently, and saw that the line drawn was very long and did not stop until Highway 80. They thought about it carefully, but they still couldn't figure out why.

Seeing that they were still in a state of confusion, Atlantis didn't hold back anymore: "It's actually very simple. Didn't you realize that there is no building between this line...?"

After being reminded by him, several people finally realized something, opened their mouths to say something, but shut their mouths immediately, looking at the route thoughtfully.

They've caught 'a little bit', they're about to get in touch with the truth, and if they're given a little time, they'll figure it out.

However, Atlantis did not give them time to think, and explained: "There is no building, which means that there is a low probability of a team. We can move forward unimpeded until there is a building on Route 80, and a team appears. Our The footsteps will also stop because of this. Don’t forget Ding Wen’s intentions. Since they regard us as the biggest contender for the first place, if they are stopped halfway, it does not conform to this logic. Therefore, I think that the final circle is here. Between the two lines, that is, between Route 78 and Route 80, if the same area between the starting point and the ending point is removed, then the plum blossom pile in the center can naturally be determined—”

He looked around at the people around him, and finally made a final decision: "That's...Route 79!"

(End of this chapter)

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